Pace of Lay-Offs Now At Pre-Recession Levels--No Thanks To GOP Tea Party Types!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Charting the levels of job-creation, the current recovery is tepid compared to other recessions. All things considered, the "Great Recession," was probably worse. The GOP Presidential Bush family, which is responsible as the cause of it all: "Inherited" the non-recession, after the Clinton-era stock market bubble burst, and "Inherited" the "Great Recession," after all the years in office(?). That is according to them, except the first part(?)! The first part is that the Bush Family inherited a "non-recession" after the stock market bubble burst.

It would famously go on to create about 1.0 mil. jobs in eight years, or something. They did send a few hundred thousand overseas to be wounded or killed. The GOP is even unclear about that. They claim that 19 dead no-accounts did it(?)!

Company job openings drop for 2nd straight month - Yahoo! Finance

So finally the pace of the current lay-offs is back to where it was before the second "inherited" recession of the Bush Family-Tea Party-GOP legacy. The pace of lay-offs shown month-end is at about 1.7 mil., even though job growth is 2.6 mil. or so, and not 4.4 mil.

In other words, what the Bush Family-GOP-Tea Party, if any(?), opposed at the start--called the Obama-Biden-Democratic Party Stimulus--actually worked. There is the great flaw repeated even again, about the State and Local Government employees, and teachers, being bailed out--Who Cause It All. Anyone notices that the "Preservative Stimulus" was all sticky and gooey, about mid-way into it.

Still, There is One Giant Batch(?) of Family Values that caused even that, and apparently even unaware of deodorant(?)! "Batch Family Values!" are among us, even now.

The Stimulus worked, even though all kinds of GOP said, "No!" Apparently they have fellow-travelers among the public employee unions, who said, "yes," when they really meant, "No!" The GOP was so used to being in office in the Bush Administration, that it even learned to speak, "State and Local Government, and teachers," who say "No!" and are trained at it!

Despite the overabundance of "administrative employees," It is now even possible to stop a Chevy on the Highway: Even though all kinds of GOP said, "No!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP Learn More Snappy, Non-Negro Dialect, from Writers Guild! Great Squating Coyote, of grandfather's vision in White Eyes Government: Saw teacher at work!--Doing. . . .)
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This OP is pure gobbly-gook. Makes no sense. Are you educated at all, have any real world experience?
Jesus, I'm sorry I dignified the OP to even give this response.
Break it down into plain english in a 4-finger paragraph if you really expect any kind of debatable response.
I know it isn't just me.......
Gee... another "it's all Bush's fault" thread... how original.

Come on guys... this is getting pretty fucking dull.
Why is it a good thing that we are only losing jobs at a slower rate? Losing jobs is still losing jobs.

Can we stop pretending this is good? Can we actually enact policies that encourage people to go out and hire and to create their own jobs?
Why is it a good thing that we are only losing jobs at a slower rate? Losing jobs is still losing jobs.

Can we stop pretending this is good? Can we actually enact policies that encourage people to go out and hire and to create their own jobs?
What? And have people less dependent on government? Pffft. :cool:
This OP is pure gobbly-gook. Makes no sense. Are you educated at all, have any real world experience?
Jesus, I'm sorry I dignified the OP to even give this response.
Break it down into plain english in a 4-finger paragraph if you really expect any kind of debatable response.
I know it isn't just me.......
And that was after he edited his post! :lol:
um, losing at a slower pace is to be expected with unemployment at near 10%
there arent that many people left to lay off
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Millions worldwide have easily noticed that mainly GOP would have likely cut taxes to end the "Great Recession." GOP is still not aware that more and more U. S. Nationals actually have: No federal income tax liability. That is about the "No!" in government.

The GOP claims that government has spent enough, and probably forever! No more spending on anything forever is what, "Cut, Cut, Cut, Cut .all of the spending," really means! In that mantra, war is a law of nature, and so funding of troops in the field doesn't count as spending. Armaments spending doesn't count as spending, but is an act of nature!

The GOP recently opposed the spending of government, on state and local government employees, and public payroll teachers and faculty. They said "No!" Again! Rush Limbaugh famously left City of New York, rather than be taxed to pay the first responders, around at 9/11.

They could have left out the teacher and faculty, and the administrative personnel. Anyone notices that not much would be left to fund, in that event.

All GOP are families(?) like that(?), and even faileded to get on board any direct funding for the First Responders of 9/11.

Usually, people with guns intended for use in shooting at American Nationals: Are in fact the highest priority at GOP. Even recently, INS stars of "Round-Up Rodeo," who don't use guns in the process: Are also a high priority. Rodeo Round-up,"Sports Funding," from GOP, is not to be considered in the same context as government spending. "Rodeo Round-Up" is natural event. The idea is encircle the suspect location, and then close in. When the victim critters wind-up sprinting around, and on--the vehicles in thre streetst: Then rope probably. makes better sense. Mainly NRA would suggest that the perfect scenario, is presentedm in that part of the sport, for the use of government-issue, AK-47's.

Anyone sees what "Good Government" means at GOP! The occasional supportive, Hollywood (Gay) liberal(?): Appears to be able to agree! Government is Great, only when it is doing its job, and openly! At GOP it is on to Iraq, and On to Afghanistan, On to East LA, and On to Arizona! Then it starts to look a Democrat Doctor's: Kind of dream, to many. "Too Many" can look like that!

Some general in Iraq is now advocating a plan for deployment through 2020. The "natural-act" of basis-free invasion: Was fully-funded, even from the start--with U. S. federal deficit financing. Afghanistan even got some general to discuss it all.

Anyone can notice that is so, and that both the invasions of Iraq and Aghanistan, are currently in the process of a major wind-down. Anyone might suppose that major celebration of a wind-down in "government-spending" is on the near-horizon at GOP(?)!

They forget about Arizona! They don't even seem to give much thought to Governor Palin!

Senator Stevens, even, could understand, "A War To No-where," and apparently from a plane!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Visiion, "Hyena-That-Squats-Avoiding-Lifting-Leg-On-Cactus:" Comes to mind when pow-wow talk great heap of GOP and Good Government(?)!)
Slaughter of Americans, Intended by the GOP, and the Tea Party: Is In fact In the Public Opinion Record.

Other parts of it are the laws on the books, which the Tea Party does support. There is computing in the law of contracts, even in the banks in America!

Thee is computing in the laws of the benefit programs, even in America.

There is computing, even in. . . . .France, or somewhere! Teachers do not discuss the computing in the laws, in the banks, in the benefit programs, in the pay raises--especially their own--or even in the City of Bell California!

CalPers didn't even discuss their computing, and some are coming into indictments: Even to start discussing their computing!

Republicans know already: That even in Bell, CA: There was no computing in the law!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Coyote Vision: Shows how cactus water, not polluted--even from fish. . . .computing. . . .or whatever it is they do-do!)
Slaughter of Americans, Intended by the GOP, and the Tea Party: Is In fact In the Public Opinion Record.

Other parts of it are the laws on the books, which the Tea Party does support. There is computing in the law of contracts, even in the banks in America!

Thee is computing in the laws of the benefit programs, even in America.

There is computing, even in. . . . .France, or somewhere! Teachers do not discuss the computing in the laws, in the banks, in the benefit programs, in the pay raises--especially their own--or even in the City of Bell California!

CalPers didn't even discuss their computing, and some are coming into indictments: Even to start discussing their computing!

Republicans know already: That even in Bell, CA: There was no computing in the law!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Coyote Vision: Shows how cactus water, not polluted--even from fish. . . .computing. . . .or whatever it is they do-do!)
ok, you are now relegated to "fucking moron" status
The OP obviously didn't catch todays news programs......

"The economy is looking bleaker as new applications for jobless benefits rose last week to the highest level in almost six months.

It's a sign that hiring remains weak and employers may be going back to cutting their staffs. Analysts say the increase suggests companies won't be adding enough workers in August to lower the 9.5 percent unemployment rate.

First-time claims for jobless benefits edged up by 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 484,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. That's the highest total since February. Analysts had expected claims to fall.

Initial claims have now risen in three of the last four weeks and are close to their high point for the year of 490,000, reached in late January. The four-week average, which smooths volatility, soared by 14,250 to 473,500, also the highest since late February."

Jobs picture dims as unemployment claims rise - Yahoo! News
The OP obviously didn't catch todays news programs......

"The economy is looking bleaker as new applications for jobless benefits rose last week to the highest level in almost six months.

It's a sign that hiring remains weak and employers may be going back to cutting their staffs. Analysts say the increase suggests companies won't be adding enough workers in August to lower the 9.5 percent unemployment rate.

First-time claims for jobless benefits edged up by 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 484,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. That's the highest total since February. Analysts had expected claims to fall.

Initial claims have now risen in three of the last four weeks and are close to their high point for the year of 490,000, reached in late January. The four-week average, which smooths volatility, soared by 14,250 to 473,500, also the highest since late February."

Jobs picture dims as unemployment claims rise - Yahoo! News

the OP fails again
War dead happen, when nations go even to invasions that are basis-free!

In fact, New Claims for unemployment happen, when jobs such as Census-counting disappear, and jobs such as oil-skimming disappear. The complaint is that finding the replacement jobs is slowing. 2,000 new claims were added to the "surge" in the Thursday release of data, over the previous week.

The Friday morning report is that retail sales are on the increase again. In Los Angeles various labor groups are celebrating (1) the further saving of, (public employee and teachers deleted--or however Nixon did it), jobs. There are transportation created jobs being celebrated today in Los Angeles. That may be a part of the Summer Stimulus. That part should be celebrated--going almost into the second year of the Great Goosing--which actually it was, (opinion being told)!

The Republicans and the Tea Party types have been in opposition to all of that since the Obama Administration, and the federal majorities, all took office in 2009. In fact, what they had done in 2008 is take the federal deficit, created under TARP, and give it all to the bankers in the form of bonuses(?). GOP patriots are like that.

Customers spending money in the stores is what the GOP and Tea Party have been opposing all along. People having jobs is what the GOP and Tea Party have been opposing all along.

Rush Limbaugh took his money away from the funding of the Frist Responders of 9/11. There in fact is the Conservative Agenda, even on the radio, entertainment programs(?)!

Like the dead, phony, "Coalition" troops--all caused, all basis-free--by the GOP and the Tea Party--and then some UN troops included: It's all on the public record, and some of it even in other nations.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many squaws come to lands of many nations: With shiny little trinkets instead! Hmmmm!)

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