Pacific Ocean waters absorbing heat 15 times faster over past 60 years than in past 1

So where's the heat? If they are going to make such an absurd claim they really should be able to back it up with something...

Strange what they call "evidence".
Since when does "may have", "most agree ...that probably has been.." etc qualify as evidence. Another term that appears over and over again in these pseudo science "studies" is "may have been underestimated".
What`s the word "estimated" doing in all these so called scientific studies that claim to be based on evidence such as actual measurements ?
If the oceans warmed up 15 times faster in the past 60 years there is no way this trend could have been hidden from the probes we have been using for now almost 50 years.
They just can`t let go of the hockeystick. If there is no evidence above the surface then it must be in the ocean. If it can`t be found in the oceans then it must be in the depth beyond the reach of our probes.
And the proxy "thermometers" get sillier all the time. matter how absurd, what matters is to keep the dead frog`s legs twitching

Scientists typically underestimate future scenarios and predictions because they are cautious and, believe it or not, conservative in their estimates when there is a relatively high degree of uncertainty. Surely you've heard of what they call in statistics, degrees of freedom, in physics, they have what is called sigma. The first hint of the Higgs was a sigma 3. Further data took that to sigma 4. Sigma 5 is the highest degree of certainty in physics. They use these benchmarks because NOTHING is certain in science. There is nothing unusual about this, nor is there anything unusual about climate scientists qualifying their results. That's what all scientists do.

They've not been cautious nor have they been conservative. The models have vastly overestimated the amount of warming.

Global Warming Slowdown: The View from Space « Roy Spencer, PhD


The models suck.
Tell you what Mr Bear. Fuck you and the weasel you rode in on. You haven't refuted jack shit except the unsupportable contention that you have some idea what you're talking about.

He did, actually. Your acknowledgement is not required.
Odd acusation? In light of this?


Your second graph there makes an interesting claim: "Almost all show Earth hotter than it is... some by as much as 1C". However, the last observation value reads about 14.2C (unidentified reference) yet no datum in the assembly of model predictions exceeds 14.9 at that point. Someone seems to have a problem with basic math.

As to the value of your CO2 vs temperature graph, a discussion of climate trends would be better served by a longer view. Something like:


As an added bonus, note that the dip in CO2 level about 1940 PRECEDES the drop in global temperature.

When you choose a narrow period over which to make claims, you'd best be ready for a charge of "CHERRY-PICKING". Before you can even think about making claims based on the last 15 years, you need to provide a working explanation for the last 150
. You have not done so. The current hiatus has not exceeded the natural variability demonstrated in the climatic record. The world is still getting warmer and the primary cause is human GHG emissions. That's accepted science. And attempting to use tabloid articles to counter that accepted science is simply and truly pathetic.

You post a graph that has no possibility of being taken seriously. The ERROR bars are greater than the instruments can measure, or did that FACT escape your pointy little head?

What graph are you talking about? The BTK 2013 OHC graph has been taken quite seriously and I'm having a great deal of difficulty understanding what you mean when you say "The error bars are greater than the instruments can measure". I was unaware that bathythermographs in common usage were troubled by restrictive upper limits. Would you care to explain? For that matter, would you care to show us what graph you're actually talking about?

You keep repeating the same crap over and over again much like a mindless Tibetan prayer mill. The only difference is that your prayer mill came from "".

This time you even decided to award yourself... "As an added bonus, note that the dip in CO2 level about 1940 PRECEDES the drop in global temperature",...which in no way meets your 150 year qualifier that you employ when the sequence of events is reversed, as it has been for over 15 years now.
Temperature anomalies could not be determined anywhere near the precision 150 years ago as what we set as a minimum standard for the few decades since the late 60`s when started to use satellite remote sensing technology.

Even now, with better technology the entire "average global temperature" idea is still as flawed as the earlier methods which have been used to support it.

Looking at the crap you write in here every day, starting ~ 4:30 am till late night it`s clear that you have no idea how your climate doomsday bible stories were created.
The Elusive Absolute Surface Air Temperature (SAT)
Q. What exactly do we mean by SAT ?
A. I doubt that there is a general agreement how to answer this question. Even at the same location, the temperature near the ground may be very different from the temperature 5 ft above the ground and different again from 10 ft or 50 ft above the ground. Particularly in the presence of vegetation (say in a rain forest), the temperature above the vegetation may be very different from the temperature below the top of the vegetation. A reasonable suggestion might be to use the average temperature of the first 50 ft of air either above ground or above the top of the vegetation. To measure SAT we have to agree on what it is and, as far as I know, no such standard has been suggested or generally adopted. Even if the 50 ft standard were adopted, I cannot imagine that a weather station would build a 50 ft stack of thermometers to be able to find the true SAT at its location.
Q. What do we mean by daily mean SAT ?
A. Again, there is no universally accepted correct answer. Should we note the temperature every 6 hours and report the mean, should we do it every 2 hours, hourly, have a machine record it every second, or simply take the average of the highest and lowest temperature of the day ? On some days the various methods may lead to drastically different results.
Q. What SAT do the local media report ?
A. The media report the reading of 1 particular thermometer of a nearby weather station. This temperature may be very different from the true SAT even at that location and has certainly nothing to do with the true regional SAT. To measure the true regional SAT, we would have to use many 50 ft stacks of thermometers distributed evenly over the whole region, an obvious practical impossibility.

Global-average temperature records - Met Office
The HadCRUT4 record, which is produced by the Met Office in collaboration with the Climatic Research Unit, takes in observations from about 2,000 land stations each month. The figures for each one are checked both by computer and manually to find and remove any problems. Sea-surface temperature observations come from about 1,200 drifting buoys deployed across the world's oceans and around 4,000 ships in the Voluntary Observing Ship programme. There are also numerous moored buoys in the tropics and in coastal regions, principally around the US. Together they take around 1.5 million observations each month. These are checked by computer and any obviously inaccurate readings are excluded.

Absolute temperatures are not used directly to calculate the global-average temperature. They are first converted into 'anomalies', which are the difference in temperature from the 'normal' level. The normal level is calculated for each observation location by taking the long-term average for that area over a base period. For HadCRUT4, this is 1961-1990.
For example, if the 1961-1990 average September temperature for Edinburgh in Scotland is 12 °C and the recorded average temperature for that month in 2009 is 13 °C, the difference of 1 °C is the anomaly and this would be used in the calculation of the global average.
One of the main reasons for using anomalies is that they remain fairly constant over large areas. So, for example, an anomaly in Edinburgh is likely to be the same as the anomaly further north in Fort William and at the top of Ben Nevis, the UK's highest mountain. This is even though there may be large differences in absolute temperature at each of these locations.
The anomaly method also helps to avoid biases. For example, if actual temperatures were used and information from an Arctic observation station was missing for that month, it would mean the global temperature record would seem warmer.
Which is the basis for this dirty trick:

Using anomalies means missing data such as this will not bias the temperature record.
Idiots like you will never realize when you`ve been had.
This isn`t science, it`s just fodder designed to be digested by a bunch of sheep heads with voting rights.
"missing data will not bias the temperature record"....
The word "bias" is one of the spin doctors favorite persuasion tools.
All it took was to build the magic word "bias" into that statement and idiots like you swallow it hook line and sinker.
Aside from AGW con-artists there is nobody else who would conduct studies in a way so that "missing data" does not affect the outcome.
Which also means you can make the outcome of such a "study" to be whatever you want it to be.
But you just don`t get it do you?

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You realize you never addressed the point under discussion.

For the last 150 years, temperature has been following CO2.

BTW, I haven't been to Skeptical Science in weeks. Believe it or not, there are actually OTHER websites that have accurate information about climate change.
You realize you never addressed the point under discussion.

For the last 150 years, temperature has been following CO2.

BTW, I haven't been to Skeptical Science in weeks. Believe it or not, there are actually OTHER websites that have accurate information about climate change.

Actually he DID. Why oh why can't you keep up?
You realize you never addressed the point under discussion.

For the last 150 years, temperature has been following CO2.

BTW, I haven't been to Skeptical Science in weeks. Believe it or not, there are actually OTHER websites that have accurate information about climate change.
Actually I have addressed "the point under discussion", which was not if temperature followed CO2 or what happened for the last 150 years.
The 150 years etc rant was your idea.
What makes you think that we don`t notice that you change "the point under discussion" every time you get cornered. Nevertheless I did respond to it
As an added bonus, note that the dip in CO2 level about 1940 PRECEDES the drop in global temperature",...which in no way meets your 150 year qualifier that you employ when the sequence of events is reversed, as it has been for over 15 years now.
Temperature anomalies could not be determined anywhere near the precision 150 years ago as what we set as a minimum standard for the few decades since the late 60`s when started to use satellite remote sensing technology.
but you refuse to admit that yet again you got caught contradicting yourself.
For some weird reason you assume that you can rule the debate by excluding evidence to the contrary, or that it`s up to you to define a new "point of discussion" whenever you get caught re-posting that same old bullshit from "".
Whatever else you read or call "information" is your problem but most of the time the URL`s and the wording pointed to your usual "source".
Very untypical response this time! I expected you to have the usual fits and brain seizures that produce stuff like "F-off" etc
What happened?
Did you get your "affordable care" meds- prescriptions refilled?
So now you want to discuss if CO2 leads temperature.
Last time I looked I can`t help but notice that it did not do so for 15 years in a row and the only time you say it did was around 1940.
That`s during WW2 and I doubt very much that there were a bunch of "climate scientists" dodging flak, bombs and artillery fire risking their lives and limbs in order to collect CO2 & temperature data to "save the planet" from a plant food overdose.
I think the Met-offices round the globe had other priorities during that tumultuous time. Don`t you ?
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You realize you never addressed the point under discussion.

For the last 150 years, temperature has been following CO2.

BTW, I haven't been to Skeptical Science in weeks. Believe it or not, there are actually OTHER websites that have accurate information about climate change.
Funny how CO2 has been following temperature since the beginning of time, isn't it?

Since Man started emitting CO2, I guess it just got stronger.
You realize you never addressed the point under discussion.

For the last 150 years, temperature has been following CO2.

BTW, I haven't been to Skeptical Science in weeks. Believe it or not, there are actually OTHER websites that have accurate information about climate change.
Funny how CO2 has been following temperature since the beginning of time, isn't it?

Since Man started emitting CO2, I guess it just got stronger.

If you warm the world, you'll get CO2: from melted tundra, increased anaerobic breakdown and decreased oceanic carbonate solubility. But that doesn't alter the fact that CO2 will make the world warmer.

For a good part of the Earth's history, CO2 DOES follow temperature increases caused by other means. But, as Marcott (of Marcott and Rahmstorff) found, once the process has begun, CO2 comes to lead temperature in almost every case. That is, something causes the Earth to warm: a solar maximum, an orbital variation, extreme vulcanism....the added warmth causes CO2 in the atmosphere to build up. The CO2 begins to trap solar energy and after a few hundred years pass, it is that greenhouse effect that drives the continued warming.
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You realize you never addressed the point under discussion.

For the last 150 years, temperature has been following CO2.

BTW, I haven't been to Skeptical Science in weeks. Believe it or not, there are actually OTHER websites that have accurate information about climate change.
Funny how CO2 has been following temperature since the beginning of time, isn't it?

Since Man started emitting CO2, I guess it just got stronger.

If you warm the world, you'll get CO2: from melted tundra, increased anaerobic breakdown and decreased oceanic carbonate solubility. But that doesn't alter the fact that CO2 will
make the world warmer.

For a good part of the Earth's history, CO2 DOES follow temperature increases caused by other means. But, as Marcott (of Marcott and Rahmstorff) found, once the process has begun, CO2 comes to lead temperature in almost every case. That is, something causes the Earth to warm: a solar maximum, an orbital variation, extreme vulcanism....the added warmth causes CO2 in the atmosphere to build up. The CO2 begins to trap solar energy and after a few hundred years pass, it is that greenhouse effect that drives the continued warming.

Nice story.. except for the absence of all the other climate driving parameters.. How could you leave for instance, the DOMINATE GHGAs out of your fairytale version of how climate works?
I stipulate that I get to decide on how to prepare it and the rate of consumption.. I'm thinking lemon, garlic, butter with some herbs...

Probably pretty healthy dietary supplement... But this is not gonna happen... :cool:

Fine by me. Have at it.
You found a picture of a sediment core. You DIDN'T prove how it fits Fla's condition: "if those 10,000 yr mud samples from the Pacific can FIND 0.18degC and do THAT with 60 years of TIME RESOLUTION ".

He seemed a bit incontinent, so I offered him an out. :)
You realize you never addressed the point under discussion.

For the last 150 years, temperature has been following CO2.

BTW, I haven't been to Skeptical Science in weeks. Believe it or not, there are actually OTHER websites that have accurate information about climate change.
Funny how CO2 has been following temperature since the beginning of time, isn't it?

Since Man started emitting CO2, I guess it just got stronger.

If you warm the world, you'll get CO2: from melted tundra, increased anaerobic breakdown and decreased oceanic carbonate solubility. But that doesn't alter the fact that CO2 will make the world warmer.

For a good part of the Earth's history, CO2 DOES follow temperature increases caused by other means. But, as Marcott (of Marcott and Rahmstorff) found, once the process has begun, CO2 comes to lead temperature in almost every case. That is, something causes the Earth to warm: a solar maximum, an orbital variation, extreme vulcanism....the added warmth causes CO2 in the atmosphere to build up. The CO2 begins to trap solar energy and after a few hundred years pass, it is that greenhouse effect that drives the continued warming.

No, they didn't. Their methodology was shown to be false. Furthermore the CO2 lag is hundreds of years. No empirical evidence has EVER been presented to support your crap.
I chuckle everytime I see that paper summarized as BTK 2013...

Heeeee'sss BACK !!!!! The Bind, Torture, Kill serial killer. And he's coming to a Journal near you soon.

Betcha Trenberth took second billing just to get that acronym...

Bind, Torture, Kill is what they want to do to the economies of the entire Western world..."for our own good", of course.

If you want to follow the money in your little conspiracy theory, I suggest you take a close look at what the Petro-chemical industry is spending it on. Guess what? It ain't on economic or weather-related disaster relief.
I don't give a rat's ass what happened during the MWP or the LIA or any other pre-human period. WE are the cause of the current temperature rise. All this MWP crap is 100% worthless distraction.

When dealing with a cyclical system, it helps to know what happened during previous cycles.

But thanks for proving yet again you're simply not serious about science.

We have, and there is no evidence that either the MWP or the LIA is cyclical. Next.
Pacific Ocean waters absorbing heat 15 times faster over past 60 years than in past 10,000

Read more at: Pacific Ocean waters absorbing heat 15 times faster over past 60 years than in past 10,000

wow, the evidence just keeps coming in.:eusa_boohoo:

So where's the heat? If they are going to make such an absurd claim they really should be able to back it up with something...
The heat in the oceans is hiding as humidity.

Strange what they call "evidence".
Since when does "may have", "most agree ...that probably has been.." etc qualify as evidence. Another term that appears over and over again in these pseudo science "studies" is "may have been underestimated".
What`s the word "estimated" doing in all these so called scientific studies that claim to be based on evidence such as actual measurements ?
If the oceans warmed up 15 times faster in the past 60 years there is no way this trend could have been hidden from the probes we have been using for now almost 50 years.
They just can`t let go of the hockeystick. If there is no evidence above the surface then it must be in the ocean. If it can`t be found in the oceans then it must be in the depth beyond the reach of our probes.
And the proxy "thermometers" get sillier all the time. matter how absurd, what matters is to keep the dead frog`s legs twitching

Scientists typically underestimate future scenarios and predictions because they are cautious and, believe it or not, conservative in their estimates when there is a relatively high degree of uncertainty. Surely you've heard of what they call in statistics, degrees of freedom, in physics, they have what is called sigma. The first hint of the Higgs was a sigma 3. Further data took that to sigma 4. Sigma 5 is the highest degree of certainty in physics. They use these benchmarks because NOTHING is certain in science. There is nothing unusual about this, nor is there anything unusual about climate scientists qualifying their results. That's what all scientists do.

They've not been cautious nor have they been conservative. The models have vastly overestimated the amount of warming.

Global Warming Slowdown: The View from Space « Roy Spencer, PhD


The models suck.

Roy Spencer sucks. Try again.
Funny how CO2 has been following temperature since the beginning of time, isn't it?

Since Man started emitting CO2, I guess it just got stronger.

If you warm the world, you'll get CO2: from melted tundra, increased anaerobic breakdown and decreased oceanic carbonate solubility. But that doesn't alter the fact that CO2 will
make the world warmer.

For a good part of the Earth's history, CO2 DOES follow temperature increases caused by other means. But, as Marcott (of Marcott and Rahmstorff) found, once the process has begun, CO2 comes to lead temperature in almost every case. That is, something causes the Earth to warm: a solar maximum, an orbital variation, extreme vulcanism....the added warmth causes CO2 in the atmosphere to build up. The CO2 begins to trap solar energy and after a few hundred years pass, it is that greenhouse effect that drives the continued warming.

Nice story.. except for the absence of all the other climate driving parameters.. How could you leave for instance, the DOMINATE GHGAs out of your fairytale version of how climate works?

What? You are allowed to do it but he isn't? :eek:

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