Pa. Sen candidate Sean Parnell’s wife testifies that he choked her and hit their kids

This your Trump endorsed MAGA candidate kids. Charming no? :dunno:
BUTLER, Pa. — The estranged wife of Republican Senate candidate Sean Parnell testified under oath Monday that he choked her until she bit him to escape, that he hit their young children, and that he lashed out at her with obscenities and insults.​
In tearful testimony, Laurie Snell told a family court judge that her husband once called her a “whore” and a “piece of s—” while pinning her down. On another occasion, she said, Parnell slapped one child hard enough to leave fingerprint-shaped welts through the back of the child’s T-shirt. And she said he once got so angry he punched a closet door with such force it swung into a child’s face and left a bruise. She said Parnell told his child: “That was your fault.”​

Let's say for example this is valid...................Does this mean Demoninicrats are exempt now? for example:

(Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is the latest of numerous major U.S. political figures in both parties to be faced with sexual misconduct accusations and calls to step down.

Keith Ellison, a U.S. House member and deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, confronted allegations Sunday of domestic abuse from a former girlfriend.

Even before he formally entered the Democratic presidential race, a former Nevada assemblywoman accused Joe Biden in March 2019 of inappropriately touching her and kissing her on the head at a campaign rally in 2014.

Democrat Eric Schneiderman resigned as New York attorney general in May 2018 after New Yorker magazine reported that four woman with whom he had had romantic relationships or encounters alleged that he had abused them.

Al Franken left his U.S. Senate seat in January 2018 after sexual misconduct accusations that prompted most of his Democratic colleagues to press him to resign.

Michigan Democrat John Conyers stepped down in December 2017 as the longest serving member of the U.S. House of Representatives after several accusations of sexual misconduct.

Clinton has faced multiple allegations of sexual assault and harassment
While I believe her 150 percent as he seems like that kind of person, it's their business not ours.
Both sid s have many people like this. Undeniable. Un arguable. Nice job fellow americans for electing them.
While I believe her 150 percent as he seems like that kind of person, it's their business not ours.
So you believe someone because the guy "seems like" that person? I learned long ago, when people are divorcing, believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. A friend of mine was accused by his wife of raping her numerous times and filed a restraining order against him. Then she learns that his new business was really picking up and he was starting to make good money from it and they reconciled. My advice to him was run as far and fast from her as he could, but he took her back. The county prosecutor called her in because she denied the rapes ever happened and she almost went to jail for filing false charges.

BTW, she divorced him a couple years later when she found a new boyfriend. So one never should judge without know all the facts.

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