Pa voter id law struck down

Wrong. You could not be more wrong.


You oppose voter ID because you support election fraud.

End of story.

The only evidence of actual fraud any of you have ever provided is of a type which cannot and has not been stopped by Voter ID.

That's a blatant lie, as you well know.

But even if your lie were true, it changes nothing. The only effect of requiring ID is to lessen fraud. If there actually were no fraud, as you dishonestly claimed, then the effect would be neutral - STILL leaving the only reason to oppose ID that you promote election fraud.

This makes you seriously retarded.

Nah, it just exposes you as a crook. :thup:

One of you actually provided an example of fraud in a state which has Voter ID and which is of a type which Voter ID cannot and is not preventing or stopping! :lol:

It does not get any dumber than that.

You're lying through your fucking teeth again.

You do that a lot...

You have enacted a completely ineffective law. You wasted taxpayer dollars. That is the definition of a liberal. A particularly retarded nanny-state liberal.

You fear that your fraud will be stopped.
Again, voting is a privilege not a right. A "right" constitutes that it can never be taken from you, that's not the case with those individual's serving incarceration. A "right" also signifies it's been given to all without ever having been received through any form of struggle, that's also not the case considering slavery and the women's rights movement. To state that voting is a Constitutional right is simply incorrect terminology.

Hey dummy. Your right to bear arms can be taken from you if you are convicted of a crime.

Any right can be taken away with due process.


Perhaps you might want to take a gander at this before you go inserting your foot back into that big mouth of yours. Let's see if you have the ability to at least back up your rather misguided point of view.

An international perspective on voting as a right: In 2005, the European Court on Human Rights found that the United Kingdom had breached the human rights of prisoners by denying them the vote, ruling that British policies were disenfranchising 80,000 incarcerated British citizens. The Human Right Act of 1998, which had incorporated most of the European Convention on Human rights into British law, established the right to vote as an essential right of all humans. This ruling was grounded in voting as a right, not a privilege, but the British government has fought against implementing the ruling despite the 1998 law | Voting: A Right, A Privilege, or A Responsibility?
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The ONLY possible effect of ID in voting is the reduction of fraud.

Wrong. You could not be more wrong.

The only evidence of actual fraud any of you have ever provided is of a type which cannot and has not been stopped by Voter ID.

This makes you seriously retarded.

One of you actually provided an example of fraud in a state which has Voter ID and which is of a type which Voter ID cannot and is not preventing or stopping! :lol:

It does not get any dumber than that.

You have enacted a completely ineffective law. You wasted taxpayer dollars. That is the definition of a liberal. A particularly retarded nanny-state liberal.

Wasn't it the left who become absolutely convinced that we need further background checks against those who wish to exercise their need to support the second amendment, as a means to reduce the kind of killings we saw at Sandy Hook? Now place some Constitutional accountability through ensuring voter integrity, and these same liberals throw tantrum fits with all kinds of excuses coming out of their ass. Why not support some of the same background safeguards the liberals fell in love with under the second amendment, and apply it towards ensuring voters are who they say they are? It appears Constitutional turnabout has left a rather sour taste in their mouth :lol:
In your post it says that if the SSN was checked they wouldve found two addresses. An ID doesnt check SSN only someone at the polling station can do that. Again, an ID wouldnt make the poll workers check anything and I believe you can possess a SSN without an ID.

So again, ID wouldnt have prevented that. See since this is about Voting your question about accessing medical records have nothing to do with voting. So while thats an interesting question (and you can let me know the answer when you find out) it has nothing to do with voting.

Your concession is duely noted tho. Thanks.


Moreover, advocates of voter ‘ID’ laws completely misunderstand the issue.

The issue has nothing to do with rare, isolated incidents of ‘fraud,’ the issue has to do with the fact that the state has no evidence of fraud occurring to the extent that the outcome of any election has been changed:

Pennsylvania officials can't cite any evidence of voter fraud in the state. Nationally, the voter fraud rate is 0.0004 percent (or 4 ten-thousandths of a percent), according to the Brennan Center.

PA Voter ID Law Heads Back To Lower Court | Communications Workers of America

With a National voter fraud rate of only 0.0004 percent, ‘fraud’ as an actual problem is virtually non-existent and not justification to place an undue burden on a fundamental right, in this case the right to vote.

Last, given the fact that voter ‘fraud’ is virtually non-existent, the only motive by those on the right in support of ‘ID’ laws is partisan, having nothing to do with ‘concern’ for the integrity of the voting process.

Using the same logic of C Clayton Jones, government must be wasting so much of our taxpayer dollars, as well as law enforcement efforts, into investigating and protecting against counterfeit currency. After all the "actual" cases where they really occur in this country are so ... SO extremely rare, why have our government even put forth the effort - right? Why waste billions of dollars towards something so minuscule to ensure the integrity of our currency? When was the last time counterfeiting even effected our nation's economy?

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