Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Multicultural Couple REACTS | MC Abdul - Shouting at the Walls | " His reality is devastating"​


Fierce resistance in areas Israel claims "absolute" control, with Jon Elmer​

The people of Israel will never again be removed from their land. The coming death and destruction that will flow from attempts to kick them out - and worse - will be the choice of those who hide their hate of Jews behind a mask of sympathy for a vile, evil people who call themselves "Palestinians". In the end, it will be THEY who are utterly deracinated from that soil, never to return.

Palestinian author SUSAN ABULHAWA on GAZA and the PALESTINE struggle for LIBERATION.​


Panel Discussion: Addressing the Unfolding Gaza Genocide: A Legal Perspective for Global Action​


Palestinian resistance demonstrating increased capabilities, with Jon Elmer​


Questioning Power: State Department Briefings on Palestine, with Said Arikat, Moderated by Bassam…​


Scott Ritter: Israel's only hope is an American, but war is over Ha.mas won with a ceasefire from UN​


Academic Freedom under Stress: Israel, Palestine, and the Canadian University​


Israel Bombing Beirut Could Spark 'Untold Death And Destruction' - Omar Baddar​


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