Packers At Seahawks

Spelling awards ??

Pentagon ???

Rams staying in St Louis or going to L A next year ????

And some argument about how somebody was out of bounds that I was suppozed to have been involved with that PROVES I am a troll ?????

I'll tell you who is OUT OF BOUNDS !!!!!!! Hint..go find a mirror..

Good Grief !!!!!

Just for shits and grins you wackos ... I have never been in an argument with ANYBODY about if Tate was out of bounds on that stupid play... JEEZZUUSSSSS !!!!!! Get a friggin GRIP !!!!

If you think I was involved with that discussion pleezz post a link !!!


Take a Valium ... Lay off the caffeine..

This is a big wide USMB forum...please take your silly off topic arguments to some otherbody's thread.

We have a serious football game to talk about HERE.

This is the first game of possibly the most outstanding seasons the NFL has ever seen.

Show a little RESPECT !!!!
I think Packers will put up at least 17 points.
maybe but they wont win.:biggrin:

Agree. Seahawks put up 29.


29 ? That is an odd number..ya rarely see it.

It means missed Xtra points... a safety ... It's just a hard number to arrive at with the football scoring system.

For one thing Seattle has one of the most consistant kickers in the NFL with Hauschka.

As for the safety angle I guess Green Bay having a rookie center with no experience could produce another Super Bowl esque bad snap into the end zone.. LOL

911 is not know for thinking things through....he rather put a negative spin on almost everything.
oh the irony,this coming from a guy who trolled recently blatantly ignoring all kinds of facts that the rams will be coming back to LA next year.:cuckoo:hahahahahaha.

oh and i can find that link as well to show where you trolled ignoring those facts.:lol:
I think Packers will put up at least 17 points.
maybe but they wont win.:biggrin:

Agree. Seahawks put up 29.


29 ? That is an odd number..ya rarely see it.

It means missed Xtra points... a safety ... It's just a hard number to arrive at with the football scoring system.

For one thing Seattle has one of the most consistant kickers in the NFL with Hauschka.

As for the safety angle I guess Green Bay having a rookie center with no experience could produce another Super Bowl esque bad snap into the end zone.. LOL

911 is not know for thinking things through....he rather put a negative spin on almost everything.
oh the irony,this coming from a guy who trolled recently blatantly ignoring all kinds of facts that the rams will be coming back to LA next year.:cuckoo:hahahahahaha.

oh and i can find that link as well to show where you trolled ignoring those facts.:lol:

i WAS going to invite you to a thread i made recently showing facts that they will be back in LA next year despite how you blatantly ignored them back then but after your latest behaviour,you can forget it since as always,you prove you only see what you WANT to see no matter what the subject is wheter its sports or politics or whatever.because of that,what you have to say on that thread means jack shit to me.

Thank you mister negative because I had no intention of joining a thread with you or anyone else about the Rams moving anywhere. And I don't think the Rams are going anywhere soon.
Oh by the way its 'you're' not your.

talk about changing the subject.what a fucking hypocrite bringing up something so irrelevent as grammar.classic evasion to facts just like all trolls do.:lmao: oh i already knew you believed that.

I cant wait till mid february comes when they make the annoucement they are returning to LA so i can point out to everybody then how you blantantly ignore facts.hahahahahaha and I have saved that link so I'll be able to prove it

I spelled it out for you on a thread recently DUMMIES STYLE and just like you ALWAYS do,you trolled and blatanly ignored the facts that prove they will be back so again, so what some troll like you who goes into debates only seeing that they WANT to see whether its sports or politics or what not,means jack shit to me.:ahole-1:

see as arrogant as Huggy is about the seahawks never able to admit it when he has been proven wrong,again you two diehards are the only one who deny the facts that he was out of bounds,nobody else here does,at least with him,he doesnt ignore facts about politics so with him,i can tolerate.

thats been my only problem I've ever had with Hug is how he denys reality that he was out of bounds,something nobody else here at this site ignores other than you two .well that and making the untrue claim that Johnny manziel compares himself to wilson when there is no evidence of that,he got called out on that one as well and was too arrogant to admit he had been proven wrong there also with no facts to prove it.

You though,you just go around trolling EVERYWHERE no matter WHAT the subject it is.that being the case,like i said on that other site,Im done with your trolling.have fun talking to my ignore list and have fun talking to yourself government ass kisser.:asshole:

anybody who blatanly ignores facts like the rams coming back to LA even though its spelled out for you dummies style,would have an extreme hard time not getting negative with you.:ahole-1::cuckoo:

something else i forgot to mention as well is after all,it only makes sense i put you on ignore.You covered your eyes ignoring me when I posted facts that prove it to be true,so TWO can play your game.
this is what you did with ME below when I tried to discuss it with you.

9/11 is inside job is on your ignore list.

you did that to me covering your eyes blatantly ignoring everything i posted proving you wrong so TWO can play your game.i can do the same thing to you.TWO can play that game.:biggrin::asshole:

again I cannot wait till the middle of february comes when they make the announcement so I can bring back that link to show everybody how you ignored all my facts back then showing what a troll you are who can NEVER admit when he is proven wrong.:dance:

that will be sooooo sweet.Oh god i wish i could get into a time travel machine and fastforward to the middle of february to that date so I didnt have to wait.:dance:
someone farted in here.^:9:

that means i got you on ignore since your to stupid to figure things out like that.again TWO can play your ignore me,I can play your game.:ahole-1:
45 hours and all you need to know about the 2014 NFL season will be revealed.

After that we will stop providing places on the Seattle Seahawks bandwagon.

Just sayin....
The Denver Broncos have already conceded by turning in Wes Welker into the NFL performance enhancing division of enforcement.

It was easier this way so Peyton Manning will not have to have any more of his legacy erroded by getting his ass handed to him by the Seahawks in week 3.

NOW the preasure is off. The Broncos are free to lose and blame it all on the diminutive Welker.

Thanks Wes.
Check list...dusted off my #3 jersey, check...
SuperBowl ball cap, check
Put my 12th man flag up this morning on the front porch....check
Ready to rumble.
Its going to be an exciting season. I only wish is they drop two of the pre-season games and increase regular season to 18.
What makes seattle hard to beat is two things that past SB teams had

1. Good QB who can scramble

2. Tough Defense
I think Packers will put up at least 17 points.
maybe but they wont win.:biggrin:

Agree. Seahawks put up 29.


29 ? That is an odd number..ya rarely see it.

It means missed Xtra points... a safety ... It's just a hard number to arrive at with the football scoring system.

For one thing Seattle has one of the most consistant kickers in the NFL with Hauschka.

As for the safety angle I guess Green Bay having a rookie center with no experience could produce another Super Bowl esque bad snap into the end zone.. LOL

That was my thinking. GB rookie center Corey Linsley making a tough debut in the loudest stadium in the NFL.
What makes seattle hard to beat is two things that past SB teams had

1. Good QB who can scramble

2. Tough Defense
yep.thats why they will repeat.Im glad that they scheduled the packers to be their opening day opponent.

this i think will be their best test for them.what better way than to have it against a scrambling quarterback who i would say is the best one of the bunch in the NFL that has been a starter for five years or more?

I think this will be a preview of the NFC title game when the REAL superbowl IS PLAYED.thats why this really is a must game for the hawks this early in the season believe it or dont want to go up to green bay and face them there.their fans are as rausous and loud as seattles practically.

well they would beat them anyways,after all,the whiners even beat them thats nothing.still you want that homefield advantage and i believe it will come into play tonight.
The NFL moved the kickoff from 5:30 to 6 PM Pacific Time.

WTF !!!! ???

I wonder why.

Probably has something to do with the FACT I wouldn't take a half hour and watch 9/11's videos....

Ya...That makes PERFECT SENSE !!!!

The NFL moved the kickoff from 5:30 to 6 PM Pacific Time.

WTF !!!! ??? I wonder why.

Probably has something to do with the pregame celebration and hanging of the SuperBowl pennant.

Probably has something to do with the FACT I wouldn't take a half hour and watch 9/11's videos....

Ya...That makes PERFECT SENSE !!!!


Now that does make perfect sense.
My prediction of 40 plus to 10 wasn't too far off.

I didn't anticipate Sherman blocking a Packer player right into Thomas on that first half punt causing a loss of possession and giving GB the ball within easy scoring distance. Take away that play and the resulting TD and it would have been a blowout.

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