Pa voter id law struck down

That depends. In my county if they die in county, we are informed within a week by the local DHS. If out of county it usually takes a family members notification. We get infrequent reports from other counties. Before austerity, we went through obits.


If you went through the obits, it was to find names to assign to illegals to vote under.

Va. Democrats sue to stop use of voter ?purge list? - The Washington Post

Democrats sue to stop purges of voter rolls before Nov. election - Virginia Politics -

Stop Rick Scott?s Florida Voter Purge | Democratic Governors Association (DGA)

democrats DEMAND voter fraud.

You will not allow ID, you will not allow the dead to be purge.

You demand fraud - pure and simple. democrats are crooks.
Having dead people still on registration rolls is not voter's bad registration.

No, it's fraud.

It's the most common form, known as "zombie voting." It is what you, G5000, and the other democrats are fighting so hard to preserve.

In fact everything posted here is just bad registration...not people committing voter fraud. If you want to improve voter registration that's fine, but it still doesn't show anything about people actually "in the booth voting" when they shouldn't, as that is what Voter ID law are all about. What's also incredibly awkward is nothing you posts has anything at all to do with absentee ballots.

What it is, is election fraud. democrats believe that fraud is their sacred right.

This is the only comment about voter fraud:
To date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.

Which without numbers is incredibly weak....what does this mean??? 46 states collectively caught 99 cases of voter fraud? little more then 2 cases per state? How are we suppose to interpret this??

oh and here's this:

• True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.

/golf clap

99 cases.....really....99 votes, and only "potential"

What this means, is that even using untraceable methods such as zombies, you democrats have still been caught engaging in election fraud in nearly every state.

You are a party of crooks who defraud the election system as a matter of course.
The voter id requirement is a smart Republican political tactic. It doesn't address election fraud but it does suppress voter turnout among the poorest voters who usually vote Democrat.

How does it do that, comrade?

The "poorest" voters have EBT - which REQUIRES an ID to use.

Your lie doesn't work.

Look at the list of election fraud and irregularities sited by Republicans and ask yourself which ones will be eliminated by the a voter id requirement. I think you'll find the answer is none.

Zombie voting.
I didn't say requiring voter ids would disenfranchise voters. I said it will suppress turnout among the poorest voters. It won't bar them from voting, it will just make it harder.

How will it make it harder, comrade?

They already have ID, they can't get their Welfare or Foodstamps without ID.

You're correct; voter ids won't stop most electron fraud. In fact it will stop little if any election fraud.

Yet you piss yourself at the prospect of being stopped.

An analysis of the 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent. An analysis showed only 10 cases of voter impersonation fraud out of 146,000,000 voters.

Not since the Jim Crow laws has their been such an obvious attempt to reduce voter turn out that would favor the opposition.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project

You are a party of crooks, frauds, and liars. You fear measures that will contain your criminal acts.

Every example they have showing voter fraud is fake. Every single one.

Say comrade, what is required to use an EBT card for Foodstamps and SNAP?

Oh, that's right - photo ID.

So WHAT reason does the criminal conspiracy known as the democratic party have to oppose ID?

Oh, that's right, you support and promote fraud.

Carry on.
And besides, the people they are targeting would still be able to vote.

Dead people?

Without criminal democrats filling in the ballots. how will the dead achieve this? Maybe that's what dims mean by "disenfranchising?" Honest elections disenfranchise the dead, which is why democrats fight against honest elections....
In your post it says that if the SSN was checked they wouldve found two addresses. An ID doesnt check SSN only someone at the polling station can do that. Again, an ID wouldnt make the poll workers check anything and I believe you can possess a SSN without an ID.

So again, ID wouldnt have prevented that. See since this is about Voting your question about accessing medical records have nothing to do with voting. So while thats an interesting question (and you can let me know the answer when you find out) it has nothing to do with voting.

Your concession is duely noted tho. Thanks.


Moreover, advocates of voter ‘ID’ laws completely misunderstand the issue.

The issue has nothing to do with rare, isolated incidents of ‘fraud,’ the issue has to do with the fact that the state has no evidence of fraud occurring to the extent that the outcome of any election has been changed:

Pennsylvania officials can't cite any evidence of voter fraud in the state. Nationally, the voter fraud rate is 0.0004 percent (or 4 ten-thousandths of a percent), according to the Brennan Center.

PA Voter ID Law Heads Back To Lower Court | Communications Workers of America

With a National voter fraud rate of only 0.0004 percent, ‘fraud’ as an actual problem is virtually non-existent and not justification to place an undue burden on a fundamental right, in this case the right to vote.

Last, given the fact that voter ‘fraud’ is virtually non-existent, the only motive by those on the right in support of ‘ID’ laws is partisan, having nothing to do with ‘concern’ for the integrity of the voting process.

Every example they have showing voter fraud is fake. Every single one.

Say comrade, what is required to use an EBT card for Foodstamps and SNAP?

Oh, that's right - photo ID.

So WHAT reason does the criminal conspiracy known as the democratic party have to oppose ID?

Oh, that's right, you support and promote fraud.

Carry on.

This is false logic.

Just because you need an ID for other things doesnt mean you should for other things.

Your photo ID stops someone else from picking up your EBT.

Now can you show how an ID will stop voter fraud that isnt happening?
In your post it says that if the SSN was checked they wouldve found two addresses. An ID doesnt check SSN only someone at the polling station can do that. Again, an ID wouldnt make the poll workers check anything and I believe you can possess a SSN without an ID.

So again, ID wouldnt have prevented that. See since this is about Voting your question about accessing medical records have nothing to do with voting. So while thats an interesting question (and you can let me know the answer when you find out) it has nothing to do with voting.

Your concession is duely noted tho. Thanks.


Moreover, advocates of voter ‘ID’ laws completely misunderstand the issue.

The issue has nothing to do with rare, isolated incidents of ‘fraud,’ the issue has to do with the fact that the state has no evidence of fraud occurring to the extent that the outcome of any election has been changed:

Pennsylvania officials can't cite any evidence of voter fraud in the state. Nationally, the voter fraud rate is 0.0004 percent (or 4 ten-thousandths of a percent), according to the Brennan Center.

PA Voter ID Law Heads Back To Lower Court | Communications Workers of America

With a National voter fraud rate of only 0.0004 percent, ‘fraud’ as an actual problem is virtually non-existent and not justification to place an undue burden on a fundamental right, in this case the right to vote.

Last, given the fact that voter ‘fraud’ is virtually non-existent, the only motive by those on the right in support of ‘ID’ laws is partisan, having nothing to do with ‘concern’ for the integrity of the voting process.

This is why Uncensored keeps posting stories about one person over here. Or an isolated incident over there. The fact is that the amount of voter fraud wouldnt swing the election for dog catcher let alone a Presidential one.

So they keep showing 1 or 2 cases! Ohhhhh!! Or they say I need ID for driving why not for walking down the street.

Oh sorry...I meant voting. I guess since you need ID for one thing you should need ID for all the things. Except thats not what they want.:lol: because requiring ID to walk down the street would be govt over reach. Ironic:lol:
This is false logic.

Nope, this is fact.

There is one, and ONLY one reason to oppose the common sense safeguard of requiring ID - because democrats support fraud.

Just because you need an ID for other things doesnt mean you should for other things.

The lie that your shameful party floats is the requiring ID will stop the poor from voting.

But the poor already have ID, it is required for public aid.

Thus the lie is exposed and again we are left with only a single reason to oppose voter ID - because it stops fraud and the criminal democrats demand fraud in elections.

Your photo ID stops someone else from picking up your EBT.

And if used in voting, ensures honest elections - which is the greatest fear of democrats.

Now can you show how an ID will stop voter fraud that isnt happening?

There is NOTHING that democrats oppose more than honest elections.

Every example they have showing voter fraud is fake. Every single one.

Say comrade, what is required to use an EBT card for Foodstamps and SNAP?

Oh, that's right - photo ID.

So WHAT reason does the criminal conspiracy known as the democratic party have to oppose ID?

Oh, that's right, you support and promote fraud.

Carry on.


There is no Constitutional right to apply for or receive public assistance; there is, however, a Constitutional right to vote, consequently your analogy fails.

A great burden is placed upon the state when it seeks to restrict a fundamental right, such as the right to vote. Given the fact that voter ‘fraud’ is virtually nonexistent, as already proven, the state fails to meet this burden, and may not compel citizens to provide a state-issued photo ID to indeed exercise the right to vote.
This is false logic.

Nope, this is fact.

There is one, and ONLY one reason to oppose the common sense safeguard of requiring ID - because democrats support fraud.

Just because you need an ID for other things doesnt mean you should for other things.

The lie that your shameful party floats is the requiring ID will stop the poor from voting.

But the poor already have ID, it is required for public aid.

Thus the lie is exposed and again we are left with only a single reason to oppose voter ID - because it stops fraud and the criminal democrats demand fraud in elections.

Your photo ID stops someone else from picking up your EBT.

And if used in voting, ensures honest elections - which is the greatest fear of democrats.

Now can you show how an ID will stop voter fraud that isnt happening?

There is NOTHING that democrats oppose more than honest elections.

So basically you've conceded the point that ID wont stop voter fraud. Good.


Ah, you don't just support fraud, you openly promote it?

There is no Constitutional right to apply for or receive public assistance; there is, however, a Constitutional right to vote, consequently your analogy fails.

That's nice.

Say comrade, is ID required to buy a gun? Last I checked, that was Constitutionally guaranteed..

I mean, in the "Saul Goodman" type of law you practice, is the requirement to exercise one Constitutionally guaranteed right not applicable to another right?

But more than this, the chicanery that the promoters of election fraud is revealed, since the supposed victims ALREADY HAVE ID.

A great burden is placed upon the state when it seeks to restrict a fundamental right, such as the right to vote.

Or the right to keep and bear arms?

Given the fact that voter ‘fraud’ is virtually nonexistent, as already proven, the state fails to meet this burden, and may not compel citizens to provide a state-issued photo ID to indeed exercise the right to vote.

Again, there is one, and only one reason to oppose voter ID, to ensure that fraud is not hampered. It is your reason, it is your shameful parties reason.

Mind if I call you Saul?
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Every example they have showing voter fraud is fake. Every single one.

Say comrade, what is required to use an EBT card for Foodstamps and SNAP?

Oh, that's right - photo ID.

So WHAT reason does the criminal conspiracy known as the democratic party have to oppose ID?

Oh, that's right, you support and promote fraud.

Carry on.


There is no Constitutional right to apply for or receive public assistance; there is, however, a Constitutional right to vote, consequently your analogy fails.

A great burden is placed upon the state when it seeks to restrict a fundamental right, such as the right to vote. Given the fact that voter ‘fraud’ is virtually nonexistent, as already proven, the state fails to meet this burden, and may not compel citizens to provide a state-issued photo ID to indeed exercise the right to vote.

Again, voting is a privilege not a right. A "right" constitutes that it can never be taken from you, that's not the case with those individual's serving incarceration. A "right" also signifies it's been given to all without ever having been received through any form of struggle, that's also not the case considering slavery and the women's rights movement. To state that voting is a Constitutional right is simply incorrect terminology.
Again, voting is a privilege not a right. A "right" constitutes that it can never be taken from you, that's not the case with those individual's serving incarceration. A "right" also signifies it's been given to all without ever having been received through any form of struggle, that's also not the case considering slavery and the women's rights movement. To state that voting is a Constitutional right is simply incorrect terminology.

Hey dummy. Your right to bear arms can be taken from you if you are convicted of a crime.

Any right can be taken away with due process.

Think Progress? :rofl: ever notice how all of their links all go to other "think progress" articles?

Anyway. Like gay marriage and marijuana legalization - it's really already a done deal. Every state will mandate voter ID laws eventually....

PS: You like to get nasty when you are losing; usually by calling everyone who disagrees a "retard" or a "piss drinker". It's a bad trait that insecure people often possess.

You'd do well to lose it. :thup:

That's all you got? You asked for names, you got names. Sorry to make your ass hurt.

And I call people retards and piss drinkers because that is what they are.

Every state will mandate voter ID laws eventually....

After demonstrating none of you have any evidence that Voter ID is effective or necessary, this is really all you have left. An argumentum ad populum fallacy. Your red states will have your retarded Voter ID, and fraud will continue unabated. This is already happening, but you are too retarded to notice. Voter ID has done virtually nothing to stop fraud in states that have Voter ID. The same old frauds carry on. Well done! You've really protected the voting process with more government intervention. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You bozos get Voter ID passed, add more government intervention to people's lives, high five each other for a job well done, and then fail to notice you have not impacted voter fraud at all. And you wonder why I call you retards? Really? :lol:
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Didja see that caption on the video?


Voter ID won't stop that kind of fraud. As I have said time and time and time agan.

And did you notice that was Ohio?

Ohio has Voter ID. They have for a long time.



Landlord Found Brutally Murdered In Brooklyn Building « CBS New York

Guess we should scrap all murder laws.

There are already laws against voter fraud.

You know how conservatives will often point out there are existing laws protecting people from crimes whenever liberals want more laws?

Yeah. That's why I call people like you faux conservatives. You want more laws when there are already laws, and your new law is demonstrably ineffective. There is no way you are truly conservative in the face of these facts.

And you fail to see there is a difference between a law against a crime and Voter ID. I can't believe this actually has to be explained to you, but I guess I should not be all that surprised.

A law is enacted because you cannot punish someone for a crime if there is no law against it. And as I said, there are already laws against voter fraud. Voter ID is not a law which outlaws voter fraud. So, once again, you made an apples and oranges comparison. Murders laws vs Voter ID. Jesus H. Christ.

You guys claimed Voter ID would have stopped the woman who committed fraud in Ohio. You claim it would have stopped her from committing the fraud in the first place. That is what you bozos always claim Voter ID will do.

Ohio already has Voter ID and it did not stop her from committing absentee voter fraud. Nor does Voter ID punish absentee voter fraud as murder laws punish murder.


Repeat after me, "We need Voter ID to stop fraud!


We need Voter ID to stop fraud!


Voter ID would be ineffective against fraud.


Here's a case in Ohio of voter fraud which says you are wrong! HA!


Ohio has Voter ID and she commited absentee ballot fraud and was not stopped by Voter ID.


We need Voter ID to stop fraud!

Rinse and repeat.
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That's all you got? You asked for names, you got names. Sorry to make your ass hurt.

And I call people retards and piss drinkers because that is what they are.

Dude, you're a far left whackjob. I never doubted that ThinkProgress and the other lefitst hate sites were the source of your "ideas."

After demonstrating none of you have any evidence that Voter ID is effective or necessary,

Reduced to outright lying, huh?

Well, you are a leftist - integrity is not to be expected from you.

this is really all you have left. An argumentum ad populum fallacy. Your red states will have your retarded Voter ID, and fraud will continue unabated. This is already happening, but you are too retarded to notice. Voter ID has done virtually nothing to stop fraud in states that have Voter ID. The same old frauds carry on. Well done! You've really protected the voting process with more government intervention. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

The ONLY possible effect of ID in voting is the reduction of fraud.

Which is of course why you oppose it.

You bozos get Voter ID passed, add more government intervention to people's lives, high five each other for a job well done, and then fail to notice you have not stopped voter fraud. And you wonder why I call you retards? Really? :lol:

You fear that your party will lose power.

I hope that you're right.
The ONLY possible effect of ID in voting is the reduction of fraud.

Wrong. You could not be more wrong.

The only evidence of actual fraud any of you have ever provided is of a type which cannot and has not been stopped by Voter ID.

This makes you seriously retarded.

One of you actually provided an example of fraud in a state which has Voter ID and which is of a type which Voter ID cannot and is not preventing or stopping! :lol:

It does not get any dumber than that.

You have enacted a completely ineffective law. You wasted taxpayer dollars. That is the definition of a liberal. A particularly retarded nanny-state liberal.
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