Palestine Today

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Stories of the catastrophe:
“An old man, known to the entire city to be deaf, must have not heard the curfew announcement. The soldier pointed the gun at him and warned him but he kept on walking. I still remember him falling to the ground.”

Stories of the catastrophe:
"I can close my eyes and remember every single detail about that village. The streets, the neighborhood. The fig and berry trees. Every single detail. It is like I can see it right before my eyes."
Stories of the catastrophe:
"When we heard about the massacre in Deir Yassin, how they lined up the men and shot them, it was too much. They were taking the girls too. That’s when we left. If you were in our place, what would you have done?"


This is what happens when You have a compulsion to exaggerate and lie about everything,
the lie itself causes Your defeat.

Ain't that ironic?

The truth hurts. Deal with it.
The truth is that Israel is full of shit. Always has been.

So, That’s the reason why Muslims are killing Christians and other Religions all over the World? That makes sense ,only in your deranged mind :cuckoo:
Deflection and off topic.

Doesn’t change the facts. “ Selective outrage” is racist and bigoted
You should be outraged that Israel is full of shit.

You should be outraged that even if Israel were psychotic enough to give in to ALL demands they have stated many times that their long term goal is Israel’s destruction
You should be outraged that the PLO declared Jews have NO rights to the Western Wall. Tell us please why Israel should even consider handing over E. Jerusalem? There will be no response
You should be outraged that the Palestinians are full of Shit
You should be outraged Since you are “ peacefully “ and for “ justice “ at the atrocities the Muslim World is doing. If this was Israel???? Face it; You’re a hypocrite

so...........if you could elaborate on this picture, what's the BACK STORY ?

That bombed-out building in the background…………

What’s the scoop pt?

(a) Israel had nothing better to do than……………. To drop a bomb on a building/basketball court/playground area/school ? what ‘hood’ is this?

(b) (after launching rockets, bombs and stuff into israel) we all know how terrorists/pussy-faced hamass LOVE to dive for cover under their grandmothers bloomers & “stoops” and hospitals and schools (and so forth).

Is that what happened here? Is that why the building is disheveled ?

maybe hamsss did it ?
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