Hunter found guilty on all charges

People don't care about Hunter. Maybe wingnut radio and tv and websites do, but most people see Hunter as the President's son who is being treated like everyone else would be.

The problem maga has is the 5th circuit has already ruled that the question Biden answered on the form is un Constitutional. Biden appeal will be on solid ground setting it up for SCOTUS nicely.
Donald Trump was clearly a great Father as all of his kids have grown up to be model citizens. Joe Biden was a failure as a Father, a President, a citizen and a dog owner.
Joe didnt fail to beat Trump's ass at the ballot box. ;)

I was wondering how the “deep state” allowed it to happen though. Any thoughts?

Hopefully you can explain this better than you can explain voter fraud because you really got your ass kicked every time you opened your mouth on that topic.

Hop to it.
You can't hang with me for more than one post you Communist bitch. LOL
They threw Hunter under the bus in order to make Trump's convictions seem more legitimate. Biden will have a hard time pardoning him but Hunter won't get more than a slap on the wrist anyway. The sentence may be to take Hunter's crack away for 30 days.
Hunter's tax evasion trial in LA is up next and Biden will wait for his jail sentence on that crime to pardon him, after he loses the election. If Biden loses, he has no reason not to pardon him and if he did, Trump should pardon him, just to show up the Democrats continuous pursuit to charge him for breathing.
Hunter's tax evasion trial in LA is up next and Biden will wait for his jail sentence on that crime to pardon him, after he loses the election. If Biden loses, he has no reason not to pardon him and if he did, Trump should pardon him, just to show up the Democrats continuous pursuit to charge him for breathing.
Yes, this trial was small potatoes. Let's see if he has paid all of his taxes on those millions of dollars worth of art pieces he sold. When Hunter is found guilty of tax evasion Biden will have to pardon him, win or lose, but it will be after November.
If he gets jail time count on his pop pardoning him. I don’t what Joe Biden says
Your mission accomplished. So what's next....?

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Not a single Leftist on this thread better complain about what a sham case this was. You all love political show trials; here is yours. Only when we take back all the reins of power, we can go after the REAL crimes.

Your game.

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You will hate it.

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