Pakistani Muslims sneaking across our Southern Border

Kind of reminds you of the 1st MIB movie where an ET was hiding out in a coyote truck among smuggled illegals. Of course we had to get the left wing administration propaganda from Tommy Lee Jones about illegals but at least they terminated the ET. How would ICE be able to distinguish a jihad terrorist from an ordinary criminal alien when they have so much volume that they can'e deal with individuals?
Unless/Until they actually do something naughty I think we're more concerned about the ones we gave passports to prior to 9/11.

Terrorists are already here. Remember Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, and Michael Fortier? Chances are good, an act of terror will be carried out by a native-born US citizen with white skin and of the Christian faith. Perpetuating the myth that terrorism is something that's coming at us from outside the US is a convenient deception.
Unless/Until they actually do something naughty I think we're more concerned about the ones we gave passports to prior to 9/11.

Terrorists are already here. Remember Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, and Michael Fortier? Chances are good, an act of terror will be carried out by a native-born US citizen with white skin and of the Christian faith. Perpetuating the myth that terrorism is something that's coming at us from outside the US is a convenient deception.

And yet since McVeigh got caught we haven't had another OKC bombing in what, 20 years now? All the terrorist attempts have been by MEs not natives.

But then again, maybe we haven't had another OKC type bombing because the feds haven't given us another Ruby Ridge or Waco.
Obama is probably arranging their transportation to Mexico, and taxpayers are probably paying for it.
The nuclear tech necessary to create an atomic weapon will most likely be Pakistani and there won't be anything anyone can do to stop it except by fortune of good luck. It's probably already here and being assembled in plain site.

Pray that the HEU doesn't have a Russian chemical signature because the last thing every microbe on this messed up planet needs is WWIII. A lot of HEU has come through Gerogia into Turkey over the last 20 years.

Hopefully, Obama will be in DC on that day it goes off. My glass is always half full.
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Unless/Until they actually do something naughty I think we're more concerned about the ones we gave passports to prior to 9/11.

Terrorists are already here. Remember Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, and Michael Fortier? Chances are good, an act of terror will be carried out by a native-born US citizen with white skin and of the Christian faith. Perpetuating the myth that terrorism is something that's coming at us from outside the US is a convenient deception.

And yet since McVeigh got caught we haven't had another OKC bombing in what, 20 years now? All the terrorist attempts have been by MEs not natives.

But then again, maybe we haven't had another OKC type bombing because the feds haven't given us another Ruby Ridge or Waco.

Depends how you define 'terrorist incident.' As this article states,
Nine facts about terrorism in the United States since 9/11 - The Washington Post

Scroll down to 6) and it has a graph detailing "Groups Responsible for Most Terrorist Attacks 2001-2011" Interestingly, according to that, and guess insofar as number of incidents, the Earth Liberation Front is the most responsible, an 'eco-terrorism group' followed by another the Animal Liberation Front. (Insert "Life of Brian" jokes now.)

"In the last five years, the odds of an American being killed in a terrorist attack have been about 1 in 20 million (that's including both domestic attacks and overseas attacks). As the chart above from the Economist shows, that's considerably smaller than the risk of dying from many other things, from post-surgery complications to ordinary gun violence to lightning."
[same link]

As the graphic in section 9 shows, you're much more likely to die from suicide than terrorism, but terrorism by its very nature gets more press.
No doubt we live in a dangerous world, but until we can prove the danger is imminent , people will not take it seriously.
No doubt we live in a dangerous world, but until we can prove the danger is imminent , people will not take it seriously.

Impossible to do in the case of "sleepers", many of whom I fear have resided in this country for some time. They are building their numbers, and when they awake, we'll know it. Could make 9/11 look like a party.
Unless/Until they actually do something naughty I think we're more concerned about the ones we gave passports to prior to 9/11.

Terrorists are already here. Remember Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, and Michael Fortier? Chances are good, an act of terror will be carried out by a native-born US citizen with white skin and of the Christian faith. Perpetuating the myth that terrorism is something that's coming at us from outside the US is a convenient deception.

And yet since McVeigh got caught we haven't had another OKC bombing in what, 20 years now? All the terrorist attempts have been by MEs not natives.

But then again, maybe we haven't had another OKC type bombing because the feds haven't given us another Ruby Ridge or Waco.

Like most incidents during the criminal Clinton regime McVeigh's crime and his loyalties are still in question. The assumption, based on one sided media speculation was that McVeigh was an angry right wing Vet but the Feds never checked out his affiliation with subversive left wing groups. They kept him in isolation and gave him the hot needle in a record time of 7 years as apposed to 20 years in usual death row. What did the federal government have to hide?
No doubt we live in a dangerous world, but until we can prove the danger is imminent , people will not take it seriously.
The reason for this superimposed apathy is television, which has effectively hypnotized the general public. The actual mechanism of this effect is explained in Marshal MacLuhans 1960s classic book, The Medium Is The Message. The fact is we are so bombarded with fictional but realistic images and screenplays depicting every possible kind of violent situation they are imbedded in our collective preconscious. We have become psychologically immune to any reports or descriptions of murder, mayhem, bombings, and any other kind of madness.

We've already seen it all.
What This Rancher Found Near The Mexican Border Should Sound The Alarms

Pakistan also treats Hindis badly, a dangerous nation now.

Hindi is a language. I think you meant Hindus. In that case, yes, Pakistan does treat all its minorities poorly. Hindus are of course on the bottom of the food chain in Pakistan.

I'll correct that typo, and yes, the Hindu peole I know are victims of Islamic persecution.
The nuclear tech necessary to create an atomic weapon will most likely be Pakistani and there won't be anything anyone can do to stop it except by fortune of good luck. It's probably already here and being assembled in plain site.

Pray that the HEU doesn't have a Russian chemical signature because the last thing every microbe on this messed up planet needs is WWIII. A lot of HEU has come through Gerogia into Turkey over the last 20 years.

Hopefully, Obama will be in DC on that day it goes off. My glass is always half full.

There are already missing tactical hand carried nukes from the inventory of the TransDniester Republic, or Transnistria.

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No doubt we live in a dangerous world, but until we can prove the danger is imminent , people will not take it seriously.
The reason for this superimposed apathy is television, which has effectively hypnotized the general public. The actual mechanism of this effect is explained in Marshal MacLuhans 1960s classic book, The Medium Is The Message. The fact is we are so bombarded with fictional but realistic images and screenplays depicting every possible kind of violent situation they are imbedded in our collective preconscious. We have become psychologically immune to any reports or descriptions of murder, mayhem, bombings, and any other kind of madness.

We've already seen it all.

True, how many times have we seen New York or the White House destroyed in some movie?

It's all so last week; what me worry?

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