

Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011

How many people do you know who are addicted to opiate pain killers? I know of a few.

We can always count on Big Gov to be bought by Big Money.

In the wake of the trial and the media coverage it generated, Florida changed many of its laws and established a prescription-pill database to minimize doctor-shopping.

“So the pill mills left Florida, to great fanfare,” Temple writes. “But, unabated and under the radar, the country’s appetite for pills has only continued to grow.” Last year, the number of kilograms of Oxy produced in America jumped from 131,500 to 149,375 — three times greater than in 2004.

And the very agency involved with the take down of George’s pill mills is partly to blame.

As Temple writes, “the manufacturing companies keep asking the DEA for permission to make more pills, and the DEA keeps granting it.”
Twins build drug empire with help from doctors, strippers
it is simply amazing the amount of drugs or phars that americans consume.....now in all fairness to oxys when needed they are a great drug ...when abused they can be a killer...i ask for them regularly but i find when i get to the wal mart....the doctor has only called in what he thinks i need....lol...and florida is a shit hole drug dealing state simple as that.....people drive from all over the east to get their drugs there...cash only pain clinics should be one major fucking clue
Again, there wouldn't be a market if there wasn't a demand.

I know Gipper thinks that the government is responsible for making his world terrible and shit, but the fact is, people want quick fixes to problems and this is a quick fix.
it is not a quick fix....its a deadly drug...that kills without much warning....what helps one person kills the next and the pharms could fix it with a simple pill fix....make them where you cant crush them....they dont get you really high unless you crush them and over ride the time release shit
the government could reign in the pharms but wont.....they dont even negotiate drug prices for those that the government supplies...i.e. veterans
Never wanted more an than my inhalers or aspirin.

Don't think any in my family take more than necessary for the immediate problem.

But, I've seen sellers and buyers both behind bars.
hubby was on oxys for his knee replacements....they were the long term pain killers...one every 12 hours..time released...plus opiates for short term pain...we go back for a check up...in 4 or 5 weeks....the first thing said to him in the inner office was.."let us know what pain killers you need more of"....fortunately for me...he is not an addictive person....he quit them all on his own...but i could not think about the tkr without the oxys
I've seen it more go the other way, people in chronic agonizing pain who get treated as criminals because they need pain meds, and who often can't get the meds because doctors are so reluctant to prescribe them.
I've seen it more go the other way, people in chronic agonizing pain who get treated as criminals because they need pain meds, and who often can't get the meds because doctors are so reluctant to prescribe them.
Yes and they won't give pain meds for operations either around here.....One extreme to another..
sorry i digress....even in the same office you will have doctors with totally different extremes of drug scripts...one doctor was like....get ahead of the pain..dont wait....another one was like...we can fix it ..dont rush it blah blah blah
Great thread.....yes....the most destructive drug dealers in town go by the name "doctor".
sorry i digress....even in the same office you will have doctors with totally different extremes of drug scripts...one doctor was like....get ahead of the pain..dont wait....another one was like...we can fix it ..dont rush it blah blah blah

Excercise and good nutrition aren't profitable. That's why doctors don't prescribe them.
they actually busted one here.....you would go by his office on a main road..and there would be 40 cars crammed in his lot and people outside smoking ciggies and waiting....he was running people thru in under 10 minutes cash only....it was the irs who finally busted him...
Again, there wouldn't be a market if there wasn't a demand.

I know Gipper thinks that the government is responsible for making his world terrible and shit, but the fact is, people want quick fixes to problems and this is a quick fix.
Well Joey we can always count on you to sing the praises of Big Gov, even when repeatedly shown its numerous failures, incompetence, and corruption.
Great thread.....yes....the most destructive drug dealers in town go by the name "doctor".

And the biggest thugs on the street go by the name "Officer". But you're usually cool with that.

Real world. Doctors who abuse their arts usually find themselves on the business end of malpractice lawsuits. That's why they write scripts they shouldn't.

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