Palestinian aggression continues: Israeli child BURNED ALIVE in Samaria

And they will still bo on the outside looking in, and seeing the far greater firepower that opposes them. They have tried and failed 6 times to date in gaining control of Israel, without a suicide wish they have no chance of ever winning.

Actually, The Zionists have lost more wars then they've won, most of which they've started...

Let's review, shall we?

1948- they won that one.
1956- Had to retreat from the Suez with their tails between their legs.
1967- Won that one by launching a sneak attack.
1973- Almost got driven into the sea, until Nixon saved them.
1982- Had to get Reagan to bail them out. Of Broke-dick Lebanon.
2005- Got bogged down again in Lebanon. It's like they never fucking learn.
2010-Present- Getting bogged down in Gaza.

But eventually, young Israelis are going to start wondering, "Why are we living next to people who want to kill us, paying twice the going rate for consumer goods as we would in Europe?"
The zionists will treaten no one, but the people of the free world will turn on islam and we will see many muslim deaths and deportaions if nuclear weapons are used against Israel. Then the free world will target the islamic world with non nuclear weapons and not a zionist in sight. How much support do you think you will have if one nuke is unleashed on Israel ?

They don't need to use nukes, they've already got the population bomb.

And Europe is frankly getting sick of Israel's shit. It's just the dumb old U.S. of A. where the zionists run our politicians, but a few more failed wars, we are going to get tired of that shit, too.

I know i am.
So all the land and property that the arab muslims had stolen from the Jews over the last 1400 years means nothing ?

Nope. 1400 years ago, there were no Jews living in Palestine. The Romans had chased most of them out. The arabs invited some of them to come back.
Doesn't compute.

Only because you're kind of stupid. Here's the reality. Up until World War II, it was probably a better deal to be a Jew in the Muslim World than in the Christian World, with it's holocausts and pogroms and inquisitions and the occasional bought of "Hey, we've got a plague, the Jews must be poisoning the wells!"

The Europe got the neat idea to just dump all their Jews into Palestine, and the Arabs were all like, "Hey, wait a minute!"
WTF are you smoking now? Dried snot?
Wow, you're dumber than I though. The RIGHT to sovereignty doesn't mean they have sovereignty. Do you not know how to read you demented moron?

And the land that Israel captured happened AFTER 5 Arab states attacked them from all sides. The land was not under Palestinian sovereignty either, it was land ALLOTTED to the Palestinians in the partition plan. If that land was stolen, then why did many countries, and the U.N of all organizations, recognize Israel with that land, and still do?

changes Israel keeps area allotted to it byPartition Plan, captures 50% of area allotted to Arab state

1948 Arab Israeli War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

100% correct.

The partition plan was never implemented so Israel never acquired that land. It is illegal to acquire land through the threat or use of force so Israel can't acquire that land either.

Still spreading the same lie I see? The Palestinians used the partition plan in 1988 to declare independence too, the SAME way Israel did so in 1948. We've been through this 100 times , yet you keep bringing up the same lies Tinmore.
Once again, you are wrong. 're wrong about everything.

You cannot make your own rules and history to further your agenda. 'Tinmore' pre requisites for declaring independence do not apply to real life.
So, Palestine's international borders are those proposed by resolution 181?
Palestine has no international borders.
Look up international boundaries in the legend then find them on the map.


The solid lines are proposed borders.


1. The Armistice Demarcation Line shall follow the international boundary between the Lebanon and Palestine.

The Avalon Project Lebanese-Israeli General Armistice Agreement March 23 1949
Tinmore, there you go again. Confusing "proposed" borders with what actually occurred. Put down that bottle of Mad Dog!
NOPE it did nothing of the sort, what it did was to illegally transfer Jewish land to arab muslims contrary to INTERNATIONAL LAW as set down in the Mandate for Palestine. The land had already been apportioned to the arab muslims leaving the rest for the Jews. 181 had no authority to split the land and split it as it did, and the UN knows this which is why it later amended the UN charter to give Israel greater rights to the land of palestine.
Could you prove what you said?

Treaty after Treaty signed by the LoN in the years after the end of WW1. I have shown the maps of resulting from those treaties that very clearly say the land was for THE RESURECTED NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. These entered into CUSTOMNARY INTERNATIONAL LAW at the time and still stand to this day. Try reading the treaties in full and see what they say about the arab muslims claims to palestine. Then see what they say about who the land was given too and why.
Could you show where in those documents that land was given to Israel or a Jewish state for their exclusive use?

Map from the treaty in 1920


Map from the treaty in 1921

And I never said that the land was given to the Jews for their exclusive use, just that the land was given as the RESURECTED HOMELAND OF THE JEWS. The other inhabitants would be given the choice of staying as full citizens or relocating to a country of their choice .
Full citizens of what?

Israel of course, and it would not infringe any of their rights. They would be full citizens with all the rights of full citizens and have the sanme rights as the Jews. A pity they chose to resort to violence and terrorism instead of accepting the LoN treaty.
Could you prove what you said?

Treaty after Treaty signed by the LoN in the years after the end of WW1. I have shown the maps of resulting from those treaties that very clearly say the land was for THE RESURECTED NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. These entered into CUSTOMNARY INTERNATIONAL LAW at the time and still stand to this day. Try reading the treaties in full and see what they say about the arab muslims claims to palestine. Then see what they say about who the land was given too and why.
Could you show where in those documents that land was given to Israel or a Jewish state for their exclusive use?

Map from the treaty in 1920


Map from the treaty in 1921

And I never said that the land was given to the Jews for their exclusive use, just that the land was given as the RESURECTED HOMELAND OF THE JEWS. The other inhabitants would be given the choice of staying as full citizens or relocating to a country of their choice .
Full citizens of what?

Israel of course, and it would not infringe any of their rights. They would be full citizens with all the rights of full citizens and have the sanme rights as the Jews. A pity they chose to resort to violence and terrorism instead of accepting the LoN treaty.
Israel was not mentioned in any of those treaties.
Treaty after Treaty signed by the LoN in the years after the end of WW1. I have shown the maps of resulting from those treaties that very clearly say the land was for THE RESURECTED NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. These entered into CUSTOMNARY INTERNATIONAL LAW at the time and still stand to this day. Try reading the treaties in full and see what they say about the arab muslims claims to palestine. Then see what they say about who the land was given too and why.
Could you show where in those documents that land was given to Israel or a Jewish state for their exclusive use?

Map from the treaty in 1920


Map from the treaty in 1921

And I never said that the land was given to the Jews for their exclusive use, just that the land was given as the RESURECTED HOMELAND OF THE JEWS. The other inhabitants would be given the choice of staying as full citizens or relocating to a country of their choice .
Full citizens of what?

Israel of course, and it would not infringe any of their rights. They would be full citizens with all the rights of full citizens and have the sanme rights as the Jews. A pity they chose to resort to violence and terrorism instead of accepting the LoN treaty.
Israel was not mentioned in any of those treaties.
What treaties?
And they will still bo on the outside looking in, and seeing the far greater firepower that opposes them. They have tried and failed 6 times to date in gaining control of Israel, without a suicide wish they have no chance of ever winning.

Actually, The Zionists have lost more wars then they've won, most of which they've started...

Let's review, shall we?

1948- they won that one.
1956- Had to retreat from the Suez with their tails between their legs.
1967- Won that one by launching a sneak attack.
1973- Almost got driven into the sea, until Nixon saved them.
1982- Had to get Reagan to bail them out. Of Broke-dick Lebanon.
2005- Got bogged down again in Lebanon. It's like they never fucking learn.
2010-Present- Getting bogged down in Gaza.

But eventually, young Israelis are going to start wondering, "Why are we living next to people who want to kill us, paying twice the going rate for consumer goods as we would in Europe?"

Keep trying, only this time look at the evidence.
The zionists will treaten no one, but the people of the free world will turn on islam and we will see many muslim deaths and deportaions if nuclear weapons are used against Israel. Then the free world will target the islamic world with non nuclear weapons and not a zionist in sight. How much support do you think you will have if one nuke is unleashed on Israel ?

They don't need to use nukes, they've already got the population bomb.

And Europe is frankly getting sick of Israel's shit. It's just the dumb old U.S. of A. where the zionists run our politicians, but a few more failed wars, we are going to get tired of that shit, too.

I know i am.

They have had the population bomb since 1920 and have never been able to do anything with it. Until they can work together and bury the hatchet they will never do any good with their numbers.

I dont know where you get your information from but the only "Europeans" getting sick of Israel happen to be the illegal muslim's. The rest of Europe is 100% behind Israel.
Treaty after Treaty signed by the LoN in the years after the end of WW1. I have shown the maps of resulting from those treaties that very clearly say the land was for THE RESURECTED NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. These entered into CUSTOMNARY INTERNATIONAL LAW at the time and still stand to this day. Try reading the treaties in full and see what they say about the arab muslims claims to palestine. Then see what they say about who the land was given too and why.
Could you show where in those documents that land was given to Israel or a Jewish state for their exclusive use?

Map from the treaty in 1920


Map from the treaty in 1921

And I never said that the land was given to the Jews for their exclusive use, just that the land was given as the RESURECTED HOMELAND OF THE JEWS. The other inhabitants would be given the choice of staying as full citizens or relocating to a country of their choice .
Full citizens of what?

Israel of course, and it would not infringe any of their rights. They would be full citizens with all the rights of full citizens and have the sanme rights as the Jews. A pity they chose to resort to violence and terrorism instead of accepting the LoN treaty.
Israel was not mentioned in any of those treaties.

Because it was not known by that name at the time, but look again and you will see that the Jews right to the land is mentioned. At the same time the arab muslims right to the land was expressly ignored.
They have had the population bomb since 1920 and have never been able to do anything with it. Until they can work together and bury the hatchet they will never do any good with their numbers.

I dont know where you get your information from but the only "Europeans" getting sick of Israel happen to be the illegal muslim's. The rest of Europe is 100% behind Israel.

Right. That's why the European high court stopped calling Hamas a terrorist organization and Sweden just recognized Palestine as a state.
Could you show where in those documents that land was given to Israel or a Jewish state for their exclusive use?

Map from the treaty in 1920


Map from the treaty in 1921

And I never said that the land was given to the Jews for their exclusive use, just that the land was given as the RESURECTED HOMELAND OF THE JEWS. The other inhabitants would be given the choice of staying as full citizens or relocating to a country of their choice .
Full citizens of what?

Israel of course, and it would not infringe any of their rights. They would be full citizens with all the rights of full citizens and have the sanme rights as the Jews. A pity they chose to resort to violence and terrorism instead of accepting the LoN treaty.
Israel was not mentioned in any of those treaties.

Because it was not known by that name at the time, but look again and you will see that the Jews right to the land is mentioned. At the same time the arab muslims right to the land was expressly ignored.
Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties.

Jewish state
Map from the treaty in 1920


Map from the treaty in 1921

And I never said that the land was given to the Jews for their exclusive use, just that the land was given as the RESURECTED HOMELAND OF THE JEWS. The other inhabitants would be given the choice of staying as full citizens or relocating to a country of their choice .
Full citizens of what?

Israel of course, and it would not infringe any of their rights. They would be full citizens with all the rights of full citizens and have the sanme rights as the Jews. A pity they chose to resort to violence and terrorism instead of accepting the LoN treaty.
Israel was not mentioned in any of those treaties.

Because it was not known by that name at the time, but look again and you will see that the Jews right to the land is mentioned. At the same time the arab muslims right to the land was expressly ignored.
Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties.

Jewish state

Think about how stupid your post is. You're saying that treaties between ISRAEL and other countries don't mention Israel.
Can you post the specific treaties you are talking about
Full citizens of what?

Israel of course, and it would not infringe any of their rights. They would be full citizens with all the rights of full citizens and have the sanme rights as the Jews. A pity they chose to resort to violence and terrorism instead of accepting the LoN treaty.
Israel was not mentioned in any of those treaties.

Because it was not known by that name at the time, but look again and you will see that the Jews right to the land is mentioned. At the same time the arab muslims right to the land was expressly ignored.
Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties.

Jewish state

Think about how stupid your post is. You're saying that treaties between ISRAEL and other countries don't mention Israel.
Can you post the specific treaties you are talking about
The question should be what treaties are you talking about?
Israel of course, and it would not infringe any of their rights. They would be full citizens with all the rights of full citizens and have the sanme rights as the Jews. A pity they chose to resort to violence and terrorism instead of accepting the LoN treaty.
Israel was not mentioned in any of those treaties.

Because it was not known by that name at the time, but look again and you will see that the Jews right to the land is mentioned. At the same time the arab muslims right to the land was expressly ignored.
Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties.

Jewish state

Think about how stupid your post is. You're saying that treaties between ISRAEL and other countries don't mention Israel.
Can you post the specific treaties you are talking about
The question should be what treaties are you talking about?

Wow, really Tinmore? You said "Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties". Then I asked what treaties you're referring to .
Well ?
Israel was not mentioned in any of those treaties.

Because it was not known by that name at the time, but look again and you will see that the Jews right to the land is mentioned. At the same time the arab muslims right to the land was expressly ignored.
Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties.

Jewish state

Think about how stupid your post is. You're saying that treaties between ISRAEL and other countries don't mention Israel.
Can you post the specific treaties you are talking about
The question should be what treaties are you talking about?

Wow, really Tinmore? You said "Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties". Then I asked what treaties you're referring to .
Well ?
All of them.
Because it was not known by that name at the time, but look again and you will see that the Jews right to the land is mentioned. At the same time the arab muslims right to the land was expressly ignored.
Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties.

Jewish state

Think about how stupid your post is. You're saying that treaties between ISRAEL and other countries don't mention Israel.
Can you post the specific treaties you are talking about
The question should be what treaties are you talking about?

Wow, really Tinmore? You said "Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties". Then I asked what treaties you're referring to .
Well ?
All of them.

Such as ?
Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties.

Jewish state

Think about how stupid your post is. You're saying that treaties between ISRAEL and other countries don't mention Israel.
Can you post the specific treaties you are talking about
The question should be what treaties are you talking about?

Wow, really Tinmore? You said "Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties". Then I asked what treaties you're referring to .
Well ?
All of them.

Such as ?
Somebody make something happen. I'm getting dizzy.
Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties.

Jewish state

Think about how stupid your post is. You're saying that treaties between ISRAEL and other countries don't mention Israel.
Can you post the specific treaties you are talking about
The question should be what treaties are you talking about?

Wow, really Tinmore? You said "Three things that are not mentioned in the post war treaties". Then I asked what treaties you're referring to .
Well ?
All of them.

Such as ?
All of them.

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