Palestine Papers 'Isreal Demands Palestinian Genocide or nothing'

The worst violation of the UN in its entire history is the multi-state Arab attacks on the UN re-restablished state of Israel.

The UN had nothing to do with the creation of Israel.

You need to check your source.
I have a laugh every time one of you LOONS claims the Jews are committing Genocide on the Palestinians.

They have had absolute control of the lives of every Palestinian in the so called occupied territories since 1948. Sole control of the people, the land and the ability to cut off food, water and kill anyone they want. For over 60 years. Yet they have not done so. In fact they take great pains to avoid killing non combatants every time they are attacked by Arab terrorists operating amongst these people they supposedly are committing genocide on.

One thing the Israelis are not, is incompetent when it comes to waging war and killing those they want dead. Yet for 60 years they have failed to do what YOU and other loons keep claiming they are doing. In fact they use their own resources to feed them, cloth them, give them work and medical attention. Some Genocide ehh?
I have a laugh every time one of you LOONS claims the Jews are committing Genocide on the Palestinians.

They have had absolute control of the lives of every Palestinian in the so called occupied territories since 1948. Sole control of the people, the land and the ability to cut off food, water and kill anyone they want. For over 60 years. Yet they have not done so. In fact they take great pains to avoid killing non combatants every time they are attacked by Arab terrorists operating amongst these people they supposedly are committing genocide on.

One thing the Israelis are not, is incompetent when it comes to waging war and killing those they want dead. Yet for 60 years they have failed to do what YOU and other loons keep claiming they are doing. In fact they use their own resources to feed them, cloth them, give them work and medical attention. Some Genocide ehh?

And this was before Hamas. Who was their boogyman then? Israel has destroyed thousands of homes, over a million olive trees, food water and production facilities trying to get the Palestinians to move out.

Universally regarded as the symbol of peace, the olive tree has become the object of violence. For more than forty years, Israel has uprooted over one million olive trees and hundreds of thousands of fruit trees in Palestine with terrible economic and ecological consequences for the Palestinian people.

The Weeping Olive Trees of Palestine - International Middle East Media Center
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I have a laugh every time one of you LOONS claims the Jews are committing Genocide on the Palestinians.

They have had absolute control of the lives of every Palestinian in the so called occupied territories since 1948. Sole control of the people, the land and the ability to cut off food, water and kill anyone they want. For over 60 years. Yet they have not done so. In fact they take great pains to avoid killing non combatants every time they are attacked by Arab terrorists operating amongst these people they supposedly are committing genocide on.

One thing the Israelis are not, is incompetent when it comes to waging war and killing those they want dead. Yet for 60 years they have failed to do what YOU and other loons keep claiming they are doing. In fact they use their own resources to feed them, cloth them, give them work and medical attention. Some Genocide ehh?

And this was before Hamas. Who was their boogyman then? Israel has destroyed thousands of homes, over a million olive trees, food water and production facilities trying to get the Palestinians to move out.

Universally regarded as the symbol of peace, the olive tree has become the object of violence. For more than forty years, Israel has uprooted over one million olive trees and hundreds of thousands of fruit trees in Palestine with terrible economic and ecological consequences for the Palestinian people.

The Weeping Olive Trees of Palestine - International Middle East Media Center

And you have yet to even remotely prove a claim of genocide. In fact the actions of the State of Israel in regards the Palestinians proves just the opposite. They bend over backwards to allow them to LIVE in Gaza and the West Bank. They feed them, they give them water, they provide work and medical attention. When attacked from these places they do their utmost to avoid civilian casualties when fighting back.

You may need to re read the definition of Genocide.
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I have a laugh every time one of you LOONS claims the Jews are committing Genocide on the Palestinians.

They have had absolute control of the lives of every Palestinian in the so called occupied territories since 1948. Sole control of the people, the land and the ability to cut off food, water and kill anyone they want. For over 60 years. Yet they have not done so. In fact they take great pains to avoid killing non combatants every time they are attacked by Arab terrorists operating amongst these people they supposedly are committing genocide on.

One thing the Israelis are not, is incompetent when it comes to waging war and killing those they want dead. Yet for 60 years they have failed to do what YOU and other loons keep claiming they are doing. In fact they use their own resources to feed them, cloth them, give them work and medical attention. Some Genocide ehh?

And this was before Hamas. Who was their boogyman then? Israel has destroyed thousands of homes, over a million olive trees, food water and production facilities trying to get the Palestinians to move out.

Universally regarded as the symbol of peace, the olive tree has become the object of violence. For more than forty years, Israel has uprooted over one million olive trees and hundreds of thousands of fruit trees in Palestine with terrible economic and ecological consequences for the Palestinian people.

The Weeping Olive Trees of Palestine - International Middle East Media Center

And you have yet to even remotely prove a claim of genocide. In fact the actions of the State of Israel in regards the Palestinians proves just the opposite. They bend over backwards to allow them to LIVE in Gaza and the West Bank. They feed them, they give them water, they provide work and medical attention. When attacked from these places they do their utmost to avoid civilian casualties when fighting back.

You may need to re read the definition of Genocide.

(8) Genocide is generally believed to involve the murder of indelible group members. But the crime does not. Acts (b)-(e) make clear genocide may also involve the intent to destroy a group by means other than killing one or more of its members.

(9) In Act (b) "serious bodily or mental harm" may include acts of torture, rape, sexual slavery, apartheid, or other inhuman or degrading treatment. (PCICC, ft. 3) That these inhumane acts, among others, were explicitly included in the ICC Statute is a major advance in genocide criminal law.

(10) In Act (c) "conditions of life" may include "deliberate deprivation of resources indispensable for survival, such as food or medical services, or systematic expulsion from homes." (PCICC ft. 4)

(11) The term "forcibly" in Act (e), "is not restricted to physical force, but may include threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power; or taking advantage of a coercive environment. " (PCICC ft. 5).

Genocide:Meaning and Definition

Israel has destroyed thousands of homes, over a million olive trees, food water and production facilities trying to get the Palestinians to move out.

Israel has always denied the existence of Palestine and the Palestinians. It will not allow the teaching of the Nakba in Israel even in Palestinian schools. The teaching of the Nakba and other Palestinian history in Palestine is considered incitement and Israel pushes for its elimination.

Genocide, ethnic cleansing, or both. Israel's goal has always been all of Palestine without the Palestinians by whatever means necessary.
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I have a laugh every time one of you LOONS claims the Jews are committing Genocide on the Palestinians.

They have had absolute control of the lives of every Palestinian in the so called occupied territories since 1948. Sole control of the people, the land and the ability to cut off food, water and kill anyone they want. For over 60 years. Yet they have not done so. In fact they take great pains to avoid killing non combatants every time they are attacked by Arab terrorists operating amongst these people they supposedly are committing genocide on.

One thing the Israelis are not, is incompetent when it comes to waging war and killing those they want dead. Yet for 60 years they have failed to do what YOU and other loons keep claiming they are doing. In fact they use their own resources to feed them, cloth them, give them work and medical attention. Some Genocide ehh?

And this was before Hamas. Who was their boogyman then? Israel has destroyed thousands of homes, over a million olive trees, food water and production facilities trying to get the Palestinians to move out.

Universally regarded as the symbol of peace, the olive tree has become the object of violence. For more than forty years, Israel has uprooted over one million olive trees and hundreds of thousands of fruit trees in Palestine with terrible economic and ecological consequences for the Palestinian people.

The Weeping Olive Trees of Palestine - International Middle East Media Center

And you have yet to even remotely prove a claim of genocide. In fact the actions of the State of Israel in regards the Palestinians proves just the opposite. They bend over backwards to allow them to LIVE in Gaza and the West Bank. They feed them, they give them water, they provide work and medical attention. When attacked from these places they do their utmost to avoid civilian casualties when fighting back.

You may need to re read the definition of Genocide.

P F does not look for reality. He just posts the media line of Hamas.
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And this was before Hamas. Who was their boogyman then? Israel has destroyed thousands of homes, over a million olive trees, food water and production facilities trying to get the Palestinians to move out.

And you have yet to even remotely prove a claim of genocide. In fact the actions of the State of Israel in regards the Palestinians proves just the opposite. They bend over backwards to allow them to LIVE in Gaza and the West Bank. They feed them, they give them water, they provide work and medical attention. When attacked from these places they do their utmost to avoid civilian casualties when fighting back.

You may need to re read the definition of Genocide.

P F does not look for reality. He just posts the media line of Hamas.

Three years before Hamas was elected.

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And this was before Hamas. Who was their boogyman then? Israel has destroyed thousands of homes, over a million olive trees, food water and production facilities trying to get the Palestinians to move out.

And you have yet to even remotely prove a claim of genocide. In fact the actions of the State of Israel in regards the Palestinians proves just the opposite. They bend over backwards to allow them to LIVE in Gaza and the West Bank. They feed them, they give them water, they provide work and medical attention. When attacked from these places they do their utmost to avoid civilian casualties when fighting back.

You may need to re read the definition of Genocide.

(8) Genocide is generally believed to involve the murder of indelible group members. But the crime does not. Acts (b)-(e) make clear genocide may also involve the intent to destroy a group by means other than killing one or more of its members.

(9) In Act (b) "serious bodily or mental harm" may include acts of torture, rape, sexual slavery, apartheid, or other inhuman or degrading treatment. (PCICC, ft. 3) That these inhumane acts, among others, were explicitly included in the ICC Statute is a major advance in genocide criminal law.

(10) In Act (c) "conditions of life" may include "deliberate deprivation of resources indispensable for survival, such as food or medical services, or systematic expulsion from homes." (PCICC ft. 4)

(11) The term "forcibly" in Act (e), "is not restricted to physical force, but may include threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power; or taking advantage of a coercive environment. " (PCICC ft. 5).

Genocide:Meaning and Definition

Israel has destroyed thousands of homes, over a million olive trees, food water and production facilities trying to get the Palestinians to move out.

Israel has always denied the existence of Palestine and the Palestinians. It will not allow the teaching of the Nakba in Israel even in Palestinian schools. The teaching of the Nakba and other Palestinian history in Palestine is considered incitement and Israel pushes for its elimination.

Genocide, ethnic cleansing, or both. Israel's goal has always been all of Palestine without the Palestinians by whatever means necessary.

By what ever means necessary? Ok smart ass why didn't they just gun them all down back in the 50's? Or the 60's or the 70's or the 80's or the 90's or the new century?

You keep making claims you can not prove.

If Israel wants them out all she has to do, since according to you she controls the entire area, is stop feeding them, stop providing heating and cooking oil, stop providing jobs, stop providing medical attention. All she need do is the next time Hamas launches a mortar attack is level every building.

Israel destroys buildings of terrorists. Once again if Israel wanted them all out why hasn't it just leveled every building? They have had over 60 years to do it.
Israel destroys buildings of terrorists.

During Cast Lead, Israel destroyed thousands of houses, government buildings, schools, hospitals, mosques, factories, farms, and UN facilities.

Yet they only killed a few hundred so called terrorists while killing a thousand civilians including hundreds of children.

Why do you believe propaganda that simply does not add up?
I don't hear any Israelis calling for Palestinians to be exterminated, but I do hear the Palestinians talking about Jews being exterminated alot.

Racism and refusal to evacuate alongside support for a democratic system of government – these are the jumbled sentiment of Israel's high school students, according to a recent poll.

They support a democratic form of government, but more than half of them believe that Arabs should not be allowed to vote in Knesset elections. One out of every six students would not want to study in the same class with an Ethiopian or an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, and 21% of them think that "Death to Arabs" is a legitimate expression.


The teens were asked about the rights of Arab Israelis. Here, too, there was a gap in the opinions of religious and secular students. While 82% of religious students responded that they don't believe Arabs should be granted equal rights as Jews, 36% percent of seculars responded that they do not believe in equal rights for Arabs and Jews. Overall, 46% students believe there should not be equality between Jewish and Arab citizens of the State of Israel.

The poll showed that many students believe the phrase "Death to Arabs" is racist, and, therefore, not legitimate. Forty-five percent of religious students and 16% of secular students, however, believe it is a legitimate statement.

Poll: 46% of high-schoolers don't want equality for Arabs - Israel News, Ynetnews

I guess it depends on who you ask...
I don't hear any Israelis calling for Palestinians to be exterminated, but I do hear the Palestinians talking about Jews being exterminated alot.

Racism and refusal to evacuate alongside support for a democratic system of government – these are the jumbled sentiment of Israel's high school students, according to a recent poll.

They support a democratic form of government, but more than half of them believe that Arabs should not be allowed to vote in Knesset elections. One out of every six students would not want to study in the same class with an Ethiopian or an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, and 21% of them think that "Death to Arabs" is a legitimate expression.


The teens were asked about the rights of Arab Israelis. Here, too, there was a gap in the opinions of religious and secular students. While 82% of religious students responded that they don't believe Arabs should be granted equal rights as Jews, 36% percent of seculars responded that they do not believe in equal rights for Arabs and Jews. Overall, 46% students believe there should not be equality between Jewish and Arab citizens of the State of Israel.

The poll showed that many students believe the phrase "Death to Arabs" is racist, and, therefore, not legitimate. Forty-five percent of religious students and 16% of secular students, however, believe it is a legitimate statement.

Poll: 46% of high-schoolers don't want equality for Arabs - Israel News, Ynetnews

I guess it depends on who you ask...

Extermination? Where do you find extermination demands by the Israeli on the Arabs?

Now Muslims calling for the Death of Jews? Rather easy to find.

You find a poll about high schoolers in Israel not wanting equality for Arabs in Israel and try to link that to the Arabs calling for the extermination of the Jews.

Then you ask me for consideration on other pages?

LMAO :razz: Sorry, doesn't work that way oh follower of Satan.

Muslims show worldwide how much Muslims truly care for their own. Not of their tribe, kill them all eh?

Jews and Christians next?
I don't hear any Israelis calling for Palestinians to be exterminated, but I do hear the Palestinians talking about Jews being exterminated alot.

Racism and refusal to evacuate alongside support for a democratic system of government – these are the jumbled sentiment of Israel's high school students, according to a recent poll.

They support a democratic form of government, but more than half of them believe that Arabs should not be allowed to vote in Knesset elections. One out of every six students would not want to study in the same class with an Ethiopian or an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, and 21% of them think that "Death to Arabs" is a legitimate expression.


The teens were asked about the rights of Arab Israelis. Here, too, there was a gap in the opinions of religious and secular students. While 82% of religious students responded that they don't believe Arabs should be granted equal rights as Jews, 36% percent of seculars responded that they do not believe in equal rights for Arabs and Jews. Overall, 46% students believe there should not be equality between Jewish and Arab citizens of the State of Israel.

The poll showed that many students believe the phrase "Death to Arabs" is racist, and, therefore, not legitimate. Forty-five percent of religious students and 16% of secular students, however, believe it is a legitimate statement.

Poll: 46% of high-schoolers don't want equality for Arabs - Israel News, Ynetnews

I guess it depends on who you ask...

It sounds to me like the people who were polled don't want equality with the Arabs, but at the same time I don't see anything in the article saying they want them wiped off the face of the earth.
I don't hear any Israelis calling for Palestinians to be exterminated, but I do hear the Palestinians talking about Jews being exterminated alot.

Racism and refusal to evacuate alongside support for a democratic system of government – these are the jumbled sentiment of Israel's high school students, according to a recent poll.

They support a democratic form of government, but more than half of them believe that Arabs should not be allowed to vote in Knesset elections. One out of every six students would not want to study in the same class with an Ethiopian or an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, and 21% of them think that "Death to Arabs" is a legitimate expression.


The teens were asked about the rights of Arab Israelis. Here, too, there was a gap in the opinions of religious and secular students. While 82% of religious students responded that they don't believe Arabs should be granted equal rights as Jews, 36% percent of seculars responded that they do not believe in equal rights for Arabs and Jews. Overall, 46% students believe there should not be equality between Jewish and Arab citizens of the State of Israel.

The poll showed that many students believe the phrase "Death to Arabs" is racist, and, therefore, not legitimate. Forty-five percent of religious students and 16% of secular students, however, believe it is a legitimate statement.

Poll: 46% of high-schoolers don't want equality for Arabs - Israel News, Ynetnews

I guess it depends on who you ask...

It sounds to me like the people who were polled don't want equality with the Arabs, but at the same time I don't see anything in the article saying they want them wiped off the face of the earth.

Forty-five percent of religious students and 16% of secular students, however, believe ["Death to Arabs"] is a legitimate statement.

That was the important part. ;)
I don't hear any Israelis calling for Palestinians to be exterminated, but I do hear the Palestinians talking about Jews being exterminated alot.

Racism and refusal to evacuate alongside support for a democratic system of government – these are the jumbled sentiment of Israel's high school students, according to a recent poll.

They support a democratic form of government, but more than half of them believe that Arabs should not be allowed to vote in Knesset elections. One out of every six students would not want to study in the same class with an Ethiopian or an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, and 21% of them think that "Death to Arabs" is a legitimate expression.

The teens were asked about the rights of Arab Israelis. Here, too, there was a gap in the opinions of religious and secular students. While 82% of religious students responded that they don't believe Arabs should be granted equal rights as Jews, 36% percent of seculars responded that they do not believe in equal rights for Arabs and Jews. Overall, 46% students believe there should not be equality between Jewish and Arab citizens of the State of Israel.

The poll showed that many students believe the phrase "Death to Arabs" is racist, and, therefore, not legitimate. Forty-five percent of religious students and 16% of secular students, however, believe it is a legitimate statement.

I have a laugh every time one of you LOONS claims the Jews are committing Genocide on the Palestinians.

They have had absolute control of the lives of every Palestinian in the so called occupied territories since 1948. Sole control of the people, the land and the ability to cut off food, water and kill anyone they want. For over 60 years. Yet they have not done so. In fact they take great pains to avoid killing non combatants every time they are attacked by Arab terrorists operating amongst these people they supposedly are committing genocide on.

One thing the Israelis are not, is incompetent when it comes to waging war and killing those they want dead. Yet for 60 years they have failed to do what YOU and other loons keep claiming they are doing. In fact they use their own resources to feed them, cloth them, give them work and medical attention. Some Genocide ehh?

And this was before Hamas. Who was their boogyman then? Israel has destroyed thousands of homes, over a million olive trees, food water and production facilities trying to get the Palestinians to move out.

Universally regarded as the symbol of peace, the olive tree has become the object of violence. For more than forty years, Israel has uprooted over one million olive trees and hundreds of thousands of fruit trees in Palestine with terrible economic and ecological consequences for the Palestinian people.

The Weeping Olive Trees of Palestine - International Middle East Media Center

And you have yet to even remotely prove a claim of genocide. In fact the actions of the State of Israel in regards the Palestinians proves just the opposite. They bend over backwards to allow them to LIVE in Gaza and the West Bank. They feed them, they give them water, they provide work and medical attention. When attacked from these places they do their utmost to avoid civilian casualties when fighting back.

You may need to re read the definition of Genocide.

He doesn't need to as he uses the words for emotive content, not reality.
Poll: 46% of high-schoolers don't want equality for Arabs - Israel News, Ynetnews

I guess it depends on who you ask...

It sounds to me like the people who were polled don't want equality with the Arabs, but at the same time I don't see anything in the article saying they want them wiped off the face of the earth.

It's fine. Kalam knows what he's doing and his 500 million Sunni buddies are right behind him, aside him and in front of him.

Que up eh Kalam?

And I must thank you for opening my eyes to your perspective Kalam.
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The poll showed that many students believe the phrase "Death to Arabs" is racist, and, therefore, not legitimate.

Now let's try that with Arab kids and Death to Jews Kalam?

I guess it depends on who you ask...

It sounds to me like the people who were polled don't want equality with the Arabs, but at the same time I don't see anything in the article saying they want them wiped off the face of the earth.

Forty-five percent of religious students and 16% of secular students, however, believe ["Death to Arabs"] is a legitimate statement.

That was the important part. ;)

Its unfortunate they feel that way, whats the results for the poll taken from Gaza?
It sounds to me like the people who were polled don't want equality with the Arabs, but at the same time I don't see anything in the article saying they want them wiped off the face of the earth.

Forty-five percent of religious students and 16% of secular students, however, believe ["Death to Arabs"] is a legitimate statement.

That was the important part. ;)

Its unfortunate they feel that way, whats the results for the poll taken from Gaza?

I'm not sure if anyone has conducted a survey like that in Gaza or not; do you know of any?
I don't hear any Israelis calling for Palestinians to be exterminated, but I do hear the Palestinians talking about Jews being exterminated alot.

Racism and refusal to evacuate alongside support for a democratic system of government – these are the jumbled sentiment of Israel's high school students, according to a recent poll.

They support a democratic form of government, but more than half of them believe that Arabs should not be allowed to vote in Knesset elections. One out of every six students would not want to study in the same class with an Ethiopian or an immigrant from the former Soviet Union, and 21% of them think that "Death to Arabs" is a legitimate expression.


The teens were asked about the rights of Arab Israelis. Here, too, there was a gap in the opinions of religious and secular students. While 82% of religious students responded that they don't believe Arabs should be granted equal rights as Jews, 36% percent of seculars responded that they do not believe in equal rights for Arabs and Jews. Overall, 46% students believe there should not be equality between Jewish and Arab citizens of the State of Israel.

The poll showed that many students believe the phrase "Death to Arabs" is racist, and, therefore, not legitimate. Forty-five percent of religious students and 16% of secular students, however, believe it is a legitimate statement.

Poll: 46% of high-schoolers don't want equality for Arabs - Israel News, Ynetnews

I guess it depends on who you ask...
GHook93 said:
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Fuck you sand ******!


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I guess we know how GHook would have voted. :lol:
I don't hear any Israelis calling for Palestinians to be exterminated, but I do hear the Palestinians talking about Jews being exterminated alot.

I guess it depends on who you ask...
GHook93 said:
Hi, you have received -100 reputation points from GHook93.
Reputation was given for this post.

Fuck you sand ******!


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I guess we know how GHook would have voted. :lol:

And Sunni Man as well. He's clearly told me in neg.
Israel is doing to the Palestinians what we did to Native Americans. We have no moral authority over any country, especially until we stop supporting the genocide of the Palestinian people.

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