OWS Echoes The French Revolution.

The camp that is in control of what, Intense?

I look forward to the time when you know something about the subject on which you post.

....right after the next glacier.

While you and the other Liberals know what is better for others, be advised that the earlier attempt at ObamaCare, that would be RomneyCare, has resulted in increased use of ER's.

It seems that the folks don't agree with you about ER's....they think it's healthcare.

More people are seeking care in hospital emergency rooms, and the cost of caring for ER patients has soared 17 percent over two years, despite efforts to direct patients with nonurgent problems to primary care doctors instead, according to new state data.


The ER is not "health care". It is a part of health care. When I said that people lack access to health care, the response is that anyone can go to the ER. That response is ignorant and simple minded.

For someone who pats herself on the back for being intelligent, you really don't read well at all.

State religion is of no use to God, and of no use to people. A state religion serves only the state.

Do you know what "conflate" means?

Yes. Do you? You idiotically conflated every uprising and coup in history and pretended that they were all the same as OWS. Again, this is simple minded.
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Those who call others idiots, dunces, etc. usually merit these titles themselves.

Those who don't, when confronted with those who do, will generally stick to logical argument and evidence and let the other person's stupidity speak for itself.

You can almost always tell the stupid person in a conversation: he or she is the one calling someone else an idiot.
Those who call others idiots, dunces, etc. usually merit these titles themselves.

Those who don't, when confronted with those who do, will generally stick to logical argument and evidence and let the other person's stupidity speak for itself.

You can almost always tell the stupid person in a conversation: he or she is the one calling someone else an idiot.

You mean like you just did?
Those who call others idiots, dunces, etc. usually merit these titles themselves.

Those who don't, when confronted with those who do, will generally stick to logical argument and evidence and let the other person's stupidity speak for itself.

You can almost always tell the stupid person in a conversation: he or she is the one calling someone else an idiot.

You mean like you just did?

I named no names. If the shoe fits, wear it.
I think the perpetrators should be prosecuted too, and the Government Bureaucrats that ran cover for them too. I bet if that happened there would be allot of sad Holiday tables around DC and the State Capitals as well. A full audit of the Federal, Reserve would send allot of them out of US jurisdiction as well I bet. We are in a losing battle with China if you haven't noticed. We cannot compete with Prison, Slave, Child Labor. We can neither protect our markets. I don't see that as greed. It's survival.

Agreed, but to date the Republican Party du jour along with some Bluedog Democrats have steadfastly fought against precisely what you have advocated here. THAT is the problem, because seriously partisan voters REFUSE to acknowledge these simple facts.

I stated as much when I pointed out the issue of the transaction tax.

hat makes you think that the majority of the Upper West Side in NYC are progressives? Newsflash for ya, THEY'RE NOT! I use to work for one of the investment banking firms in Manhattan, and out of 30 people in that office about 6 could be considered "progressives", let alone liberal....and less than half actually lived in Manhattan. Remember, "Independent" does not equate liberal, nor does geography. Ralph Nader has repeatedly pointed out that the line between conservative and liberal in our 2 political parties has been blurry for decades.

Upper West Side is La La Land. Big Money, Left Leaning, Alternate Reality. :lol: ;)

Repeating yourself won't automatically make you correct. Remember, I LIVE and WORK in the area, have so all my adult life... YOU DON'T...so I have a hell of a better perspective as to what goes on via real life experience as oppose to your supposition and conjecture. And if you won't believe me, just do a little research as to the voting trends for the various districts in New York City in the last 20 years.

When I speak Progressive, I refer to the Camp that is in control, the Camp that Views Individual Liberty as an obstruction, as an offense to the Will of the State. The camp that is Pro Unalienable Rights, I have zero quarrel with. I may be alone in this, but I view Hamilton as the 1st Statist Progressive. There is good in Progressivism, and there is Evil. Anything that steers us towards denial of Free Will, denial of Individual Conscience, I oppose. There is no Collective Conscience. Our Natures require, Each and Every one of Us to be Convinced for Ourselves, not blindly led. That is the rift.

And just when we were going to have a rational conversation, the wheels come off your bandwagon and you start bullhorning your usual convoluted BS "philosophy", trying to substitute your opinion, beliefs, supposition and conjecture for reality and fact and thus justify anything you say.

Bottom line: your initial assertions were WRONG, as I detailed. NOTHING you've stated here changes that. Deal with it.
OWS would like to kill every rich person in the failed hopes that it will remove the sting of living the life of a loser

Are you REALLY this fucking stupid, Frank? Or do you just pull this nonsense out of your ass after getting stoked on right wing radio for the express purpose of having someone to interact with?
Upper West Side is La La Land. Big Money, Left Leaning, Alternate Reality. :lol: ;)

Repeating yourself won't automatically make you correct. Remember, I LIVE and WORK in the area, have so all my adult life... YOU DON'T...so I have a hell of a better perspective as to what goes on via real life experience as oppose to your supposition and conjecture. And if you won't believe me, just do a little research as to the voting trends for the various districts in New York City in the last 20 years.

When I speak Progressive, I refer to the Camp that is in control, the Camp that Views Individual Liberty as an obstruction, as an offense to the Will of the State. The camp that is Pro Unalienable Rights, I have zero quarrel with. I may be alone in this, but I view Hamilton as the 1st Statist Progressive. There is good in Progressivism, and there is Evil. Anything that steers us towards denial of Free Will, denial of Individual Conscience, I oppose. There is no Collective Conscience. Our Natures require, Each and Every one of Us to be Convinced for Ourselves, not blindly led. That is the rift.

And just when we were going to have a rational conversation, the wheels come off your bandwagon and you start bullhorning your usual convoluted BS "philosophy", trying to substitute your opinion, beliefs, supposition and conjecture for reality and fact and thus justify anything you say.

Bottom line: your initial assertions were WRONG, as I detailed. NOTHING you've stated here changes that. Deal with it.

And just when we were going to have a rational conversation, the wheels come off your bandwagon and you start bullhorning your usual convoluted BS "philosophy", trying to substitute your opinion, beliefs, supposition and conjecture for reality and fact and thus justify anything you say.

We are having a conversation and I am telling what I in fact believe. Deal with it. It is neither convoluted or BS. You have your perspective, I have mine. Stop being a Dick Head about it. I am not trying to convert you, I am plainly showing you where I stand. You have a problem with something address it specifically.

As for you living and working in Manhattan, big deal. I live in Queens and work Queens and Western Nassau. You cannot Pay me any amount of money to service Manhattan. It is just not worth the aggravation. As for Convoluted Bullshit, who are you to tell me what I know an don't know? Again, grow up.

Progressivism long ago sacrificed any concerns about the defense of Individual Liberty, and Unalienable Rights, for the advancement of the State. That is a matter of History, dark secret or not, it plagues every advancement of Government Control and Censorship.

Bottom line: your initial assertions were WRONG, as I detailed. NOTHING you've stated here changes that. Deal with it.

Bottom Line, you have a Right to your Opinion, you have no Right to My Opinion. Deal with it.
1. The OWS movement reflects several aspects of the French Revolution.
Had they an actual education, we would have seen cardboard signs with
"Liberté, égalité, fraternité."

a. égalité..equality...is the demand that the so-called "1%" be brought down to their level.

2. The OWS folks certainly count as a mob.

a. Gustave Le Bon, in his groundbreaking 1896 book, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,” was the first to identify the phenomenon of mass psychology. Both Hitler and Mussolini used his book to understand how to incite a mob.
The administration had hoped to harnass this mob as an ally.

3. In her book, "Demonic," Coulter illustrates how rumors and catch-phrases innervate a mob, and this is clear in that OWS and their supporters believe nonsense such as workers incomes stagnating, or falling, and only some bête noire called the "1%" is thriving, at their expense.

4. The man most identified with the French Revolution is Rousseau, who famously saw man sans government as 'the noble savage,' and some 'general will,' that the group expressed, as the right path. How did that work out in the OWS communes...? An anemic reflection of the French Revolution...without guillotines. Up to now.

a. In France, there was the development of an apparatus of ideological enforcement for ‘reason.’ But rather than necessitate liberty, Edmund Burke was prescient enough to predict that ‘enlightened despotism’ would be embodied in the general will, a formula for oppression as in ‘tyranny of popular opinion’ or even ‘a dictatorship of the proletariat.’

b. Although attributed to Rousseau, it was Diderot who gave the model for totalitarianism of reason: “We must reason about all things,” and anyone who ‘refuses to seek out the truth’ thereby renounces his human nature and “should be treated by the rest of his species as a wild beast.” So, once ‘truth’ is determined, anyone who doesn’t accept it was “either insane or wicked and morally evil.” It is not the individual who has the “ right to decide about the nature of right and wrong,” but only “the human race,” expressed as the general will. Himmelfarb, “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68

c. Robespierre used Rousseau’s call for a “reign of virtue,’ proclaiming the Republic of Virtue, his euphemism for The Terror. In ‘The Social Contract’ Rousseau advocated death for anyone who did not uphold the common values of the community: the totalitarian view of reshaping of humanity, echoed in communism, Nazism, progressivism. Robespierre: “the necessity of bringing about a complete regeneration and, if I may express myself so, of creating a new people.” Himmefarb, Ibid.

d. In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will. Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

Bottom line: The OW protesters point to the FACT that you have Wall St. folk NOT being punished for the crimes they committed that put our country into an economic dire straits while STILL profitting via the bail out with the tax dollars of the people who are NOT getting jobs because the corporations that are entwined to Wall St. will not hire domestically because it's MORE profitable to outsource jobs and hide profits in off shore banks.....then they bitch about paying 1 to 3% more in taxes despite logging record profits in the last ten years. In New York City, there is no "transaction tax" on the mega profits made on Wall St.....there use to be, and it was serious revenue for the State...and all the millionaires and near-millionaires dancing through the upper West Side were none worst for wear. Now there's no transaction tax, and New York is in serious economic dire straits regarding infrastructure, jobs, etc..

Nothing in what I've stated here is remotely similar to all the supposition and conjecture posted by Political Chic....and EVERYTHING I've stated can be documented, verified and validated. Can Political Chic say the same?

"...Wall St. folk NOT being punished for the crimes they committed..."

What crimes?

Here's a primer for you:

» Matt Taibbi On The SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Those who call others idiots, dunces, etc. usually merit these titles themselves.

Those who don't, when confronted with those who do, will generally stick to logical argument and evidence and let the other person's stupidity speak for itself.

You can almost always tell the stupid person in a conversation: he or she is the one calling someone else an idiot.

You mean like you just did?

I named no names. If the shoe fits, wear it.

That shoe you're wearing? You just stepped in dog poop with it. :eusa_angel:

OWS would like to kill every rich person in the failed hopes that it will remove the sting of living the life of a loser

Are you REALLY this fucking stupid, Frank? Or do you just pull this nonsense out of your ass after getting stoked on right wing radio for the express purpose of having someone to interact with?

I think it's B.
Bottom line: The OW protesters point to the FACT that you have Wall St. folk NOT being punished for the crimes they committed that put our country into an economic dire straits while STILL profitting via the bail out with the tax dollars of the people who are NOT getting jobs because the corporations that are entwined to Wall St. will not hire domestically because it's MORE profitable to outsource jobs and hide profits in off shore banks.....then they bitch about paying 1 to 3% more in taxes despite logging record profits in the last ten years. In New York City, there is no "transaction tax" on the mega profits made on Wall St.....there use to be, and it was serious revenue for the State...and all the millionaires and near-millionaires dancing through the upper West Side were none worst for wear. Now there's no transaction tax, and New York is in serious economic dire straits regarding infrastructure, jobs, etc..

Nothing in what I've stated here is remotely similar to all the supposition and conjecture posted by Political Chic....and EVERYTHING I've stated can be documented, verified and validated. Can Political Chic say the same?

"...Wall St. folk NOT being punished for the crimes they committed..."

What crimes?

Here's a primer for you:

» Matt Taibbi On The SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

1. Every once in a while a poster on the board veers off into some spittle punctuated rant based on nothing more than a desire to post.

That would be you.
Such a pattern is often the result of having attended a public school, where every utterance, no matter how inane, is rewarded with a pat on the head.
Not here.

2.You claimed "The OW protesters point to the FACT that you have Wall St. folk NOT being punished for the crimes they committed..."
My request: 'What crimes?'

3. The reponse would have been perfunctory, had you a brain in your head, or the integrity to claim what was actually a FACT.
While neither is the case, I should have been clued in by the term 'liberal' in your avi.

4.The vid you provided was about a thief who was long go sentenced to 150 years. Clearly long-gone culprit has nothing to do with the OWS rabble...
...so either you are as dumb as a box of rocks,
...or you have, to put it kindly, fibbed.

5. Your cavalier "Here's a primer for you" turns out to be appropriate, in that a 'primer' is an elementary text, and since your ability is elementary, I can see where you would grope for that term.

6. While you have no place posting with adults, I feel certain that, with just a bit of remedial training, you could perform adequately as a seeing-eye person for a blind dog.

As for future posting....You should go back to the task for which you are better prepared, using silly putty to lift the comic page. I’m sure somebody will open the egg for you.
What OWS knows about the French Revolution comes out of Les Miserables. They have a hazy mythic understanding of being able to do whatever they want and no one could fight back because they didn't get that after the Song of Angry Men. Plainly speaking, the current crop of revolutionaries can't take a punch. They cry, they whine about how their rights are violated while they go around violating the rights of others. So far, they have been tolerated, avoided and ignored. That won't go on forever.
What OWS knows about the French Revolution comes out of Les Miserables. They have a hazy mythic understanding of being able to do whatever they want and no one could fight back because they didn't get that after the Song of Angry Men. Plainly speaking, the current crop of revolutionaries can't take a punch. They cry, they whine about how their rights are violated while they go around violating the rights of others. So far, they have been tolerated, avoided and ignored. That won't go on forever.

Right you are, Katz....
There was another book that covered 'movements' like the OWS, and this was written about same:
mene mene tekel upharsin

And, this:
"Liberals, it seems, would rather view all revolutions as under the auspices of mobs. Their fav revolutions are those impelled by hairy, foul-smelling revolutionaries like Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Susan Sarandon."
From "Demonic," chapter eight, Coulter
1. Every once in a while a poster on the board veers off into some spittle punctuated rant based on nothing more than a desire to post.

That would be you.

And you as well.

Such a pattern is often the result of having attended a public school, where every utterance, no matter how inane, is rewarded with a pat on the head.
Not here.

This comment is silly.

2.You claimed "The OW protesters point to the FACT that you have Wall St. folk NOT being punished for the crimes they committed..."
My request: 'What crimes?'

3. The reponse would have been perfunctory, had you a brain in your head, or the integrity to claim what was actually a FACT.
While neither is the case, I should have been clued in by the term 'liberal' in your avi.

I have to admit, I was amazed by your question. I assumed it was bait, because you seem to feel that you are well informed.

4.The vid you provided was about a thief who was long go sentenced to 150 years. Clearly long-gone culprit has nothing to do with the OWS rabble...
...so either you are as dumb as a box of rocks,
...or you have, to put it kindly, fibbed.

5. Your cavalier "Here's a primer for you" turns out to be appropriate, in that a 'primer' is an elementary text, and since your ability is elementary, I can see where you would grope for that term.

6. While you have no place posting with adults, I feel certain that, with just a bit of remedial training, you could perform adequately as a seeing-eye person for a blind dog.

As for future posting....You should go back to the task for which you are better prepared, using silly putty to lift the comic page. I’m sure somebody will open the egg for you.

This is a spittle filled rant.

What OWS knows about the French Revolution comes out of Les Miserables. They have a hazy mythic understanding of being able to do whatever they want and no one could fight back because they didn't get that after the Song of Angry Men. Plainly speaking, the current crop of revolutionaries can't take a punch. They cry, they whine about how their rights are violated while they go around violating the rights of others. So far, they have been tolerated, avoided and ignored. That won't go on forever.

Has the OWS movement talked much about the French Revolution? Isn't this you, dreaming about their level of understanding and their motivations?

As for their being tolerated, don't be absurd. They've been attacked by the police, in a way that would outrage any real defender of limited government. They've been rhetorically attacked by Fox News from morning till night. Stop with the ominous threats-the violence and verbal attacks are already going on and have been for some time.
What OWS knows about the French Revolution comes out of Les Miserables. They have a hazy mythic understanding of being able to do whatever they want and no one could fight back because they didn't get that after the Song of Angry Men. Plainly speaking, the current crop of revolutionaries can't take a punch. They cry, they whine about how their rights are violated while they go around violating the rights of others. So far, they have been tolerated, avoided and ignored. That won't go on forever.

Right you are, Katz....
There was another book that covered 'movements' like the OWS, and this was written about same:
mene mene tekel upharsin

Please elaborate.

And, this:
"Liberals, it seems, would rather view all revolutions as under the auspices of mobs. Their fav revolutions are those impelled by hairy, foul-smelling revolutionaries like Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and Susan Sarandon."
From "Demonic," chapter eight, Coulter

This is baseless, spittle soaked, ranting. It hits the pleasure centers of some very angry people, and that's not a net gain for society, or for them as individuals.

Charles Pierce said it better:

In case you missed it, disgrace-to-boozy-bar-room-skanks everywhere Annie Coulter has a new book out. Apparently, she was plugging it on some San Francisco radio embarrassment yesterday.

I draw your attention to No. 6:

"Remember the lesson from my book: It just took a few shootings at Kent State to shut that down for good."

If there is a just god in heaven, she will be stuck on an elevator one day with a relative of Sandy Schuerer or Allison Krause. If there is a just god in heaven, that person will be carrying a large bag of freshly cured manure.

Note to cable television bookers. This is not humor. This is not commentary. This is eliminationist rhetoric from a career white-supremacist. This is not a fit person to bring into the public discussion of anything. This is a vicious evil woman who would sell her grayhaired granny to the Somali pirates for 15 minutes worth of airtime. This is someone who should be shunned, permanently, by anybody with a sense of human decency.

What the hell. Even with that, she could still go on Fox.

Read more: Daily Politics Blog - Charles P. Pierce - Political Blogging - Esquire
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Ann Coulter's book, Demonic is brilliant. Liberals won't read it though, they are too busy making up everyone's mind for them. Like liberals do all the time.
Ann Coulter's book, Demonic is brilliant. Liberals won't read it though, they are too busy making up everyone's mind for them. Like liberals do all the time.

That stumbling block of Individual Liberty, always raining on their parade. :Db:lol:
Ah, bullshit. Coulter isn't a fan of individual liberty, witness her comments, above-she repeatedly advocates killing those who disagree with her.

Killing Muslims:

Ann Coulter on Barbara Olson on National Review Online

Killing college students:

Ann Coulter Believes The Kent State Shootings Were Justified Because 'That's What You Do With A Mob' - Business Insider

Killing the staff of the NYT.

AntiCoulter: Quotes From Ann

Find another hero. This one doesn't like individual liberty one little bit.
Ah, bullshit. Coulter isn't a fan of individual liberty, witness her comments, above-she repeatedly advocates killing those who disagree with her.

Killing Muslims:

Ann Coulter on Barbara Olson on National Review Online

Killing college students:

Ann Coulter Believes The Kent State Shootings Were Justified Because 'That's What You Do With A Mob' - Business Insider

Killing the staff of the NYT.

AntiCoulter: Quotes From Ann

Find another hero. This one doesn't like individual liberty one little bit.

Ms. Coulter is also a syndicated columnist
September 13, 2001 9:05 a.m.

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

9/13/11. I'll give her a pass on that one.
Why? It's just another part of a pattern of nasty eliminationist rhetoric from Coulter. She likes to talk about killing people who don't agree with her ideology.

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