Palestinian youth in Gaza


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Palestinian youth live under such oppression in Occupied Gaza in the Israeli controlled concentration camp.

Yet, they keep hope alive in the most creative ways.

God is written all over this story.
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A worthy story Sherri but did you have to ruin a good thing by adding this to your post?

Sherri: Palestinian youth live under such oppression in Occupied Gaza in the Israeli controlled concentration camp.
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A worthy story Sherri but did you have to ruin a good thing by adding this to your post?

Sherri: Palestinian youth live under such oppression in Occupied Gaza in the Israeli controlled concentration camp.

she needed a REASON to post up the story-----her conclusion has conferred
GREATER MEANING on the phrase

******** GO FLY A KITE *********
Irosie, that is only true while 'reason' is spelled 'E-x-c-u-s-e' - or perhaps 'A-G-E-N-D-A'
A worthy story Sherri but did you have to ruin a good thing by adding this to your post?

Sherri: Palestinian youth live under such oppression in Occupied Gaza in the Israeli controlled concentration camp.

But it is Truth and Truth shall always be brought into the Light!

What would our world and life be without Truth?

There are so many inspiring stories like this one lived out in lives in Palestine every single day, we just do not open our eyes to see them!

But along with these stories of inspiration are some uncomfortable truths to face, like those you want to close your eyes to.
A worthy story Sherri but did you have to ruin a good thing by adding this to your post?

Sherri: Palestinian youth live under such oppression in Occupied Gaza in the Israeli controlled concentration camp.

But it is Truth and Truth shall always be brought into the Light!

What would our world and life be without Truth?

There are so many inspiring stories like this one lived out in lives in Palestine every single day, we just do not open our eyes to see them!

But along with these stories of inspiration are some uncomfortable truths to face, like those you want to close your eyes to.

How interesting Gazans are making kites all well and good-----
although I wonder how they can since they have no paper -----or string.

no matter THE COSMIC ***TRUTH*** is that gazans are making kites

Even more interesting is the fact that the lawyer is functionally illiterate.

I will help. sherri dear, the phrase "like those you want to close your

the statement should

"like those to which you want to close your eyes"

Long ago ----when I was young----I charged $ 5 per hour for tutoring
the intellectually deficient ------I gave you a freebie

Who writes your Motions, Petitions and Briefs for the court?
I think it's very unfortunate when even so innocent an activity as kite-flying is not allowed to remain a pastime, or represent an effort to leave a POSITIVE 'mark upon the world' without some sleazy scumbag trying to turn it into a political tool for their hateful agenda..... And of course I'm not referring to the participants in this noble cause of seizing the Guinness record, or to the film-makers or promoters.

This is a wonderful effort which deserves to be praised. I DO see it as a triumph of the human spirit: here these fine young folk are resisting the dubious lure of violence for what they hope will be a lasting victory over all comers : ))

It is just so sad that a poster pretending to care about the Palestinian people couldn't make do with the good news and felt compelled to get all snarky and preachy at everyone else.....

Palestinians are human beings, people like us. They deserve better than to be used as tools to forward someone's anti-Jewish agenda........... Let's hope the erring 'pro-Palestinian supporters' can learn to view them as fellow children of God, and stop USING them as objects!
Palestinian youth live under such oppression in Occupied Gaza in the Israeli controlled concentration camp.

Yet, they keep hope alive in the most creative ways.

God is written all over this story.
Gaza is not occupied. Maybe if you consider that it's under the control of Hamas, a terrorist organization, then yes.
Palestinian youth live under such oppression in Occupied Gaza in the Israeli controlled concentration camp.

Yet, they keep hope alive in the most creative ways.

God is written all over this story.
Gaza is not occupied. Maybe if you consider that it's under the control of Hamas, a terrorist organization, then yes.

the gazans are VERY oppressed----they are prevented from entering israel ----and
their largest border is with EGYPT!!!!!! ---- Israel CRUELLY locks them between
Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- They surveyed the scene below them: Palestine’s characteristic terraces, spotted with olive trees and sloping hills, with an Israeli settlement on the horizon.*Last Friday morning over 100 Palestinian youths gathered at the top of a mountain north of Ramallah, preparing to descend into the nearby olive groves of Deir Jarir and the historic town of Taybeh just beyond.*They were members of Tajwal Safar, Arabic for "Touring and Traveling," a Palestinian youth group that organizes day-long walks and tours of different sites across the West Bank.Though seemingly only a hiking group, Tajwal Safar both physically and socially unites Palestinian members from across territories occupied by Israel into an integrated, national group, effectively creating a political act of resistance against Israel’s military occupation of Palestine.

The group was created in early 2011, after Samer Sharif, 24, one of the group’s founders, participated in the Arab Education Forum in Jordan. AEF offers the Safar Youth Mobility Fund, a grant that promotes travel for Arab youth within the Arab World, and which served as the inspiration for Tajwal Safar. After participating, a few "decided to do something special for Palestine," Sharif explained.The Safar Youth Mobility Fund, like many organizations in the West Bank, is sponsored by foreign governments. Tajwal Safar, however, is completely self-funded.*

Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time | Maan News Agency
Palestinian youth live under such oppression....blah blah blah

God is written all over this story...blah blah blah

[ame=]Diamond Tiara - I don't know what you call this, but it sure isn't news - YouTube[/ame]
The thread was split into two threads, so here it is now essentially Palestinian youth and their positive responses to Occupation. The article in the OP addressed Palestinian youth making kites and a documentary made about this and I posted another article about youths joining together from different communities in Palestine and hiking together. The Zionist Occupation seeks to separate the people from one community from another, this is a response to counter that, which pulls the youth of Palestine together.
The thread was split into two threads, so here it is now essentially Palestinian youth and their positive responses to Occupation. The article in the OP addressed Palestinian youth making kites and a documentary made about this and I posted another article about youths joining together from different communities in Palestine and hiking together. The Zionist Occupation seeks to separate the people from one community from another, this is a response to counter that, which pulls the youth of Palestine together.

I am intrigued How does Israel manage to separate communities in gaza?

anyone? what "communities"??? is there sectarian strife in
Gaza???? Are gazan youth prevented from
walking down the road to the town ....over there???
Unfortunately, the youth in Gaza are not allowed to leave their concentration camp and hike in Palestine with other Palestinian youth.

The hiking is an activity denied to youth in Gaza.
Blockade denying Gaza youth education, employment

The Electronic Intifada*17 March 2011, occupied West Bank (IRIN) - The next generation in the Gaza Strip may be less educated, less professional and perhaps more radical because an Israeli blockade has restricted educational and employment opportunities, say*UNand other*sources.The four-year blockade has particularly affected youths aged 18-24, limiting access to higher education, academic exchanges and professional development, says Gaza’s education ministry. About 65 percent of Gaza’s 1.6 million people are under 25, according toUN*estimates.“Higher education in all its forms is absolutely critical to a functioning society and the creation of a future Palestinian state,” Max Gaylard,*UNHumanitarian Coordinator for the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, told*IRIN, and “to maintain a necessary level of skills in professional sectors, like medicine and*engineering.”
The youth in Gaza cannot enter the rest of the OPT.

According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights in Gaza, “Under the policy of complete closure imposed since June 2007, Palestinians from Gaza who once constituted some 35 percent of the student body at universities in the West Bank are virtually absent from West Bank education*institutions.”The development of two separate systems due to the Israeli-imposed movement restrictions, meant fewer subjects and facilities for Gaza’s university students, said*UNESCO.

Blockade denying Gaza youth education, employment | The Electronic Intifada
The thread was split into two threads, so here it is now essentially Palestinian youth and their positive responses to Occupation. The article in the OP addressed Palestinian youth making kites and a documentary made about this and I posted another article about youths joining together from different communities in Palestine and hiking together. The Zionist Occupation seeks to separate the people from one community from another, this is a response to counter that, which pulls the youth of Palestine together.

That's so cute! The l'il sherrithing is so full of itself, it feels it must deliver a running commentary on its thread - as if anyone else is interested. LOL!

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