Pa. Sen candidate Sean Parnell’s wife testifies that he choked her and hit their kids

I’ve been through two pretty contentious divorces.
Weird that this would be normal in your world.

Sorry to hear that. They didn't lie about you?

Mmm, your behavior was so bad they could just use the truth?

My point stands. From what I have heard, divorces, the testimony cannot be taken as credible.

And away we go...

‘Flat-out lies’: GOP candidate Sean Parnell denies ex-wife’s claims of abuse amid heated court battle​

Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Sean Parnell heatedly denied suspiciously timed accusations by his estranged wife in court during a custody hearing that he hit their three children and choked her.

To top it off, she alleged that he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder along with a “traumatic brain injury.”

She also claimed she did not come forward previously because the family relied on his speaking and TV jobs, according to reporting by the Inquirer.

“Let me empathically state: I have never raised a hand in anger towards my wife or any of our three children,” Parnell told the media outlet on Monday. “What happened today in court was not justice, nor did it have any basis in fact or truth. Next week, I’ll have an opportunity to present the truth to the court and I look forward to that opportunity.”

New: Sean Parnell says his wife made “a number of false allegations” under oath today.
“There is no truth to them, not one. They are complete fabrications; not distortions or misrepresentations – just flat-out lies. … I love my children more than anything.”
— Jonathan Tamari (@JonathanTamari) November 2, 2021

Democrats are salivating over the allegations against Parnell but no proof has been provided that any of them are true or accurate. Leftists are hoping to capture the state’s Senate seat because Biden narrowly won the state last year. Putting apparent dirty political tricks and gossip aside, that seems to be an unlikely outcome in Pennsylvania.

Conservatives find the timing of this blowup extremely suspicious:

Where were these allegations when Sean Parnell was running a major congressional campaign last year?
— Pennsylvania Paleocon 🎃🍂 (@PennPaleocon) November 1, 2021

Yea, I just find this hard to believe. Where in the hell was this in 2020. D’s would have used this if they had it.

Yeah that’s what has me a little suspicious about the allegations against him.
— Shawn Clark (@SRC692) November 2, 2021

Fraudulent accusations.
— Doug Mastriano Stan (@MastrianoDoug) November 1, 2021

I stand by Sean Parnell. Maybe you don't. That's okay. We don't have to see eye to eye on everything under the sun.
I just find it funny how, people don't see what's going on & jump to conclusions & accusations right off the bat.
It's the same human behavior over & over.
— PENNSYLVANIA IS TRUMP (3) (@RED_IN_PA_3) November 2, 2021

There's no coincidences.
All this "dirty laundry" is coming out today and you know what? We know exactly what THEY are up to and doing.
We're not sleeping anymore. Don't they understand that?
Standing with you Rita!
— PENNSYLVANIA IS TRUMP (3) (@RED_IN_PA_3) November 2, 2021

'Flat-out lies': GOP candidate Sean Parnell denies ex-wife’s claims of abuse amid heated court battle
Sorry to hear that. They didn't lie about you?

Mmm, your behavior was so bad they could just use the truth?

My point stands. From what I have heard, divorces, the testimony cannot be taken as credible.
No, neither of them lied about me nor I them.

And away we go...

‘Flat-out lies’: GOP candidate Sean Parnell denies ex-wife’s claims of abuse amid heated court battle​

Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Sean Parnell heatedly denied suspiciously timed accusations by his estranged wife in court during a custody hearing that he hit their three children and choked her.

To top it off, she alleged that he was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder along with a “traumatic brain injury.”

She also claimed she did not come forward previously because the family relied on his speaking and TV jobs, according to reporting by the Inquirer.

“Let me empathically state: I have never raised a hand in anger towards my wife or any of our three children,” Parnell told the media outlet on Monday. “What happened today in court was not justice, nor did it have any basis in fact or truth. Next week, I’ll have an opportunity to present the truth to the court and I look forward to that opportunity.”

Democrats are salivating over the allegations against Parnell but no proof has been provided that any of them are true or accurate. Leftists are hoping to capture the state’s Senate seat because Biden narrowly won the state last year. Putting apparent dirty political tricks and gossip aside, that seems to be an unlikely outcome in Pennsylvania.

Conservatives find the timing of this blowup extremely suspicious:

Yea, I just find this hard to believe. Where in the hell was this in 2020. D’s would have used this if they had it.

Yeah that’s what has me a little suspicious about the allegations against him.

Fraudulent accusations.

'Flat-out lies': GOP candidate Sean Parnell denies ex-wife’s claims of abuse amid heated court battle

I believe her. He looks like your typical violent Trump Turd.

From what I have heard from divorces and divorcEES,

lying is considered just normal procedure.
That would be correct. At least Ivana Trump admitted that she lied.

Remember when shitstain obama paid to get sealed divorce records from the opposition for senator? The guy withdrew and the shit stain was elected unopposed.
That would be correct. At least Ivana Trump admitted that she lied.

Remember when shitstain obama paid to get sealed divorce records from the opposition for senator? The guy withdrew and the shit stain was elected unopposed.

I do remember that. The lies were transparent bullshit. But the man, not wanting his children exposed to such vile b.s. withdrew.

He was a good man. Too good for the shit soup that dems have turned politics into.
Dr. Love. It's ironic you talk of violence against women and children and you have the biden family in office right now. Tell you what. You get that log out of your own eye before you try to get the speck out of anyone elses' eye.
Nay, two quite successful marriages totaling over 30 years. Still good friends with both & never had to beat either. You?

They "liked" you so much that they had to divorce you. Now that's funny.


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