Hunter found guilty on all charges

Thanks for showing us what they're up to.

Wanna bet some Dem schmuck doesn't try to enter a new law (same as the old law) that takes away the rights of law-abiding citizens over this.

They have no case. Garland should have never allowed this left over trump witch hunter to have stayed.

Trump would have never let it happen.

This is why this will not hurt Biden, but will actually continue hurting Trump.

And it any for Trump by a long shot. The very worst is still yet to come for the orange shut stain.
You mean the taxes he already paid back?

A jury in Cali won’t be the pushover this one was.

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I see from your meme you are dismayed that crack head Hunter was not allowed to lie on a Federal Gun form to get a gun. But in other threads you squeal about wanting tougher gun laws. I'd have to conclude you don't think anything through before you post.
Your mission accomplished. So what's next....?

| 390 x 268

Going to Disneyland.
Will Hunter appeal his grossly unfair trial and conviction ?

Oh wait...that was someone else.
Hey Joe! Look at the pathetic piece of shit drug addict son you brought into our society. He will always be a worthless addict. He will relapse and be using drugs AGAIN and AGAIN and his addiction is FOREVER. Stop saying you are proud that he beat it, he did not. You must be pretty stupid to believe him when he says he is done using. :auiqs.jpg:
To be fair if it was anyone else but that sleese Hunter I would have hoped for jury nullification.

When this was added to the 4473 a couple of years back I knew it was all just BS.


No addicts or felons but you can be openly mentally ill and it's not a disqualifier.

At least no gun shop I know will sell a gun to anyone that checks Non-Binary.

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