Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

Why are you deflecting now? You said Trump was the reason we were getting over it before Biden. You shouldn't even be mentioning Biden then if you are going to prove your claim. So what did Trump do?
I said we were getting over it when biden took over.
We agree: You hate.
Hate like purposely getting military people killed is at another level. Total disregard for others. Biden and many in the political class are dead on the inside. Everything is an act. And they let you know by gaffes at times. Pelosi was just caught over talking with Biden.
Hate like purposely getting military people killed is at another level. Total disregard for others. Biden and many in the political class are dead on the inside. Everything is an act. And they let you know by gaffes at times. Pelosi was just caught over talking with Biden.
60 soldiers died there on Trump's watch. You guys didn't give two shits.

You are dead inside.
As America is excluded from the ME, as is currently happening, ISIS will place more concern onto fighting the criminal behaviour of the Zionist apartheid regime.

Their fight with America was always revenge and that will be directed at America indirectly now on account of America's support of crimes against the Palestinian people.

Syria will continue to be the hot spot in play because of the Zionists' intended land grab there.
Iran should remain safe from US aggression due to China's and Russia's interest there.
I said we were getting over it when biden took over.

Now you're lying. You only said that to deflect from answering my question. What you actually said was...

Trump had the covid cases going down without the vaccine.

Now stop lying, stop deflecting, and stop making up stupid excuses .... and explain what Trump did to get covid cases down....

... or just admit what everyone here already knows -- you're full of shit.
Hobos are pooping in yer park and have since there were hobos in the USA which was the day that the Puritan hobos landed in Plymouth...

Just wow, broken English boy. God was not good to you when he handed out brains, he wasn't good to you at all
60 soldiers died there on Trump's watch. You guys didn't give two shits.

You are dead inside.
We get that people die. Its how they died. And saying that people do not give two shits is disingenuous. There are people dying in cities all the time. Thousands of times more then when a cop kills a citizen. With Chauvin, according to you it is how the citizen died.
The American's still in Afghanistan had plenty of knowledge and if I were them I would have flown one way back home, months ago. My comment was related to terrorist training camps. If American's become hostages it's no one's fault but their own.

I suspect if the Taliban want to establish a nation of Sharia Law, the women and girls will suffer. Keep in mind the females in the United States did not have equal rights to vote here until the 1920's. And the glass ceiling is still intact in many places here still.
Biden promised to stay until every American was out - he lied. Don't try to blame the victims he left behind.

'The buck stops here.'

Bullshit. Neither one of you are man enough to accept / put the responsibility where it belongs.
We get that people die. Its how they died. And saying that people do not give two shits is disingenuous. There are people dying in cities all the time. Thousands of times more then when a cop kills a citizen. With Chauvin, according to you it is how the citizen died.
You guys said nothing when 60 died there. Nothing.

Trump lied about getting us out.

Biden got us out.

Your tears are lies.
No, you didn't know that but you do know now that it's safe to say that.

The US wasn't in Afghanistan to nation build, it was there to gain control over strategically placed real estate. The same as the British and the Soviets and the slaughter of the country's people was worse.

America is trying to spin a LOST war into something good and positive.
W said we went to nation build. Our sons and daughters didn't lose a war. In a sense it was like Vietnam. We couldn't build a national society stronger than the Taliban
Trump reduced the troop numbers to 2500 In Jan 2021, right before Joe took office.
I don't think Mac-7 is saying Trump had a good plan either. I disagree with Mac-7 simply because imo there were no good plans, and the least bad was the one Trump/Biden implemented .... imperfectly. We should not have ever given anyone reason to believe the Taliban weren't going to take over, and quickly.
You guys said nothing when 60 died there. Nothing.

Trump lied about getting us out.

Biden got us out.

Your tears are lies.

You obviously don't have any family in the military.

Democrats are just nasty people. You're sick.

There there, crying again, there there, ...

Putin got his pipeline to control energy to Europe, after Hunter got 3.5 million from Putin. China will now get all the lithium from Afghanistan they want, and our technology from the equipment we left behind. Biden has been selling us out his entire life.

There is absolutely no evidence that Hunter Biden received anything from the Russians. The pipeline was largely finished and Germany still wanted it. There was nothing the Biden Administration could do about it. No equipment was left behind by US forces. The bulk of the troop withdrawals came under Trump.
You guys said nothing when 60 died there. Nothing.

Trump lied about getting us out.

Biden got us out.

Your tears are lies.

Nope. Trump got all but 2500 of our troops out with an agreement to get the rest out contingent on the Taliban meeting a very specific set of goals. Biden ignored it and completely abdicated resulting in the shit show we are now all witnessing.
60 soldiers died in Afghanistan during Trump's watch.

The Trumpsters didn't give two shits about that.
You should really stick to speaking for yourself because you suck trying to speak for others.

Don't get pissy because Biden is responsible for the 1st dead military in 18 months & the most in 10 years.

And of course he betrayed Americans and left them for dead. He and Barry have been doing that since Benghazi.

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