Palestinian youth in Gaza

Collective punishment is a result of Hamas aggression. The innocent civilians who suffer from this punishment have their beloved government Hamas to blame.

It's that simple.

I don't think it is that simple at all. The defect in the arguement is the use of the
term "collective punishment" The fact that innocent civilians suffer in a military
operation does not DEFINE "COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT" thereby rendering the
military actions "illegal" Return fire is never illegal. The CITY which harbors
missile launchers actively lobbing missiles at the heads of israeli babies is not
"INNOCENT"-----it is guilty of gross war crimes. The oveerwhelming majority of
people who die in war are innocent----including the soldiers. Collective
punishment is a term which was coined to describe that which islamo nazis do----
from lining people against a wall and shooting them by the dozens because
SOMEONE DID SOMETHING "WRONG"-----or the enactment of pogroms and
lynchings based on libels. RETURN FIRE IS NEVER "collective punshment"----
if embargoes and boycotts are "collective punishment" then the jihado-
nazis have been doing it against israel for more than half a century and counting
Sherri endorsed the post of her colleague which is responsive to the fact I
(irosie) described my role as caretaker of the victims of the filth both of them
advocate. I do not understand why they are "sorry" that I have aided the
victims of their kind of filth.

Well, I never pictured you as a sanitation worker, but that might explain the obsession with the amount, degree and distribution of filth you seem to bring into every conversation. Perhaps a better system of personal mental hygiene might be of benefit and reduce this obsession.

Its a tough job but someone has to it.

Indeed, I have the greatest admiration for sanitation workers.

Clearly both would prefer that once a bullet is fired into the brain of a human----that the victim be left in the gutter to die unattended in the same manner that the victims of their kith and kin of yesteryear were left in the gutters and fields with
slit throats ------or bullets or cracked skulls. For those who do not know----the
homeland security program of the USA puts the expertise of those who have
been dealing with the kind of filth that sherri and coyote so enjoy to intensive
study so that we -----here in the USA -------prepared to deal with the domestic
out come of the filth they so enjoy.

You have me worried here Rosie. Now you are mixing human body parts in with the filth. This sort of delusion is disturbing in it's implications. You do tell good stories though :)

Perhaps we can discuss how this is relevant to collective punishment and Israel's right to defend itself?

----an excellent example is the reaction to the Boston bombing-----
the first responders and the hospital crews KNOW what do expect when the
bombs they call "legal" go off into the brains of mean and women and children

I wonder when sherri will start fasting for the release of her hero----brother of
TAMERLANE------I wonder if Coyote will join her

I have no idea what Sherri's dietary perferences are but Tamerlane died around 1405 and while he was apparently quite a partier, and sacked his way across Asia minor, he really wasn't that much of a hero - more a person of interest :)
PS it is good of coyote to bring up the TECHNOLOGY of the fight against terrorism. The USA is technologically advanced too-----but experts in the
field know the limitations of that technology-----another boston bombing like
event is virtually INEVITABLE which is why USA medical personnel are being
introduced to Israel's experience with the filth coyote and sherri endorse as "legal"

Perhaps Rosie, you can tell me all about this technology and why you think Israel is so incompetent and technologically backwards it can't take out militant targets? I've read many accounts about how well this has gone with relatively minimal collateral damage. Are you telling me this is all some kind of sophisticated conspiracy theory like the one that claims there was no moon landing?

No one should be amazed that Coyote describes that involvement as "taking
part" in the filth. The literature that I read as a child described people
like my very own cousins who were babies when the kith and kin of our board
grabbed them by the ankles and smashed their heads against a stone wall
as "willing participants"

Oh. My. Here we go again digressing into obsessions on filth and smashed baby heads.

Try to remember the topic Rosie :)
PS it is good of coyote to bring up the TECHNOLOGY of the fight against terrorism. The USA is technologically advanced too-----but experts in the
field know the limitations of that technology-----another boston bombing like
event is virtually INEVITABLE which is why USA medical personnel are being
introduced to Israel's experience with the filth coyote and sherri endorse as "legal"

Perhaps Rosie, you can tell me all about this technology and why you think Israel is so incompetent and technologically backwards it can't take out militant targets? I've read many accounts about how well this has gone with relatively minimal collateral damage. Are you telling me this is all some kind of sophisticated conspiracy theory like the one that claims there was no moon landing?

No one should be amazed that Coyote describes that involvement as "taking
part" in the filth. The literature that I read as a child described people
like my very own cousins who were babies when the kith and kin of our board
grabbed them by the ankles and smashed their heads against a stone wall
as "willing participants"

Oh. My. Here we go again digressing into obsessions on filth and smashed baby heads.

Try to remember the topic Rosie :)

I remember the topic and I remember YOUR contention that defending against
nail bombs launched from a distant place can be EASILY countered bloodlessly.
It is not easy for me to discuss your contention with you because I have presided
over the death beds of so many young offspring of grieving parents----to whom

you kinda disgust me

Over the years I did learn something from my bedside experiences.
When a person wants to kill ------he can. When that person is protected by
friends-----it is very difficult to find him and sometimes even to hold him
Contrary to Coyote's contention---lots
of murders go unsolved right here in high tech USA When people like Coyote
make that inevitable demand that Israel tolerate the PROTECTED STATUS
of baby murderers------I am always tempted to respond------'may you be the
next person standing at the bedside of your brain dead child'. Those who
PROTECT baby murderers are not "innocent" Missiles launched out of cities
in Gaza do not get launched SILENTLY AND UNDETECTED by the sorrounding
populations --------those actions are being CHEERED AND REWARDED to
COYOTE's delight. Any of those CHEERLEADERS who do not EXPECT
return fire are very simply STUPID---(and very guilty) Of course THEY could
save their own by putting homing devices on the missile launchers rather than
hailing them as HEROES

Long ago-----an injured murderer ended up under the care of my colleagues----he was
CHAINED to his bed-----and a guard sat outside his door------his friends managed
to rescue him anyway-------in HIGH TECH USA. I wonder if Coyote would like to spit
in the faces of the parents of the dead victim and cheer those who rescued the

I wonder why it took more than 20 years for the HIGH TECH USA to get rid of
Osama bin Laden. I wonder why terrorism even exists in the world-----Coyote says
it need not------we just have to use TECHNOLOGY
It is not easy for me to discuss your contention with you because I have presided
over the death beds of so many young offspring of grieving parents----to whom

I don't know anyone who ever said "It's so easy" except in your delusional mind Rosie. But then, I don't know of anyone who rationalizes punishing innocent people for the actions of criminals by insisting that is the only alternative.

you kinda disgust me

Over the years I did learn something from my bedside experiences.
When a person wants to kill ------he can. When that person is protected by
friends-----it is very difficult to find him and sometimes even to hold him

That certainly is quite true around the world, no disagreement here. So tell me Rosie, since New York City has a high crime rate - shall we punish it's citizens until the violent criminals stop shooting people? Shall we disrupt their economy, prevent them from going to their jobs, create check points and detain them with out charges? It's shameful that you seem to be rationalizing that.

Contrary to Coyote's contention---lots
of murders go unsolved right here in high tech USA
When people like Coyote
make that inevitable demand that Israel tolerate the PROTECTED STATUS
of baby murderers------I am always tempted to respond------'may you be the
next person standing at the bedside of your brain dead child'.

Well, that's all well and good Rosie, but perhaps you are projecting a bit. No one is insisting that Israel tolerates baby murderers and I have no idea what you mean by "protected status". But then - I have no idea what you mean most of the time anyway.

Those who
PROTECT baby murderers are not "innocent" Missiles launched out of cities
in Gaza do not get launched SILENTLY AND UNDETECTED by the sorrounding
populations --------those actions are being CHEERED AND REWARDED to
COYOTE's delight. Any of those CHEERLEADERS who do not EXPECT
return fire are very simply STUPID---(and very guilty) Of course THEY could
save their own by putting homing devices on the missile launchers rather than
hailing them as HEROES

Oh, of course - "they're all guilty thus must all be punished". Why do we have these silly laws against collective punishment anyway? We should be allowed to barricade off any city that harbors criminals - after all someone must be harboring them and allowing them to get away with their crimes or looking the other way....what's on your list next Rosie....Chicago? Detroit? :cool:

Long ago-----an injured murderer ended up under the care of my colleagues----he was
CHAINED to his bed-----and a guard sat outside his door------his friends managed
to rescue him anyway-------in HIGH TECH USA. I wonder if Coyote would like to spit
in the faces of the parents of the dead victim and cheer those who rescued the

I wonder why it took more than 20 years for the HIGH TECH USA to get rid of
Osama bin Laden. I wonder why terrorism even exists in the world-----Coyote says
it need not------we just have to use TECHNOLOGY keep attributing things to me that I haven't said. Perhaps it's the only way you can make your point. You seem to think there are only two options. A common fallacy. Are you aware that there are a broad array of technological and non-technological means in which to apprehend criminals that do not involve the collective punishment of innocent civilians? Do you know that we employ many of those means right here in the United States? Why do you keep insisting that Israel is so inferior that it's only recourse is collectively punishing a civilian population for an election?

Ah Rosie....I start reading your rants and then they very quickly stop making much sense. But that's ok - they usually end up saying the same thing every time. A predictable formula: claim someone said something they didn't, create fictional heros for them, throw in baby brains and filth and rapists, and claim they cheer some unpleasant and usually immoral activity. The only difference is the name - insert name of choice. All so you can rationalize punishing innocent people who are being punished at this time for nothing more than voting Hamas into power in a free and fair election. This particular set of collective punishments is not for nail bombs - it's because of the results of an election.
Collective punishment is a result of Hamas aggression. The innocent civilians who suffer from this punishment have their beloved government Hamas to blame.

It's that simple.

In that case why have ANY prohibition on collective punishment - it's all the fault of whatever government is in power right?
Collective punishment is a result of Hamas aggression. The innocent civilians who suffer from this punishment have their beloved government Hamas to blame.

It's that simple.

In that case why have ANY prohibition on collective punishment - it's all the fault of whatever government is in power right?

--semantics return fire is not "collective punishment" The fact that jihado pigs
have decided to refer to return fire as "collective punishment" does not make it so
In 1945 the allies BOMBED BERLIN (that city that harbored the jihado hero
adolf abu ali) lots of civilians suffered-------want to call it the "war crime"
"collective punishment'??????

"collective punishment" was coined to describe the habit of jihado nazi pigs in
lining a whole bunch of people against a wall and shooting them ------if something like an
assassination of one of their fellow nazi pigs happened or a prisoner escaped.
Today jihado pigs define as ANY RESISTENCE against their baby throat slitting
habits as "collective punishment" Keep in mind----the jihado pig adolf
abu ali--------did refer to the inmates of his concentration camps as CRIMINALS

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