Palestine Today

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RE: (OPEN APOLOGY) Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, here goes... I have often said, that when I'm "wrong," I would own-up to it and acknowledge that.


I owe P F Tinmore an open apology. Just a little more than a month ago, I raked "P F Tinemore" over the coals and implied that he was unenlightened concerning the relationship between sovereign territory, territorial integrity or political independence of any state (in this case Israel). I was wrong --- at least in a part, over something of critical importance. He has made a valid point, and it is recognized by me. I sincerely apologize.

... Israel’s defenders say the repression is necessary to protect the state’s borders, a claim that has drawn mockery from critics who note that Israel has never acknowledged any borders.

... “The Israeli occupation claims its soldiers shoot the protesters because they damage the borders,” the Hamas spokesperson said. “Let the Israelis tell us: do they have definite borders, and where are they?”

Not unlike the position he has pulled out of the quoted article, P F Tinmore has made this observation several times (many several times) over the last couple of year.

He has asked several times for a Map of Israel. Behind his question is that no one knows where Israel is (exactly). I, like many, have given P F Tinmore all kinds of Maps, and none of them. So finally, in a last ditch effort to lay the question to rest, I posed the question (Sep 2 at 5:44 PM) to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ([email protected]):

✪ BLUF: I would appreciate a medium size digital map which unambiguously shows Israel Sovereign Territory.​

I thought it was a fairly simple request. I have experience working in an American Embassy (over 5 years at three different posts Level 5 Clearance, but no official capacity). This simple request is an assignment that an Administrative Assistant to a lowly Third Secretary. But, alas - I guess there is some reason why they cannot answer the question.

In any event, while I still don't believe P F Tinmore's position is correct. If "I" ask the Government of Israel the question, supra, no acknowledgment and no reply is the outcome.

Very Sincerely,
Thank you.

Land and borders cannot be separated. You can't have one without the other. Borders define a piece of territory. Everything inside the borders is ours. Everything not in those borders is not.

Looking at the long list of territorial disputes virtually on every continent, this statement is just a funny hallucination.

Everything inside the borders of Mandatory Palestine was vested with the sovereignty of the Jewish Nation by an act of international law, any other entity inside those borders are a result of violation of international law.
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RE: (OPEN APOLOGY) Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, here goes... I have often said, that when I'm "wrong," I would own-up to it and acknowledge that.


I owe P F Tinmore an open apology. Just a little more than a month ago, I raked "P F Tinemore" over the coals and implied that he was unenlightened concerning the relationship between sovereign territory, territorial integrity or political independence of any state (in this case Israel). I was wrong --- at least in a part, over something of critical importance. He has made a valid point, and it is recognized by me. I sincerely apologize.

... Israel’s defenders say the repression is necessary to protect the state’s borders, a claim that has drawn mockery from critics who note that Israel has never acknowledged any borders.

... “The Israeli occupation claims its soldiers shoot the protesters because they damage the borders,” the Hamas spokesperson said. “Let the Israelis tell us: do they have definite borders, and where are they?”

Not unlike the position he has pulled out of the quoted article, P F Tinmore has made this observation several times (many several times) over the last couple of year.

He has asked several times for a Map of Israel. Behind his question is that no one knows where Israel is (exactly). I, like many, have given P F Tinmore all kinds of Maps, and none of them. So finally, in a last ditch effort to lay the question to rest, I posed the question (Sep 2 at 5:44 PM) to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ([email protected]):

✪ BLUF: I would appreciate a medium size digital map which unambiguously shows Israel Sovereign Territory.​

I thought it was a fairly simple request. I have experience working in an American Embassy (over 5 years at three different posts Level 5 Clearance, but no official capacity). This simple request is an assignment that an Administrative Assistant to a lowly Third Secretary. But, alas - I guess there is some reason why they cannot answer the question.

In any event, while I still don't believe P F Tinmore's position is correct. If "I" ask the Government of Israel the question, supra, no acknowledgment and no reply is the outcome.

Very Sincerely,
Thank you.

Land and borders cannot be separated. You can't have one without the other. Borders define a piece of territory. Everything inside the borders is ours. Everything not in those borders is not.

Looking at the long list of territorial disputes virtually on every continent, this statement is just a funny hallucination.

Everything inside the borders of Mandatory Palestine was vested with the sovereignty of the Jewish Nation by an act of international law, anything beyond is generosity.
RE: (OPEN APOLOGY) Palestine Today
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK, here goes... I have often said, that when I'm "wrong," I would own-up to it and acknowledge that.


I owe P F Tinmore an open apology. Just a little more than a month ago, I raked "P F Tinemore" over the coals and implied that he was unenlightened concerning the relationship between sovereign territory, territorial integrity or political independence of any state (in this case Israel). I was wrong --- at least in a part, over something of critical importance. He has made a valid point, and it is recognized by me. I sincerely apologize.

... Israel’s defenders say the repression is necessary to protect the state’s borders, a claim that has drawn mockery from critics who note that Israel has never acknowledged any borders.

... “The Israeli occupation claims its soldiers shoot the protesters because they damage the borders,” the Hamas spokesperson said. “Let the Israelis tell us: do they have definite borders, and where are they?”

Not unlike the position he has pulled out of the quoted article, P F Tinmore has made this observation several times (many several times) over the last couple of year.

He has asked several times for a Map of Israel. Behind his question is that no one knows where Israel is (exactly). I, like many, have given P F Tinmore all kinds of Maps, and none of them. So finally, in a last ditch effort to lay the question to rest, I posed the question (Sep 2 at 5:44 PM) to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ([email protected]):

✪ BLUF: I would appreciate a medium size digital map which unambiguously shows Israel Sovereign Territory.​

I thought it was a fairly simple request. I have experience working in an American Embassy (over 5 years at three different posts Level 5 Clearance, but no official capacity). This simple request is an assignment that an Administrative Assistant to a lowly Third Secretary. But, alas - I guess there is some reason why they cannot answer the question.

In any event, while I still don't believe P F Tinmore's position is correct. If "I" ask the Government of Israel the question, supra, no acknowledgment and no reply is the outcome.

Very Sincerely,
Thank you.

Land and borders cannot be separated. You can't have one without the other. Borders define a piece of territory. Everything inside the borders is ours. Everything not in those borders is not.

Looking at the long list of territorial disputes virtually on every continent, this statement is just a funny hallucination.

Everything inside the borders of Mandatory Palestine was vested with the sovereignty of the Jewish Nation by an act of international law, anything beyond is generosity.

In the 1924 Anglo American Convention the U.S. agreed to support Great Britain as a Mandatory so long as the Mandatory abided by the San Remo Resolution. The sole purpose of the Resolution regarding Palestine was:

  1. Drawing the borders of Palestine
  2. Reconstituting Palestine as a National Homeland for the Jewish People worldwide
  3. Recognizing the Jewish People's historical connection to the land
There was not even one word in the Mandate or the Anglo American convention about creating an Arab land in Palestine.
The Jewish Claim to Jerusalem: The Case Under International Law
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The New Palestinians!

There are the old guard of PLO, Fatah, Hamas, etc. who are in their 6os, 70s, and 80s. They have had few, if any, accomplishments in the last few decades.

Then there are the new Palestinians who are mostly under 40. Intelligent, articulate, and well educated, with a different view of what Palestine is to be. They have no interest in the established parties. They have made great strides in the Palestinian cause.
And then she says the origin of the conflict was the displacement of the Arab "Palestinian" people.

Oh, so NOT!

Palestine - "there was never a country called palestine" --- sorry dude, there was). yah, the palestinians, they definitely migrated from Jordan to "palestine" [where the hebrews lived first] ...then decided to call themselves palestinians....they "ain't" native palestinians as montelaticci & company think....

the jordanians... ....when they decided they wanted palestine for themselves...they beat people up and took over the place.....

In the Bible [calm down mr. - God is real] .... it's israel this and israel that -- heck, the Bible reveres israel more than...any book. they also recognize israel [and palestine] in The World Atlas/Encyclopedia Britannica Unabridged, copyright 1942 thru 1947, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, page 30. (wikipedia, LoL 'mary') ......this book (15"x 11-1/2"), weighs like 50 Lbs.........Wikipedia......when you're there, can you order a latte from starbucks and play candy-crush at the same time?

The Palestinians .... can't hurt to pray for Hamass and their...nasty Qassam ways....God help them....

"The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man" is a phrase of uncertain origin and without a primary source.

Who were the Rabbis?
When was that cable sent?

In other words Ghada in her attempt to cover for the Arab violence against Palestinian Jews prior to Zionism, as well as their attempt to cede the land to an Arabian King from Mecca, and total rejection of a Palestinian independent identity, bases her whole book on fictitious and tailored quotes that have been spread by her ilk for the last century.

Is it any wonder that she tries to attack the Jewish state by downplaying the Holocaust and Arab violence? No - t's done to deflect from the core reasons why Arabs have failed to hold all of the middle east for themselves at the expense of other nations in the region, Israel being the only piece of land they've lost to the their rightful heirs.

That's just how Pallywood works - deception, half baked lies and outright antisemitic bigotry.
The New Palestinians!

There are the old guard of PLO, Fatah, Hamas, etc. who are in their 6os, 70s, and 80s. They have had few, if any, accomplishments in the last few decades.

Then there are the new Palestinians who are mostly under 40. Intelligent, articulate, and well educated, with a different view of what Palestine is to be. They have no interest in the established parties. They have made great strides in the Palestinian cause.

Then there're the Israeli young generation that is the leading society in the middle east, which has broken all records for a young state and successful integration, challenging the outdated demographic forecasts and evident decrease trends of birth rates through out the whole Arab world doubled by an increase in secularism. And an evident change of opinion regarding Israel's position in the region both among intelligentsia, political leadership and lower classes of population.

it's a matter of 2 generations, before the scales pass the turning point of no return.
How Iran Plans to Take Gaza.

  • The situation in the Gaza Strip is unlikely to witness any positive changes. Even if Hamas were to be removed from power, the Palestinians would continue to suffer under other radical groups such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

  • Even if Hamas were to wake up tomorrow morning and have an about-face, striking a genuine truce with Israel, there will always be other terrorist groups that are prepared to breach the agreement any time they wish.

  • These are crucial factors that need to be taken into account by any international party that seeks a solution to the catastrophe called Gaza. Alternatively, one might to wish to continue to inhabit some alternate reality in which all be would be well if Israel would only ease restrictions on the Gaza Strip.
If anyone was hoping that removing Hamas from power in the Gaza Strip would improve the situation there and boost the chances of peace between Palestinians and Israel, they are in for a big disappointment. Hamas, which violently seized control over the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2007, is not the only terrorist group in the coastal enclave, home to some two million Palestinians.

In addition to Hamas, these are several other Palestinian terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip.

How Iran Plans to Take Gaza
Dr Haidar Eid, a professor of post-colonial and post-modern literature at Al Aqsa University, in Gaza.

The Palestinian Kids Fighting Israel's Occupation

It's all just an illusion, pf....(the people in your video.....).

this is more like it............

we know what rules there...

...islamic radicals .... and ... that's it ! no body else...

video ...too long. but that radical girl - kicked and slapped the soldier in the face...sickening. that's one "loose cannon."

brainwashing the kids: hey kid: "can you live in peace with the settlers over there" - 'No, we won't live in peace as long as they are on our land.'

sick bastards....

the poor kid(s).......
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