Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

The Cost of a Palestine Caveat: Biden Admin Chooses Politics Over Human Rights Expertise​

There is ONE question that Tinmore has never answered because he can’t; How does he envision a “ One State Solution?” This should be interesting 🧐
I can't add much to adherence to international law and UN resolutions.
I can't add much to adherence to international law and UN resolutions.
Somehow, I KNEW you were going to say that. However, there are SEVERAL things wrong with that statement;

This ALONE will kill this fantasy

PA officials: Jews have 'no right to pray' at Western Wall | The Times of Israel

A FEW examples. What's to prevent them from doing what was done pre 67 depriving them of their Holy Sites? It starts with the Western Wall Why are there areas where ONLY Muslims can go ?
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Somehow, I KNEW you were going to say that. However, there are SEVERAL things wrong with that statement;

This ALONE will kill this fantasy

PA officials: Jews have 'no right to pray' at Western Wall | The Times of Israel

A FEW examples. What's to prevent them from doing what was done pre 67 depriving them of their Holy Sites? It starts with the Western Wall Why are there areas where ONLY Muslims can go ?

False question. It is not "the land." It is Palestine.
False question. It is not "the land." It is Palestine.
Deflection. Your response has NOTHING to do with the You Tube Video indicating they don’t intend to “ share” whatever one might call it and has NOTHING to do with Religious Sites being forbidden by Jews to Worship. Remember your prior post about “ equality “ under “ International Law?” I guess not
Wonder what would happen if the Israelis made it a “ law” that ONLY Jews can worship at certain religious sites

The Creation and Shattering of America's Consensus on Israel- Eric Alterman on his New Book​


What if all Palestinian refugees returned to Israel? What if there were a one state solution?​

They want to degrade the most successful state in the region,
to the level of all the Arab states that took them in,
as refugees, and drown in civil war.

Stay in Texas...
and ask the locals to teach
you how to pronounce "P - alestine".

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What if all Palestinian refugees returned to Israel? What if there were a one state solution?​

Did you hear what she said; It doesn't matter if the Palestinians were a Majority as long as it's a Democracy with equal Rights for EVERYONE ??

Palestinians: Are you willing to share the land with the Jews? - YouTube

PA officials: Jews have 'no right to pray' at Western Wall | The Times of Israel

The above is JUST for starters. Palestinians have no intention of living in a Democracy where everyone is equal. What's to stop them from forbidding the Jewish people from ALL Religious sites such as Jordan did?

When asked about the above, of course Tinmore had NO comment
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I can't add much to adherence to international law and UN resolutions.
Yes. How sad the Arab nations drove the Palestinians out of their countries & refuse them a right of return.

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