Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Academicians like Ilan Pappé, who need to make new theories to publish (dissertation type material creation), often try to change the way in which we see the world. When Issac Newton wrote the "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" (AKA "Principia"), it was, as we say in government, close enough for government wrote, but not exactly correct. And while much of the world still uses Newtonian Mechcanics, in the end, we know that in the realm of the very very fast and the ultra quantum sizes, it does not work. In those cases, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity set in. And even today, we know that Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are not totally correct. They simply don't link together.

Much of today's modern political activism, such as the explanation of "Classical Colonialism" and "Settler Colonialism Projects" are """ approximations """ of the reality. Ilan Pappé makes a new theory about the interpretation of contemporary history and then attempts to apply new versions to explain the action.

OK, but would you care to critique any of the issues he brings forth?

Ilan Pappé, makes a point of orbiting the presentation on:

Settler Colonialism by changing the definition to assume the new characteristic of not being sent a Colonial Empire. This is a very critical difference between true Colonialism previously defined in the post 1967 era.

A second major redefining is relative to the Exploitation of the (so-called) indigenous population versus the removal of the population (which is NOT a characteristic of Classical Colonialism).

The only way to make the concept of "colonialism" apply in the Arab Palestinian 'v' Israeli Conflict is to change the definition. Otherwise, the entire concept becomes bogus.

Most Respectfully,
Settler colonialism and apartheid have been used to describe Israel since the middle of the 20th century. Occupation had been the term of choice all through the fake peace process. Now settler colonialism, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing are coming back into main stream discourse. Settler colonialism is a perfect match for Israel.

No, it is the only Jewish state in the world, as is evidenced by the Star of David on its flag. Twenty-five flags in the world have a cross and fifteen have a crescent. If the Palestinians want to share the land of Eretz Yisrael and do it in a reasonable way, that is fine. (This is not to say that it won't be a tremendous sacrifice on the part of the Jews, because it is). But as for REPLACING it--that will never happen!

Don't be crying when comes the dying.
That's not seeking the peace so when war comes, it's not going to be symmetrical.
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