Pa voter id law struck down

I think it was Pa was where they found some areas had more votes for Obama than people living there? Or that he took 100% of the votes? Of course they don't want to show ID!!!!

You think? LOL and almost spit my coffee on my screen. Please, stop with the funnies, it can ruin electronics.
Go ahead, Voter ID proponents. Tell us how to stop absentee fraud. When you realize no solution involves a Voter ID, it becomes quickly apparent that Voter ID is useless as tits on the proverbial bull.

Not true at all.

The hardest part of stopping voter fraud is prosecuting fraudsters.

Let's say dimocrap scumbag Steve votes in person using his incarcerated ''cousin" Dave's Voter ID card and he gets busted for it.

All he has to do is say, "My cuz' tol' me to vote for him. He said it was okay and he should know, he grad-e-ated from the 6th grade."

Not a goddam thing the law can do about it. Nothing. Can't get a conviction. No way, no how.

Can't be done. No fraud there. He wasn't pretending to be his 'cuz, he was just voting FOR him. Wrong, but not prosecutable. Illegal? Yes.....And no. At worst, a warning.

Now, you cast an absentee vote and you're signing an affidavit swearing you are the person named on the ballot.

THAT, my dear stupid as fucking pig, dimocrap moron is FRAUD. And will get you sent to Jail. Every time. A slam dunk.

Same thing with a Voter ID.

You show an ID and state that you are the person on that ID and you're not? Fraud. Say good bye to baby mama 'cause you goin' down.

You people? You dimocraps? You're just stupid. And dishonest.

And lying cheating scumbags.
I don't recall you ever proving the overwhelming majority of fraud is voting under the name of another - either a dead or fictitious voter.

That is what is known as in-person fraud, and it has been proven many times that it is extremely rare.

And the reason it is extremely rare has been explained very carefully in this topic.

The only thing rare is getting caught.

Voting under the name of the dead is virtually never caught - why would it be? There is a registration and a vote, what would flag questions? You frauds depend on this. ONLY a requirement of ID will stop this - which is why you fight the most common sense safeguard of ID.

You are no different than a burglar demanding the locks on doors are racist.

So when you said, "I've given YOU PERSONALLY links on a dozen occasions. We all, including you, know this is the case", you were lying.

You have no evidence. Just a mental fantasy we are all supposed to accept from a liar.
I don't recall you ever proving the overwhelming majority of fraud is voting under the name of another - either a dead or fictitious voter.

That is what is known as in-person fraud, and it has been proven many times that it is extremely rare.

And the reason it is extremely rare has been explained very carefully in this topic.

The only thing rare is getting caught.

Voting under the name of the dead is virtually never caught - why would it be? There is a registration and a vote, what would flag questions? You frauds depend on this. ONLY a requirement of ID will stop this - which is why you fight the most common sense safeguard of ID.

You are no different than a burglar demanding the locks on doors are racist.

So this is your defense for not having any proof?

Ok then, Whats your defense for believing in something that you cannot prove?
Go ahead, Voter ID proponents. Tell us how to stop absentee fraud. When you realize no solution involves a Voter ID, it becomes quickly apparent that Voter ID is useless as tits on the proverbial bull.

Not true at all.

The hardest part of stopping voter fraud is prosecuting fraudsters.

Let's say dimocrap scumbag Steve votes in person using his incarcerated ''cousin" Dave's Voter ID card and he gets busted for it.

All he has to do is say, "My cuz' tol' me to vote for him. He said it was okay and he should know, he grad-e-ated from the 6th grade."

Not a goddam thing the law can do about it. Nothing. Can't get a conviction. No way, no how.

Can't be done. No fraud there. He wasn't pretending to be his 'cuz, he was just voting FOR him. Wrong, but not prosecutable. Illegal? Yes.....And no. At worst, a warning.

Wow. The ignorance up to this point is astonishing.

It is illegal to do what you have described. And it has nothing to do with absentee voter fraud. That is in-person fraud, and it is illegal, dipshit.

Now, you cast an absentee vote and you're signing an affidavit swearing you are the person named on the ballot.

THAT, my dear stupid as fucking pig, dimocrap moron is FRAUD. And will get you sent to Jail. Every time. A slam dunk.

Voting with a ballot under your name is NOT fraud, you idiot.

Jesus, you have everything exactly backwards. :lol:
I don't recall you ever proving the overwhelming majority of fraud is voting under the name of another - either a dead or fictitious voter.

That is what is known as in-person fraud, and it has been proven many times that it is extremely rare.

And the reason it is extremely rare has been explained very carefully in this topic.

The only thing rare is getting caught.

Voting under the name of the dead is virtually never caught - why would it be? There is a registration and a vote, what would flag questions? You frauds depend on this. ONLY a requirement of ID will stop this - which is why you fight the most common sense safeguard of ID.

You are no different than a burglar demanding the locks on doors are racist.

So when you said, "I've given YOU PERSONALLY links on a dozen occasions. We all, including you, know this is the case", you were lying.

You have no evidence. Just a mental fantasy we are all supposed to accept from a liar.

We know for a fact there was massive voter fraud in Minnesota to get Al Franken elected.

Well over a thousand fraudulent votes were found from prison inmates, but nothing can really be done about it. Add a few Months to their sentences if the State is interested.

But they can't over-turn an election...... And this is where dimocraps' lack of intellignece always comes shining through......

You nimrods are always shouting about how there's never been an election over turned because of fraud...?

No shit. Know why, stupid?

Because we have no idea who the fraudulent voters actually voted for. We could ask them, but the winning politician (inevitably a dimocrap scumbag) would contest any decision against him/her/it based on the presunption that the fraudulent voter is probably lying.

dimocraps lie, cheat and steal.. That's why you're fighting voter ID. No other reason.

You're scumbags and if we get voter ID passed, you'll have to find another way to streal elections.
Now that we have heard a hilarious imaginary fraud, let's examine ACTUAL absentee voter fraud, shall we?

In Florida, absentee-ballot scandals seem to arrive like clockwork around election time. Before this year’s primary, for example, a woman in Hialeah was charged with forging an elderly voter’s signature, a felony, and possessing 31 completed absentee ballots, 29 more than allowed under a local law.

How would you stop the ACTUAL fraud which occurs, folks?

Think outside your Voter ID box, because you are making complete fools of yourselves. :lol:

Election law experts say that pulling off in-person voter fraud on a scale large enough to swing an election, with scores if not hundreds of people committing a felony in public by pretending to be someone else, is hard to imagine, to say nothing of exceptionally risky.

There are much simpler and more effective alternatives to commit fraud on such a scale, said Heather Gerken, a law professor at Yale.

“You could steal some absentee ballots or stuff a ballot box or bribe an election administrator or fiddle with an electronic voting machine,” she said. That explains, she said, “why all the evidence of stolen elections involves absentee ballots and the like.”
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Go ahead, Voter ID proponents. Tell us how to stop absentee fraud. When you realize no solution involves a Voter ID, it becomes quickly apparent that Voter ID is useless as tits on the proverbial bull.

Not true at all.

The hardest part of stopping voter fraud is prosecuting fraudsters.

Let's say dimocrap scumbag Steve votes in person using his incarcerated ''cousin" Dave's Voter ID card and he gets busted for it.

All he has to do is say, "My cuz' tol' me to vote for him. He said it was okay and he should know, he grad-e-ated from the 6th grade."

Not a goddam thing the law can do about it. Nothing. Can't get a conviction. No way, no how.

Can't be done. No fraud there. He wasn't pretending to be his 'cuz, he was just voting FOR him. Wrong, but not prosecutable. Illegal? Yes.....And no. At worst, a warning.

Wow. The ignorance up to this point is astonishing.

It is illegal to do what you have described. And it has nothing to do with absentee voter fraud. That is in-person fraud, and it is illegal, dipshit.

Now, you cast an absentee vote and you're signing an affidavit swearing you are the person named on the ballot.

THAT, my dear stupid as fucking pig, dimocrap moron is FRAUD. And will get you sent to Jail. Every time. A slam dunk.

Voting with a ballot under your name is NOT fraud, you idiot.

Jesus, you have everything exactly backwards. :lol:

You are seriously a stupid human being.

What I told you is absolutely, 100% accurate. Your refusal to believe it is more evidence of your lack of intelligence.

Talk to a lawyer sometime about getting a conviction on fraud.

I sign my wife's name all the time. As she does mine.

When my neighbor got a UPS package the other day, I signed for him.

You must PROVE that there was intent to harm to get a conviction on Fraud.

Steve voting for 'cuz Dave? No way. He didn't know it was wrong to do that(yeah, right). Any Defense lawyer will laugh in your face if you tell him you're going to get a conviction on Steve. Can't be done.

And you're still dumb as a fucking bag of rocks.

You really are
As I said earlier, to stop the dead from voting is easy. When the death certificate is issued, a copy is sent to the voter registrar and that person can be removed from the voter rolls.

In-person fraud is extremely rare for what I used to think were obvious reasons, but apparently not so obvious to the blank slates around here. You couldn't get away with a dozen in-person frauds in a Congressional district, much less millions around the country to affect a Presidential election. It is literally impossible.

These are the only two areas in which Voter ID even applies. But neither of these frauds barely occur. Certainly not enough to warrant the incredible amount of time and taxpayer money liberally wasted on them.

So the real purpose of Voter ID is blazingly obviously something unrelated to stopping these types of fraud.
Not true at all.

The hardest part of stopping voter fraud is prosecuting fraudsters.

Let's say dimocrap scumbag Steve votes in person using his incarcerated ''cousin" Dave's Voter ID card and he gets busted for it.

All he has to do is say, "My cuz' tol' me to vote for him. He said it was okay and he should know, he grad-e-ated from the 6th grade."

Not a goddam thing the law can do about it. Nothing. Can't get a conviction. No way, no how.

Can't be done. No fraud there. He wasn't pretending to be his 'cuz, he was just voting FOR him. Wrong, but not prosecutable. Illegal? Yes.....And no. At worst, a warning.

Wow. The ignorance up to this point is astonishing.

It is illegal to do what you have described. And it has nothing to do with absentee voter fraud. That is in-person fraud, and it is illegal, dipshit.

Now, you cast an absentee vote and you're signing an affidavit swearing you are the person named on the ballot.

THAT, my dear stupid as fucking pig, dimocrap moron is FRAUD. And will get you sent to Jail. Every time. A slam dunk.

Voting with a ballot under your name is NOT fraud, you idiot.

Jesus, you have everything exactly backwards. :lol:

You are seriously a stupid human being.

What I told you is absolutely, 100% accurate. Your refusal to believe it is more evidence of your lack of intelligence.

Talk to a lawyer sometime about getting a conviction on fraud.

I sign my wife's name all the time. As she does mine.

When my neighbor got a UPS package the other day, I signed for him.

You must PROVE that there was intent to harm to get a conviction on Fraud.

Steve voting for 'cuz Dave? No way. He didn't know it was wrong to do that(yeah, right). Any Defense lawyer will laugh in your face if you tell him you're going to get a conviction on Steve. Can't be done.

And you're still dumb as a fucking bag of rocks.

You really are

You seem to be stupid enough to believe your own imaginary fantasy is occuring on some kind of big scale that warrants Voter ID. :lol:

It isn't. And you are the one who needs to talk to a lawyer. Voting on behalf of a convict in prison is illegal.

Now how about addressing the ACTUAL absentee voter fraud which occurs? How would you stop it? Someone mailing in 30 fraudulent absentee ballots like the woman in Florida did.
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Go ahead, Voter ID proponents. Tell us how to stop absentee fraud. When you realize no solution involves a Voter ID, it becomes quickly apparent that Voter ID is useless as tits on the proverbial bull.

Not true at all.

The hardest part of stopping voter fraud is prosecuting fraudsters.

Let's say dimocrap scumbag Steve votes in person using his incarcerated ''cousin" Dave's Voter ID card and he gets busted for it.

All he has to do is say, "My cuz' tol' me to vote for him. He said it was okay and he should know, he grad-e-ated from the 6th grade."

Not a goddam thing the law can do about it. Nothing. Can't get a conviction. No way, no how.

Can't be done. No fraud there. He wasn't pretending to be his 'cuz, he was just voting FOR him. Wrong, but not prosecutable. Illegal? Yes.....And no. At worst, a warning.

Wow. The ignorance up to this point is astonishing.

It is illegal to do what you have described. And it has nothing to do with absentee voter fraud. That is in-person fraud, and it is illegal, dipshit.

Now, you cast an absentee vote and you're signing an affidavit swearing you are the person named on the ballot.

THAT, my dear stupid as fucking pig, dimocrap moron is FRAUD. And will get you sent to Jail. Every time. A slam dunk.

Voting with a ballot under your name is NOT fraud, you idiot.

Jesus, you have everything exactly backwards. :lol:

We don't need voter IDs and the one that extremists dreamed up wouldn't be correct anyway.

Think voting rights. People don't want you all messing with things, it aways ends up being only fair to yourselves, nobody else. Go think up some other way to stop Democrats from voting.
We know for a fact there was massive voter fraud in Minnesota to get Al Franken elected.

GOP Voter Fraud Hucksters Latest Lie: Felons Made Franken U.S. Senator

“There is no basis in fact, whatsoever, in these inaccuracies propagated by the Minnesota Majority here, none,” Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said Wednesday. “After the most closely scrutinized election in Minnesota history in 2008, there were zero cases of fraud. Even the Republicans lawyers acknowledged that there was no systematic effort to defraud the election, none.”

“In Hennepin County, 650,000 people voted,” he continued. “The Minnesota Majority presented us with 1,500 cases that they felt there were problems with voting. Our own election bureau gave us 100. At the end of the day, we charged 38 cases. And all but one of them are felons voting who were still under the penalty [of not legally applying to regain individual voting rights]. There was no fraud.”

In many cases, former felons are not aware that they have to go through a legal process to regain their voting rights, unlike getting a driver’s license.

“How many of the former felons were registered to vote but never voted,” said Kathy Bonnifield, executive director of Citizens for Election Integrity Minnesota, which issued its report on scapegoating felons in November 2010—five months after the rightwingers first raised the spectre of illegal felon voting. “There is a lot of devil in those details.”
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Nah, no such thing as voter fraud......


There's no voter fraud going on in this Country.

dimocraps are lying scumbags. ALL of them.
Voter ID is inevitable. Only leftwingnut radicals oppose it. Identification is not an option n today's America- it's a requirement. The only reason to oppose voter ID is for fraudulent purposes. It will happen in all 50 states eventually.

It's like home marriage or marijuana legalization - it's no longer "IF" , but "WHEN". :thup:
The righties here are crying because they knew their voter suppression thug tactics were the only hope they had in Pennsylvania. And they can't win a presidential election without PA.

Oh I'm sure.

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Voter ID is inevitable. Only leftwingnut radicals oppose it. Identification is not an option n today's America- it's a requirement. The only reason to oppose voter ID is for fraudulent purposes. It will happen in all 50 states eventually.

It's like home marriage or marijuana legalization - it's no longer "IF" , but "WHEN". :thup:

I remember when President of The United States of America, George Walker Bush, defeated the dimocrap scumbag Algore (aka; ManBearPig) in 2000....

The only reason, the only way, it could have happened was rampant voter fraud by Republicans, right? :cuckoo:

Of course. Hanging chads and all like that.....

Anybody else remember the screams from dimocraps DEMANDING an end to voter fraud?

Anybody else remember dimocraps DEMANDING new and better voting machines?

I do.

That lasted until 2004 when they got their balls handed to them. Again.

But for a short while, Republicans and dimocrap scum were on the same page. We actually wanted the same thing..... To stop voter fraud and its abuses.

Until they sobered up and realized that they couldn't win SHIT without cheating.

Now they're not interested anymore.
Voter ID is inevitable.

In states where mental retardation has metastasized, yep.

The funny thing about Voter ID proponents is they link to examples of voter fraud, and then thump their chests as if they have proven Voter ID is necessary.

They fail to realize there is a disconnect between the evidence they provided and Voter ID. That is why you get someone like Freewill linking to a video about a case of absentee ballot fraud in a state which already has Voter ID! :lol:

Or you get Edgetho regurgitating a bogus myth about felons electing Al Franken. Even if the allegations were true, those allegations were that the felons registered to vote and then voted. Something which Voter ID would not prevent! :lol:

Time and time again, they actually provide evidence of the ineffectivetness of Voter ID to prevent the very kinds of fraud they point out! It is amazing. They are so retarded, they don't even realize they are undermining themselves.

Once this is pointed out, and it finally sinks in, they then begin constructing even imaginary mental fantasies to keep the illusion of the necessity of Voter ID alive. The real world proved them wrong, so they resort to mental masturbation rather than admit the truth to themselves.


So how would you go about stopping the ACTUAL absentee voter fraud which occurs?
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Voter ID is inevitable.

In states where mental retardation has metastasized, yep.

The funny thing about Voter ID proponents is they link to examples of voter fraud, and then thump their chests as if they have proven Voter ID is necessary.

They fail to realize there is a disconnect between the evidence they provided and Voter ID. That is why you get someone like Freewill linking to a video about a case of absentee ballot fraud in a state which already has Voter ID! :lol:

Or you get Edgetho regurgitating a bogus myth about felons electing Al Franken. Even if the allegations were true, those allegations were that the felons registered to vote and then voted. Something which Voter ID would not prevent! :lol:

Time and time again, they actually provide evidence of the ineffectivetness of Voter ID to prevent the very kinds of fraud they point out! It is amazing. They are so retarded, they don't even realize they are undermining themselves.

Once this is pointed out, and it finally sinks in, they begin constructing even more hilarious mental fantasies to keep the illusion of the necessity of Voter ID alive.


So how would you go about stopping the ACTUAL absentee voter fraud which occurs?

yawn......within a few years all voting will be electronic.

Each of the states will come up with their own electronic voting scheme and all will require positive ID to cast a ballot. Going to a polling place (and the snail-mail absentee ballots) will go the way of the dodo bird.....


I oppose Voter ID for a simple reason. I know this reason won't get through to the retards, because they have invented a lie that I "DEMAND fraud". :lol:

The real reason is that I really resent someone fucking with our electoral process for evil purposes. Too many people have shed blood for voting rights. And when some assholes try to disenfranchise eligible citizens, that pisses me off. Even if those voters were going to vote for the opposition.

That's what integrity looks like, assholes. The stability of our voting process is way more important than getting power into the hands of the very creeps destroying that process. You sicken me in your defense of this destruction.

I would LOVE to stop all the fraud which happens. But as we have seen here, you are all completely STUMPED on how to actually stop the actual fraud which actually occurs. Because you have been parroting the Voter ID talking points for so long, you have pissed out your brains.
Voter ID is inevitable.

In states where mental retardation has metastasized, yep.

The funny thing about Voter ID proponents is they link to examples of voter fraud, and then thump their chests as if they have proven Voter ID is necessary.

They fail to realize there is a disconnect between the evidence they provided and Voter ID. That is why you get someone like Freewill linking to a video about a case of absentee ballot fraud in a state which already has Voter ID! :lol:

Or you get Edgetho regurgitating a bogus myth about felons electing Al Franken. Even if the allegations were true, those allegations were that the felons registered to vote and then voted. Something which Voter ID would not prevent! :lol:

Time and time again, they actually provide evidence of the ineffectivetness of Voter ID to prevent the very kinds of fraud they point out! It is amazing. They are so retarded, they don't even realize they are undermining themselves.

Once this is pointed out, and it finally sinks in, they begin constructing even more hilarious mental fantasies to keep the illusion of the necessity of Voter ID alive.


So how would you go about stopping the ACTUAL absentee voter fraud which occurs?

yawn......within a few years all voting will be electronic.

Each of the states will come up with their own electronic voting scheme and all will require positive ID to cast a ballot. Going to a polling place (and the snail-mail absentee ballots) will go the way of the dodo bird.....



Actually, absentee ballot voting has been rising for quite some time. And at least two states have moved to voting entirely by absentee ballots now. So you are wrong, once again.

And you are all stumped on how to stop absentee voter fraud. :lol:
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