Palestine Today

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No offence but that guy is fucking moron. He doesn't represent america or anyone else significant.

When I suggested a Sulha (middle easter tradition of peace making between rival tribes),
You laughed.

It implies Arabs and Jews sitting for a long period, in a ceremony promoted by the elders of the community to listen and hear, without interruption of any side, about all the suffering and misery both have gone through because of the conflict.

If Arabs were brave enough to acknowledge their part in the conflict, rather than playing the innocent victim, it could dissolve a lot of mental rigidity, and bring viable results, in spite of all cynicism. It DOES happen to work throughout the middle east between the many tribes that have been at war for generations. Not a magic pill to all problems but works when numbers and disputed territory are relatively small, which happens to be exactly our case. It already works quietly in several high risk places like Hebron and the surrounding areas of Judea Samaria, away from propaganda channels, government and foreign media interruption.

He got only half of that correct,, but unfortunately went down straight into the slippery slope of adding fuel and prolonging the conflict for the next generation by totally obsolving one side of the same responsibility.
I just don't get how one can demand to absolve one side of all responsibility while transferring all the blame on the other and expect it will result in anything different than what we've seen until now.

Europeans just don't have the mental capacity to understand middle east, they're like an elephant in a glass shop - he's a vivid example of how European ignorance prolongs the conflict with their delusional promises and twisted morals that have no place in middle eastern cultures that have figured their own lexicon and ways millenniums before Europe became civilized..

If Arabs were brave enough to acknowledge their part in the conflict, rather than playing the innocent victim,
The Palestinians were at home minding their own business when Europeans came down and threw shit into the fan.

So, where is their part of the conflict?

Let's stop pretending that Arab pogroms against Jews in Syria-Palestine were not initial causes of this war.
It was exactly the trigger that pushed Jews to organize internationally as a defense mechanism even prior to the Holocaust.

Let's stop pretending that Jews from Europe weren't an integral part of Palestinian Jewish community for centuries, or that they weren't systematically targeted as all other Jews by their Arab neighbors. Let's stop pretending that Arabs didn't flood the country when Jews started to arrive.

Stop with the pretense, it's pathetic beyond any measure of common sense.


Here's the thing, the only way to explain Your broad denial is by reaching to the only available conclusion - that You believe a sacrifice of Palestinian Arabs is an acceptable price to be paid for removing Israel.

Sounds like you suggest we exterminate them all...:eusa_think:
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