CDZ Paleoconservatives, White Nationalists, 1488ers and the New Alt-Right Defined


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Until about a year ago I had not heard of the Alt-Right. I had heard of the neocons and their opposition paleocons, but not the Alt-right. And though I have read enough to publish a book, lol, I will do my best in this post keep it simple and describe what I have learned, as accurately as I know it.

The Alt-right is a large group of people who oppose the Neoconservative establishment in the GOP. They dont see the intellectual divide on the right as between neocons vrs paleocons any more. They see it as Neoconservatives vrs EVERBODY ELSE to the right. And that is a fairly large group. Here is a break down for the Alt-Right by Breitbart, the supposed flag ship of the Alt-right.

But this is why the Neocon GOPe likes to smear its more moderate conservative traditional conservative opposition as 'Alt-Right' by clumping them with the Jared Taylors and antisemites of the once called 'Far Right'. In response the Alt-right likes to hit back by labeling the Neocons as "Conservatives Inc.", i.e. a fake conservatism that is only concerned about making profit and to hell with American culture or any core ethnic identity.

The Alt-Right consists of the 'Natural Conservatives' who are more moderate and assert that one cannot separate culture from ethnicity and race (I disagree), but they do correctly assert that ideology and politics flow downstream from culture and that I most certainly do agree with. Along with the "Natcons" are the Memers and the 1488ers and the remnants of the Paleocon movement and Cultural conservatives of various kinds and both of whom are the vast majority of the Alt-Right.

This embraces a huge number of people in that subspectrum of the anti-Neocon Right from Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and Andrew Breitbart to those who would object to their own inclusion like Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Giulliani, to those who want to be, not just members, but thought of as the definers of Alt-Right ideology like the 1488ers and this loser.

The lefts reaction to the Alt right is similar to many of the right's reaction to Islam in that both groups tend to identify their opposition by the most extreme views that they find among that group. Just as many cultural conservatives cannot distinguish between the main stream Islam of our many allies vrs the radical Salafi movement that breeds terrorists like cockroaches, the left cannot see the difference of thought between the neonazi 1488ers vrs Donald Trump, the former who hope to hijack the Alt-Right movement while the latter is hardly even aware of the movement. And while the left will hypocritically demand respect for the differences of thought among various elements of Islam, they concede no such consideration for their fellow Americans on the right, even embracing Muslim extremists like Huma Abedin who is trying to hide from her past in the closet as Hillary Clintons top aid.

But though the 1488ers do not define Alt-Right no more than Salafists define Islam, it will be the definition used by their enemies. The worst aspect of it all is that by painting with such a broad brush, the left cripples and undermines the Paleocon and Christian efforts to contain and marginalize the 1488ers and the White Nationalists by declaring these fringe groups as the champions of anti-Neocons on the Right.

Now, while the 1488ers are losers from the get-go, the White Nationalists are far more subtle and thus dangerous to what America has long stood for and draws its strength from - civic nationalism and ethnic diversity. While the traditional conservatives are the majority of the Alt-Right, the White Nationalists are growing fast and are perfecting their appeal from within the reigning paradigm of "Identity Politics".

In the West, a new racism has evolved that is an adaptation of the old racism to the new political realities by reducing their racism to its component axioms. For example, while one is not allowed to argue that blacks are by nature criminally inclined, one can argue that genetic studies of twins show that genetic components to human individual behavior are overwhelming forces, and that also any imposition of "Law and Order" policies are inherently discriminatory and have unequal impact on blacks. The summation of these last two assertions equate to the first "racist" assertion and not many people are missing that message; they are just too cowed to talk about it. So the modern racists pass their racial beliefs to the broader population not with direct assertions, but by breaking them down into component parts instead and let the reader draw their own conclusions.

And the success of this new racism is overwhelming in the broader culture. We live in a time where most fictional characters, where they mention ethnic background, justify and explain their behavior by referencing their ethnicity or genetic heritage. Whether the people are Klingons from Star Trek, Grimms from the TV series Grimm, elves, dwarves and orcs from Tolkien or World of Warcraft, or just some stereotypical race from a random role playing game, the notion that race and genetics reign in individual behavior is now SUPREME. You cant even argue the topic; I know as I have many many times tried.

The White Nationalists embrace this underlying composition and argue that white people must be allowed their place at the Identity Politics table of Identities. They do not argue for White Supremacy, that is a 1488er losing issue that White Nationalists jeer at and disdain as for "informants and LARPers". They call themselves "Identitarians" and argue that they only want fairness for those who identify as whites and an end to antiWhite Discrimination. Jared Taylor is among the top intellectuals of this group and he disdains White Supremacism and antiSemitism.

So while Taylor and his allies battle the anti-Semites and 1488ers for control of the Alt-Right fringe, the Paleocons like Ann Coultur, Laura Ingraham, and the staff at Breitbart continue to plug away trying to unseat the Neocons in power within the GOP, backing their man Donald Trump, as their enemies in BOTH parties are using the Identitarians and 1488ers to smear the efforts of the paleocons.

And so the Neocons split their opposition within the party and hope to remain on top after giving Hillary Clinton the White House.
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Another thing about the Alt-Right is how the Memers will just hijack anyone and anything that they think 'signals' to them approval of their message, like, beyond belief, Taylor Swift.

Like Donald Trump, I doubt that Taylor Swift has any concept of the difference between a paleocon and a neocon and a Identitarian, but there it is - the Identitarians will use her any way.

Taylor Swift Is An Alt-Right Pop Icon

At first glance, there’s nothing much that separates Tay-Tay from a bog-standard, instinctively progressive pop star. She’s a feminist, her music videos are filled with twerking, and her lyrics are often about sex. Surely, any self-respecting alt-righter would reject this as the product of late-capitalism’s decadence and degeneracy?

Not quite. The Daily Stormer, home of the alt-right’s ultra-radical and race-preoccupied “1488” contingent, has an entire category devoted to Swift. One post praises her as the “Nazi Avatar Of The White European People.” Another worries that she may have “Succumbed To the Merchant.” (They mean Jews.)

The majority of the alt-right use Hitler memes and mock antisemitism primarily to provoke and troll Establishment types. But even the worst elements follow Swift with the obsession of a teenage schoolgirl....

Swift doesn’t look like other pop stars, who are either white people acting black or black people who seem to get whiter every year. She appears more comfortable in her own skin and doesn’t go in for racial ambiguity.

Beyond race, Swift is an icon of quintessentially American culture: she didn’t originally pursue pop music but got her start as a country star, a genre typically associated with white southern conservatives. Very problematic!

As alt-right blogger Margot Metroland explains:

The Pennsylvania girl was quickly embraced as a teenage country star, and treated as the embodiment of healthy Southern values. Nice old Presbyterian ladies in Buckhead, sorority girls at SMU, UDC chapters in Richmond and Spartanburg—they all found out who Taylor was in jig time, and bought her records, followed her love life, learned the names of her cats.

According to Metroland, this wholesome country-girl image is something Swift continues to nurture.

No cone-shaped bras or other Mediterranean slut-gear for our Tay; she does like to bare her midriff (good abs from those classes at the ModelFIT studio) but never-ever does she show her navel. A very odd entry indeed in the female pop-star tourney.

She has a point. Compared to her peers in the Babylon that is modern pop music, Swift has kept her aesthetic… well, decidedly conservative. She wears long dresses, eschews piercings, and, as Metroland points out, carries her handbag like a 1950s housewife. Most people miss those little details, but the alt-right does not. They’re convinced she’s signalling.
Another example of how the left and the Alt-Right Identitarians have hijacked some poor bloke and made them an icon for their system of beliefs, we have Ben Garrison.

Ben Garrison: How The Internet Made A Fake White Supremacist

But Montana-based artist Ben Garrison isn’t a violent Neo-Nazi, or even a white nationalist. He’s a polite, accomplished cartoonist, with no history of overt or covert racism. His true political leanings are libertarian, anti-elitist, and anti-globalist.

Garrison is, in fact, the victim of one the most extraordinary and longest-running smear campaigns on the internet.

For a mixture of amusement and spite, in a trolling spree that has lasted over six years, thousands of online pranksters and real neo-Nazis have been remixing his cartoons into racist caricatures. Most Ben Garrison cartoons attack the government, corporations, and political movements.

However, almost immediately after one is published, it is remixed into a new version that attacks Jews, African-Americans, or other minorities. These are rapidly disseminated in troll communities and sometimes become more widely-shared than the originals. Like the bandit gang in The Magnificent Seven, who perpetually raid the same town for food and supplies, Ben Garrison’s trolls keep coming back for more....

In an age where we’re overloaded with information and likely to believe whatever the search engines tell us, the trolling campaign has been remarkably successful. Speaking to Breitbart Tech, Garrison said the trolls have ruined his business opportunities.

“Do an internet search of my name and you’ll see me in a Nazi uniform, which can be a tad off-putting to potential commercial art clients. I lost a lot of work as a consequence. I now must try to make a living drawing the cartoons and selling paintings.”

Garrison’s trolls have even convinced journalists – supposed paragons of accuracy and investigation – that he is a white supremacist. During the Baltimore riots earlier this year, trolls flooded the online chatroom of a live FOX 10 Phoenix broadcast, and convinced the presenters that Garrison was an “anti-Semitic political cartoonist.”

And that boys and girls is how the Identitiarian Alt-Right rolls.
Examples of Alt-Right Memers mixing Hitler images with quotes from non-racists like Taylor Swift or making tweaks to cartoons and other images into anit-semetic or racist messages.


This is an interesting description of the Alt-Right prior to the rise of Donald Trump.

What is the American 'alternative right'? - Quora

I wrote the above description prior to the rise of Donald Trump, who has since become enthusiastically embraced by the alt-right as a sort of cult-hero figure, though there is very little evidence to suggest Trump himself is even aware of the movement.

Many alt-right people love Trump for his strong anti-illegal immigration stance, but also for his general “political incorrectness.” To a large degree, Trump’s warm reception by the alt-right seems to be an “enemy of my enemy” sort of thing, in which Trump’s own beliefs and agenda are considered less important than the fact that he offends, and is hated by, many of the alt-right’s own enemies — establishment Republicans, “social justice warrior” progressives, etc.

As is the case with the alt-right itself, the alt-right embrace of Trump comes in many different flavors. Some of the more extreme or loony factions seem to genuinely believe Trump will establish some sort of white supremacist fascist dictatorship, which is obviously delusional.

As someone who was relatively agnostic about the alt-right before, I personally think the widespread embrace of Donald Trump has greatly cheapened the movement and its pretenses of intellectual seriousness.
A definition of the Alt-Right movement by an Alt-Right Identitarian blogger himself.

What is the Alt-Right? - Angry White Dude

The alt-right, in the simplest terms, is an unapologetic purging of liberal idiocy. As the name indicates, the movement is an alternative to a right-wing that has become an open farce as it tries to adapt itself to modern moral fads. Whether paleoconservative, libertarian or mainline Christian Republican, all socially acceptable right-wing factions, in order to be socially acceptable, studiously honor the conclusions of the Civil Rights Movement, feminism, and the youth culture of the 1960s and ’70s. All socially acceptable right-wing factions have white flags at the ready in case anyone in their general vicinity happens to utter the word “racism.”

This is where the main distinction is made. Leftist scare-words are not cause for alarm among alt-righters. “Racism,” “misogyny,” “homophobia,” etc. are seen by members of the movement as nothing more than the superstitions, the official heresies, of the modern liberal cult.

The most ubiquitous feature of the alt-right is race realism. This is usually the gateway drug because, like actual gateway drugs, it is relatively mild and readily available to regular people. An intellectually curious person might not immediately understand the diabolical workings of critical theory or the implications of the Bolshevik Revolution, but he can certainly recognize that blacks, wherever they are found in the world, create and dwell in dangerous slums; he can certainly read IQ, crime and income charts and draw the obvious conclusions. And once the curtain is pulled back on immutable racial characteristics, another question is raised: If whites, blacks, browns and yellows are after all fundamentally different, then why is this very basic truth denied at all the key points of our society, from government to academia to media?

For the alt-righter, this soon becomes the central question. Who is working so hard to conceal the most essential realities of the human condition from Western man?

In answering this question, we find another salient feature of the alt-right: being “Jew wise.” If we acknowledge racial realities, and then peel back the next layer, we learn that it is Jewish intellectuals and activists who are behind the current equality lunacy that is destroying the West. It is Jewish figures who promote anti-white rhetoric, imagery and theories in the media, and it is Jewish theorists who designed the social justice cult ruining young people by the million.

So not only are the Neocons working to defeat Trump and put Hillary Clinton in the White House, they are also undermining the Paleocon efforts to keep the White Nationalist/Identitarians at bay among the Alt-Right who oppose the Neocons. The Neocons think that the Identarians cannot ever win power, but they are wrong, as this will be yet one more unforeseen impact of the Robotics Revolution and the jobless economy it will implement.
Until about a year ago I had not heard of the Alt-Right. I had heard of the neocons and their opposition paleocons, but not the Alt-right. And though I have read enough to publish a book, lol, I will do my best in this post keep it simple and describe what I have learned, as accurately as I know it.

The Alt-right is a large group of people who oppose the Neoconservative establishment in the GOP. They dont see the intellectual divide on the right as between neocons vrs paleocons any more. They see it as Neoconservatives vrs EVERBODY ELSE to the right. And that is a fairly large group. Here is a break down for the Alt-Right by Breitbart, the supposed flag ship of the Alt-right.

But this is why the Neocon GOPe likes to smear its more moderate conservative traditional conservative opposition as 'Alt-Right' by clumping them with the Jared Taylors and antisemites of the once called 'Far Right'. In response the Alt-right likes to hit back by labeling the Neocons as "Conservatives Inc.", i.e. a fake conservatism that is only concerned about making profit and to hell with American culture or any core ethnic identity.

The Alt-Right consists of the 'Natural Conservatives' who are more moderate and assert that one cannot separate culture from ethnicity and race (I disagree), but they do correctly assert that ideology and politics flow downstream from culture and that I most certainly do agree with. Along with the "Natcons" are the Memers and the 1488ers and the remnants of the Paleocon movement and Cultural conservatives of various kinds and both of whom are the vast majority of the Alt-Right.

This embraces a huge number of people in that subspectrum of the anti-Neocon Right from Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and Andrew Breitbart to those who would object to their own inclusion like Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Giulliani, to those who want to be, not just members, but thought of as the definers of Alt-Right ideology like the 1488ers and this loser.

The lefts reaction to the Alt right is similar to many of the right's reaction to Islam in that both groups tend to identify their opposition by the most extreme views that they find among that group. Just as many cultural conservatives cannot distinguish between the main stream Islam of our many allies vrs the radical Salafi movement that breeds terrorists like cockroaches, the left cannot see the difference of thought between the neonazi 1488ers vrs Donald Trump, the former who hope to hijack the Alt-Right movement while the latter is hardly even aware of the movement. And while the left will hypocritically demand respect for the differences of thought among various elements of Islam, they concede no such consideration for their fellow Americans on the right, even embracing Muslim extremists like Huma Abedin who is trying to hide from her past in the closet as Hillary Clintons top aid.

But though the 1488ers do not define Alt-Right no more than Salafists define Islam, it will be the definition used by their enemies. The worst aspect of it all is that by painting with such a broad brush, the left cripples and undermines the Paleocon and Christian efforts to contain and marginalize the 1488ers and the White Nationalists by declaring these fringe groups as the champions of anti-Neocons on the Right.

Now, while the 1488ers are losers from the get-go, the White Nationalists are far more subtle and thus dangerous to what America has long stood for and draws its strength from - civic nationalism and ethnic diversity. While the traditional conservatives are the majority of the Alt-Right, the White Nationalists are growing fast and are perfecting their appeal from within the reigning paradigm of "Identity Politics".

In the West, a new racism has evolved that is an adaptation of the old racism to the new political realities by reducing their racism to its component axioms. For example, while one is not allowed to argue that blacks are by nature criminally inclined, one can argue that genetic studies of twins show that genetic components to human individual behavior are overwhelming forces, and that also any imposition of "Law and Order" policies are inherently discriminatory and have unequal impact on blacks. The summation of these last two assertions equate to the first "racist" assertion and not many people are missing that message; they are just too cowed to talk about it. So the modern racists pass their racial beliefs to the broader population not with direct assertions, but by breaking them down into component parts instead and let the reader draw their own conclusions.

And the success of this new racism is overwhelming in the broader culture. We live in a time where most fictional characters, where they mention ethnic background, justify and explain their behavior by referencing their ethnicity or genetic heritage. Whether the people are Klingons from Star Trek, Grimms from the TV series Grimm, elves, dwarves and orcs from Tolkien or World of Warcraft, or just some stereotypical race from a random role playing game, the notion that race and genetics reign in individual behavior is now SUPREME. You cant even argue the topic; I know as I have many many times tried.

The White Nationalists embrace this underlying composition and argue that white people must be allowed their place at the Identity Politics table of Identities. They do not argue for White Supremacy, that is a 1488er losing issue that White Nationalists jeer at and disdain as for "informants and LARPers". They call themselves "Identitarians" and argue that they only want fairness for those who identify as whites and an end to antiWhite Discrimination. Jared Taylor is among the top intellectuals of this group and he disdains White Supremacism and antiSemitism.

So while Taylor and his allies battle the anti-Semites and 1488ers for control of the Alt-Right fringe, the Paleocons like Ann Coultur, Laura Ingraham, and the staff at Breitbart continue to plug away trying to unseat the Neocons in power within the GOP, backing their man Donald Trump, as their enemies in BOTH parties are using the Identitarians and 1488ers to smear the efforts of the paleocons.

And so the Neocons split their opposition within the party and hope to remain on top after giving Hillary Clinton the White House.

Interesting post, two questions.

1. What are the 1488ers?

2. How has America drawn strength from "ethnic diversity"?
Another thing about the Alt-Right is how the Memers will just hijack anyone and anything that they think 'signals' to them approval of their message, like, beyond belief, Taylor Swift.

Like Donald Trump, I doubt that Taylor Swift has any concept of the difference between a paleocon and a neocon and a Identitarian, but there it is - the Identitarians will use her any way.

Taylor Swift Is An Alt-Right Pop Icon

At first glance, there’s nothing much that separates Tay-Tay from a bog-standard, instinctively progressive pop star. She’s a feminist, her music videos are filled with twerking, and her lyrics are often about sex. Surely, any self-respecting alt-righter would reject this as the product of late-capitalism’s decadence and degeneracy?

Not quite. The Daily Stormer, home of the alt-right’s ultra-radical and race-preoccupied “1488” contingent, has an entire category devoted to Swift. One post praises her as the “Nazi Avatar Of The White European People.” Another worries that she may have “Succumbed To the Merchant.” (They mean Jews.)

The majority of the alt-right use Hitler memes and mock antisemitism primarily to provoke and troll Establishment types. But even the worst elements follow Swift with the obsession of a teenage schoolgirl....

Swift doesn’t look like other pop stars, who are either white people acting black or black people who seem to get whiter every year. She appears more comfortable in her own skin and doesn’t go in for racial ambiguity.

Beyond race, Swift is an icon of quintessentially American culture: she didn’t originally pursue pop music but got her start as a country star, a genre typically associated with white southern conservatives. Very problematic!

As alt-right blogger Margot Metroland explains:

The Pennsylvania girl was quickly embraced as a teenage country star, and treated as the embodiment of healthy Southern values. Nice old Presbyterian ladies in Buckhead, sorority girls at SMU, UDC chapters in Richmond and Spartanburg—they all found out who Taylor was in jig time, and bought her records, followed her love life, learned the names of her cats.

According to Metroland, this wholesome country-girl image is something Swift continues to nurture.

No cone-shaped bras or other Mediterranean slut-gear for our Tay; she does like to bare her midriff (good abs from those classes at the ModelFIT studio) but never-ever does she show her navel. A very odd entry indeed in the female pop-star tourney.

She has a point. Compared to her peers in the Babylon that is modern pop music, Swift has kept her aesthetic… well, decidedly conservative. She wears long dresses, eschews piercings, and, as Metroland points out, carries her handbag like a 1950s housewife. Most people miss those little details, but the alt-right does not. They’re convinced she’s signalling.

All very interesting as are your subsequent posts, but I simplify it to the the extreme thusly:

There are really three types of 'conservative' as "conservative" is most often defined in modern day American culture:

Those who are part of the permanent political class, i.e. those who express right of center beliefs but in actuality are concerned only with their own personal power, prestige, influence, and wealth--lots of leftwingers in this group also--. . .and

All those who oppose the permanent political class, whether left or right of center, and embrace a concept of personal liberty allowed by a small, efficient, effective central government that does only what it is constitutionally authorized to do. This group can include representatives of the so-called 'religious right', the Tea Partiers, the 9/12ers, the classical liberals/libertarians (little L), etc. No leftwingers in this group.

And finally the tiny fringe groups, all disavowed by the others, such as white supremacists, anarchists, and opportunistic groups like the Westboro Baptists who are not conservative in any sense of the word but who are classified as right of center. Perhaps these could be the alt-right people.

You could find representatives of the so-called 'neocons' in any of the three groups.
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One of the big issues that divides the Alt Right and the Far Right.

The Far Right sees Israel as the home of God's favorite people and work to preserve Israel. They promise Israel their undying support.

Like the radical Islamisists, the Alt Right want to see Israel destroyed and the Jews killed the way the Far Right wants the gays killed.
One of the big issues that divides the Alt Right and the Far Right.

The Far Right sees Israel as the home of God's favorite people and work to preserve Israel. They promise Israel their undying support.

Like the radical Islamisists, the Alt Right want to see Israel destroyed and the Jews killed the way the Far Right wants the gays killed.

The Far Right does not want to see Gays killed.
Until about a year ago I had not heard of the Alt-Right. I had heard of the neocons and their opposition paleocons, but not the Alt-right. And though I have read enough to publish a book, lol, I will do my best in this post keep it simple and describe what I have learned, as accurately as I know it.

The Alt-right is a large group of people who oppose the Neoconservative establishment in the GOP. They dont see the intellectual divide on the right as between neocons vrs paleocons any more. They see it as Neoconservatives vrs EVERBODY ELSE to the right. And that is a fairly large group. Here is a break down for the Alt-Right by Breitbart, the supposed flag ship of the Alt-right.

But this is why the Neocon GOPe likes to smear its more moderate conservative traditional conservative opposition as 'Alt-Right' by clumping them with the Jared Taylors and antisemites of the once called 'Far Right'. In response the Alt-right likes to hit back by labeling the Neocons as "Conservatives Inc.", i.e. a fake conservatism that is only concerned about making profit and to hell with American culture or any core ethnic identity.

The Alt-Right consists of the 'Natural Conservatives' who are more moderate and assert that one cannot separate culture from ethnicity and race (I disagree), but they do correctly assert that ideology and politics flow downstream from culture and that I most certainly do agree with. Along with the "Natcons" are the Memers and the 1488ers and the remnants of the Paleocon movement and Cultural conservatives of various kinds and both of whom are the vast majority of the Alt-Right.

This embraces a huge number of people in that subspectrum of the anti-Neocon Right from Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and Andrew Breitbart to those who would object to their own inclusion like Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Giulliani, to those who want to be, not just members, but thought of as the definers of Alt-Right ideology like the 1488ers and this loser.

The lefts reaction to the Alt right is similar to many of the right's reaction to Islam in that both groups tend to identify their opposition by the most extreme views that they find among that group. Just as many cultural conservatives cannot distinguish between the main stream Islam of our many allies vrs the radical Salafi movement that breeds terrorists like cockroaches, the left cannot see the difference of thought between the neonazi 1488ers vrs Donald Trump, the former who hope to hijack the Alt-Right movement while the latter is hardly even aware of the movement. And while the left will hypocritically demand respect for the differences of thought among various elements of Islam, they concede no such consideration for their fellow Americans on the right, even embracing Muslim extremists like Huma Abedin who is trying to hide from her past in the closet as Hillary Clintons top aid.

But though the 1488ers do not define Alt-Right no more than Salafists define Islam, it will be the definition used by their enemies. The worst aspect of it all is that by painting with such a broad brush, the left cripples and undermines the Paleocon and Christian efforts to contain and marginalize the 1488ers and the White Nationalists by declaring these fringe groups as the champions of anti-Neocons on the Right.

Now, while the 1488ers are losers from the get-go, the White Nationalists are far more subtle and thus dangerous to what America has long stood for and draws its strength from - civic nationalism and ethnic diversity. While the traditional conservatives are the majority of the Alt-Right, the White Nationalists are growing fast and are perfecting their appeal from within the reigning paradigm of "Identity Politics".

In the West, a new racism has evolved that is an adaptation of the old racism to the new political realities by reducing their racism to its component axioms. For example, while one is not allowed to argue that blacks are by nature criminally inclined, one can argue that genetic studies of twins show that genetic components to human individual behavior are overwhelming forces, and that also any imposition of "Law and Order" policies are inherently discriminatory and have unequal impact on blacks. The summation of these last two assertions equate to the first "racist" assertion and not many people are missing that message; they are just too cowed to talk about it. So the modern racists pass their racial beliefs to the broader population not with direct assertions, but by breaking them down into component parts instead and let the reader draw their own conclusions.

And the success of this new racism is overwhelming in the broader culture. We live in a time where most fictional characters, where they mention ethnic background, justify and explain their behavior by referencing their ethnicity or genetic heritage. Whether the people are Klingons from Star Trek, Grimms from the TV series Grimm, elves, dwarves and orcs from Tolkien or World of Warcraft, or just some stereotypical race from a random role playing game, the notion that race and genetics reign in individual behavior is now SUPREME. You cant even argue the topic; I know as I have many many times tried.

The White Nationalists embrace this underlying composition and argue that white people must be allowed their place at the Identity Politics table of Identities. They do not argue for White Supremacy, that is a 1488er losing issue that White Nationalists jeer at and disdain as for "informants and LARPers". They call themselves "Identitarians" and argue that they only want fairness for those who identify as whites and an end to antiWhite Discrimination. Jared Taylor is among the top intellectuals of this group and he disdains White Supremacism and antiSemitism.

So while Taylor and his allies battle the anti-Semites and 1488ers for control of the Alt-Right fringe, the Paleocons like Ann Coultur, Laura Ingraham, and the staff at Breitbart continue to plug away trying to unseat the Neocons in power within the GOP, backing their man Donald Trump, as their enemies in BOTH parties are using the Identitarians and 1488ers to smear the efforts of the paleocons.

And so the Neocons split their opposition within the party and hope to remain on top after giving Hillary Clinton the White House.

Interesting post, two questions.

1. What are the 1488ers?

2. How has America drawn strength from "ethnic diversity"?

1. the acronym 1488 is a composition of the number of words in a well known White Nationalist slogan, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" And of the numbers representing HH for "Heil Hitler". In short is a neonazi code self reference. They are largely idiots, excons and FBI informants.

2. America drew strength from its civic nationalism in a great many ways, but most importantly in the dynamic growth of its population and industrial might in the late 1800s. I personally think that there is a huge cultural mixture that is uniquely American in the aggregate, of Amerindian autonomous thought and self reliance, Irish fight, Scotish resolution and a core of English pragmatism that still many other ethnic groups have also contributed to, especially African Americans in the arts and genetic hardiness from heterosis in the general population
Until about a year ago I had not heard of the Alt-Right. I had heard of the neocons and their opposition paleocons, but not the Alt-right. And though I have read enough to publish a book, lol, I will do my best in this post keep it simple and describe what I have learned, as accurately as I know it.

The Alt-right is a large group of people who oppose the Neoconservative establishment in the GOP. They dont see the intellectual divide on the right as between neocons vrs paleocons any more. They see it as Neoconservatives vrs EVERBODY ELSE to the right. And that is a fairly large group. Here is a break down for the Alt-Right by Breitbart, the supposed flag ship of the Alt-right.

But this is why the Neocon GOPe likes to smear its more moderate conservative traditional conservative opposition as 'Alt-Right' by clumping them with the Jared Taylors and antisemites of the once called 'Far Right'. In response the Alt-right likes to hit back by labeling the Neocons as "Conservatives Inc.", i.e. a fake conservatism that is only concerned about making profit and to hell with American culture or any core ethnic identity.

The Alt-Right consists of the 'Natural Conservatives' who are more moderate and assert that one cannot separate culture from ethnicity and race (I disagree), but they do correctly assert that ideology and politics flow downstream from culture and that I most certainly do agree with. Along with the "Natcons" are the Memers and the 1488ers and the remnants of the Paleocon movement and Cultural conservatives of various kinds and both of whom are the vast majority of the Alt-Right.

This embraces a huge number of people in that subspectrum of the anti-Neocon Right from Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and Andrew Breitbart to those who would object to their own inclusion like Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Giulliani, to those who want to be, not just members, but thought of as the definers of Alt-Right ideology like the 1488ers and this loser.

The lefts reaction to the Alt right is similar to many of the right's reaction to Islam in that both groups tend to identify their opposition by the most extreme views that they find among that group. Just as many cultural conservatives cannot distinguish between the main stream Islam of our many allies vrs the radical Salafi movement that breeds terrorists like cockroaches, the left cannot see the difference of thought between the neonazi 1488ers vrs Donald Trump, the former who hope to hijack the Alt-Right movement while the latter is hardly even aware of the movement. And while the left will hypocritically demand respect for the differences of thought among various elements of Islam, they concede no such consideration for their fellow Americans on the right, even embracing Muslim extremists like Huma Abedin who is trying to hide from her past in the closet as Hillary Clintons top aid.

But though the 1488ers do not define Alt-Right no more than Salafists define Islam, it will be the definition used by their enemies. The worst aspect of it all is that by painting with such a broad brush, the left cripples and undermines the Paleocon and Christian efforts to contain and marginalize the 1488ers and the White Nationalists by declaring these fringe groups as the champions of anti-Neocons on the Right.

Now, while the 1488ers are losers from the get-go, the White Nationalists are far more subtle and thus dangerous to what America has long stood for and draws its strength from - civic nationalism and ethnic diversity. While the traditional conservatives are the majority of the Alt-Right, the White Nationalists are growing fast and are perfecting their appeal from within the reigning paradigm of "Identity Politics".

In the West, a new racism has evolved that is an adaptation of the old racism to the new political realities by reducing their racism to its component axioms. For example, while one is not allowed to argue that blacks are by nature criminally inclined, one can argue that genetic studies of twins show that genetic components to human individual behavior are overwhelming forces, and that also any imposition of "Law and Order" policies are inherently discriminatory and have unequal impact on blacks. The summation of these last two assertions equate to the first "racist" assertion and not many people are missing that message; they are just too cowed to talk about it. So the modern racists pass their racial beliefs to the broader population not with direct assertions, but by breaking them down into component parts instead and let the reader draw their own conclusions.

And the success of this new racism is overwhelming in the broader culture. We live in a time where most fictional characters, where they mention ethnic background, justify and explain their behavior by referencing their ethnicity or genetic heritage. Whether the people are Klingons from Star Trek, Grimms from the TV series Grimm, elves, dwarves and orcs from Tolkien or World of Warcraft, or just some stereotypical race from a random role playing game, the notion that race and genetics reign in individual behavior is now SUPREME. You cant even argue the topic; I know as I have many many times tried.

The White Nationalists embrace this underlying composition and argue that white people must be allowed their place at the Identity Politics table of Identities. They do not argue for White Supremacy, that is a 1488er losing issue that White Nationalists jeer at and disdain as for "informants and LARPers". They call themselves "Identitarians" and argue that they only want fairness for those who identify as whites and an end to antiWhite Discrimination. Jared Taylor is among the top intellectuals of this group and he disdains White Supremacism and antiSemitism.

So while Taylor and his allies battle the anti-Semites and 1488ers for control of the Alt-Right fringe, the Paleocons like Ann Coultur, Laura Ingraham, and the staff at Breitbart continue to plug away trying to unseat the Neocons in power within the GOP, backing their man Donald Trump, as their enemies in BOTH parties are using the Identitarians and 1488ers to smear the efforts of the paleocons.

And so the Neocons split their opposition within the party and hope to remain on top after giving Hillary Clinton the White House.

Interesting post, two questions.

1. What are the 1488ers?

2. How has America drawn strength from "ethnic diversity"?

1. the acronym 1488 is a composition of the number of words in a well known White Nationalist slogan, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" And of the numbers representing HH for "Heil Hitler". In short is a neonazi code self reference. They are largely idiots, excons and FBI informants.

2. America drew strength from its civic nationalism in a great many ways, but most importantly in the dynamic growth of its population and industrial might in the late 1800s. I personally think that there is a huge cultural mixture that is uniquely American in the aggregate, of Amerindian autonomous thought and self reliance, Irish fight, Scotish resolution and a core of English pragmatism that still many other ethnic groups have also contributed to, especially African Americans in the arts and genetic hardiness from heterosis in the general population

1. I kind of figured it was something painfully stupid like that.

2. I agree that large scale immigration and population growth of the 1800s helped turn this nation into a giant but I don't see that the Diversity was a plus, but instead that the Assimilation managed to avoid a potential pitfall.
Until about a year ago I had not heard of the Alt-Right. I had heard of the neocons and their opposition paleocons, but not the Alt-right. And though I have read enough to publish a book, lol, I will do my best in this post keep it simple and describe what I have learned, as accurately as I know it.

The Alt-right is a large group of people who oppose the Neoconservative establishment in the GOP. They dont see the intellectual divide on the right as between neocons vrs paleocons any more. They see it as Neoconservatives vrs EVERBODY ELSE to the right. And that is a fairly large group. Here is a break down for the Alt-Right by Breitbart, the supposed flag ship of the Alt-right.

But this is why the Neocon GOPe likes to smear its more moderate conservative traditional conservative opposition as 'Alt-Right' by clumping them with the Jared Taylors and antisemites of the once called 'Far Right'. In response the Alt-right likes to hit back by labeling the Neocons as "Conservatives Inc.", i.e. a fake conservatism that is only concerned about making profit and to hell with American culture or any core ethnic identity.

The Alt-Right consists of the 'Natural Conservatives' who are more moderate and assert that one cannot separate culture from ethnicity and race (I disagree), but they do correctly assert that ideology and politics flow downstream from culture and that I most certainly do agree with. Along with the "Natcons" are the Memers and the 1488ers and the remnants of the Paleocon movement and Cultural conservatives of various kinds and both of whom are the vast majority of the Alt-Right.

This embraces a huge number of people in that subspectrum of the anti-Neocon Right from Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and Andrew Breitbart to those who would object to their own inclusion like Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Giulliani, to those who want to be, not just members, but thought of as the definers of Alt-Right ideology like the 1488ers and this loser.

The lefts reaction to the Alt right is similar to many of the right's reaction to Islam in that both groups tend to identify their opposition by the most extreme views that they find among that group. Just as many cultural conservatives cannot distinguish between the main stream Islam of our many allies vrs the radical Salafi movement that breeds terrorists like cockroaches, the left cannot see the difference of thought between the neonazi 1488ers vrs Donald Trump, the former who hope to hijack the Alt-Right movement while the latter is hardly even aware of the movement. And while the left will hypocritically demand respect for the differences of thought among various elements of Islam, they concede no such consideration for their fellow Americans on the right, even embracing Muslim extremists like Huma Abedin who is trying to hide from her past in the closet as Hillary Clintons top aid.

But though the 1488ers do not define Alt-Right no more than Salafists define Islam, it will be the definition used by their enemies. The worst aspect of it all is that by painting with such a broad brush, the left cripples and undermines the Paleocon and Christian efforts to contain and marginalize the 1488ers and the White Nationalists by declaring these fringe groups as the champions of anti-Neocons on the Right.

Now, while the 1488ers are losers from the get-go, the White Nationalists are far more subtle and thus dangerous to what America has long stood for and draws its strength from - civic nationalism and ethnic diversity. While the traditional conservatives are the majority of the Alt-Right, the White Nationalists are growing fast and are perfecting their appeal from within the reigning paradigm of "Identity Politics".

In the West, a new racism has evolved that is an adaptation of the old racism to the new political realities by reducing their racism to its component axioms. For example, while one is not allowed to argue that blacks are by nature criminally inclined, one can argue that genetic studies of twins show that genetic components to human individual behavior are overwhelming forces, and that also any imposition of "Law and Order" policies are inherently discriminatory and have unequal impact on blacks. The summation of these last two assertions equate to the first "racist" assertion and not many people are missing that message; they are just too cowed to talk about it. So the modern racists pass their racial beliefs to the broader population not with direct assertions, but by breaking them down into component parts instead and let the reader draw their own conclusions.

And the success of this new racism is overwhelming in the broader culture. We live in a time where most fictional characters, where they mention ethnic background, justify and explain their behavior by referencing their ethnicity or genetic heritage. Whether the people are Klingons from Star Trek, Grimms from the TV series Grimm, elves, dwarves and orcs from Tolkien or World of Warcraft, or just some stereotypical race from a random role playing game, the notion that race and genetics reign in individual behavior is now SUPREME. You cant even argue the topic; I know as I have many many times tried.

The White Nationalists embrace this underlying composition and argue that white people must be allowed their place at the Identity Politics table of Identities. They do not argue for White Supremacy, that is a 1488er losing issue that White Nationalists jeer at and disdain as for "informants and LARPers". They call themselves "Identitarians" and argue that they only want fairness for those who identify as whites and an end to antiWhite Discrimination. Jared Taylor is among the top intellectuals of this group and he disdains White Supremacism and antiSemitism.

So while Taylor and his allies battle the anti-Semites and 1488ers for control of the Alt-Right fringe, the Paleocons like Ann Coultur, Laura Ingraham, and the staff at Breitbart continue to plug away trying to unseat the Neocons in power within the GOP, backing their man Donald Trump, as their enemies in BOTH parties are using the Identitarians and 1488ers to smear the efforts of the paleocons.

And so the Neocons split their opposition within the party and hope to remain on top after giving Hillary Clinton the White House.

Interesting post, two questions.

1. What are the 1488ers?

2. How has America drawn strength from "ethnic diversity"?
14 is the 14 words- We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

Horrible stuff I know!

88 means Heil Hitler. H is 8th letter of the alphabet hence 88. There is no such thing as the 1488ers lol...never even heard of such crap. Just like their are variations of the "conservative movement" there are many variations in the white racialist/nationalist movement. There are different religions/there are nationalists,separatists,supremacists,etc. You would be amazed.
One of the big issues that divides the Alt Right and the Far Right.

The Far Right sees Israel as the home of God's favorite people and work to preserve Israel. They promise Israel their undying support.

Like the radical Islamisists, the Alt Right want to see Israel destroyed and the Jews killed the way the Far Right wants the gays killed.

You are confusing different groups of people, and I doubt that you will ever change your view of this topic because of your ideological blinders.

But for the record, your use of the term 'Far Right' to include Evangelicals and other Dispensationalist Christians is a laugh. These Christians are difficult to even get out to vote, let alone part of some hyper-obsessive radical Far Right.

And again had you read and retained any of the OP, the Alt-Right is a generic composition of many different groups of people, the largest of which by far are the Paleocons, not the Identitarians or the NeoNazi 1488ers.

That is only what you *want* to think of them, just like the Dispensationalists typically dont want to recognize the difference between the Salafi radicals within Islam and Islam itself.

And thus libtard ideologues like yourself use the tag Alt-right to smear Paleocons by linking them to the Jared Taylor Identitarians and the neoNazi 1488ers though none of these groups want anything to do with the other.
One of the big issues that divides the Alt Right and the Far Right.

The Far Right sees Israel as the home of God's favorite people and work to preserve Israel. They promise Israel their undying support.

Like the radical Islamisists, the Alt Right want to see Israel destroyed and the Jews killed the way the Far Right wants the gays killed.

The Far Right does not want to see Gays killed.
Well not most (99%) of them.
Until about a year ago I had not heard of the Alt-Right. I had heard of the neocons and their opposition paleocons, but not the Alt-right. And though I have read enough to publish a book, lol, I will do my best in this post keep it simple and describe what I have learned, as accurately as I know it.

The Alt-right is a large group of people who oppose the Neoconservative establishment in the GOP. They dont see the intellectual divide on the right as between neocons vrs paleocons any more. They see it as Neoconservatives vrs EVERBODY ELSE to the right. And that is a fairly large group. Here is a break down for the Alt-Right by Breitbart, the supposed flag ship of the Alt-right.

But this is why the Neocon GOPe likes to smear its more moderate conservative traditional conservative opposition as 'Alt-Right' by clumping them with the Jared Taylors and antisemites of the once called 'Far Right'. In response the Alt-right likes to hit back by labeling the Neocons as "Conservatives Inc.", i.e. a fake conservatism that is only concerned about making profit and to hell with American culture or any core ethnic identity.

The Alt-Right consists of the 'Natural Conservatives' who are more moderate and assert that one cannot separate culture from ethnicity and race (I disagree), but they do correctly assert that ideology and politics flow downstream from culture and that I most certainly do agree with. Along with the "Natcons" are the Memers and the 1488ers and the remnants of the Paleocon movement and Cultural conservatives of various kinds and both of whom are the vast majority of the Alt-Right.

This embraces a huge number of people in that subspectrum of the anti-Neocon Right from Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and Andrew Breitbart to those who would object to their own inclusion like Rush Limbaugh and Rudy Giulliani, to those who want to be, not just members, but thought of as the definers of Alt-Right ideology like the 1488ers and this loser.

The lefts reaction to the Alt right is similar to many of the right's reaction to Islam in that both groups tend to identify their opposition by the most extreme views that they find among that group. Just as many cultural conservatives cannot distinguish between the main stream Islam of our many allies vrs the radical Salafi movement that breeds terrorists like cockroaches, the left cannot see the difference of thought between the neonazi 1488ers vrs Donald Trump, the former who hope to hijack the Alt-Right movement while the latter is hardly even aware of the movement. And while the left will hypocritically demand respect for the differences of thought among various elements of Islam, they concede no such consideration for their fellow Americans on the right, even embracing Muslim extremists like Huma Abedin who is trying to hide from her past in the closet as Hillary Clintons top aid.

But though the 1488ers do not define Alt-Right no more than Salafists define Islam, it will be the definition used by their enemies. The worst aspect of it all is that by painting with such a broad brush, the left cripples and undermines the Paleocon and Christian efforts to contain and marginalize the 1488ers and the White Nationalists by declaring these fringe groups as the champions of anti-Neocons on the Right.

Now, while the 1488ers are losers from the get-go, the White Nationalists are far more subtle and thus dangerous to what America has long stood for and draws its strength from - civic nationalism and ethnic diversity. While the traditional conservatives are the majority of the Alt-Right, the White Nationalists are growing fast and are perfecting their appeal from within the reigning paradigm of "Identity Politics".

In the West, a new racism has evolved that is an adaptation of the old racism to the new political realities by reducing their racism to its component axioms. For example, while one is not allowed to argue that blacks are by nature criminally inclined, one can argue that genetic studies of twins show that genetic components to human individual behavior are overwhelming forces, and that also any imposition of "Law and Order" policies are inherently discriminatory and have unequal impact on blacks. The summation of these last two assertions equate to the first "racist" assertion and not many people are missing that message; they are just too cowed to talk about it. So the modern racists pass their racial beliefs to the broader population not with direct assertions, but by breaking them down into component parts instead and let the reader draw their own conclusions.

And the success of this new racism is overwhelming in the broader culture. We live in a time where most fictional characters, where they mention ethnic background, justify and explain their behavior by referencing their ethnicity or genetic heritage. Whether the people are Klingons from Star Trek, Grimms from the TV series Grimm, elves, dwarves and orcs from Tolkien or World of Warcraft, or just some stereotypical race from a random role playing game, the notion that race and genetics reign in individual behavior is now SUPREME. You cant even argue the topic; I know as I have many many times tried.

The White Nationalists embrace this underlying composition and argue that white people must be allowed their place at the Identity Politics table of Identities. They do not argue for White Supremacy, that is a 1488er losing issue that White Nationalists jeer at and disdain as for "informants and LARPers". They call themselves "Identitarians" and argue that they only want fairness for those who identify as whites and an end to antiWhite Discrimination. Jared Taylor is among the top intellectuals of this group and he disdains White Supremacism and antiSemitism.

So while Taylor and his allies battle the anti-Semites and 1488ers for control of the Alt-Right fringe, the Paleocons like Ann Coultur, Laura Ingraham, and the staff at Breitbart continue to plug away trying to unseat the Neocons in power within the GOP, backing their man Donald Trump, as their enemies in BOTH parties are using the Identitarians and 1488ers to smear the efforts of the paleocons.

And so the Neocons split their opposition within the party and hope to remain on top after giving Hillary Clinton the White House.

Interesting post, two questions.

1. What are the 1488ers?

2. How has America drawn strength from "ethnic diversity"?
14 is the 14 words- We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

Horrible stuff I know!

88 means Heil Hitler. H is 8th letter of the alphabet hence 88. There is no such thing as the 1488ers lol...never even heard of such crap. Just like their are variations of the "conservative movement" there are many variations in the white racialist/nationalist movement. There are different religions/there are nationalists,separatists,supremacists,etc. You would be amazed.
I gave the exact same answer, but mine was funny in your befuddled brain, lol.
2. I agree that large scale immigration and population growth of the 1800s helped turn this nation into a giant but I don't see that the Diversity was a plus, but instead that the Assimilation managed to avoid a potential pitfall.
Oh, yeah definitely the assimilation was the only reason that it all worked at all. But the assimilation was never 100% and usually it left a very helpful addition of the best qualities into the national culture, especially at the regional scale.

Melting Pots work, Salad Bowls do not.

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