Pa voter id law struck down

I oppose Voter ID for a simple reason. I know this reason won't get through to the retards, because they have invented a lie that I "DEMAND fraud". :lol:

The real reason is that I really resent someone fucking with our electoral process for evil purposes. Too many people have shed blood for voting rights. And when some assholes try to disenfranchise eligible citizens, that pisses me off. Even if those voters were going to vote for the opposition.

That's what integrity looks like, assholes. The stability of our voting process is way more important than getting power into the hands of the very creeps destroying that process. You sicken me in your defense of this destruction.

I would LOVE to stop all the fraud which happens. But as we have seen here, you are all completely STUMPED on how to actually stop the actual fraud which actually occurs. Because you have been parroting the Voter ID talking points for so long, you have pissed out your brains.

Please give us the names of the people who have been "disenfranchised" because they have no ID. Also, prove they are the people they say they are....

I oppose Voter ID for a simple reason. I know this reason won't get through to the retards, because they have invented a lie that I "DEMAND fraud". :lol:

The real reason is that I really resent someone fucking with our electoral process for evil purposes. Too many people have shed blood for voting rights. And when some assholes try to disenfranchise eligible citizens, that pisses me off. Even if those voters were going to vote for the opposition.

That's what integrity looks like, assholes. The stability of our voting process is way more important than getting power into the hands of the very creeps destroying that process.

I would LOVE to stop all the fraud which happens. But as we have seen here, you are all completely STUMPED on how to actually stop the actual fraud which actually occurs. Because you have been parroting the Voter ID talking points for so long, you have pissed out your brains.

I have never, not ever once in my life, met a person without an ID.

Never, ever, ever, ever.

And I am 66 years old.

There is just no way a person can survive these days without an ID showing them to be who they claim to be.


From Medicare, to Medicaid, to Welfare, to Banking, cashing a check, working, to Social Security, to Food Stamps, to AFDC, to EIC, to buying beer, to checking out a book at the Library, to getting a Bus pass, to Driver Licenses to getting married, to dying (death certificate) to.... Whatever....

You can not get by in today's world without a valid ID. It can't be done.

And if there is some ignorant, low-life, degenerate dimocrap piece of fucking shit somewhere living under a rock or in his mommy's basement and is too fucking lazy to get an ID so he or she can take advantage of the PRIVILEGE of voting that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of good men died to provide us all with......?

Fuck 'em. They don't deserve to vote.

And anybody that defends them doesn't deserve to vote. You're just too fucking stupid to vote
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Do you know what the largest source of Voter Fraud was in 2012??

It was old elderly people (a lot of whom vote republican) who voted twice unknowingly, and when questioned about it later turned themselves in to correct the problem.

Voter ID laws do "nothing" to stop this.

much like all the "common sense gun control" b.s. you libs keep spouting about....
I have never, not ever once in my life, met a person without an ID.

Never, ever, ever, ever.

And I am 66 years old.

Then I am happy to be the one who introduces you to the first nine people you have met without Voter ID.

REPORT: Nine People Denied Voting Rights By Voter ID Laws | ThinkProgress

Mr. Ricky Tyrone Lewis is 58 years old, a Marine Corps Veteran and a lifelong Milwaukee resident. He was able to offer proof of his honorable discharge but Milwaukee County has been unable to find the record of his birth so he cannot obtain a voter ID card. Ms. Ruthelle Frank, now 84, is a lifelong resident of Brokaw, Wisconsin and a member of her town board since 1996. She has voted in every election over the past 64 years but she does not have a voter ID card. She located her birth certificate but found that her name was misspelled. She was advised to obtain a certified copy of the incorrect birth certificate and try to use that to obtain a voter ID card. . . .

There is just no way a person can survive these days without an ID showing them to be who they claim to be.


It is done. Sorry. Just because you are mentally incapable of understanding how it can be done does not mean it isn't.
Here's the thing. The very nature of being a conservative, right down in a real conservative's DNA, is the demand that any government expansion be proven to be necessary and effective.

Voter ID is neither of those things.

Just because you imagine everyone has an ID is not proof in any way that we should be forced to produce it to the government, you ignorant totalitarian fucks.
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I oppose Voter ID for a simple reason. I know this reason won't get through to the retards, because they have invented a lie that I "DEMAND fraud". :lol:

The real reason is that I really resent someone fucking with our electoral process for evil purposes. Too many people have shed blood for voting rights. And when some assholes try to disenfranchise eligible citizens, that pisses me off. Even if those voters were going to vote for the opposition.

That's what integrity looks like, assholes. The stability of our voting process is way more important than getting power into the hands of the very creeps destroying that process. You sicken me in your defense of this destruction.

I would LOVE to stop all the fraud which happens. But as we have seen here, you are all completely STUMPED on how to actually stop the actual fraud which actually occurs. Because you have been parroting the Voter ID talking points for so long, you have pissed out your brains.

Please give us the names of the people who have been "disenfranchised" because they have no ID. Also, prove they are the people they say they are....


REPORT: Nine People Denied Voting Rights By Voter ID Laws

Mr. Ricky Tyrone Lewis is 58 years old, a Marine Corps Veteran and a lifelong Milwaukee resident. He was able to offer proof of his honorable discharge but Milwaukee County has been unable to find the record of his birth so he cannot obtain a voter ID card. Ms. Ruthelle Frank, now 84, is a lifelong resident of Brokaw, Wisconsin and a member of her town board since 1996. She has voted in every election over the past 64 years but she does not have a voter ID card. She located her birth certificate but found that her name was misspelled. She was advised to obtain a certified copy of the incorrect birth certificate and try to use that to obtain a voter ID card. . . .

Paul Carroll is an 86-year-old World War II veteran who has lived in the same Ohio town for four decades. Yet, when he attempted to vote in the recent Ohio primary, he was told his photo ID from the Department of Veterans Affairs was not good enough because it did not include his address.

Why aren't Glenn Beck or Rush or Sarah Palin bellowing with outrage over these veterans not being allowed to vote? Hmmmm...

Dorothy Cooper is a 96-year-old African-American woman who says she has voted in every election but one since she became eligible to vote. Yet, when she attempted to obtain a voter ID, she was turned away because she did not have a copy of her marriage license. In a subsequent interview, Cooper said that she didn’t even have problems voting in Tennessee “during Jim Crow days” — only now under Voter ID.

Thelma Mitchell is a 93-year-old woman who cleaned the Tennessee Capitol for 30 years. She never received a birth certificate, however, because she was delivered by a midwife in Alabama in 1918 and there was no record of her birth. When she attempted to obtain a voter ID, she was turned away for lack of a birth certificate by a clerk who suggested she could be an illegal immigrant.

Virginia Lasater is a 91-year-old woman who has been active in political campaigns for 70 years. Because of her advanced age, however, she is no longer able to stand for extended periods of time. When she attempted to obtain a voter ID, she was confronted with lines that stretched for several hours and no place to sit while she waited — forcing her to abandon her effort to obtain an ID due to her physical constraints.

Darwin Spinks is an 86 year-old World War II veteran. He was told to pay a fee before he could obtain a voter ID in Tennessee, despite the fact that charging someone to vote is unconstitutional.

Rita Platt is a Wisconsin resident who was turned away from her attempt to obtain a voter ID because she required either a birth certificate or a passport to obtain one — both of which can only be obtained if the voter pays a fee. Worse, in Wisconsin, voters must fill out a misleading form which suggests that they cannot obtain the birth certificate they need to obtain a photo ID unless they already have a photo ID.

Jessica Cohen is a Texas resident who lost her license and other identification papers in a burglary. She now must also pay an unconstitutional fee in order to obtain the birth certificate she needs to obtain a new voter ID. Because Cohen lives in Texas, she will likely be able to vote in 2012 because the Department of Justice blocked Texas’ law under the Voting Rights Act — although there is a high risk that the Supreme Court’s conservatives will declare the Voting Rights Act unconstitutional.

That is nine more than the number of cases of fraud which have been provided to me by Voter ID proponents in the last two years which proves Voter ID was the only means of stopping or preventing the fraud.



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When the only thing you need under a no ID system is a name and an address how hard is it to fake it?

Fake what? Registering at another precinct?? Actually quite hard 0_o

When do the dead get removed from registration?

That depends. In my county if they die in county, we are informed within a week by the local DHS. If out of county it usually takes a family members notification. We get infrequent reports from other counties. Before austerity, we went through obits.
Think Progress? :rofl: ever notice how all of their links all go to other "think progress" articles?

Anyway. Like gay marriage and marijuana legalization - it's really already a done deal. Every state will mandate voter ID laws eventually....

PS: You like to get nasty when you are losing; usually by calling everyone who disagrees a "retard" or a "piss drinker". It's a bad trait that insecure people often possess.

You'd do well to lose it. :thup:
We know for a fact there was massive voter fraud in Minnesota to get Al Franken elected.

GOP Voter Fraud Hucksters Latest Lie: Felons Made Franken U.S. Senator

“There is no basis in fact, whatsoever, in these inaccuracies propagated by the Minnesota Majority here, none,” Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said Wednesday. “After the most closely scrutinized election in Minnesota history in 2008, there were zero cases of fraud. Even the Republicans lawyers acknowledged that there was no systematic effort to defraud the election, none.”

“In Hennepin County, 650,000 people voted,” he continued. “The Minnesota Majority presented us with 1,500 cases that they felt there were problems with voting. Our own election bureau gave us 100. At the end of the day, we charged 38 cases. And all but one of them are felons voting who were still under the penalty [of not legally applying to regain individual voting rights]. There was no fraud.”

In many cases, former felons are not aware that they have to go through a legal process to regain their voting rights, unlike getting a driver’s license.

“How many of the former felons were registered to vote but never voted,” said Kathy Bonnifield, executive director of Citizens for Election Integrity Minnesota, which issued its report on scapegoating felons in November 2010—five months after the rightwingers first raised the spectre of illegal felon voting. “There is a lot of devil in those details.”

I knew when he said it without linking it it was bullshit.

The problem with this bunch is they believe that its happening despite not having proof. Theres proof out there they just cant find it. In fact not finding proof seems to have the opposite makes them believe it even more.

Like the tin foil hat wearing morons they are..
I have never, not ever once in my life, met a person without an ID.

Never, ever, ever, ever.

And I am 66 years old.

Then I am happy to be the one who introduces you to the first nine people you have met without Voter ID.

REPORT: Nine People Denied Voting Rights By Voter ID Laws | ThinkProgress

Mr. Ricky Tyrone Lewis is 58 years old, a Marine Corps Veteran and a lifelong Milwaukee resident. He was able to offer proof of his honorable discharge but Milwaukee County has been unable to find the record of his birth so he cannot obtain a voter ID card. Ms. Ruthelle Frank, now 84, is a lifelong resident of Brokaw, Wisconsin and a member of her town board since 1996. She has voted in every election over the past 64 years but she does not have a voter ID card. She located her birth certificate but found that her name was misspelled. She was advised to obtain a certified copy of the incorrect birth certificate and try to use that to obtain a voter ID card. . . .

The argument is simple : "Good Voter ID laws" would have prevented those people from being disenfranchised. The surveillance state is not going away...Remember, these agents are your friends and neighbors......

We know for a fact there was massive voter fraud in Minnesota to get Al Franken elected.

GOP Voter Fraud Hucksters Latest Lie: Felons Made Franken U.S. Senator

“There is no basis in fact, whatsoever, in these inaccuracies propagated by the Minnesota Majority here, none,” Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said Wednesday. “After the most closely scrutinized election in Minnesota history in 2008, there were zero cases of fraud. Even the Republicans lawyers acknowledged that there was no systematic effort to defraud the election, none.”

“In Hennepin County, 650,000 people voted,” he continued. “The Minnesota Majority presented us with 1,500 cases that they felt there were problems with voting. Our own election bureau gave us 100. At the end of the day, we charged 38 cases. And all but one of them are felons voting who were still under the penalty [of not legally applying to regain individual voting rights]. There was no fraud.”

In many cases, former felons are not aware that they have to go through a legal process to regain their voting rights, unlike getting a driver’s license.

“How many of the former felons were registered to vote but never voted,” said Kathy Bonnifield, executive director of Citizens for Election Integrity Minnesota, which issued its report on scapegoating felons in November 2010—five months after the rightwingers first raised the spectre of illegal felon voting. “There is a lot of devil in those details.”

I knew when he said it without linking it it was bullshit.

The problem with this bunch is they believe that its happening despite not having proof. Theres proof out there they just cant find it. In fact not finding proof seems to have the opposite makes them believe it even more.

Like the tin foil hat wearing morons they are..

One liar citing another liar.

FACT: Felons ineligible to vote cast votes

When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots | Minnesota Majority

FACT: dimocraps lie.....

"If you like your insurance, you can keep it"

"A vicious video was responsible for the Benghazi murders"

dimocraps lie
I think it was Pa was where they found some areas had more votes for Obama than people living there?


The GOP tries to suppress the votes of minorities and it shocks you that 99 percent of a black precinct decides to vote for Obama after this disgusting tactic? Really?

Of course they don't want to show ID!!!!

Voter ID does not stop the kind of voter fraud which occurs. So what do you suppose the REAL reason behind Voter ID is?

Explain to me again how voter id effects only minorities? Then explain why I need to carry photo id with me when I fish or hunt but don't need on to prove my id when I vote.

The real reason for voter id is first the democrats have been noted for cheating. Second we don't wish to dip our fingers in an ink jar.
Good Question. For the vast majority of voters, presenting a voter’s id at the polling place is absolutely no hindrance to voting. You just show your driver’s license, state id card, or voter id card, no bother, no sweat. What could be easier? However, for a small percent of voters who are primarily Black or Latino, it is a big hindrance to voting. The group I’m referring to are the homeless, transients who move every month or so, the functionally illiterate, physically or mentally disabled, and poor elderly voters. These people often don’t have driver’s licenses, autos, fishing licences or a even a permanent address. Just knowing that an id is required can be problem. Getting an id may sound so simple, however if you have to locate documents which may have been long since lost and walk to an office to complete a form, it is a hindrance to voting that most people don’t have to face.

Election fraud that could be caught with voter ids is very rare. Requiring voter id's is just another tactics in a long list to disenfranchise unwanted voters.
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I knew when he said it without linking it it was bullshit.

The problem with this bunch is they believe that its happening despite not having proof. Theres proof out there they just cant find it. In fact not finding proof seems to have the opposite makes them believe it even more.

Like the tin foil hat wearing morons they are..

One liar citing another liar.

FACT: Felons ineligible to vote cast votes

When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots | Minnesota Majority

FACT: dimocraps lie.....

Hey dipshit. Your link is to a story which predates the investigation of Minnesota Majority's claims which I quoted.

Minnesota Majority's claims were bunk.


But again, even so, let's pretend and stipulate that their claims are true.

Here is their bogus claim:

Comparing criminal records with voting rolls, the group identified 1,099 felons — all ineligible to vote — who had voted in the Franken-Coleman race.

Minnesota Majority is saying that some felons were able to register to vote, and then they voted.

How would Voter ID have stopped that?

It wouldn't have.

Once again, you rubes undermine your own case and prove that Voter ID is ineffective at preventing or stopping the fraud which occurs.

Not only that, the 1,099 votes they were questioning were actually over a seven year period, NOT just the Franken-Coleman election.

Keep 'em coming! :lol:
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I knew when he said it without linking it it was bullshit.

The problem with this bunch is they believe that its happening despite not having proof. Theres proof out there they just cant find it. In fact not finding proof seems to have the opposite makes them believe it even more.

Like the tin foil hat wearing morons they are..

One liar citing another liar.

FACT: Felons ineligible to vote cast votes

When 1,099 felons vote in race won by 312 ballots | Minnesota Majority

FACT: dimocraps lie.....

"If you like your insurance, you can keep it"

"A vicious video was responsible for the Benghazi murders"

dimocraps lie

Nothing like your lying bs heroes....

A-Insurance- That's a promise insurers and Pub cronies blocked...and it doesn't matter anyway...
C- You are a brainwashed functional MORON...
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How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures

Here are the facts:
• To date, 46 states have prosecuted or convicted cases of voter fraud.
• More than 24 million voter registrations are invalid, yet remain on the rolls nation-wide.
• There are over 1.8 million dead voters still eligible on the rolls across the country.
• More than 2.75 million Americans are registered to vote in more than one state.
• True The Vote recently found 99 cases of potential felony interstate voter fraud.
• Maryland affiliates of True The Vote uncovered cases of people registering and voting after their respective deaths.
• This year, True The Vote uncovered more than 348,000 dead people on the rolls in 27 states.
◦ California: 49,000
◦ Florida: 30,000
◦ Texas: 28,500
◦ Michigan: 25,000
◦ Illinois: 24,000

• 12 Indiana counties have more registered voters than residents.
• The Ohio Secretary of State admitted that multiple Ohio counties have more registered voters than residents.
• Federal records showed 160 counties in 19 states have over 100 percent voter registration.
• The Florida New Majority Education Fund, Democratic Party of Florida and the National Council of La Raza are currently under investigation for alleged voter registration fraud.

How popular is Voter ID?
• 74 percent of Americans support, according to The Washington Post.
• 71 percent of Latinos support it, according to the PEW Research Center.

How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures
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Here are some more examples of the fraud that never happens, more at the site provided:

9/30/12: MARYLAND: deceased voting
"According to their research, voter registration numbers for Montgomery County resident Rufus Harris of Silver Spring, who died in 2002, was used to cast an absentee ballot in the 2008 general election. Prince George’s County resident George T. Zell of Hyattsville, who died in July 2004, cast a vote in the 2004 general election. Records also indicated that Harris became registered as a voter on Sept. 4, 2008, six years after his death. The group also identified two deceased people who were registered to vote after their deaths. James Proctor of Laurel died in 1988 and became registered in 1992, and Virginia Ann Given of Upper Marlboro, who died in 1991, also became registered in 1992. Both names remain on the Maryland rolls today as “inactive” voters, although neither have cast a vote under their new voter registration numbers." Mary Dowling, 67, who currently resides in a nursing home in Timonium, has two voter registration numbers. The latest voting records that are available show Dowling has been voting twice in almost every even-year election since 2002, in both the general and the primary. Ten out of 16 times Dowling voted by absentee ballot. Glynis Kazanjian, Dead people voted and registered to vote, Maryland Reporter, Sept. 30, 2012.

Republican National Lawyers Association | (RNLA)
Voter ID is inevitable. Only leftwingnut radicals oppose it. Identification is not an option n today's America- it's a requirement. The only reason to oppose voter ID is for fraudulent purposes. It will happen in all 50 states eventually.

It's like home marriage or marijuana legalization - it's no longer "IF" , but "WHEN". :thup:

I remember when President of The United States of America, George Walker Bush, defeated the dimocrap scumbag Algore (aka; ManBearPig) in 2000....

The only reason, the only way, it could have happened was rampant voter fraud by Republicans, right? :cuckoo:

Of course. Hanging chads and all like that.....

Anybody else remember the screams from dimocraps DEMANDING an end to voter fraud?

Anybody else remember dimocraps DEMANDING new and better voting machines?

I do.

That lasted until 2004 when they got their balls handed to them. Again.

But for a short while, Republicans and dimocrap scum were on the same page. We actually wanted the same thing..... To stop voter fraud and its abuses.

Until they sobered up and realized that they couldn't win SHIT without cheating.

Now they're not interested anymore.

They found out they don't need voter fraud they only need to control the machines.

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