Hunter found guilty on all charges

Please note the difference between the response to the guilty verdict. trump pulled a hissy, called the judge names, said it was a sham court, and committed contempt 10 acting like an eight year old that loses a softball game.

On the other hand, PRESIDENT Biden took the guilty verdict well and even said he would not pardon Hunter. There was no name calling, no bashing the judge, no whining and threats.

trump has already demeaned free media. Now he is after out justice system, cause that is the only thing standing between him and Authoritarianism.

Note the glaring differences:

Trump doesn't have control of what's going on. He's literally being fucked in the ass by Biden, and you seem to think he must keep his mouth shut during a campaign cycle.

Meanwhile Hunter gets this sweetheart conviction which is just a distraction from all of the other crimes that the DOJ has him dead to rights on, and his genuine reaction is kept hushed up because the optics wouldn't be good for him. The real reaction to this isn't shown because nobody in the administration wants us to see Hunter use the F bomb repeatedly.

Instead they show Joe hugging and kissing his granddaughter on the lips while feeling her up. We're supposed to think of this creepy dude as a loving grandfather. They showed this sick crap out in the open so that it humanizes this sick family.

Let's wait for the sentencing before we jump to conclusions on what this felony conviction means for Hunter as opposed to Trump. They scheduled Trump's sentencing 4 days before the RNC but we don't know when sentencing will ever happen for Hunter Biden. Maybe after the election making it easy for Joe to commute his sentence once he's either re-elected or voted out office.
Not really.

Trump was charged with 34 felonies on crimes that are less serious than parking violations.

Hunter Biden smoked crack, bought and sold crack, slept with underage minors, bought a gun illegally, sold out this country for cash to our enemies, fucked his brother's wife, fucked a woman and got her pregnant and the family refused to accept his kid as a part of the family.

They're totally fucking different you moron.
Your denial doesn't change history.

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