OWS More Popular Than GOP Congress and Tea Party

Let's make this simpler. Thirty seven % view OWS is a positive and the rest (63%), view the OWS negatively or "other" more positively. A few may have had no opinion because they have no clue of what''s going on at all.

According to that same Gallup poll, which apparently you didn't look at, 63% responded "don't know enough to say." Gallup's question by the way was "Do you approve or disapprove of the goals of the Occupy Wall Street movement, or don't you know enough to say?" Worded this way, the question is designed to maximize the third answer. I've seen other polls that did not emphasize "don't know" in this way, that ended up with majority support. Disapproval was only 15%.

In all valid polls I've seen, support has been larger than disapproval.
OWS is an economic reform campaign, similar to the civil rights campaign. It will have the same staying power, world support of billions, and will change our lives.

"similar to the civil rights campaign?"


Come on, man.

OWS is an economic reform campaign, similar to the civil rights campaign. It will have the same staying power, world support of billions, and will change our lives.
"similar to the civil rights campaign?" :lol: Come on, man.

Time will tell. OWS has the staying power. One of the great changes will be the populism inherent in the Tea Party that will be released, channeled to the OWS, which will marginalize the neo-econwacks in the movement.
Why Homelessness Is Becoming an Occupy Wall Street Issue | Mother Jones

As it turned out, the captains of the new "casino economy"—the stock brokers and investment bankers—were highly sensitive, one might say finicky, individuals, easily offended by having to step over the homeless in the streets or bypass them in commuter train stations. In an economy where a centimillionaire could turn into a billionaire overnight, the poor and unwashed were a major buzzkill

Hey, I got news for Mother Jones:

No one likes to step over some stinking asshole passed out in a drunken stupor.
OWS is an economic reform campaign, similar to the civil rights campaign. It will have the same staying power, world support of billions, and will change our lives.
"similar to the civil rights campaign?" :lol: Come on, man.

Time will tell. OWS has the staying power. One of the great changes will be the populism inherent in the Tea Party that will be released, channeled to the OWS, which will marginalize the neo-econwacks in the movement.

Actually, you could just tell us now:

How on earth is "occupying a park in NYC" in any way remotely similar to the Civil Rights campaign?
"similar to the civil rights campaign?" :lol: Come on, man.

Time will tell. OWS has the staying power. One of the great changes will be the populism inherent in the Tea Party that will be released, channeled to the OWS, which will marginalize the neo-econwacks in the movement.

Actually, you could just tell us now:

How on earth is "occupying a park in NYC" in any way remotely similar to the Civil Rights campaign?

As similar as a bus boycott that began in shoes and rattle trap car pools.

As simple as a mother who was brave enough to have a vigil for her dead boy with his coffin open after the murderers in Mississippi ended his life in torture and brutality.

People feel very strongly about corporate greed and machination, very strongly, that damages all of us.
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Time will tell. OWS has the staying power. One of the great changes will be the populism inherent in the Tea Party that will be released, channeled to the OWS, which will marginalize the neo-econwacks in the movement.

Actually, you could just tell us now:

How on earth is "occupying a park in NYC" in any way remotely similar to the Civil Rights campaign?

As similar as a bus boycott that began in shoes and rattle trap car pools.

As simple as a mother who was brave enough to have a vigil for her dead boy with his coffin open after the murderers in Mississippi ended his life in torture and brutality.

People feel very strongly about corporate greed and machination, very strongly, that damages all of us.

A. There is no boycott of anything
B. There is no "dead boy...open coffin....murderers in Mississippi...torture...brutality..."


Come on, man.


You're getting hysterical.
I just stand back in amazment at the rush of accomplishments these OWS people have accumulated!
Time will tell. OWS has the staying power. One of the great changes will be the populism inherent in the Tea Party that will be released, channeled to the OWS, which will marginalize the neo-econwacks in the movement.

Actually, you could just tell us now:

How on earth is "occupying a park in NYC" in any way remotely similar to the Civil Rights campaign?

As similar as a bus boycott that began in shoes and rattle trap car pools.

As simple as a mother who was brave enough to have a vigil for her dead boy with his coffin open after the murderers in Mississippi ended his life in torture and brutality.

People feel very strongly about corporate greed and machination, very strongly, that damages all of us.

You argue against your own case and you don't even recognize it.
Actually, you could just tell us now:

How on earth is "occupying a park in NYC" in any way remotely similar to the Civil Rights campaign?

As similar as a bus boycott that began in shoes and rattle trap car pools.

As simple as a mother who was brave enough to have a vigil for her dead boy with his coffin open after the murderers in Mississippi ended his life in torture and brutality.

People feel very strongly about corporate greed and machination, very strongly, that damages all of us.

You argue against your own case and you don't even recognize it.

You are foolish if you don't think modern corporate capitalism is not torturing the greatest middle class the world has ever seen.

That is coming to an end. It is inevitable, Samson.
Actually, you could just tell us now:

How on earth is "occupying a park in NYC" in any way remotely similar to the Civil Rights campaign?

As similar as a bus boycott that began in shoes and rattle trap car pools.

As simple as a mother who was brave enough to have a vigil for her dead boy with his coffin open after the murderers in Mississippi ended his life in torture and brutality.

People feel very strongly about corporate greed and machination, very strongly, that damages all of us.

You argue against your own case and you don't even recognize it.

Ameilia and Samson have no case and certainly little concept of historical perspective.

They are as silly as the naysayers of the civil rights campaign.

At least you don't carry actual truncheons.
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