PA Governor Calls For Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

Wolf is our version of a more effeminate, Whiter Obama. If that's even possible.

However, I agree with him on this one. Legalize it all!
Legalizing Pot will not be without problems but the benefits outweigh the negatives IMO. It will also hit the drug cartel where we've never been able to before. Their profit.
Legalizing Pot will not be without problems but the benefits outweigh the negatives IMO. It will also hit the drug cartel where we've never been able to before. Their profit.
Nah. That's what everyone thinks and they are always wrong. The money is now in fentanyl, women and children.
Legalizing Pot will not be without problems but the benefits outweigh the negatives IMO. It will also hit the drug cartel where we've never been able to before. Their profit.

Not if the Commonwealth imposes high grass taxes.

Then, there will be a lot of profit to be had smuggling in untaxed grass and counterfeiting tax stamps.

The gangsters will probably make more money, like they do with cigarette smuggling.
Wolf is our version of a more effeminate, Whiter Obama. If that's even possible.

However, I agree with him on this one. Legalize it all!

Wolf is less annoying than the phony baloney lieutenant governor. Mr. Fetterman dresses like he works in a mill, but the reality is that he's an Ivy League educated elite. Why can't he just dress in a sharp suit and tie, and look like Sonny Drysdale.
"We now know the majority of Pennsylvanians are in favor of legalization, and that includes me," Gov. Wolf said.

Well it's about frickin' time!

PA Governor Calls For Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

The governor knows nothing of the sort. They didn't do scientific polling.

Instead, the Lt Gov traveled the state having meetings. A majority of the people who attend leftist meetings want grass legalized is the accurate finding. But we knew that already.

A few years ago, Ohio had a statewide referendum and all 88 counties of Ohio voted against legal grass. Even leftist counties like Cuyahoga, Franklin and Athens (home of Ohio U).
You’re a dangerously ignorant troll.
You are the one trolling my extremely neutral topic with comments like : "Another ignorant, backwards, pro-pot idiot."
Shut up and get off my lawn, litigious loser. Pot not for everyone? No shit. Drinking water can kill you. I don't use cannabis. Has never helped me personally. Don't drink either. Recently even quit smoking. Notice a trend? My experience, my choice. However, it's proven to be of tremendous overall benefit to many others, including family, friends, neighbors. So fuck off, control freak. You've had it all your way far too long already.
Why Should We Legalize?

Reduce harm
The criminalization of marijuana use disproportionately harms young people and people of color, sponsors massive levels of violence and corruption, and fails to curb youth access.

Create jobs
Legalizing and regulating marijuana will bring one of the nation's largest cash crops under the rule of law. This will create jobs and economic opportunities in the formal economy instead of the illicit market.

Save money
Scarce law enforcement resources will be better used to ensure public safety while reducing corrections and court costs. State and local governments would acquire significant new sources of tax revenue from regulating marijuana sales.

Promote consumer safety
Marijuana product testing is becoming a standard requirement for legalized marijuana markets. This means consumers are better informed about the marijuana they use.

Not to mention, wait till you get old. Pain management soon becomes no joke. But all doctors have done is get people addicted to "legal" drugs that are far, far worse and more expensive than marijuana has ever proven to be.
You’re a dangerously ignorant troll.
You are the one trolling my extremely neutral topic with comments like : "Another ignorant, backwards, pro-pot idiot."
Shut up and get off my lawn, litigious loser. Pot not for everyone? No shit. Drinking water can kill you. I don't use cannabis. Has never helped me personally. Don't drink either. Recently even quit smoking. Notice a trend? My experience, my choice. However, it's proven to be of tremendous overall benefit to many others, including family, friends, neighbors. So fuck off, control freak. You've had it all your way far too long already.
You’re an idiot duped by pot heads and their lobby. You have no idea how dangerous that drug is for some people—mostly young people— and you refuse to acknowledge the threat even with info presented. You’re backwards, stuck in 1960’s think.
No trolling, just empirically based info.
Progress a little and go get a conscience.
Hey, this must be your progressive lobby of informed brainiacs:


Too often, we Christians see something happening and we don’t step forward fast enough to take a stance,” said Terry Trudgen of South Fork, a fellow ministerium member. “After seeing the (pro-marijuana) turnout for Lt. Gov. John Fetterman’s forum, we thought ‘Let’s have a forum of our own.’ ”
Ooop, what's this now?
Pennsylvania still classifies marijuana as a controlled substance, although its now available to medical marijuana card holders who suffer from 23 state-approved medical conditions.
Wow, it helps people with medical conditions? Who knew?
Advocates have pointed to the growing national acceptance of the drug and the economic impact it’s had on states like Colorado, which has often been touted as progressive for the move.
Wait a minute.. how can they be "progressive" if.. ?? For the record, I do see issues with the increasing THC concentrations that must be carefully addressed, but that problem will persist legal or no. Keeping it illegal just makes kids more likely to experiment with cheap, brain damaging additives.

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