Pa voter id law struck down

The voter id requirement is a smart Republican political tactic. It doesn't address election fraud but it does suppress voter turnout among the poorest voters who usually vote Democrat.

Look at the list of election fraud and irregularities sited by Republicans and ask yourself which ones will be eliminated by the a voter id requirement. I think you'll find the answer is none.

BS, the liberal left makes this an issue because it is easy. Give statistics on how many people will be disenfranchised. The left doesn't care if there is actual fraud because as they say not many cases can be proved, yet many are proved. A woman voted at least 4 times and admits it. She use other people's ballots. Now I wonder how she was caught I can think of no way she could be caught unless someone ratted her out. Doesn't really matter what kind of ballot it happens. It would be so easy to vote for a dead person and who would know in the bigger precincts? With the dawn of the computer age people voting twice should be a thing of the past. Voter id may not stop all the fraud but it is a start and if the people of the states so want voter id then that is how it should be.
I didn't say requiring voter ids would disenfranchise voters. I said it will suppress turnout among the poorest voters. It won't bar them from voting, it will just make it harder.
You're correct; voter ids won't stop most electron fraud. In fact it will stop little if any election fraud. An analysis of the 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent. An analysis showed only 10 cases of voter impersonation fraud out of 146,000,000 voters.

Not since the Jim Crow laws has their been such an obvious attempt to reduce voter turn out that would favor the opposition.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project

How much harder is it to show id one time every two years then to use a welfare card everyday? Especially when photo id would be supplied free? According to this logic we should just deliver the food to the poor because it is too hard to get it for themselves.
BS, the liberal left makes this an issue because it is easy. Give statistics on how many people will be disenfranchised. The left doesn't care if there is actual fraud because as they say not many cases can be proved, yet many are proved. A woman voted at least 4 times and admits it. She use other people's ballots. Now I wonder how she was caught I can think of no way she could be caught unless someone ratted her out. Doesn't really matter what kind of ballot it happens. It would be so easy to vote for a dead person and who would know in the bigger precincts? With the dawn of the computer age people voting twice should be a thing of the past. Voter id may not stop all the fraud but it is a start and if the people of the states so want voter id then that is how it should be.
I didn't say requiring voter ids would disenfranchise voters. I said it will suppress turnout among the poorest voters. It won't bar them from voting, it will just make it harder.
You're correct; voter ids won't stop most electron fraud. In fact it will stop little if any election fraud. An analysis of the 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent. An analysis showed only 10 cases of voter impersonation fraud out of 146,000,000 voters.

Not since the Jim Crow laws has their been such an obvious attempt to reduce voter turn out that would favor the opposition.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project

How much harder is it to show id one time every two years then to use a welfare card everyday? Especially when photo id would be supplied free? According to this logic we should just deliver the food to the poor because it is too hard to get it for themselves.

Harder than it is currently. Thats the entire point.
What is so condemning about these requirements?

Strict vs. Non-Strict: In the "strict" states, a voter cannot cast a valid ballot without first presenting ID. Voters who are unable to show ID at the polls are given a provisional ballot. Those provisional ballots are kept separate from the regular ballots. If the voter returns to election officials within a short period of time after the election (generally a few days) and presents acceptable ID, the provisional ballot is counted. If the voter does not come back to show ID, that provisional ballot is never counted.

Photo vs. Non-Photo: Some states require that the ID presented at the polls must show a photo of the voter. Some of these are "strict" voter ID laws, in that voters who fail to show photo ID are given a provisional ballot and must eventually show photo ID in order to get that provisional ballot counted. Others are "non-strict," and voters without ID have other options for casting a regular ballot. They may be permitted to sign an affidavit of identity, or poll workers may be able to vouch for them if they know them personally. In these "non-strict" states, voters who fail to bring ID on Election Day aren't required to return to election officials and show ID in order to have their ballot counted. In the other voter ID states, there is a wide array of IDs that are acceptable for voting purposes, some of which do not include a photo of the voter. Again, some of these states are "strict" in the sense that a voter who fails to bring ID on Election Day will be required to vote a provisional ballot, and that provisional ballot will be counted only if the voter returns to election officials within a few days to show acceptable ID.

Voter id regardless of how one feels is apparently what the people want:

2013 Legislative Action

Legislation has been introduced in at least 30 states; this includes new voter ID proposals in 12 states, proposals to strengthen existing photo ID laws in seven states and other changes to existing photo ID laws in 11 states. View a summary of these bills.

Voter ID: State Requirements | Requirements for Voter Identification
You need a photo I.D. to do anything in the modern world including cashing a check, renting a home and entering a federal building but a judge thinks it's unlawful to show one to vote. At least they didn't insult Black people by claiming they would be impacted the most. Or did they?
You need a photo I.D. to do anything in the modern world including cashing a check, renting a home and entering a federal building but a judge thinks it's unlawful to show one to vote. At least they didn't insult Black people by claiming they would be impacted the most. Or did they?

That is the funny part. It is always the minorities, poor and homeless that those who oppose id lump together. If I were a minority I would be insulted at their condescending attitude.
BS, the liberal left makes this an issue because it is easy. Give statistics on how many people will be disenfranchised. The left doesn't care if there is actual fraud because as they say not many cases can be proved, yet many are proved. A woman voted at least 4 times and admits it. She use other people's ballots. Now I wonder how she was caught I can think of no way she could be caught unless someone ratted her out. Doesn't really matter what kind of ballot it happens. It would be so easy to vote for a dead person and who would know in the bigger precincts? With the dawn of the computer age people voting twice should be a thing of the past. Voter id may not stop all the fraud but it is a start and if the people of the states so want voter id then that is how it should be.
I didn't say requiring voter ids would disenfranchise voters. I said it will suppress turnout among the poorest voters. It won't bar them from voting, it will just make it harder.
You're correct; voter ids won't stop most electron fraud. In fact it will stop little if any election fraud. An analysis of the 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent. An analysis showed only 10 cases of voter impersonation fraud out of 146,000,000 voters.

Not since the Jim Crow laws has their been such an obvious attempt to reduce voter turn out that would favor the opposition.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project

How much harder is it to show id one time every two years then to use a welfare card everyday? Especially when photo id would be supplied free? According to this logic we should just deliver the food to the poor because it is too hard to get it for themselves.

The issue has nothing to do with anything being ‘difficult.’

The issue has to do with the fact that the burden rests solely with the state to justify the restriction of a fundamental right, in this case the right to vote. And the state has failed to meet this requirement, as there is no evidence voter ‘fraud’ has altered the outcome of any election.

Consequently the motive for voter ID laws is purely partisan, as well as being predicated on hate and ignorance concerning Americans adversely effected by such a requirement, your reference to a ‘welfare card’ is proof of that, as not all citizens adversely effected receive public assistance.

Moreover, these citizens are already registered to vote, their names appear on the voting records as eligible to vote in compliance with the elections laws of their states, and absent evidence a specific voter is attempting to commit voter fraud by identity, cannot be disallowed to vote.
As I provided almost every state requires some form of voter id. Red/Blue doesn't really matter. So how something that is almost universally done is considered partisan does not make sense. The opposition certainly does seem to be by those who are partisan.

The people of Iraq stood in lines for hours under mortar attack at times to vote, THAT is difficult. Having an id is not.
You need a photo I.D. to do anything in the modern world including cashing a check, renting a home and entering a federal building but a judge thinks it's unlawful to show one to vote. At least they didn't insult Black people by claiming they would be impacted the most. Or did they?
There is no Constitutional right to cash a check or rent a home, and accommodations can be made to allow someone with no ID to enter a Federal building – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however, and your analogy fails accordingly.

The issue concerns only what the state can prove in court justifying the restricting of a fundamental right; and when it come to requiring a photo ID to vote, the state has failed to justify this restriction.
As I provided almost every state requires some form of voter id. Red/Blue doesn't really matter. So how something that is almost universally done is considered partisan does not make sense. The opposition certainly does seem to be by those who are partisan.

The people of Iraq stood in lines for hours under mortar attack at times to vote, THAT is difficult. Having an id is not.

The issue is partisan because republicans and conservatives for the most part are pushing for these laws absent evidence in support, this thread is evidence of that. Republicans have contrived and bought into the myth that they’re losing elections because of ‘fraud,’ unwilling or unable to accept the fact that they’re losing elections because the voters are rejecting their candidates and policies.
Voter ID laws will be passed and implemented in all 50 states within a few years. It's inevitable, like fags getting married or marijuana legalization. The battle is already won, the opposition just hasn't figured it out yet.....:thup:
You need a photo I.D. to do anything in the modern world including cashing a check, renting a home and entering a federal building but a judge thinks it's unlawful to show one to vote. At least they didn't insult Black people by claiming they would be impacted the most. Or did they?

That is the funny part. It is always the minorities, poor and homeless that those who oppose id lump together. If I were a minority I would be insulted at their condescending attitude.


No one objects to voters being required to provide ID to register to vote, regardless his race or income level.

But once registered to vote, and provided one remains eligible to vote, he cannot be required to present a state issued photo ID to vote absent evidence this particular voter is indeed attempting to commit voter fraud by identity.
Funny how the right wingnuts are up in arms about voter fraud
When there is little or no evidence of voter fraud ,even after exhaustive and expensive investigations have been conducted
Why not just admit you don't like the people who vote differently than you and want to make it as hard as you can to have their vote count

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Funny how the leftwing zealots are up in arms about voter disenfranchisement
When there is little or no evidence of voter disenfranchisement. Why not just admit the left wing doesn't like the people who vote differently than they and want to make it as easy as they can to have vote counts by illegal voters disenfranchising legal voters ?

That's because they can't come up with a case where a state law requiring voter ID has been documented to have actually effected voter turn out, preventing people from actually voting. It's merely just smoke and mirrors by the left, and against voter integrity.
Funny how the right wingnuts are up in arms about voter fraud
When there is little or no evidence of voter fraud ,even after exhaustive and expensive investigations have been conducted
Why not just admit you don't like the people who vote differently than you and want to make it as hard as you can to have their vote count

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Funny how the leftwing zealots are up in arms about voter disenfranchisement
When there is little or no evidence of voter disenfranchisement. Why not just admit the left wing doesn't like the people who vote differently than they and want to make it as easy as they can to have vote counts by illegal voters disenfranchising legal voters ?

That's because they can't come up with a case where a state law requiring voter ID has been documented to have actually effected voter turn out, preventing people from actually voting. It's merely just smoke and mirrors by the left, and against voter integrity.

The left won't budge an inch even on something that in the long run really doesn't matter, exists in both red and blue states, and would shut up those on the right. One would think that last reason would be enough for the party of my way or no way to accept this little concession.
As I provided almost every state requires some form of voter id. Red/Blue doesn't really matter. So how something that is almost universally done is considered partisan does not make sense. The opposition certainly does seem to be by those who are partisan.

The people of Iraq stood in lines for hours under mortar attack at times to vote, THAT is difficult. Having an id is not.

The issue is partisan because republicans and conservatives for the most part are pushing for these laws absent evidence in support, this thread is evidence of that. Republicans have contrived and bought into the myth that they’re losing elections because of ‘fraud,’ unwilling or unable to accept the fact that they’re losing elections because the voters are rejecting their candidates and policies.

Again, I provide the site with the information about what states require what. Red and Blue states require id. OHIO a clear blue state requires strick voter id although not photo id. But that will come. So when both red and blue states require id somehow it is just the right that is pushing for voter id. Sorry your logic doesn't work. The whole issue should be left to the states. As long as no legal citizen is denied I can't think of the problem.
You need a photo I.D. to do anything in the modern world including cashing a check, renting a home and entering a federal building but a judge thinks it's unlawful to show one to vote. At least they didn't insult Black people by claiming they would be impacted the most. Or did they?

because requiring an ID to vote doesnt stop voter fraud.

Essentially your logic is: You need ID for other stuff, why not voting.

But that doesnt address stopping or preventing any voter fraud. You can apply that false logic to anything. You need IDs for cashing checks why not for Surfing? Why not for riding a bike? Why not for freedom of speech?

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