Owners Of Burned California Diving Boat Say They Owe Nothing To Victims' Families

This is why people create corporations. To avoid person responsibility.
If negligence is found people are going to prison.

If the boat was compliant with the law it'll be a tough row to hoe.
But there should have been an escape hatch from the passenger quarters no doubt.
From looking at the layout of the boat it seems to me it would have been easy enough to put a hatch in the ceiling with a ladder.
Nope, I assure you that none of these passengers were told that there was a chance that they could be burned to death and also did not consider the possibility of this at all. The fact is that they might have been told that there was a smoke detector (that never went off by the way). Do you really believe that an Apple engineer took his entire family scuba diving and was focused on the boat burning? Didn't happen, what these people did focus on was being safe under water, period

You are always responsible for your own safety.

Looking at the pictures of the sleeping quarters it looked to be very crowded with limited access. They took that risk.

A smoke detector is a good safety device but sometimes they fail. All technology is liable to fail. No guarantees on anything in life like that.

Getting into a confined boat with a lot of other people is by itself is risky. They chose to do it.

We all make decisions in our lives. We can't always blame our bad decisions on somebody else.

The families will get money out of the settlement with the insurance company to the limit of the liability and maybe the owner has some other wealth they can tap. I am sure a jury will find him negligent.

However, I bet I wouldn't ever make it to the jury because I believe in personal responsibility.
Face the facts kid. No person will ever sail with these but hers again, they are done and over. The crew was negligent as no watch was awake and the smoke detector that would have awoken everyone never went off.

No body is buried and these clowns might all be headed to prison

Thanks for calling me a kid. Nobody has done that for decades. Many decades.

A slick ambulance chasing lawyer will get a nice settlement out of the insurance company and whatever assets the boat owner has that are not protected . You don't have to worry your little head over that. We have a filthy entitlement mentality in this country and the legal system exploits that to the hilt.

However, that doesn't negate the fact that every person is responsible for their own personal safety and those people took a risk by going on the boat. They took a risk they were going to be crammed into crowded sleeping quarters, that the smoke alarm may not work and the crew may not man a watch like they should. They paid for that cheaper ticket with their lives, didn't they?

Like I said, the families of the victims would not like for me to be on the jury. They would love to have you on the jury.

I call everyone a kid who has the mentality of a child like you do.

34 people are dead, you do not know that there was neither gross negligence of foul play that said defending the deaths of 34 people makes you Satan

You obviously don't understand the concept of personal responsibility. Kind of like my six year old granddaughter.

34 people burned to death, you obviously have no respect for the lives and safety of others...…………...
Diving company is a small operation, not exactly Royal Caribbean.
Even if successfully sued, they'll go bankrupt, pay off their creditors and attorney fees first and spit will be left over for victims families.
An exercise in futility.
Yesterday I had a talk with a friend (attorney) in SB who knows the owners and was also a good friend to the dive instructor who died.
Of course there is some disappointment towards the owners for their legal actions, but everyone is now lawyer-ed up. The investigation is in it's infancy. Before condoning let the facts be brought forward. The courts will then decide.
This is why people create corporations. To avoid person responsibility.
If negligence is found people are going to prison.

If the boat was compliant with the law it'll be a tough row to hoe.
But there should have been an escape hatch from the passenger quarters no doubt.
From looking at the layout of the boat it seems to me it would have been easy enough to put a hatch in the ceiling with a ladder.
The boat was no compliant, as a crew member is required to be awake at all times. This is even more important on an anchored boat that can not move out of the way of an impending collision quickly. There also were smoke detectors that the crew maintains did not go off, furthermore the crew is responsible for the passengers, at night and in the water
Yesterday I had a talk with a friend (attorney) in SB who knows the owners and was also a good friend to the dive instructor who died.
Of course there is some disappointment towards the owners for their legal actions, but everyone is now lawyer-ed up. The investigation is in it's infancy. Before condoning let the facts be brought forward. The courts will then decide.
I agree, so why has the owner ask a judge who is likely not yet even appointed to render a verdict of innocent? BIZZARO and it makes them look GUILTY
This is why people create corporations. To avoid person responsibility.
If negligence is found people are going to prison.

If the boat was compliant with the law it'll be a tough row to hoe.
But there should have been an escape hatch from the passenger quarters no doubt.
From looking at the layout of the boat it seems to me it would have been easy enough to put a hatch in the ceiling with a ladder.
The boat was no compliant, as a crew member is required to be awake at all times. This is even more important on an anchored boat that can not move out of the way of an impending collision quickly. There also were smoke detectors that the crew maintains did not go off, furthermore the crew is responsible for the passengers, at night and in the water

There were plenty of crew awake from what I understand.
They were making breakfast in the galley,which was the only way out and where the fire started.
They may be able to sue for negligence since it appears none of the crew members tried to awake the passengers.
I'd bet the insurance company will settle.
This is why people create corporations. To avoid person responsibility.
If negligence is found people are going to prison.

If the boat was compliant with the law it'll be a tough row to hoe.
But there should have been an escape hatch from the passenger quarters no doubt.
From looking at the layout of the boat it seems to me it would have been easy enough to put a hatch in the ceiling with a ladder.

There was.
Face the facts kid. No person will ever sail with these but hers again, they are done and over. The crew was negligent as no watch was awake and the smoke detector that would have awoken everyone never went off.

No body is buried and these clowns might all be headed to prison

Why would anyone be headed to prison? You have now started three threads on exactly the topic and you have yet to provide a reason for your hate and vitriol. Where is your concern for those shot and killed on the South Side of Chicago each week?

Why do you have such a wild hair up your behind over something about which you know nothing? Why are you so afraid to wait until the FACTS are known? What dog do you have in this fight?

Thousands of boats, virtually identical to this one, have conducted thousands of diving trips without a mishap making this a one in a million or ten million chance that something would go tragically wrong.

Why can't you respect those with loved ones lost on board by not rattling off your uninformed, ignorant, unfounded speculations?
Yesterday I had a talk with a friend (attorney) in SB who knows the owners and was also a good friend to the dive instructor who died.
Of course there is some disappointment towards the owners for their legal actions, but everyone is now lawyer-ed up. The investigation is in it's infancy. Before condoning let the facts be brought forward. The courts will then decide.
I agree, so why has the owner ask a judge who is likely not yet even appointed to render a verdict of innocent? BIZZARO and it makes them look GUILTY
I agree, so why has the owner ask a judge who is likely not yet even appointed to render a verdict of innocent? BIZZARO and it makes them look GUILTY

Because this is commonly done in situations similar to this and they have competent attorneys?
This is why people create corporations. To avoid person responsibility.
If negligence is found people are going to prison.

If the boat was compliant with the law it'll be a tough row to hoe.
But there should have been an escape hatch from the passenger quarters no doubt.
From looking at the layout of the boat it seems to me it would have been easy enough to put a hatch in the ceiling with a ladder.
The boat was no compliant, as a crew member is required to be awake at all times. This is even more important on an anchored boat that can not move out of the way of an impending collision quickly. There also were smoke detectors that the crew maintains did not go off, furthermore the crew is responsible for the passengers, at night and in the water

There were plenty of crew awake from what I understand.
They were making breakfast in the galley,which was the only way out and where the fire started.
They may be able to sue for negligence since it appears none of the crew members tried to awake the passengers.
I'd bet the insurance company will settle.
They were all sleeping, if they were awake they would have fought the fire instead of letting it engulf the boat then just jump off. So you understand wrong. They were not in the galley they were on the top deck, read the reports. No galley is ever on the top deck
I agree, so why has the owner ask a judge who is likely not yet even appointed to render a verdict of innocent? BIZZARO and it makes them look GUILTY

Because this is commonly done in situations similar to this and they have competent attorneys?
Actually 34 people burning to death has no precedent so it can not be considered common.
This is why people create corporations. To avoid person responsibility.
If negligence is found people are going to prison.

If the boat was compliant with the law it'll be a tough row to hoe.
But there should have been an escape hatch from the passenger quarters no doubt.
From looking at the layout of the boat it seems to me it would have been easy enough to put a hatch in the ceiling with a ladder.
The boat was no compliant, as a crew member is required to be awake at all times. This is even more important on an anchored boat that can not move out of the way of an impending collision quickly. There also were smoke detectors that the crew maintains did not go off, furthermore the crew is responsible for the passengers, at night and in the water

There were plenty of crew awake from what I understand.
They were making breakfast in the galley,which was the only way out and where the fire started.
They may be able to sue for negligence since it appears none of the crew members tried to awake the passengers.
I'd bet the insurance company will settle.
They were all sleeping, if they were awake they would have fought the fire instead of letting it engulf the boat then just jump off. So you understand wrong. They were not in the galley they were on the top deck, read the reports. No galley is ever on the top deck
Why do you persist? Speculate? Conspire? In another thread you said the boat was covered in gas and torched by terrorists. Stop. You make a complete fool of yourself. Get some help. Seriously.
If negligence is found people are going to prison.

If the boat was compliant with the law it'll be a tough row to hoe.
But there should have been an escape hatch from the passenger quarters no doubt.
From looking at the layout of the boat it seems to me it would have been easy enough to put a hatch in the ceiling with a ladder.
The boat was no compliant, as a crew member is required to be awake at all times. This is even more important on an anchored boat that can not move out of the way of an impending collision quickly. There also were smoke detectors that the crew maintains did not go off, furthermore the crew is responsible for the passengers, at night and in the water

There were plenty of crew awake from what I understand.
They were making breakfast in the galley,which was the only way out and where the fire started.
They may be able to sue for negligence since it appears none of the crew members tried to awake the passengers.
I'd bet the insurance company will settle.
They were all sleeping, if they were awake they would have fought the fire instead of letting it engulf the boat then just jump off. So you understand wrong. They were not in the galley they were on the top deck, read the reports. No galley is ever on the top deck
Why do you persist? Speculate? Conspire? In another thread you said the boat was covered in gas and torched by terrorists. Stop. You make a complete fool of yourself. Get some help. Seriously.
34 people burned to death while all the crew did was jump in the water to save themselves. Seriously the only way that can happen quickly without anyone smelling, feeling or sensing a massive fire is if the fire spread extremely rapidly, or the crew on the top deck was stoned on California wacky weed. The really odd thing here is the masses of people defending these 34 senseless gruesome deaths.

I hope Apple sues for their lost engineer and his wife and daughter.


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