Palestinian Stabbed In Jerusalem


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Palestinian stabbed in Jerusalem.

30/04/2013 14:25BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "A Palestinian man was stabbed in an ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem on Tuesday, Israeli police said. Israeli police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld told Ma'an that the unidentified man was stabbed in the Mea Shearim neighborhood, near Jerusalem's Old City." Israeli police are carrying out an investigation into the attack, and they claim it was a local attack unrelated to the earlier stabbing incident near Nablus.


CNN is also reporting this story.

"Jerusalem stabbing

The second stabbing incident took place in the neighborhood of Mea Shearim, Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.

The assailants who stabbed a Palestinian man fled the scene, Rosenfeld said. The victim was taken to a hospital for treatment"
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Palestinian stabbed in Jerusalem. 30/04/2013 14:25BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- A Palestinian man was stabbed in an ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem on Tuesday, Israeli police said. Israeli police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld told Ma'an that the unidentified man was stabbed in the Mea Shearim neighborhood, near Jerusalem's Old City. Palestinian stabbed in Jerusalem, Israeli police say | Maan News Agency

Oh gee----mea shearim-----that's where the beloved of achmadinejad
"anti-zionist" jews live how absurd!!!!!!!! and probably not true
is the fake person dead?
Unidentified man ????
Wow, another bullshit lie !!!

well----we really should wait-----I have no doubt that sherri will come
up with a NAME-----and at least tell us if the "man" is dead or not---
or injured. so far the thing has the hallmarks of a libel ---the kind
of thing used to instigate pogroms and lynchings ----the kind of thing
that made "jenin" and "deir yassin" issues for the stimulation of war
That sounds extremely strange. Palestinian stabbed in Me'a Shearim??

Doesn't sound characteristic of an orthodox Jew at all.

But if it's true, it should be investigated, nonetheless.
The Jerusalem Post is also reporting about this stabbing. An Israeli-Arab man was stabbed and injured in the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem Tuesday morning, approximately*one hour after a terrorist attack*that resulted in the death of Evyatar Borovsky, at a northern West Bank junction. THE injured man is reported as in moderate to serious condition.
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That sounds extremely strange. Palestinian stabbed in Me'a Shearim??

Doesn't sound characteristic of an orthodox Jew at all.

But if it's true, it should be investigated, nonetheless.

seemed strange to me, too LIPUSH I am trying to
figure out a motive. I doubt that it was some Nt, K. jew going
after a random arab. -----but---all things are possible
Neturai Karta man will not stab a Palestinian. Any Hareidi will not do such thing. their community will totally ban them.

That's very strange. Wonder what will be the result of this investigation.
The Jerusalem Post is also reporting about this stabbing. An Israeli-Arab man was stabbed and injured in the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem Tuesday morning, approximately*one hour after a terrorist attack*that resulted in the death of Evyatar Borovsky, at a northern West Bank junction.

is that all you got? not the name of the man? or the stabber?-----
Mea Shearim would be an odd place for this kind of event. The temporal
link ----to the murder by jihadist ----does not prove
causation. ------do you remember the first page of your
intro to logic course?---aka "baby logic for lawyers"
On Tuesday 30th April, a young Palestinian from Jerusalem was severely wounded after a group of Israeli settlers stabbed him.Sources told PNN that a group of settlers assaulted the youngster, Identity was not revealed yet, while working in Jerusalem. The Palestinian is an employee of the Jerusalem Municipality, as he was stabbed in the chest in one of the neighborhoods in Jerusalem. There is a Photo here in the article that I will post.

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that's it sherri? no name ---no extent of injury? Youngster? does that
mean "child" ? you got a age on this "youngster"??? do you know anything
about stab wounds? they are very tricky in evaluation-----a seemingly minor
wound can kill----and something that looks horrendous can be very benign.
I am confused about the story-----a WHOLE GAGGLE of people attacked one
"child" and his only injury was a single stab wound? single stabwounds are
generally quick passby attacks by one person ------and not at all uncommon.
often the victim does not even know what hit him until several minutes later
I am not the writer of news articles, I can only provide the information CNN and Maan and The Jerusalem Post and PNN are reporting.
Certainly, it is a double standard seeing all the news coverage over the stabbing of an illegal Jewish settler by a Palestinian and the virtually no news coverage of a stabbing by illegal Jewish settlers of a Palestinian youth. Both occurred in Occupied Palestine, one in Occupied East Jerusalem and one incident in the Occupied West Bank. We see one called a terrorist act and one called local crime, and the name not even released of the victim, when the victim was a Palestinian youth.

I guess this is the prefect illustration of how the lives of Palestinians have no value in Israel.

There is a perfect news story just waiting for someone in Isreal/Palestine to write it, a story comparing these two stabbings that occurred on the very same day and one hour apart from one another and how very differently they are being treated.
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Certainly, it is a double standard seeing all the news coverage over the stabbing of an illegal Jewish settler by a Palestinian and the virtually no news coverage of a stabbing by illegal Jewish settlers of a Palestinian youth. Both occurred in Occupied Palestine, one in Occupied East Jerusalem and one incident in the Occupied West Bank. We see one called a terrorist act and one called local crime, and the name not even released of the victim, when the victim was a Palestinian youth.

I guess this is the prefect illustration of how the lives of Palestinians have no value in Israel.


Oh I forgot ----the JEWS CONTROL THE WORLD MEDIA isa-respecters
are somehow magically prevented from dissseminating information----I read
all about that fact as a child. along with the ownership of all the banks

It is actually a fact----that pass-by stabbings are very common----
and not all that much reported in the USA too-----some stabbings
are so trivial in actual injury. My impression is that the "youngster"
to which you refer-----did not die----or even have a significant injury---
which is why it is called "local crime" The information you have----
stabbed in chest-----is actually silly. where in chest? ----even the
"youngster's " mother does not know?----or the jews don't let her
tell anyone?

you certainly come to lots of conclusions based on virtually no
information ---(oh yeah----the jooos are controlling that again)
What justifies the difference in news coverage of the stabbing of a Palestinian youth and an Israeli illegal settler?

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