‘Paid patriotism’: Senators accuse military of wasteful sports tributes


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2014
Propaganda at work. Come on, boys, get your cannon fodder on and fight for mom and apple pie (AKA capitalism and American foreign policy)...

"That military tribute you saw at your last pro ballgame — a service member’s stirring rendition of “America The Beautiful,” a surprise “welcome home” ceremony for returning troops, a soldier’s ceremonial first pitch — may not have been a charitable gesture by the home team.

Instead, that event may have been paid for by the Pentagon, part of a multimillion-dollar program to promote the armed services and boost recruitment through patriotic events, game tickets, player appearances and other perks.

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That initiative was detailed in a Senate report released Wednesday that described the spending as “inappropriate and frivolous” and criticized the Department of Defense for failing to disclose and keep track of such deals.

“Americans deserve the ability to assume that tributes for our men and women in military uniform are genuine displays of national pride, which many are, rather than taxpayer-funded DOD marketing gimmicks,” Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake, the report’s co-authors, wrote.

The paid marketing campaigns cast “an unfortunate shadow” over “genuine patriotic partnerships” between the military and pro sports clubs, the senators said."
'Paid patriotism': Senators accuse military of wasteful sports tributes
What a joke when you consider how much taxpayer money Congress wastes every year.
I've been saying this for years. Why are Military planes being used for fly overs of privately owned stadiums?

And no, the National Anthem shouldn't be played before the games either. It just diminishes the importance of it.

Do you sing the National Anthem before you walk into WalMart?

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