Palestine Today

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"Palestine" in its modern usage carries the meaning of Arab heritage. It excludes and erases and co-opts Jewish history.

There is not 4000 years of Arab history in the territory. That is a deliberate falsehood, intended to create the illusion and evoke emotions of an unbroken chain of "Palestinian" history. And erase the real history of European and Arab invasion, colonialization, occupation.

Israel, a 4000 year old history would be accurate.

Trying to explain that simply logic to him is like trying to explain color to one who was born blind.

For him there is only one side to the story. "Palestinians" and assholes. Any attempt of trying to argue with that will be met with a deaf ear.

Oh, we agree. And I think it is much more insidious than just a "deaf ear". Its an orchestra deliberately making "music" to erase the Jewish people.

Haven't seen you in a while. Nice to see you, Lipush.
Yeah, have not posted here in a while, my lawyer exams are approaching and my head is a bit fuzzy, but it nice to see nothing has changed in here.

Except that we miss you! Best of good vibes for exams!

Apparently you’re lamenting the collapse of the Islamist Ottoman Empire. There was a time when Islamic fascism ruled that part of the world, when the imposition of dhimmitude was the normal state of affairs. When Peaceful Inner Strugglers are in control, minority ethnicities / religious groups are subject to privation, oppression and even death if the local affiliates of the more excitable Arab-Moslem terrorist franchises get a hold of you.

Palestine was a geographic area under control of the Ottoman Turks. It was never a “country”, contrary to your false representations.

“Pal’istanians” as a national identity was the invention of an Egyptian in the late 1960’s.
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Rally Demands Justice For SFSU Professor Rabab Abdulhadi, Palestinian Students & Ed Program

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