Pain For The Poor

So they have over a year of benefits left. The reason for the safety net is to provide assistance to those in need. Not to provide a lifestyle.

Children cannot flourish in a low income state, so the drive has to be to move them to a better life, through able bodied adults who need to go into the work force and feel and show the children the results of being a productive citizen.

So they have a year, they won't be cut off right away. Deadlines are not always a bad thing. Deadlines help motivate.
Bout time a State wises up and puts limits on Welfare.

Hope the rest of the counry follows suit.
Adding insult to injury, Arizona is attacking the poor.

Facing 1 billion deficit Arizona sharply limits welfare - Yahoo News

At a time when many are struggling to make ends meet, living wage jobs rare, and the cost of living climbs, Arizona cuts assistance to the poor.

Now, the obvious question is, "what happens to them once they've used up their allotment of assistance?" Will the state allow them to starve, live on the streets, and become castaways from society? Will charity organizations take in the children? Will families be split, and children become orphans? And, what about the elderly, the disabled, the mentally challenged, and others that can't adequately care for themselves?

Is America dropping to a new low?
What people forget is the government doesn't owe them a living. There was a time when welfare didn't even exist. Get a better education,better job, get married and stay married and don't have kids you can't afford. Hopefully charity will step and help but it's really not anybody's job to support you but you. I know that sounds harsh but it is what it is. Illegals need to leave and those jobs need to go to Americans.
Adding insult to injury, Arizona is attacking the poor.

Facing 1 billion deficit Arizona sharply limits welfare - Yahoo News

At a time when many are struggling to make ends meet, living wage jobs rare, and the cost of living climbs, Arizona cuts assistance to the poor.

Now, the obvious question is, "what happens to them once they've used up their allotment of assistance?" Will the state allow them to starve, live on the streets, and become castaways from society? Will charity organizations take in the children? Will families be split, and children become orphans? And, what about the elderly, the disabled, the mentally challenged, and others that can't adequately care for themselves?

Is America dropping to a new low?
What people forget is the government doesn't owe them a living. There was a time when welfare didn't even exist. Get a better education,better job, get married and stay married and don't have kids you can't afford. Hopefully charity will step and help but it's really not anybody's job to support you but you. I know that sounds harsh but it is what it is. Illegals need to leave and those jobs need to go to Americans.
What about those that can't work? What do we do with them?
Adding insult to injury, Arizona is attacking the poor.

Facing 1 billion deficit Arizona sharply limits welfare - Yahoo News

At a time when many are struggling to make ends meet, living wage jobs rare, and the cost of living climbs, Arizona cuts assistance to the poor.

Now, the obvious question is, "what happens to them once they've used up their allotment of assistance?" Will the state allow them to starve, live on the streets, and become castaways from society? Will charity organizations take in the children? Will families be split, and children become orphans? And, what about the elderly, the disabled, the mentally challenged, and others that can't adequately care for themselves?

Is America dropping to a new low?
What people forget is the government doesn't owe them a living. There was a time when welfare didn't even exist. Get a better education,better job, get married and stay married and don't have kids you can't afford. Hopefully charity will step and help but it's really not anybody's job to support you but you. I know that sounds harsh but it is what it is. Illegals need to leave and those jobs need to go to Americans.
What about those that can't work? What do we do with them?
SS disability. Society does have a responsibility to the elderly and disabled. Of course back in the day your family was responsible for you. My GGrandmother was supported by her children until her death in the 1950's. She lived with them, worked for them watching their kids while they worked and did housework until she was unable. Pushing your old,sick and disabled into homes is a fairly new concept. Of course if families have the means to help they should.

Requiring Adult Children to Pay for Aging Parents ElderLawAnswers

Requiring Adult Children to Pay for Aging Parents
Did you know you could be responsible for your parents' unpaid bills? Twenty-eight states currently have laws making adult children responsible for their parents if their parents can't afford to take care of themselves. While these laws are rarely enforced, there has been speculation that states may begin dusting them off as a way to save on Medicaid expenses.

These laws, called filial responsibility laws, obligate adult children to provide necessities like food, clothing, housing, and medical attention for their indigent parents. According to the National Center for Policy Analysis, a conservative research organization, 21 states allow a civil court action to obtain financial support or cost recovery, 12 states impose criminal penalties on children who do not support their parents, and three states allow both civil and criminal actions. (For a list of the states and citations to state statutes, click here. Note that Idaho's and New Hampshire's statutes have since been repealed.)

Generally, most states do not require children to provide care if they do not have the ability to pay. States vary on what factors they consider when determining whether an adult child has the ability to pay. Children may also not be required to support their parents if the parents abandoned them or did not support them.

The passage of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 made it more difficult to qualify for Medicaid, which means there may be more elderly individuals in nursing homes with no ability to pay for care. In response, nursing homes may use the filial responsibility laws as a way to get care paid for. For more information, click here.

For a discussion of filial responsibility laws in the New York Times's "New Old Age" blog, click here.
Children responsible for parent's debts. Why not bring debtor's prison back while we're at it. That would be a republican's wet dream.

So liberals don't want to be responsible for their elderly parents? Interesting and cold hearted. Then again liberals evade all responsibility for everything. Put Mom and Dad in a smelly facility where they get crappy food and have strangers take care of them because heaven forbid their children bother to take care of them. Your parents took care of you when you couldn't so how hard is it to return the favor?
Children responsible for parent's debts. Why not bring debtor's prison back while we're at it. That would be a republican's wet dream.
To answer the question of debt and debtors prison no of course not but if Mom looses her shirt at age 75 and needs a roof over her head then you should take care of her.

That said the freebie society of liberal wet dreams is coming to an end. Recently I needed surgery. My deductible was $6000.00. The Hospital refused to operate on me saying my gall bladder wasn't infected so I wasn't in immediate danger and I needed to cover $3000.00 of that $6000.00 before they'd operate, I think the insurance co covered the other $3000 and will be billing me later. So much for affordable healthcare. Luckily I had a 0 balance on my charge card and that's how the deductible got paid otherwise I'd be waiting for my gall bladder to get infected before they'd preform emergency surgery. In short, this country can't afford people to be free loaders any more. I don't blame the hospital, it can't run if nobody pays the bills and in the past that's what happened. There used to be a sign in the admissions office that said they wouldn't turn you away if you can't afford to pay. That sign is gone because hospitals and their employee's don't work for free. They expect payment and now if it's considered non life threatening AKA "elective" you pay before you get the service. My gall stone was the size of a large olive and worth the money not to have the pain. I keep the $6000.00 stone in my library in a jar. :D

In short, If you are able bodied you need to work,period, nothings free.
Children responsible for parent's debts. Why not bring debtor's prison back while we're at it. That would be a republican's wet dream.

Not what she said, but at least we know you don't want to take care of your parents. I mean they raised and took care of you, gave you life but you got your own life to live.

Having the state care for your loved ones, a democrats wet dream.
Children responsible for parent's debts. Why not bring debtor's prison back while we're at it. That would be a republican's wet dream.
To answer the question of debt and debtors prison no of course not but if Mom looses her shirt at age 75 and needs a roof over her head then you should take care of her.

That said the freebie society of liberal wet dreams is coming to an end. Recently I needed surgery. My deductible was $6000.00. The Hospital refused to operate on me saying my gall bladder wasn't infected so I wasn't in immediate danger and I needed to cover $3000.00 of that $6000.00 before they'd operate, I think the insurance co covered the other $3000 and will be billing me later. So much for affordable healthcare. Luckily I had a 0 balance on my charge card and that's how the deductible got paid otherwise I'd be waiting for my gall bladder to get infected before they'd preform emergency surgery. In short, this country can't afford people to be free loaders any more. I don't blame the hospital, it can't run if nobody pays the bills and in the past that's what happened. There used to be a sign in the admissions office that said they wouldn't turn you away if you can't afford to pay. That sign is gone because hospitals and their employee's don't work for free. They expect payment and now if it's considered non life threatening AKA "elective" you pay before you get the service. My gall stone was the size of a large olive and worth the money not to have the pain. I keep the $6000.00 stone in my library in a jar. :D

In short, If you are able bodied you need to work,period, nothings free.
Health care is a necessary evil. We can't do without it. The whole health care industry is a scam, a con, and a legal license to charge whatever the mood strikes them at the time. We pay $Billions in Medicare and Medicaid fraud yearly. A small faction of the cheats are caught. Also, there are many citizens that simply can NOT work and provide for themselves. Children can't work. The elderly can't work. The disabled can't work. The disabled can't work. Many of the severely handicapped can't work. Many families are struggling financially, and can't care for mothers and dads. Charities can't carry the enormous burden alone. In addition, taxpayers are paying for the care and support of illegal immigrants, so why not allow taxpayers to pay for the care and support of our LEGAL citizens?

Also, we seem to find the money to give away to foreign governments, supply weapons to drug lords and terrorists, build mosques on foreign soil, give subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, explore the far reaches of the universe, pay for the ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress, allow government contractors to bill for unfinished contracts ( Halliburton ), pay bribes to North Korea and Iran, build worthless fences along our southern border, build planes and ships the Pentagon doesn't request or need, subsidize Brazilian corn crops, pay to protect the opium crops in Afghanistan, we look for water on the surface of Mars, we spend hundreds of $Millions on unnecessary government travel, we pay for the White House's lavish vacations and lavish White House parties, and other stupid waste of taxpayers' hard earned tax dollars.

Do we make orphans out of children that can't support themselves? Do we allow the hungry and poor to starve to death on the streets? What do we do with all of those that are not able to work and support themselves? Where are the self-supporting jobs for all of those presently receiving some form of government assistance? How many plants and factories are hiring millions of workers? HINT: McDonalds is not a self-supporting job. Do you have any idea as to the number of workers that are bringing home a pay check, yet can't support themselves? Many workers are bringing home a pay check, and still receiving some form of government assistance. Again, where are these self-supporting living wage jobs that you believe the unemployed and those receiving some form of government assistance can go out tomorrow and get?
Only a leftist complains about ending lifetime and generational welfare.

There is no such thing as lifetime welfare in America.

Your post is a lie.

If you had been paying any attention in the 90s you would know that Bill Clinton changed welfare as we know it. The legislation was signed into law nearly 20 years ago.

No one can go on welfare for life anymore. The lifetime limit depends on the individual state but most set it at around 4 years. Most have to have some sort of job and those who don't have to be going to school.

So cut the lies. Those of us who are informed know your post is nothing but a lie.
Children responsible for parent's debts. Why not bring debtor's prison back while we're at it. That would be a republican's wet dream.
To answer the question of debt and debtors prison no of course not but if Mom looses her shirt at age 75 and needs a roof over her head then you should take care of her.

That said the freebie society of liberal wet dreams is coming to an end. Recently I needed surgery. My deductible was $6000.00. The Hospital refused to operate on me saying my gall bladder wasn't infected so I wasn't in immediate danger and I needed to cover $3000.00 of that $6000.00 before they'd operate, I think the insurance co covered the other $3000 and will be billing me later. So much for affordable healthcare. Luckily I had a 0 balance on my charge card and that's how the deductible got paid otherwise I'd be waiting for my gall bladder to get infected before they'd preform emergency surgery. In short, this country can't afford people to be free loaders any more. I don't blame the hospital, it can't run if nobody pays the bills and in the past that's what happened. There used to be a sign in the admissions office that said they wouldn't turn you away if you can't afford to pay. That sign is gone because hospitals and their employee's don't work for free. They expect payment and now if it's considered non life threatening AKA "elective" you pay before you get the service. My gall stone was the size of a large olive and worth the money not to have the pain. I keep the $6000.00 stone in my library in a jar. :D

In short, If you are able bodied you need to work,period, nothings free.
Health care is a necessary evil. We can't do without it. The whole health care industry is a scam, a con, and a legal license to charge whatever the mood strikes them at the time. We pay $Billions in Medicare and Medicaid fraud yearly. A small faction of the cheats are caught. Also, there are many citizens that simply can NOT work and provide for themselves. Children can't work. The elderly can't work. The disabled can't work. The disabled can't work. Many of the severely handicapped can't work. Many families are struggling financially, and can't care for mothers and dads. Charities can't carry the enormous burden alone. In addition, taxpayers are paying for the care and support of illegal immigrants, so why not allow taxpayers to pay for the care and support of our LEGAL citizens?

Also, we seem to find the money to give away to foreign governments, supply weapons to drug lords and terrorists, build mosques on foreign soil, give subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, explore the far reaches of the universe, pay for the ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress, allow government contractors to bill for unfinished contracts ( Halliburton ), pay bribes to North Korea and Iran, build worthless fences along our southern border, build planes and ships the Pentagon doesn't request or need, subsidize Brazilian corn crops, pay to protect the opium crops in Afghanistan, we look for water on the surface of Mars, we spend hundreds of $Millions on unnecessary government travel, we pay for the White House's lavish vacations and lavish White House parties, and other stupid waste of taxpayers' hard earned tax dollars.

Do we make orphans out of children that can't support themselves? Do we allow the hungry and poor to starve to death on the streets? What do we do with all of those that are not able to work and support themselves? Where are the self-supporting jobs for all of those presently receiving some form of government assistance? How many plants and factories are hiring millions of workers? HINT: McDonalds is not a self-supporting job. Do you have any idea as to the number of workers that are bringing home a pay check, yet can't support themselves? Many workers are bringing home a pay check, and still receiving some form of government assistance. Again, where are these self-supporting living wage jobs that you believe the unemployed and those receiving some form of government assistance can go out tomorrow and get?

Yes insurance is a scam. Who the hell has $6000.00 laying around to pay for a deductible? Meanwhile the insurance co. gets huge chunks of peoples checks to pay for the insurance.

Obviously the elderly and disabled would be SS disability or SS and medicaid. Of course they should be taken care of with help of tax payers but there are many able bodied people mooching off the government dole and that needs to be stopped. If you are able bodied you should have to work. Children can be fed through school programs but why we provide for able bodied adults IDK. Again back in the day my family went through the depression. My uncle had 6 children and still he and my aunt managed. Food was limited to three meals a day and they scraped by. My GGrandmother helped with the kids so my aunt could work. My Mother and siblings worked as kids to support the over all family. They had a huge paper route and did odd jobs like baby sitting and mowing lawns etc to earn money that went into the overall household. They raised chickens and rabbits to provide meat and had a garden to help. My GGrandmother went fishing and knew her way around natural foods like edible flowers and things that grew in fields. In short they had to work at it to survive but they made it. Oh and not one fat kid among them. You'd be surprised what happens when people who claim they can't find work face starvation.

I agree there is a lot of government waste and overloaded pay checks and vacations and payout to countries we have no business supporting but that's a people problem. Until we demand better we won't get it.

We should never allowed children to go hungry. If they are able bodied adults Yes, but you are over looking charity. Even during the depression the poor had charity to help. Here's what many don't realize, it's the job of the Christian and other religious organizations to feed the poor according to their doctrine. If the church does what it is supposed to do nobody should starve. The government took over with welfare and the churches slacked off.

For those who didn't get the memo McDonalds is not a job you are supposed to support your family on, it's a job you take while working to get a better job. If you are trying to support a family on fast food pay you royally fucked up. My sister and mother were/are single Moms and guess what? They worked during the day and went to school at night and got better jobs. My sister is still working to get a degree at age 46 while still supporting her son. She also managed to save and buy a house all by herself without a college degree. My Mother did the same thing with 3 children. No college degree but took training classes to get a better job in her factory and get more money. It's called hard work. I worked babysitting as soon as I was able and bought my own stuff. I got a job at age 16. I knew plenty of kids who had to do the same. It's not a crime to be poor. Oh and my father wasn't a dead beat Dad, that's important. Men should support all the children they create or they shouldn't make them. Same goes for women. We have plenty of birth control that no unwanted children should be born. That's something we have let slip.

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