Pa voter id law struck down

How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures

Here are the facts:
• To date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.
• More than 24 million voter registrations are invalid, yet remain on the rolls nation-wide.
• There are over 1.8 million dead voters still eligible on the rolls across the country.
• More than 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state.
• True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.
• Maryland affiliates of True The Vote uncovered cases of people registering and voting after their respective deaths.
• This year, True The Vote uncovered more than 348,000 dead people on the rolls in 27 states.
◦ California: 49,000
◦ Florida: 30,000
◦ Texas: 28,500
◦ Michigan: 25,000
◦ Illinois: 24,000

• 12 Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents.
• The Ohio Secretary of State admitted that multiple Ohio counties have more registered voters than residents.
• Federal records showed 160 counties in 19 states have over 100 percent voter registration.
• The Florida New Majority Education Fund, Democratic Party of Florida and the National Council of La Raza are currently under investigation for alleged voter registration fraud.

How popular is Voter ID?
• 74 percent of Americans support, according to The Washington Post.
• 71 percent of Latinos support it, according to the PEW Research Center.

How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures

Having dead people still on registration rolls is not voter's bad registration. In fact everything posted here is just bad registration...not people committing voter fraud. If you want to improve voter registration that's fine, but it still doesn't show anything about people actually "in the booth voting" when they shouldn't, as that is what Voter ID law are all about. What's also incredibly awkward is nothing you posts has anything at all to do with absentee ballots.

This is the only comment about voter fraud:
To date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.

Which without numbers is incredibly weak....what does this mean??? 46 states collectively caught 99 cases of voter fraud? little more then 2 cases per state? How are we suppose to interpret this??

oh and here's this:

• True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.

/golf clap

99 cases.....really....99 votes, and only "potential"
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The GOP tries to suppress the votes of minorities and it shocks you that 99 percent of a black precinct decides to vote for Obama after this disgusting tactic? Really?

Voter ID does not stop the kind of voter fraud which occurs. So what do you suppose the REAL reason behind Voter ID is?

Explain to me again how voter id effects only minorities? Then explain why I need to carry photo id with me when I fish or hunt but don't need on to prove my id when I vote.

The real reason for voter id is first the democrats have been noted for cheating. Second we don't wish to dip our fingers in an ink jar.
Good Question. For the vast majority of voters, presenting a voter’s id at the polling place is absolutely no hindrance to voting. You just show your driver’s license, state id card, or voter id card, no bother, no sweat. What could be easier? However, for a small percent of voters who are primarily Black or Latino, it is a big hindrance to voting. The group I’m referring to are the homeless, transients who move every month or so, the functionally illiterate, physically or mentally disabled, and poor elderly voters. These people often don’t have driver’s licenses, autos, fishing licences or a even a permanent address. Just knowing that an id is required can be problem. Getting an id may sound so simple, however if you have to locate documents which may have been long since lost and walk to an office to complete a form, it is a hindrance to voting that most people don’t have to face.

Election fraud that could be caught with voter ids is very rare. Requiring voter id's is just another tactics in a long list to disenfranchise unwanted voters.

I know that the "homeless, transients, functionally illiterate, and mentally disabled" are allowed to serve in Congress, but should they have the right to vote? Really?

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Voter ID is inevitable.

In states where mental retardation has metastasized, yep.

The funny thing about Voter ID proponents is they link to examples of voter fraud, and then thump their chests as if they have proven Voter ID is necessary.

They fail to realize there is a disconnect between the evidence they provided and Voter ID. That is why you get someone like Freewill linking to a video about a case of absentee ballot fraud in a state which already has Voter ID! :lol:

Or you get Edgetho regurgitating a bogus myth about felons electing Al Franken. Even if the allegations were true, those allegations were that the felons registered to vote and then voted. Something which Voter ID would not prevent! :lol:

Time and time again, they actually provide evidence of the ineffectivetness of Voter ID to prevent the very kinds of fraud they point out! It is amazing. They are so retarded, they don't even realize they are undermining themselves.

Once this is pointed out, and it finally sinks in, they then begin constructing even imaginary mental fantasies to keep the illusion of the necessity of Voter ID alive. The real world proved them wrong, so they resort to mental masturbation rather than admit the truth to themselves.


So how would you go about stopping the ACTUAL absentee voter fraud which occurs?

This whole situation shows how the left wing does not give one ounce, not one. They invent things they are worried about, like the homeless getting to vote as if left cared and as if the homeless actually cared to vote. But the left won't give an inch even though many states DO have voter id without the Republic crumbling. Ohio has voter id but it is not photo id. Who knows how much fraudulent voting it has prevented? Oh right the liberal know cause they tell us without possibly knowing if what they are saying is true.

As for the woman in Ohio, the video is telling because the woman is ADMITTING to fraud but doesn't give a crap. Why? Well in liberal eyes she is a minority and apparently that behavior is expected of minorities so we must tolerate it because they know not what they do or some other justification that I don't understand. But liberals are so sure they do.

How hard would it be to find fraud that voter id would prevent? I think quite hard. Someone would have to go through the voter registration rolls see who died and see if they voted. Who is going to do that? The only way in my state it is known who voted is by the signature in a book. How hard and time consuming would it be to put the two together? But they have searched in a limited basis and have found the dead do vote.

But as I said the left won't bend an inch on this subject as they don't on almost every topic. Even when the people speak and want voter id the left uses the court to overturn the people will. All to protect the If you really care about the homeless let them sleep in your spare bedroom at least then they would have an address.
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I oppose Voter ID for a simple reason. I know this reason won't get through to the retards, because they have invented a lie that I "DEMAND fraud". :lol:

The real reason is that I really resent someone fucking with our electoral process for evil purposes. Too many people have shed blood for voting rights. And when some assholes try to disenfranchise eligible citizens, that pisses me off. Even if those voters were going to vote for the opposition.

That's what integrity looks like, assholes. The stability of our voting process is way more important than getting power into the hands of the very creeps destroying that process. You sicken me in your defense of this destruction.

I would LOVE to stop all the fraud which happens. But as we have seen here, you are all completely STUMPED on how to actually stop the actual fraud which actually occurs. Because you have been parroting the Voter ID talking points for so long, you have pissed out your brains.

I find it hilarious this "bleeding heart" speech of how much blood washed for this Constitutional privilege to vote, yet with the same breath are not afraid to impose more extensive government background checks on those exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.

Just the same, liberals are the very last ones to talk about mandated laws and regulations. Take Obamacare as another example. The left will blow smoke about how our government needs to mandate a national healthcare system, to make sure each and every American within the boarders of the United States carries health insurance. Yet somehow miss the mark that it would be very helpful ensuring everyone needing to be treated has a proper photo ID. I guess making sure we know WHO exactly we are giving medications to, and what allergies they may have should they arrive in the ER alone and unresponsive, is of no real importance. If every American is required to have healthcare, would it not only stand to reason that every American also carry a photo ID to assist in looking up their medical records? However, as we can see, most liberals are simply incapable of thinking that far ahead.... if they have any common sense at all.
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How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures

Here are the facts:
• To date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.
• More than 24 million voter registrations are invalid, yet remain on the rolls nation-wide.
• There are over 1.8 million dead voters still eligible on the rolls across the country.
• More than 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state.
• True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.
• Maryland affiliates of True The Vote uncovered cases of people registering and voting after their respective deaths.
• This year, True The Vote uncovered more than 348,000 dead people on the rolls in 27 states.
◦ California: 49,000
◦ Florida: 30,000
◦ Texas: 28,500
◦ Michigan: 25,000
◦ Illinois: 24,000

• 12 Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents.
• The Ohio Secretary of State admitted that multiple Ohio counties have more registered voters than residents.
• Federal records showed 160 counties in 19 states have over 100 percent voter registration.
• The Florida New Majority Education Fund, Democratic Party of Florida and the National Council of La Raza are currently under investigation for alleged voter registration fraud.

How popular is Voter ID?
• 74 percent of Americans support, according to The Washington Post.
• 71 percent of Latinos support it, according to the PEW Research Center.

How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures

Having dead people still on registration rolls is not voter's bad registration. In fact everything posted here is just bad registration...not people committing voter fraud. If you want to improve voter registration that's fine, but it still doesn't show anything about people actually "in the booth voting" when they shouldn't, as that is what Voter ID law are all about. What's also incredibly awkward is nothing you posts has anything at all to do with absentee ballots.

This is the only comment about voter fraud:
To date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.

Which without numbers is incredibly weak....what does this mean??? 46 states collectively caught 99 cases of voter fraud? little more then 2 cases per state? How are we suppose to interpret this??

oh and here's this:

• True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.

/golf clap

99 cases.....really....99 votes, and only "potential"

Tip of iceberg perhaps.

But if you think improving registration is important then won't that disenfranchise someone? Doesn't a person have to prove where they live? My gosh how could they do such a thing when so many are wandering around without any form of id? Sounds to me that you are all for disenfranchisement just not on election day.

I knew when he said it without linking it it was bullshit.

The problem with this bunch is they believe that its happening despite not having proof. Theres proof out there they just cant find it. In fact not finding proof seems to have the opposite makes them believe it even more.

Like the tin foil hat wearing morons they are..

One liar citing another liar.

FACT: Felons ineligible to vote cast votes

When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots | Minnesota Majority

FACT: dimocraps lie.....

"If you like your insurance, you can keep it"

"A vicious video was responsible for the Benghazi murders"

dimocraps lie

How would voter ID stopped this?
I knew when he said it without linking it it was bullshit.

The problem with this bunch is they believe that its happening despite not having proof. Theres proof out there they just cant find it. In fact not finding proof seems to have the opposite makes them believe it even more.

Like the tin foil hat wearing morons they are..

One liar citing another liar.

FACT: Felons ineligible to vote cast votes

When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots | Minnesota Majority

FACT: dimocraps lie.....

"If you like your insurance, you can keep it"

"A vicious video was responsible for the Benghazi murders"

dimocraps lie

How would voter ID stopped this?

You mean had it really happened, don't you?

I have never, not ever once in my life, met a person without an ID.

Never, ever, ever, ever.

And I am 66 years old.

Then I am happy to be the one who introduces you to the first nine people you have met without Voter ID.

REPORT: Nine People Denied Voting Rights By Voter ID Laws | ThinkProgress

Mr. Ricky Tyrone Lewis is 58 years old, a Marine Corps Veteran and a lifelong Milwaukee resident. He was able to offer proof of his honorable discharge but Milwaukee County has been unable to find the record of his birth so he cannot obtain a voter ID card. Ms. Ruthelle Frank, now 84, is a lifelong resident of Brokaw, Wisconsin and a member of her town board since 1996. She has voted in every election over the past 64 years but she does not have a voter ID card. She located her birth certificate but found that her name was misspelled. She was advised to obtain a certified copy of the incorrect birth certificate and try to use that to obtain a voter ID card. . . .

There is just no way a person can survive these days without an ID showing them to be who they claim to be.


It is done. Sorry. Just because you are mentally incapable of understanding how it can be done does not mean it isn't.

You all act as if you only have 3 days to get your paperwork straight and obtain a voter ID card, that's what makes this response laughable. The example above is more than likely citing people who waited all the way up until they walked into their district polling station, while never at all taking the time to have their voter information verified BEFORE the actual voting date. (Common sense people) If you know you have an election coming up, you have adequate amount of time to show up with the required documentation, allow the system to do a background check, verify your current place of residence with your SSN, and correct any discrepancies. How hard is that? No one is denied their right to vote, who takes the time to ensure they have the proper documentation such as a birth certificate or SSN.

Of course I'm sure those who think you can survive without showing ID, will continue to try and convince themselves of that when Obamacare goes into full swing and they need to verify your medical information on who exactly you are. Try accessing personal medical information without proper ID and tell me exactly how far you get.
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I have never, not ever once in my life, met a person without an ID.

Never, ever, ever, ever.

And I am 66 years old.

Then I am happy to be the one who introduces you to the first nine people you have met without Voter ID.

REPORT: Nine People Denied Voting Rights By Voter ID Laws | ThinkProgress

There is just no way a person can survive these days without an ID showing them to be who they claim to be.


It is done. Sorry. Just because you are mentally incapable of understanding how it can be done does not mean it isn't.

You all act as if you only have 3 days to get your paperwork straight and obtain a voter ID card, that's what makes this response laughable. The example above is more than likely citing people who waited all the way up until they walked into their district polling station, while never at all taking the time to have their voter information verified BEFORE the actual voting date. (Common sense people) If you know you have an election coming up, you have adequate amount of time to show up with the required documentation, allow the system to do a background check, verify your current place of residence with your SSN, and correct any discrepancies. How hard is that? No one is denied their right to vote, who takes the time to ensure they have the proper documentation such as a birth certificate or SSN.

Of course I'm sure those who think you can survive without showing ID, will continue to try and convince themselves of that when Obamacare goes into full swing and they need to verify your medical information on who exactly you are. Try accessing personal medical information without proper ID and tell me exactly how far you get.

I'll just bet there were more people who showed up at the polls who said "what I have to be registered?" They were denied the vote so were they too disenfranchised because they didn't do what they were suppose to do? This is a silly left wing argument I think to distract from the real forms of voter fraud. It also shows they won't give an inch on anything.
One liar citing another liar.

FACT: Felons ineligible to vote cast votes

When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots | Minnesota Majority

FACT: dimocraps lie.....

"If you like your insurance, you can keep it"

"A vicious video was responsible for the Benghazi murders"

dimocraps lie

How would voter ID stopped this?

You mean had it really happened, don't you?


If a lawyer wrote that letter then he isn't much of a lawyer in my opinion.
Then I am happy to be the one who introduces you to the first nine people you have met without Voter ID.

REPORT: Nine People Denied Voting Rights By Voter ID Laws | ThinkProgress

It is done. Sorry. Just because you are mentally incapable of understanding how it can be done does not mean it isn't.

You all act as if you only have 3 days to get your paperwork straight and obtain a voter ID card, that's what makes this response laughable. The example above is more than likely citing people who waited all the way up until they walked into their district polling station, while never at all taking the time to have their voter information verified BEFORE the actual voting date. (Common sense people) If you know you have an election coming up, you have adequate amount of time to show up with the required documentation, allow the system to do a background check, verify your current place of residence with your SSN, and correct any discrepancies. How hard is that? No one is denied their right to vote, who takes the time to ensure they have the proper documentation such as a birth certificate or SSN.

Of course I'm sure those who think you can survive without showing ID, will continue to try and convince themselves of that when Obamacare goes into full swing and they need to verify your medical information on who exactly you are. Try accessing personal medical information without proper ID and tell me exactly how far you get.

I'll just bet there were more people who showed up at the polls who said "what I have to be registered?" They were denied the vote so were they too disenfranchised because they didn't do what they were suppose to do? This is a silly left wing argument I think to distract from the real forms of voter fraud. It also shows they won't give an inch on anything.

It's the weight of the pen that's killing them, they don't want to end up with writer's cramp. Sad thing is, there are more documentation and background checks that goes into filling out mortgage paperwork with the bank, or purchasing a car. Now I'm sure we will hear stories how it's a conspiracy to keep the Amish from voting Democrat. :lol: Yet, some states are even willing to hand out drivers licenses in order to have illegal immigrants registered (Maryland being one of them), however we can't afford to have voter ID..... that's way too much effort and cost involved. Can we see the logic here?
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You all act as if you only have 3 days to get your paperwork straight and obtain a voter ID card, that's what makes this response laughable. The example above is more than likely citing people who waited all the way up until they walked into their district polling station, while never at all taking the time to have their voter information verified BEFORE the actual voting date. (Common sense people) If you know you have an election coming up, you have adequate amount of time to show up with the required documentation, allow the system to do a background check, verify your current place of residence with your SSN, and correct any discrepancies. How hard is that? No one is denied their right to vote, who takes the time to ensure they have the proper documentation such as a birth certificate or SSN.

Of course I'm sure those who think you can survive without showing ID, will continue to try and convince themselves of that when Obamacare goes into full swing and they need to verify your medical information on who exactly you are. Try accessing personal medical information without proper ID and tell me exactly how far you get.

I'll just bet there were more people who showed up at the polls who said "what I have to be registered?" They were denied the vote so were they too disenfranchised because they didn't do what they were suppose to do? This is a silly left wing argument I think to distract from the real forms of voter fraud. It also shows they won't give an inch on anything.

It's the weight of the pen that's killing them, they don't want to end up with writer's cramp. Sad thing is, there are more documentation and background checks that goes into filling out mortgage paperwork with the bank, or purchasing a car. Now I'm sure we will hear stories how it's a conspiracy to keep the Amish from voting Democrat. :lol: Yet, some states are even willing to hand out drivers licenses in order to have illegal immigrants registered (Maryland being one of them), however we can't afford to have voter ID..... that's way too much effort and cost involved. Can we see the logic here?

Don't forget those same people that the left pretends to care about but are too stupid to be able to get a id, according to the left. These same people can get a free cell phone.
How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures

Here are the facts:
• To date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.
• More than 24 million voter registrations are invalid, yet remain on the rolls nation-wide.
• There are over 1.8 million dead voters still eligible on the rolls across the country.
• More than 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state.
• True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.
• Maryland affiliates of True The Vote uncovered cases of people registering and voting after their respective deaths.
• This year, True The Vote uncovered more than 348,000 dead people on the rolls in 27 states.
◦ California: 49,000
◦ Florida: 30,000
◦ Texas: 28,500
◦ Michigan: 25,000
◦ Illinois: 24,000

• 12 Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents.
• The Ohio Secretary of State admitted that multiple Ohio counties have more registered voters than residents.
• Federal records showed 160 counties in 19 states have over 100 percent voter registration.
• The Florida New Majority Education Fund, Democratic Party of Florida and the National Council of La Raza are currently under investigation for alleged voter registration fraud.

How popular is Voter ID?
• 74 percent of Americans support, according to The Washington Post.
• 71 percent of Latinos support it, according to the PEW Research Center.

How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures

Having dead people still on registration rolls is not voter's bad registration. In fact everything posted here is just bad registration...not people committing voter fraud. If you want to improve voter registration that's fine, but it still doesn't show anything about people actually "in the booth voting" when they shouldn't, as that is what Voter ID law are all about. What's also incredibly awkward is nothing you posts has anything at all to do with absentee ballots.

This is the only comment about voter fraud:

Which without numbers is incredibly weak....what does this mean??? 46 states collectively caught 99 cases of voter fraud? little more then 2 cases per state? How are we suppose to interpret this??

oh and here's this:

• True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.

/golf clap

99 cases.....really....99 votes, and only "potential"

Tip of iceberg perhaps.

But if you think improving registration is important then won't that disenfranchise someone? Doesn't a person have to prove where they live? My gosh how could they do such a thing when so many are wandering around without any form of id? Sounds to me that you are all for disenfranchisement just not on election day.
The voter id requirement is a smart Republican political tactic. It doesn't address election fraud but it does suppress voter turnout among the poorest voters who usually vote Democrat.

Look at the list of election fraud and irregularities sited by Republicans and ask yourself which ones will be eliminated by the a voter id requirement. I think you'll find the answer is none.
Having dead people still on registration rolls is not voter's bad registration. In fact everything posted here is just bad registration...not people committing voter fraud. If you want to improve voter registration that's fine, but it still doesn't show anything about people actually "in the booth voting" when they shouldn't, as that is what Voter ID law are all about. What's also incredibly awkward is nothing you posts has anything at all to do with absentee ballots.

This is the only comment about voter fraud:

Which without numbers is incredibly weak....what does this mean??? 46 states collectively caught 99 cases of voter fraud? little more then 2 cases per state? How are we suppose to interpret this??

oh and here's this:

/golf clap

99 cases.....really....99 votes, and only "potential"

Tip of iceberg perhaps.

But if you think improving registration is important then won't that disenfranchise someone? Doesn't a person have to prove where they live? My gosh how could they do such a thing when so many are wandering around without any form of id? Sounds to me that you are all for disenfranchisement just not on election day.
The voter id requirement is a smart Republican political tactic. It doesn't address election fraud but it does suppress voter turnout among the poorest voters who usually vote Democrat.

Look at the list of election fraud and irregularities sited by Republicans and ask yourself which ones will be eliminated by the a voter id requirement. I think you'll find the answer is none.

BS, the liberal left makes this an issue because it is easy. Give statistics on how many people will be disenfranchised. The left doesn't care if there is actual fraud because as they say not many cases can be proved, yet many are proved. A woman voted at least 4 times and admits it. She use other people's ballots. Now I wonder how she was caught I can think of no way she could be caught unless someone ratted her out. Doesn't really matter what kind of ballot it happens. It would be so easy to vote for a dead person and who would know in the bigger precincts? With the dawn of the computer age people voting twice should be a thing of the past. Voter id may not stop all the fraud but it is a start and if the people of the states so want voter id then that is how it should be.
Tip of iceberg perhaps.

But if you think improving registration is important then won't that disenfranchise someone? Doesn't a person have to prove where they live? My gosh how could they do such a thing when so many are wandering around without any form of id? Sounds to me that you are all for disenfranchisement just not on election day.
The voter id requirement is a smart Republican political tactic. It doesn't address election fraud but it does suppress voter turnout among the poorest voters who usually vote Democrat.

Look at the list of election fraud and irregularities sited by Republicans and ask yourself which ones will be eliminated by the a voter id requirement. I think you'll find the answer is none.

BS, the liberal left makes this an issue because it is easy. Give statistics on how many people will be disenfranchised. The left doesn't care if there is actual fraud because as they say not many cases can be proved, yet many are proved. A woman voted at least 4 times and admits it. She use other people's ballots. Now I wonder how she was caught I can think of no way she could be caught unless someone ratted her out. Doesn't really matter what kind of ballot it happens. It would be so easy to vote for a dead person and who would know in the bigger precincts? With the dawn of the computer age people voting twice should be a thing of the past. Voter id may not stop all the fraud but it is a start and if the people of the states so want voter id then that is how it should be.
I didn't say requiring voter ids would disenfranchise voters. I said it will suppress turnout among the poorest voters. It won't bar them from voting, it will just make it harder.

You're correct; voter ids won't stop most electron fraud. In fact it will stop little if any election fraud. An analysis of the 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent. An analysis showed only 10 cases of voter impersonation fraud out of 146,000,000 voters.

Not since the Jim Crow laws has their been such an obvious attempt to reduce voter turn out that would favor the opposition.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project
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One liar citing another liar.

FACT: Felons ineligible to vote cast votes

When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots | Minnesota Majority

FACT: dimocraps lie.....

"If you like your insurance, you can keep it"

"A vicious video was responsible for the Benghazi murders"

dimocraps lie

How would voter ID stopped this?

You mean had it really happened, don't you?



Every example they have showing voter fraud is fake. Every single one.
Funny how the right wingnuts are up in arms about voter fraud
When there is little or no evidence of voter fraud ,even after exhaustive and expensive investigations have been conducted
Why not just admit you don't like the people who vote differently than you and want to make it as hard as you can to have their vote count

Sent from my iPad using
Another district where he ISNT registered will work you say?

When the only thing you need under a no ID system is a name and an address how hard is it to fake it?

Where do you say all these cheaters will find names, addresses, voting locations and whether or not they've already voted or not? Is there an app for that? :lol:

A complete list of everyone who voted in the primary election and what party they voted for can be seen at every county Democrat party and Republican party headquarters in my state. Several years ago when I served as a Precinct Chairman, the list was mailed to me so I could call on the people in my party and encourage them to vote.
Funny how the right wingnuts are up in arms about voter fraud
When there is little or no evidence of voter fraud ,even after exhaustive and expensive investigations have been conducted
Why not just admit you don't like the people who vote differently than you and want to make it as hard as you can to have their vote count

Sent from my iPad using

Funny how the leftwing zealots are up in arms about voter disenfranchisement
When there is little or no evidence of voter disenfranchisement. Why not just admit the left wing doesn't like the people who vote differently than they and want to make it as easy as they can to have vote counts by illegal voters disenfranchising legal voters ?
The voter id requirement is a smart Republican political tactic. It doesn't address election fraud but it does suppress voter turnout among the poorest voters who usually vote Democrat.

Look at the list of election fraud and irregularities sited by Republicans and ask yourself which ones will be eliminated by the a voter id requirement. I think you'll find the answer is none.

BS, the liberal left makes this an issue because it is easy. Give statistics on how many people will be disenfranchised. The left doesn't care if there is actual fraud because as they say not many cases can be proved, yet many are proved. A woman voted at least 4 times and admits it. She use other people's ballots. Now I wonder how she was caught I can think of no way she could be caught unless someone ratted her out. Doesn't really matter what kind of ballot it happens. It would be so easy to vote for a dead person and who would know in the bigger precincts? With the dawn of the computer age people voting twice should be a thing of the past. Voter id may not stop all the fraud but it is a start and if the people of the states so want voter id then that is how it should be.
I didn't say requiring voter ids would disenfranchise voters. I said it will suppress turnout among the poorest voters. It won't bar them from voting, it will just make it harder.

You're correct; voter ids won't stop most electron fraud. In fact it will stop little if any election fraud. An analysis of the 2,068 alleged election-fraud cases since 2000 shows that while fraud has occurred, the rate is infinitesimal, and in-person voter impersonation on Election Day, which prompted 37 state legislatures to enact or consider tough voter ID laws, is virtually non-existent. An analysis showed only 10 cases of voter impersonation fraud out of 146,000,000 voters.

Not since the Jim Crow laws has their been such an obvious attempt to reduce voter turn out that would favor the opposition.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project

Really? How many would, if actually true, be disenfranchised? Very very few if any. What we know is that asking for id would not effect the election. But every time, no matter how small, someone votes illegally, and there are those who do, and it has been shown. Some legal voter is disenfranchised.

This is all so hilarious coming from the left considering their squeal when Bush won in Florida. And it turned out even then that they lied to the SC of Florida and there was no evidence of voter fraud even though the msm tried their damnest to find some.

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