Palestinian gets 500 million, Federal workers get Furloughs

I'm confused.

Are conservatives supposed to be upset that overpaid government union thugs are being furloughed, or not?

No we are tired of our president making everything into a political event that its intent is to harm the conservatives and never, ever is what is best for out nation
He is the most dis - honest president with Clinton and in my lifetime. At least BC got some things done that helped while he was lying

Tired of the President making the sequester a political event? LMAO.. I haven't heard the Pres say much about it since the cuts went into effect..

But the rethugs are crying about it like a baby ever damn day.

You cons are supposed to be celebrating your achievment of across the board cuts.
Why aren't you celebrating?
I'm confused.

Are conservatives supposed to be upset that overpaid government union thugs are being furloughed, or not?

No we are tired of our president making everything into a political event that its intent is to harm the conservatives and never, ever is what is best for out nation
He is the most dis - honest president with Clinton and in my lifetime. At least BC got some things done that helped while he was lying

Tired of the President making the sequester a political event? LMAO.. I haven't heard the Pres say much about it since the cuts went into effect..

But the rethugs are crying about it like a baby ever damn day.

You cons are supposed to be celebrating your achievment of across the board cuts.
Why aren't you celebrating?

Barack Obama wants to blame Republicans for the looming across-the-board spending cuts that will take effect this week. Well, here is a simple sequester solution for the GOP: Let Obama decide how to make the cuts.
from the post
Make Obama decide how to deal with sequester - Washington Post

you want to why I have an issue with this?
not a peep

Bottom line is he tried to cry wolf and the american people like it (most)
if you get 100.00 a month in Federal services and next month you get 98 because of the govt not growing as fast, is this really an issue?
my ins has doubled (health) in the last 4 years BTW
And that is suppose to be okay?
Is there a law stating that the federal govt has no resource to "pick and choose" where these cuts go?

Yes, there is such a law. It is commonly referred to as the "sequester".

So your stating within the law there is a statement that states
"layoff federal employees, but make sure Palestien gets 500 million"?

Now you are being obtuse.

In the law is a percentage of cuts that must be implemented in the federal employee budget.

That is completely unrelated to aid to Palestine.

Trying to connect the two is disingenuous, at best, and retarded at worst.

Which one are you being?
Yes, there is such a law. It is commonly referred to as the "sequester".

So your stating within the law there is a statement that states
"layoff federal employees, but make sure Palestien gets 500 million"?

Now you are being obtuse.

In the law is a percentage of cuts that must be implemented in the federal employee budget.

That is completely unrelated to aid to Palestine.

Trying to connect the two is disingenuous, at best, and retarded at worst.

Which one are you being?

So how we spend tax payers wealth is retarded?
And let me guess
You voted for BHO?
To start with what we pay many federal employees with retirement, lifetime INS, etc... Is an issue to me
They should be on the same plan many of the rest of us are including most trade unions
Partial help w/ INS

Now it may not matter to you where your tax dollars go, but it does to me. I see no reason we should be providing wealth to a rogue nation while here at home we have some whom suffer in exchange

If we cannot manage our people and who we support no better than that, no wonder it is such a mess
The sequester mandates cuts in how fast the Govt grows
The dept heads implement the where
What's the problem? Was there something in the sequester bill that cuts foriegn aid that the Administration is ignoring?

Any other foriegn aid you want to complain about?
What's the problem? Was there something in the sequester bill that cuts foriegn aid that the Administration is ignoring?

Any other foriegn aid you want to complain about?

Did you read the article?
And why would we support a rogue nation in the Middle East while some at home go without?
If we are going to slow the pace the govt grows then why is it we are not slowing the amount of aid we are giving away?
If Palestine was trying to bring peace and was not killing our allies and there kids it may make a difference.
Simply put how many jobs would 500 million support?
How many jobs would 500 million support if those jobs were in line with what the free market bears as well as Pays?
cut the same from the 500 million, cap it, stop asking for more
If it is 5%, thats still over 2 million dollars

not complaining, just stopped making sense some time ago, like 2007
See this is what happens when you dont take the time out to understand your bumper sticker slogans
See this is what happens when you dont take the time out to understand your bumper sticker slogans

What does a bumper sticker have to do with the way the US govt spends tax payers dollars

I mean the number of items in that one article boggles the mind

I'm confused.

Are conservatives supposed to be upset that overpaid government union thugs are being furloughed, or not?

That is an outstanding question. These mutta fuking right wingers were all for the sequester cuts, but now that they are here, they are all butt hurt that people are having their hours of work cut.

WTF is wrong with these people who call themselves "cons"?
You are soooo stupid you can't even cuss correctly. Nothing wrong with us, you idiots are the ones with the mental deficiencies.
No confusion needed..............

palestinian terrorists should get no money.........

Israel should get no money........

Many more federal "workers" should be furloughed......

And the tax dollars returned proportionally to those that earned it............
No confusion needed..............

palestinian terrorists should get no money.........

Israel should get no money........

Many more federal "workers" should be furloughed......

And the tax dollars returned proportionally to those that earned it............

I have no issue with federal employees providing a service
My issue with the over paid, providing the unions wealth, early retirement employess that work for the federal govt

Taking our tax payer dollars
Having a union getting a % of that wealth
thence taking a portion of that wealth and helping BHO get re-elected is to me a crime

Off topic a little

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