Palestinian gets 500 million, Federal workers get Furloughs

There are some things that the sequester doesn't affect.

And that is suppose to be okay?
Is there a law stating that the federal govt has no resource to "pick and choose" where these cuts go?
I'm still trying to figure out how a reduction of the increase in spending causes layoffs.

When you go from spending $10.00 to $12.00 instaed of $14.00
how does that cause the lose of a job?
we gave GM, GMAC 80 billion in 2008-09
no- furloughs then
I'm still trying to figure out how a reduction of the increase in spending causes layoffs.

And therein is the lie. None of the layoffs were need. They are doing this so that Americans reject further ‘reductions in increased spending.’

The entire thing is utter bullshit.
Israel just took us for about the same amount for their Iron Dome. I wonder how many people that allows them NOT to lay off?
I'm still trying to figure out how a reduction of the increase in spending causes layoffs.

And therein is the lie. None of the layoffs were need. They are doing this so that Americans reject further ‘reductions in increased spending.’

The entire thing is utter bullshit.

So now all you rightwing nuts have decided you don't want fewer people working for the government?
I'm still trying to figure out how a reduction of the increase in spending causes layoffs.

And therein is the lie. None of the layoffs were need. They are doing this so that Americans reject further ‘reductions in increased spending.’

The entire thing is utter bullshit.

So now all you rightwing nuts have decided you don't want fewer people working for the government?

Never stated that.

The furloughs and layoffs are being made though to make a political play and protect the machine from losing money. Are you so blind that you do not understand that such things are being done while INCREASING the annual spending. We spend MORE, freeze wage increases and STILL lay people off?!?! That's insane. If we are going to lay people off and furlough then we should do REAL cuts. Not this asinine cut in the increase of spending.

People are being cut because the powers that be want this to hurt and that hurt needs faces. That way they can demand that we stop cutting. It is insane.
And therein is the lie. None of the layoffs were need. They are doing this so that Americans reject further ‘reductions in increased spending.’

The entire thing is utter bullshit.

So now all you rightwing nuts have decided you don't want fewer people working for the government?

Never stated that.

The furloughs and layoffs are being made though to make a political play and protect the machine from losing money. Are you so blind that you do not understand that such things are being done while INCREASING the annual spending. We spend MORE, freeze wage increases and STILL lay people off?!?! That's insane. If we are going to lay people off and furlough then we should do REAL cuts. Not this asinine cut in the increase of spending.

People are being cut because the powers that be want this to hurt and that hurt needs faces. That way they can demand that we stop cutting. It is insane.

bravo... great post....
Obama got caught looking like an idiot going on and on about the end of life as we know it
if cuts due to sequestration went through.
His puppet master Valerie Jarrett gave him bad advise on this.
There are some things that the sequester doesn't affect.

And that is suppose to be okay?
Is there a law stating that the federal govt has no resource to "pick and choose" where these cuts go?

Yes, there is such a law. It is commonly referred to as the "sequester".

So your stating within the law there is a statement that states
"layoff federal employees, but make sure Palestien gets 500 million"?
So your stating within the law there is a statement that states
"Layoff federal employees, but make sure Palestine gets 500 million"?
Read the article before you say much more
Also as many of us have said, how do you have a layoff when your cutting the rate of spending increase?
There not cutting anything except the rate of growth

I'm confused.

Are conservatives supposed to be upset that overpaid government union thugs are being furloughed, or not?

No we are tired of our president making everything into a political event that its intent is to harm the conservatives and never, ever is what is best for out nation
He is the most dis - honest president with Clinton and in my lifetime. At least BC got some things done that helped while he was lying
And that is suppose to be okay?
Is there a law stating that the federal govt has no resource to "pick and choose" where these cuts go?

Yes, there is such a law. It is commonly referred to as the "sequester".

So your stating within the law there is a statement that states
"layoff federal employees, but make sure Palestien gets 500 million"?
So your stating within the law there is a statement that states
"Layoff federal employees, but make sure Palestine gets 500 million"?
Read the article before you say much more
Also as many of us have said, how do you have a layoff when your cutting the rate of spending increase?
There not cutting anything except the rate of growth

Yes, there is something in the law that states this. It is not as plain as you put it but essentially the law states that there are ‘across the board’ cuts that come from each section of funding. That funding is already divided so…..

The one pot has nothing to do with the other pot of cash. Sad but true. It is why the sequester is a bad idea, the cuts are without thought but it seems that is the best we can do in the area of cutting because politicians don’t seem to know how to apply logic and reduction.
Yes, there is such a law. It is commonly referred to as the "sequester".

So your stating within the law there is a statement that states
"layoff federal employees, but make sure Palestien gets 500 million"?
So your stating within the law there is a statement that states
"Layoff federal employees, but make sure Palestine gets 500 million"?
Read the article before you say much more
Also as many of us have said, how do you have a layoff when your cutting the rate of spending increase?
There not cutting anything except the rate of growth

Yes, there is something in the law that states this. It is not as plain as you put it but essentially the law states that there are ‘across the board’ cuts that come from each section of funding. That funding is already divided so…..

The one pot has nothing to do with the other pot of cash. Sad but true. It is why the sequester is a bad idea, the cuts are without thought but it seems that is the best we can do in the area of cutting because politicians don’t seem to know how to apply logic and reduction.

I understand that
the issue I have is not the spendig cuts
It is that the president is using it as a political football and pretending that e had nothing to do with it
each piece of legeslation can be ameded by all 3
house senate whiteouse
Also reading the article makes me wonder why there funds where not cut the same as if it was an across the board cut?

if we cut the rate of growth 5% does not not make sense to cut salaries same?
Look I am involved in a multi billion dollar const firm and there is something here more than I can understand
cutting the growth of a 3.8 trillion dollar budet 250 billion+- is not that big of a deal

This article shows to me the stupidity of it all

I'm confused.

Are conservatives supposed to be upset that overpaid government union thugs are being furloughed, or not?

That is an outstanding question. These mutta fuking right wingers were all for the sequester cuts, but now that they are here, they are all butt hurt that people are having their hours of work cut.

WTF is wrong with these people who call themselves "cons"?

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