Palestine Today

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Longing for Palestine: Art of Resistance. Palestinians fight back with graffiti, and rap

Longing for Palestine: Art of Resistance. Palestinians fight back with graffiti, and rap

Don’t forget about the gee-had waged against Israeli civilians which includes street stabbings / knife attacks, car ramming, rockets fired at civilian areas, incendiary kites.....

Did I miss any others?
For Justice, Not Apartheid, in Palestine
A quarter-century after Oslo, Israel is consolidating its domination—but the global resistance movement is growing.

This September marks the 25th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, which were heralded by many at the time of their signing as the dawn of a new era in the Middle East, one in which Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization would replace conflict with negotiations that would lead to peace and a Palestinian state.

Some observers at the time—including Edward Said, in this magazine—pointed out the flaws in that 1993 declaration, among them that while the PLO recognized the state of Israel and renounced violence, the accords never mentioned Israel’s occupation, never noted the illegality of Israeli settlements, and contained no promise—or, indeed, even any mention—of a Palestinian state as the end result of talks.

Whatever its virtues or flaws, the Oslo “peace process,” which has been on life support for years, is now dead. There have been no negotiations since the collapse in 2014 of the last set of talks, shepherded by Barack Obama’s secretary of state, John Kerry, and there is no sign of serious talks in the foreseeable future. What we have seen, instead, is a shocking deterioration of Palestinian life under the most right-wing government in Israel’s history.

For Justice, Not Apartheid, in Palestine
For Justice, Not Apartheid, in Palestine
A quarter-century after Oslo, Israel is consolidating its domination—but the global resistance movement is growing.

This September marks the 25th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, which were heralded by many at the time of their signing as the dawn of a new era in the Middle East, one in which Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization would replace conflict with negotiations that would lead to peace and a Palestinian state.

Some observers at the time—including Edward Said, in this magazine—pointed out the flaws in that 1993 declaration, among them that while the PLO recognized the state of Israel and renounced violence, the accords never mentioned Israel’s occupation, never noted the illegality of Israeli settlements, and contained no promise—or, indeed, even any mention—of a Palestinian state as the end result of talks.

Whatever its virtues or flaws, the Oslo “peace process,” which has been on life support for years, is now dead. There have been no negotiations since the collapse in 2014 of the last set of talks, shepherded by Barack Obama’s secretary of state, John Kerry, and there is no sign of serious talks in the foreseeable future. What we have seen, instead, is a shocking deterioration of Palestinian life under the most right-wing government in Israel’s history.

For Justice, Not Apartheid, in Palestine


You don’t know what the term means.
—pointed out the flaws in that 1993 declaration, among them that while the PLO recognized the state of Israel and renounced violence, the accords never mentioned Israel’s occupation, never noted the illegality of Israeli settlements ...

The Jewish "settlements" weren't considered illegal then. A completely unrelated law has been adapted in order to apply standards to Israel where no such standards exist for other countries.

The Olso Accords are dead because of the continued quest for the Arab Palestinians to remove Israel from the map and forbid Jewish self-determination. One hundred years, same story, same result.
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