Hunter found guilty on all charges

I'm actually surprised. He's not going to face jail time or any meaning full sentence, but he is a convicted criminal.

Non violent first-time offenders who did not use their weapons to commit a violent crime typically receive no jail time.
September. Perfect timing!
Hunter Biden's legal troubles are not over. He faces a trial in September in California on charges of failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes and congressional Republicans have signaled they will keep going after him in their stalled impeachment effort into the president.
I am too, but it's doubtful he will not get prison time. The tax case coming up is the big one, and it is just as cut and dry as the gun case.
Big one? How Big? Big like one of the criminal cases where a Trump pardoned was bought?


Quick! Deflect! Divert your eyes from the legal troubles of the soon to be declared GOP nominee, being a convicted felon, out on probation.

Hunter Biden's legal troubles are not over. He faces a trial in September in California on charges of failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes and congressional Republicans have signaled they will keep going after him in their stalled impeachment effort into the president.
Going after to Hunter for tax issues as a part of an impeachment investigation? Weird.

Defect from Mr. Trump being a convicted felon out on probation.



Hunter Biden has been found guilty of three felonies today in his Delaware gun crimes trial.

The Wilmington, Delaware jury unanimously voted to convict Joe Biden ’s son of two counts of lying on a federal form to buy a gun, and one count of possessing the firearm while abusing drugs.

The historic conviction marks the first time a current President’s child has been found guilty of a felony.

He will now await Judge Maryellen Noreika to decide on a sentence for the crimes, which could be as high as 25 years in prison and a $250,000 fine – though the typical sentence is much lower.

It is not over yet.
He still has his tax trial.
Joe will probably pardon him.
Good thing Hunter isn't the nominee of a major political party.

Divert your eyes away from the criminality of Trump Organization and of Mr. Trump himself.
no, Hunter is not running for president neither is his father who cannot run nor can he stand up. Hunter is the son; a convicted felon of Biden. An entire criminal enterprise family.

It all started with Biden teaching his sons to be criminals in Ukraine.
Trump family business was convicted on criminal charges, and now he personally.

There is no equivalency -- moral or otherwise


I'm actually surprised. He's not going to face jail time or any meaning full sentence, but he is a convicted criminal.

Yes. When a friendly hometown jury, a sympathetic judge, and a DOJ prosecutor find someone like Hunter guilty it is surprising but this was just as much a show trial--the purpose to give the the DOJ cover in going after Trump--as any of the Trump malicious prosecutions have been. That Hunter was guilty was pretty hard to shrug off given that it was his laptop, his texts and emails that provided the evidence. Even so there is no way in hell this would have been prosecuted if the DOJ didn't have to save face while going after a political opponent who also would never have been prosecuted had he not provided a threat to their power.

I will be amazed if the sentence is more than a reasonable fine and maybe some community service.
I see from your meme you are dismayed that crack head Hunter was not allowed to lie on a Federal Gun form to get a gun. But in other threads you squeal about wanting tougher gun laws. I'd have to conclude you don't think anything through before you post.

Then you think wrong.

You talk out of both sides of your face

Perfect trump supporter.

Let me know when Biden starts calling the case rigged

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