Pa voter id law struck down

Absentee voter fraud is probably the most common type of fraud.

So let's hear your ideas for stopping it.

I bet none of your solutions would involve a Voter ID.
Strawman fallacy. Textbok case.

Complete fact. You view fraud as your sacred right, a legacy not to be disturbed.

Since voter fraud has continued unabated in Voter ID states, one can't help but wonder if the Voter ID pupper masters are the ones who rely on fraud.

Now THERE is a straw man...

And here we have a person who clearly did not spend the ten seconds to figure out why impersonation fraud is extremely rare, and cannot figure out why such fraud is impossible on a scale large enough to swing elections undetected.


A rare as grains of sand in the Sahara...

Your party uses the dead on voter rolls to send legions of impersonation voters each and every election.

It's why you democrat went to court in California to block purging of voter registration logs, it's why you fight the US of ID.

You're pro-fraud, simple as that.

In short, a moron.

He is also ignorant of the fact that Voter ID does nothing to stop multiple precinct voting!

In short, you demand that your shameful party be allowed to engage in fraud.

Yeah, that does make you a scumbag.
Go ahead, Voter ID proponents. Tell us how to stop absentee fraud. When you realize no solution involves a Voter ID, it becomes quickly apparent that Voter ID is useless as tits on the proverbial bull.
CROOK: Hi. I'm Joe Schmuckatelli. I'm here to vote.

OLD LADY VOLUNTEER: [checks voter registration list] Oh, yes. Here you are. [checks name off list] And here is your ballot.

CROOK: Har de har har! [votes for Muslim Kenyan marxist]

[ten minutes later...]

JOE SCHMUCKATELLI: Hi. I'm Joe Schmuckatelli. I'm here to vote.

OLD LADY VOLUNTEER:[checks voter registration list] Oh goodness! You've already voted!

And THAT, you morons, is why impersonation fraud is so rare, and why it cannot be perpetrated undetected on a large scale.

And that is why we do not need another government hurdle like Voter ID to vote, you liberal-minded rubes.

Ah ThinkProgress has all the answers, right?

Except that JOE SCHMUCKATELLI is dead, and the crooks of the DNC used the courts to block purging of the voter rolls.

But you knew this already.

After all, fraud is your sacred right..
Strawman fallacy. Textbok case.

Complete fact. You view fraud as your sacred right, a legacy not to be disturbed.

Ipse dixit.

Since voter fraud has continued unabated in Voter ID states, one can't help but wonder if the Voter ID pupper masters are the ones who rely on fraud.

Now THERE is a straw man...

No. I did not state it as fact. I have asked several times for people to explain why the puppet masters would want Voter ID when it obviously is not achieving the goals you so faithfully parrot without thinking.

Since it is not achieving those goals, then logic dictates it has another purpose.

I have proposed three possibilities for consideration:

1. Make it more difficult for specific demographics which heavily favor Democrats to vote.

2. Enact by increments the means where every citizen willingly accepts a totalitarian requirement to always carry national identity papers.

3. To throw up a lot of smoke and mirrors pretending to fight fraud so as to perpetuate it.
It does not affect only minorities. It affects low income and seniors most.

Yeah, the low income people who HAVE TO HAVE ID TO USE EBT and the seniors who HAVE TO HAVE ID TO USE Social Security and Medicare...

Are the EBT identification requirements identical to Voter ID requirements? You have no idea.

Your assumption is also based on the very flawed premise that every low income person is using these government benefits.

For example, there are millions of low income people who are eligible for Medicaid who are unaware of it, and who are not using it. These people are also eligible to vote.
Voter ID is completely ineffective. It does not stop the vast majority of the kinds of fraud which occur.


If that were true, you and your shameful party wouldn't fight it.

I'm not a Democrat, moron. I am just a person who debunks bullshit and seeks the truth of things.

And the truth is that Voter ID is ineffective, and you are an idiot.
And here we see the same tired apples and oranges comparison fallacy again. Christ, I even pre-emptively addressed the alcohol one but you went ahead and tripped over yourself with it anyway.

You not only support fraud, you DEMAND fraud, you are OUTRAGED (as leftists always are) that anyone would try and prevent fraud.

Is there a better way to sell someone a drink and ensure they are over 21 besides asking them for an ID?


Is there a better way to show that a voter is who they claim to be than ID?


But the vact is, you not only support fraud, you DEMAND fraud.

Is buying a drink and hoping the guy doesn't know you are under 21 the same as someone impersonating someone else at the voting booth?

Is a straw man a substitute for a legitimate point?


The same fallacy is at work in all your bogus comparisons.

Bogus... Say Comrade, those poor people you were lying about, how do they use their EBT?


Fact is, you not only support fraud, you DEMAND fraud.
It turns out the claims of 953 votes by dead people actually involved not one election but 74 elections over a seven-year period.

So SLED’s investigation centered on 207 votes that allegedly were made by dead people in the Nov. 2, 2010 election — when a total of 1,365,480 votes were cast — after officials concluded that that batch constituted a “representative sampling” of the alleged voting irregularities. (Note that the number of alleged dead votes was less than 2/10,000th of all of the votes cast in that election.)

The report confirms what the State Election Commission had found after preliminarily examining some of the allegations: The so-called votes by dead people were the result of clerical errors or mistaken identities.

For instance, sometimes a son had the same name as a deceased father, and poll workers mixed up a dead father with a living son. (This happened 92 times in the initial probe, and then further investigation found seven more examples.)

In 56 cases, there was “bad data matching,” in which the DMV records had the Social Security of a dead person associated with a living voter. The living voter — with a different name and birth date — properly cast a ballot. Thirty-two votes attributed to dead people were simply the result of too-sensitive scanners.

In one case, someone cast an absentee ballot before dying; their vote still counts under the law. In two other cases, people requested an absentee ballot, but died before returning it, so no harm was done. In other cases, the wrong voter was marked as having cast a vote, and then the marks were not completely erased. There were several other types of clerical errors, too numerous to mention. In the end, just five votes remained unresolved after extensive investigation.

In other words, there were not “hundreds” of zombie voters — just egg on the face of the politicians who promoted these “facts” across national television. So do they have any regrets?

SLED Investigation Into Voter Fraud
Fact is, you not only support fraud, you DEMAND fraud.

You seem to think repeating a lie multiple times somehow makes it true.

There is not a single word anywhere of me demanding fraud.

You are making a total ass of yourself now.
I repeat my challenge for the third time.

Tell us how to stop absentee ballot voter fraud.

I will make a couple more challenges:

Tell us how to stop poll workers from altering ballots.

Tell us how to stop people from voting in more than one voting precinct.
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I don't recall you ever proving the overwhelming majority of fraud is voting under the name of another - either a dead or fictitious voter.

That is what is known as in-person fraud, and it has been proven many times that it is extremely rare.

And the reason it is extremely rare has been explained very carefully in this topic.

The only thing rare is getting caught.

Voting under the name of the dead is virtually never caught - why would it be? There is a registration and a vote, what would flag questions? You frauds depend on this. ONLY a requirement of ID will stop this - which is why you fight the most common sense safeguard of ID.

You are no different than a burglar demanding the locks on doors are racist.

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