Palestine Today

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Why Israel wants to destroy Khan al Ahmar

Oh give me a break. They want to move them four km away so they aren't right on top of the highway and give them free land and property and building materials and compensation as well as proper infrastructure for medical clinics schools electricity water solid waste management and sewer treatments.


Ethnic cleansing is just another scary word tossed around to demonize Israel.
Why Israel wants to destroy Khan al Ahmar

Oh give me a break. They want to move them four km away so they aren't right on top of the highway and give them free land and property and building materials and compensation as well as proper infrastructure for medical clinics schools electricity water solid waste management and sewer treatments.


Ethnic cleansing is just another scary word tossed around to demonize Israel.

Israel's goal is to move all Palestinians into bantustans.
Dima Khalidi: Pressures on universities to discipline students & faculty for speech activities.

With Little Left to Lose, Gaza’s Great Return March Protesters Ramp Up Their Resistance

As the Great March of Return roared past its half-year anniversary last Friday, it also seemed to reach levels of resistance and repression not seen in months.

The escalation aims to “put more pressure on the Israeli occupation authorities, hoping they meet the protesters’ demands — lifting the siege and recognizing the right to return,” a spokesperson for the Hamas movement told MintPress News.

Every Friday since March 30, the demonstration has mobilized thousands of Palestinians to a military barrier erected by Israel around the Gaza Strip.

Israel’s defenders say the repression is necessary to protect the state’s borders, a claim that has drawn mockery from critics who note that Israel has never acknowledged any borders.

“The Israeli occupation claims its soldiers shoot the protesters because they damage the borders,” the Hamas spokesperson said. “Let the Israelis tell us: do they have definite borders, and where are they?”


A Palestinian man and his son warm themselves by a fire during cold, rainy weather on the outskirts of the Khan Younis refugee camp in southern Gaza, Jan. 5, 2018. Khalil Hamra | AP
With Little Left to Lose, Gaza’s Great Return March Protesters Ramp Up Their Resistance

As the Great March of Return roared past its half-year anniversary last Friday, it also seemed to reach levels of resistance and repression not seen in months.

The escalation aims to “put more pressure on the Israeli occupation authorities, hoping they meet the protesters’ demands — lifting the siege and recognizing the right to return,” a spokesperson for the Hamas movement told MintPress News.

Every Friday since March 30, the demonstration has mobilized thousands of Palestinians to a military barrier erected by Israel around the Gaza Strip.

Israel’s defenders say the repression is necessary to protect the state’s borders, a claim that has drawn mockery from critics who note that Israel has never acknowledged any borders.

“The Israeli occupation claims its soldiers shoot the protesters because they damage the borders,” the Hamas spokesperson said. “Let the Israelis tell us: do they have definite borders, and where are they?”


A Palestinian man and his son warm themselves by a fire during cold, rainy weather on the outskirts of the Khan Younis refugee camp in southern Gaza, Jan. 5, 2018. Khalil Hamra | AP
Let's pretend they didn't ruin their lives because attempting to murder Jews.

Now they've whine.
Why Israel wants to destroy Khan al Ahmar

Oh give me a break. They want to move them four km away so they aren't right on top of the highway and give them free land and property and building materials and compensation as well as proper infrastructure for medical clinics schools electricity water solid waste management and sewer treatments.


Ethnic cleansing is just another scary word tossed around to demonize Israel.

Israel's goal is to move all Palestinians into bantustans.

Another of the silly slogans you stole and cut and paste.
With Little Left to Lose, Gaza’s Great Return March Protesters Ramp Up Their Resistance

As the Great March of Return roared past its half-year anniversary last Friday, it also seemed to reach levels of resistance and repression not seen in months.

The escalation aims to “put more pressure on the Israeli occupation authorities, hoping they meet the protesters’ demands — lifting the siege and recognizing the right to return,” a spokesperson for the Hamas movement told MintPress News.

Every Friday since March 30, the demonstration has mobilized thousands of Palestinians to a military barrier erected by Israel around the Gaza Strip.

Israel’s defenders say the repression is necessary to protect the state’s borders, a claim that has drawn mockery from critics who note that Israel has never acknowledged any borders.

“The Israeli occupation claims its soldiers shoot the protesters because they damage the borders,” the Hamas spokesperson said. “Let the Israelis tell us: do they have definite borders, and where are they?”


A Palestinian man and his son warm themselves by a fire during cold, rainy weather on the outskirts of the Khan Younis refugee camp in southern Gaza, Jan. 5, 2018. Khalil Hamra | AP

The former Christian and Jewish dhimmis now surpass you in every measurable way. How far you have fallen.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Do you really believe this?


Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements
September 13, 1993
The Government of the State of Israel and the P.L.O.


1. The five-year transitional period will begin upon the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area.
2. Permanent status negotiations will commence as soon as possible, but not later than the beginning of the third year of the interim period, between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian people representatives.
3. It is understood that these negotiations shall cover remaining issues, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.
4. The two parties agree that the outcome of the permanent status negotiations should not be prejudiced or preempted by agreements reached for the interim period.​

International Law and the ‘Permanent Status’ Issues

Professor Geoffrey Watson said:
The Oslo Accords lists seven ‘permanent status’ issues in the following order:

(1) Jerusalem,
(2) refugees,
(3) settlements,
(4) security arrangements,
(5) borders,
(6) relations and cooperation with other neighbours, and
(7) other issues of common interest.​

International law offers general guidance on how the parties might resolve most of the final-status issues. The main part of the task ahead it political, not legal. The law will not dictate any particular outcome. But it can draw baselines for parties, set limits, and help advance negotiations by providing a common language for discussion.


While the print does not change on the Oslo Accords, the faces that were involved in those proceeding change, except for one, have faded away.


OSLO I Accord Signing.png

Yes, that's right. The handsome guy to the far right is none other than President Mahmoud Abbas.

He was there. He was rubbing elbows with the power brokers of the day. He was Chairman Arafat's Right Hand. And as we know, he was there → Rabat ('74), when the Arab League presided over the coronation of Arafat as the "Sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated." Yes, it was the League of Arab States (LAS) that empowered Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), when the Arab Palestinians had no government.

Yes, the little video sates in it last summation that: The Palestinians "never really had any legitimate political representation and the Israeli government is determined to eliminate all vestiges of Palestine." I cannot speak to what the Israeli Governments final goals and objectives. BUT, the last man standing of the seven men at the table is "Mahmoud Abbas." And if there is anyone to really comment on the choice and selection of the "Sole Representative of the Palestinian" it would be the membership of the Arab League.

Yes, these pro-Palestinian Publishers of this classy little sound bites may align the stars to make it totally Israel's fault. But the Celestial Power of the Universe knows better.

Just My Thought...

Most Respectfully,
Why Israel wants to destroy Khan al Ahmar

Oh give me a break. They want to move them four km away so they aren't right on top of the highway and give them free land and property and building materials and compensation as well as proper infrastructure for medical clinics schools electricity water solid waste management and sewer treatments.


Ethnic cleansing is just another scary word tossed around to demonize Israel.

Israel's goal is to move all Palestinians into bantustans.

Israel's goal is to have a thriving, vibrant State without being constantly attacked by her neighbors and from within.
The escalation aims to “put more pressure on the Israeli occupation authorities, hoping they meet the protesters’ demands — lifting the siege and recognizing the right to return,” a spokesperson for the Hamas movement ...

Its having the opposite effect. The more violence erupts out of Gaza the more Israel is justified in maintaining the blockade and border controls and in rejecting any idea of integrating Gazans into Israeli society.
RE: (OPEN APOLOGY) Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, here goes... I have often said, that when I'm "wrong," I would own-up to it and acknowledge that.


I owe P F Tinmore an open apology. Just a little more than a month ago, I raked "P F Tinemore" over the coals and implied that he was unenlightened concerning the relationship between sovereign territory, territorial integrity or political independence of any state (in this case Israel). I was wrong --- at least in a part, over something of critical importance. He has made a valid point, and it is recognized by me. I sincerely apologize.

... Israel’s defenders say the repression is necessary to protect the state’s borders, a claim that has drawn mockery from critics who note that Israel has never acknowledged any borders.

... “The Israeli occupation claims its soldiers shoot the protesters because they damage the borders,” the Hamas spokesperson said. “Let the Israelis tell us: do they have definite borders, and where are they?”

Not unlike the position he has pulled out of the quoted article, P F Tinmore has made this observation several times (many several times) over the last couple of year.

He has asked several times for a Map of Israel. Behind his question is that no one knows where Israel is (exactly). I, like many, have given P F Tinmore all kinds of Maps, and none of them. So finally, in a last ditch effort to lay the question to rest, I posed the question (Sep 2 at 5:44 PM) to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ([email protected]):

✪ BLUF: I would appreciate a medium size digital map which unambiguously shows Israel Sovereign Territory.​

I thought it was a fairly simple request. I have experience working in an American Embassy (over 5 years at three different posts Level 5 Clearance, but no official capacity). This simple request is an assignment that an Administrative Assistant to a lowly Third Secretary. But, alas - I guess there is some reason why they cannot answer the question.

In any event, while I still don't believe P F Tinmore's position is correct. If "I" ask the Government of Israel the question, supra, no acknowledgment and no reply is the outcome.

Very Sincerely,
RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Do you really believe this?


Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements
September 13, 1993
The Government of the State of Israel and the P.L.O.


1. The five-year transitional period will begin upon the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area.
2. Permanent status negotiations will commence as soon as possible, but not later than the beginning of the third year of the interim period, between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian people representatives.
3. It is understood that these negotiations shall cover remaining issues, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.
4. The two parties agree that the outcome of the permanent status negotiations should not be prejudiced or preempted by agreements reached for the interim period.​

International Law and the ‘Permanent Status’ Issues

Professor Geoffrey Watson said:
The Oslo Accords lists seven ‘permanent status’ issues in the following order:

(1) Jerusalem,
(2) refugees,
(3) settlements,
(4) security arrangements,
(5) borders,
(6) relations and cooperation with other neighbours, and
(7) other issues of common interest.​
International law offers general guidance on how the parties might resolve most of the final-status issues. The main part of the task ahead it political, not legal. The law will not dictate any particular outcome. But it can draw baselines for parties, set limits, and help advance negotiations by providing a common language for discussion.


While the print does not change on the Oslo Accords, the faces that were involved in those proceeding change, except for one, have faded away.

Yes, that's right. The handsome guy to the far right is none other than President Mahmoud Abbas.

He was there. He was rubbing elbows with the power brokers of the day. He was Chairman Arafat's Right Hand. And as we know, he was there → Rabat ('74), when the Arab League presided over the coronation of Arafat as the "Sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated." Yes, it was the League of Arab States (LAS) that empowered Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), when the Arab Palestinians had no government.

Yes, the little video sates in it last summation that: The Palestinians "never really had any legitimate political representation and the Israeli government is determined to eliminate all vestiges of Palestine." I cannot speak to what the Israeli Governments final goals and objectives. BUT, the last man standing of the seven men at the table is "Mahmoud Abbas." And if there is anyone to really comment on the choice and selection of the "Sole Representative of the Palestinian" it would be the membership of the Arab League.

Yes, these pro-Palestinian Publishers of this classy little sound bites may align the stars to make it totally Israel's fault. But the Celestial Power of the Universe knows better.

Just My Thought...

Most Respectfully,
The only thing Oslo was for Israel to cement the occupation and allow it to continue its settler colonial project.
RE: (OPEN APOLOGY) Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, here goes... I have often said, that when I'm "wrong," I would own-up to it and acknowledge that.


I owe P F Tinmore an open apology. Just a little more than a month ago, I raked "P F Tinemore" over the coals and implied that he was unenlightened concerning the relationship between sovereign territory, territorial integrity or political independence of any state (in this case Israel). I was wrong --- at least in a part, over something of critical importance. He has made a valid point, and it is recognized by me. I sincerely apologize.

... Israel’s defenders say the repression is necessary to protect the state’s borders, a claim that has drawn mockery from critics who note that Israel has never acknowledged any borders.

... “The Israeli occupation claims its soldiers shoot the protesters because they damage the borders,” the Hamas spokesperson said. “Let the Israelis tell us: do they have definite borders, and where are they?”

Not unlike the position he has pulled out of the quoted article, P F Tinmore has made this observation several times (many several times) over the last couple of year.

He has asked several times for a Map of Israel. Behind his question is that no one knows where Israel is (exactly). I, like many, have given P F Tinmore all kinds of Maps, and none of them. So finally, in a last ditch effort to lay the question to rest, I posed the question (Sep 2 at 5:44 PM) to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ([email protected]):

✪ BLUF: I would appreciate a medium size digital map which unambiguously shows Israel Sovereign Territory.​

I thought it was a fairly simple request. I have experience working in an American Embassy (over 5 years at three different posts Level 5 Clearance, but no official capacity). This simple request is an assignment that an Administrative Assistant to a lowly Third Secretary. But, alas - I guess there is some reason why they cannot answer the question.

In any event, while I still don't believe P F Tinmore's position is correct. If "I" ask the Government of Israel the question, supra, no acknowledgment and no reply is the outcome.

Very Sincerely,
Thank you.

Land and borders cannot be separated. You can't have one without the other. Borders define a piece of territory. Everything inside the borders is ours. Everything not in those borders is not.
RE: (OPEN APOLOGY) Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, here goes... I have often said, that when I'm "wrong," I would own-up to it and acknowledge that.


I owe P F Tinmore an open apology. Just a little more than a month ago, I raked "P F Tinemore" over the coals and implied that he was unenlightened concerning the relationship between sovereign territory, territorial integrity or political independence of any state (in this case Israel). I was wrong --- at least in a part, over something of critical importance. He has made a valid point, and it is recognized by me. I sincerely apologize.

... Israel’s defenders say the repression is necessary to protect the state’s borders, a claim that has drawn mockery from critics who note that Israel has never acknowledged any borders.

... “The Israeli occupation claims its soldiers shoot the protesters because they damage the borders,” the Hamas spokesperson said. “Let the Israelis tell us: do they have definite borders, and where are they?”

Not unlike the position he has pulled out of the quoted article, P F Tinmore has made this observation several times (many several times) over the last couple of year.

He has asked several times for a Map of Israel. Behind his question is that no one knows where Israel is (exactly). I, like many, have given P F Tinmore all kinds of Maps, and none of them. So finally, in a last ditch effort to lay the question to rest, I posed the question (Sep 2 at 5:44 PM) to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ([email protected]):

✪ BLUF: I would appreciate a medium size digital map which unambiguously shows Israel Sovereign Territory.​

I thought it was a fairly simple request. I have experience working in an American Embassy (over 5 years at three different posts Level 5 Clearance, but no official capacity). This simple request is an assignment that an Administrative Assistant to a lowly Third Secretary. But, alas - I guess there is some reason why they cannot answer the question.

In any event, while I still don't believe P F Tinmore's position is correct. If "I" ask the Government of Israel the question, supra, no acknowledgment and no reply is the outcome.

Very Sincerely,
Thank you.

Land and borders cannot be separated. You can't have one without the other. Borders define a piece of territory. Everything inside the borders is ours. Everything not in those borders is not.

Are you referring to the borders of the "country of Pally'land"? Who is the "ours" that you are speaking on behalf of?

BTW, land and borders obviously can be separated and reconfigured.
RE: Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Do you really believe this?


Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements
September 13, 1993
The Government of the State of Israel and the P.L.O.


1. The five-year transitional period will begin upon the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area.
2. Permanent status negotiations will commence as soon as possible, but not later than the beginning of the third year of the interim period, between the Government of Israel and the Palestinian people representatives.
3. It is understood that these negotiations shall cover remaining issues, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest.
4. The two parties agree that the outcome of the permanent status negotiations should not be prejudiced or preempted by agreements reached for the interim period.​

International Law and the ‘Permanent Status’ Issues

Professor Geoffrey Watson said:
The Oslo Accords lists seven ‘permanent status’ issues in the following order:

(1) Jerusalem,
(2) refugees,
(3) settlements,
(4) security arrangements,
(5) borders,
(6) relations and cooperation with other neighbours, and
(7) other issues of common interest.​
International law offers general guidance on how the parties might resolve most of the final-status issues. The main part of the task ahead it political, not legal. The law will not dictate any particular outcome. But it can draw baselines for parties, set limits, and help advance negotiations by providing a common language for discussion.


While the print does not change on the Oslo Accords, the faces that were involved in those proceeding change, except for one, have faded away.

Yes, that's right. The handsome guy to the far right is none other than President Mahmoud Abbas.

He was there. He was rubbing elbows with the power brokers of the day. He was Chairman Arafat's Right Hand. And as we know, he was there → Rabat ('74), when the Arab League presided over the coronation of Arafat as the "Sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in any Palestinian territory that is liberated." Yes, it was the League of Arab States (LAS) that empowered Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), when the Arab Palestinians had no government.

Yes, the little video sates in it last summation that: The Palestinians "never really had any legitimate political representation and the Israeli government is determined to eliminate all vestiges of Palestine." I cannot speak to what the Israeli Governments final goals and objectives. BUT, the last man standing of the seven men at the table is "Mahmoud Abbas." And if there is anyone to really comment on the choice and selection of the "Sole Representative of the Palestinian" it would be the membership of the Arab League.

Yes, these pro-Palestinian Publishers of this classy little sound bites may align the stars to make it totally Israel's fault. But the Celestial Power of the Universe knows better.

Just My Thought...

Most Respectfully,
The only thing Oslo was for Israel to cement the occupation and allow it to continue its settler colonial project.

Israel didn't need Oslo to "cement" anything, the Jewish Nation was already a rightful sovereign heir over all of that land.

Oslo was merely an agreement that gave the PLO (designated terrorist organization) a quasi-governmental status, that it couldn't achieve without the agreement from Israel.

It was a naive act of generosity, based on false hopes of coexistence with a genocidal Islamist entity, which have proven to be a grave mistake ever since.
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