Palestinian youth in Gaza

Of course it does. This whole situation can be alleviated in a matter if 24 hours by Hamas. The leadership of the Palestinians is to blame for what is happening to them. You have is upside down. That's always been the case. Again, all that Hamas has to do, is something it is clearly capable of, stop the rockets.

Israel's worst nightmare is that Hamas stops firing rockets into Israel.

The last thing they want is Hamas as a neighbor, violent or non-violent.

Hoffy, you appear to believe you know what 'Israel' wants: I don't think such an assumption is at all reasonable, never mind what the content is.

However, as to the content: NOBODY wants HAMAS as a neighbor, and half of Gaza doesn't want them, period. Never mind what Israel may want: HAMAS sux.
Really? They're shooting rockets from top of apartment buildings and in the middle of busy civilian areas, your suggestion is to shoot back where the rocket came from, which would kill a whole bunch of civilians. Plus the rocket shooters are long gone.

True, and that's a good point - but they have successfully used very carefully targeted drone attacks to take out individuals responsible for organizing these attacks with minimum civilian casualties. That's a more effective strategy.

Put your focus on why Hamas doesn't want the shooting of rockets to stop, when they clearly can.

Hamas is Hamas and as to "why" - it doesn't matter. That doesn't alter the fact that punishing an entire civilian population for the acts of extremists is wrong and broadly accepted as wrong, just as terrorism is.

Coyote has a very opitimistic POV----she actually believes that Gazans IDENTIFY
the missile launcher people----put homing devices upon them and wait for Israel
to send a drone.

Where did you come up with that sort of cuckoo interpretation? :eusa_eh:

Edited to add: Israel has one of the premier intelligence operations in the world, and have developed very sophisticated drones and means of identifying militants. Do you doubt Israel's capabilities?
True, and that's a good point - but they have successfully used very carefully targeted drone attacks to take out individuals responsible for organizing these attacks with minimum civilian casualties. That's a more effective strategy.

Hamas is Hamas and as to "why" - it doesn't matter. That doesn't alter the fact that punishing an entire civilian population for the acts of extremists is wrong and broadly accepted as wrong, just as terrorism is.

Coyote has a very opitimistic POV----she actually believes that Gazans IDENTIFY
the missile launcher people----put homing devices upon them and wait for Israel
to send a drone.

Where did you come up with that sort of cuckoo interpretation? :eusa_eh:

Edited to add: Israel has one of the premier intelligence operations in the world, and have developed very sophisticated drones and means of identifying militants. Do you doubt Israel's capabilities?

LOL now coyote expresses the OLDEST LIBEL OF ALL-----JOOOS DO MAGIC

gee coyote-----you are a CLASSICIST I am curious ----how old were you
when you first knew that jews know how to turn base metals to gold?
Coyote has a very opitimistic POV----she actually believes that Gazans IDENTIFY
the missile launcher people----put homing devices upon them and wait for Israel
to send a drone.

Where did you come up with that sort of cuckoo interpretation? :eusa_eh:

Edited to add: Israel has one of the premier intelligence operations in the world, and have developed very sophisticated drones and means of identifying militants. Do you doubt Israel's capabilities?

LOL now coyote expresses the OLDEST LIBEL OF ALL-----JOOOS DO MAGIC

Rosie, you get crazier as the thread grows. Put down the bottle sweetheart. Magic is a myth. Technology, on the other hand is not. It's well established that in technology, Israel is very good. They need to be considering their neighbors.

gee coyote-----you are a CLASSICIST I am curious ----how old were you
when you first knew that jews know how to turn base metals to gold?

Rosie - you been drinking my flea spray again? :doubt:
Of course it does. This whole situation can be alleviated in a matter if 24 hours by Hamas. The leadership of the Palestinians is to blame for what is happening to them. You have is upside down. That's always been the case. Again, all that Hamas has to do, is something it is clearly capable of, stop the rockets.

Israel's worst nightmare is that Hamas stops firing rockets into Israel.

The last thing they want is Hamas as a neighblr, violent or non-violent.

Hamas has put a lot of effort into stopping all violence against Israel including stopping suicide bombing in 2006.

Ending the siege would stop the rockets so that is Israel's choice.

Tinny, please. At least attach a smiley face emoticon to your post when you're trying to be funny.

If you think that Hamas will lay down their arms before every last Jew in Israel is driven into the sea by machinegun fire, you're just another pom pom flailer for Islamic terrorists.

The various Islamic terrorist groups operating out of Gaza' istan are all franchises of Jihad Intl., Inc.

You can't still be confused about islamic ideology and its revulsion for infidels, Jews, especially Jews, Jews in particular and especially Jews in the islamist Middle East, so why post totally nonsensical comments?
Last edited:
Where did you come up with that sort of cuckoo interpretation? :eusa_eh:

Edited to add: Israel has one of the premier intelligence operations in the world, and have developed very sophisticated drones and means of identifying militants. Do you doubt Israel's capabilities?

LOL now coyote expresses the OLDEST LIBEL OF ALL-----JOOOS DO MAGIC

Rosie, you get crazier as the thread grows. Put down the bottle sweetheart. Magic is a myth. Technology, on the other hand is not. It's well established that in technology, Israel is very good. They need to be considering their neighbors.

gee coyote-----you are a CLASSICIST I am curious ----how old were you
when you first knew that jews know how to turn base metals to gold?

Rosie - you been drinking my flea spray again? :doubt:

the missile launchers that coyote's heros use to launch nail bombs into
Israel are OUT IN PLAIN SIGHT_----to Gazans in Gaza In fact Osama
bin Laden's house was out in plain sight to pakistanis which is why it was
SOOOOO EASY for the US to take Osama out Of course if one wishes
to PRETEND that the pakistanis and the gazans OPPOSE the policies of the
poison nail bomb shooters and the islamic hero OSAMA -----then Coyote
might be considered to make sense. --------

Coyote----you don't need gin-----you have your hatred and bigotry upon which to
depend for your cynical love for the filth of terrorism

I am delighted that control of crime is SOOOO EASY------all one needs is
technology and a few drones---------by next month there will be no more
murder in the USA ------and there is certainly no need for the huge expenditure
the US makes on HOMELAND SECURITY ------just a few computers and a few
drones---------ask Coyote
LOL now coyote expresses the OLDEST LIBEL OF ALL-----JOOOS DO MAGIC

Rosie, you get crazier as the thread grows. Put down the bottle sweetheart. Magic is a myth. Technology, on the other hand is not. It's well established that in technology, Israel is very good. They need to be considering their neighbors.

gee coyote-----you are a CLASSICIST I am curious ----how old were you
when you first knew that jews know how to turn base metals to gold?

Rosie - you been drinking my flea spray again? :doubt:

the missile launchers that coyote's heros use to launch nail bombs into
Israel are OUT IN PLAIN SIGHT_----to Gazans in Gaza In fact Osama
bin Laden's house was out in plain sight to pakistanis which is why it was
SOOOOO EASY for the US to take Osama out Of course if one wishes
to PRETEND that the pakistanis and the gazans OPPOSE the policies of the
poison nail bomb shooters and the islamic hero OSAMA -----then Coyote
might be considered to make sense. --------

I realize you're trying real hard but Rosie, you aren't making much sense here. In other words - what does that have to do with the discussion? Collective punishment of a civilian population is wrong. Israel has the capacity to find and attack the main organizers of these attacks and they do. And doing that is not a war crime.

Coyote----you don't need gin-----you have your hatred and bigotry upon which to
depend for your cynical love for the filth of terrorism

Pull your head out of the septic tank Rosie - you obsess on filth almost as much as baby brains :)

I am delighted that control of crime is SOOOO EASY------all one needs is
technology and a few drones---------by next month there will be no more
murder in the USA ------and there is certainly no need for the huge expenditure
the US makes on HOMELAND SECURITY ------just a few computers and a few
drones---------ask Coyote

Ah, once again - a Rosie-Strawman :)

No one said it was "easy".

No one even said that drones are the only means for addressing it.

Nice try, next time add more tonic water :)
Rosie, you get crazier as the thread grows. Put down the bottle sweetheart. Magic is a myth. Technology, on the other hand is not. It's well established that in technology, Israel is very good. They need to be considering their neighbors.

Rosie - you been drinking my flea spray again? :doubt:

the missile launchers that coyote's heros use to launch nail bombs into
Israel are OUT IN PLAIN SIGHT_----to Gazans in Gaza In fact Osama
bin Laden's house was out in plain sight to pakistanis which is why it was
SOOOOO EASY for the US to take Osama out Of course if one wishes
to PRETEND that the pakistanis and the gazans OPPOSE the policies of the
poison nail bomb shooters and the islamic hero OSAMA -----then Coyote
might be considered to make sense. --------

I realize you're trying real hard but Rosie, you aren't making much sense here. In other words - what does that have to do with the discussion? Collective punishment of a civilian population is wrong. Israel has the capacity to find and attack the main organizers of these attacks and they do. And doing that is not a war crime.

Coyote----you don't need gin-----you have your hatred and bigotry upon which to
depend for your cynical love for the filth of terrorism

Pull your head out of the septic tank Rosie - you obsess on filth almost as much as baby brains :)

I am delighted that control of crime is SOOOO EASY------all one needs is
technology and a few drones---------by next month there will be no more
murder in the USA ------and there is certainly no need for the huge expenditure
the US makes on HOMELAND SECURITY ------just a few computers and a few
drones---------ask Coyote

Ah, once again - a Rosie-Strawman :)

No one said it was "easy".

No one even said that drones are the only means for addressing it.

Nice try, next time add more tonic water :)

Coyote---I know who you are. I grew in a town in which people like
you were facing a big problem. The Post war baby boom had made
the building of little houses and selling thereof-----more profitable than
maintaining the old town RESTRICTED STATUS . Suddenly
there were JOOOOOOS in town. (worse yet---decades later
EVEN BLACKS <gasp>) Long long ago when I was about ten I read
a letter to the editor of the small town newspaper. It addressed a little town
problem----something about sewers or curbs ------A local women wrote


I was only about ten so asked my mother "what does that mean"???-----

her answer was "some people are very stupid----they have odd ideas
about jews that make them very resentful"

the bombs are still being launched into Israel-----no doubt our dear
Coyote's next comment will be-------"IF THE JEWS DID NOT WANT

PS that area of the world in which I grew up still does not have fluoridated
water------because fluoridated water is a ZIONIST PLOT
Coyote---I know who you are.

Rosie, you don't have a clue, so let's move on :)

I grew in a town in which people like
you were facing a big problem. The Post war baby boom had made
the building of little houses and selling thereof-----more profitable than
maintaining the old town RESTRICTED STATUS .

Are you talking about
houses....little boxes all the same
there's a green one and a pink one
and a blue one and a yellow one,
and they're all made out of ticky tacky
and they all look just same?

Wonder Bread Suburban Hell?

I can't recall facing any restricted status beyond the no trespassing signs we ignored as kids.

there were JOOOOOOS in town.

hmmm....where I grew up, they were already there :)

(worse yet---decades later

They were already there too :)

Long long ago when I was about ten I read
a letter to the editor of the small town newspaper. It addressed a little town
problem----something about sewers or curbs ------A local women wrote


What a bizarre thing to say.

I was only about ten so asked my mother "what does that mean"???-----

her answer was "some people are very stupid----they have odd ideas
about jews that make them very resentful"

Your mother was right on.

the bombs are still being launched into Israel-----no doubt our dear
Coyote's next comment will be-------"IF THE JEWS DID NOT WANT

Oh. Here we go again. This has nothing to do with Jews per se.

Let's backtrack a little and see if we can re-establish rational basis of conversation.

I'm talking about a nation known as Israel. Israel, as some posters have pointed out in other threads - is a very high tech nation and attracts a lot of high tech industry. Israel was also established in a region hostile to it's existance and surrounded by hostile neighbors and it's quite small in territory. Like any nation, they are going to be very concerned about their survival and in particular, their ability to predict and be pro-active rather than pick up the peaces. Do you get my drift here?

PS that area of the world in which I grew up still does not have fluoridated
water------because fluoridated water is a ZIONIST PLOT

Well, I grew up (once we were back in the US) - with flouridated water. I never had an inkling of the conspiracy theories surrounding fuoridation until my adult years. I never heard that it was a "Zionist" plot (I had always heard it attributed to Big Brother Government) until this messageboard. You're always very educational Rosie...though the education does wander down some rather winding avenues and cul de sacs.
Coyote---I know who you are.

Rosie, you don't have a clue, so let's move on :)

I grew in a town in which people like
you were facing a big problem. The Post war baby boom had made
the building of little houses and selling thereof-----more profitable than
maintaining the old town RESTRICTED STATUS .

Are you talking about
houses....little boxes all the same
there's a green one and a pink one
and a blue one and a yellow one,
and they're all made out of ticky tacky
and they all look just same?

Wonder Bread Suburban Hell?

I can't recall facing any restricted status beyond the no trespassing signs we ignored as kids.

hmmm....where I grew up, they were already there :)

They were already there too :)

What a bizarre thing to say.

Your mother was right on.

the bombs are still being launched into Israel-----no doubt our dear
Coyote's next comment will be-------"IF THE JEWS DID NOT WANT

Oh. Here we go again. This has nothing to do with Jews per se.

Let's backtrack a little and see if we can re-establish rational basis of conversation.

I'm talking about a nation known as Israel. Israel, as some posters have pointed out in other threads - is a very high tech nation and attracts a lot of high tech industry. Israel was also established in a region hostile to it's existance and surrounded by hostile neighbors and it's quite small in territory. Like any nation, they are going to be very concerned about their survival and in particular, their ability to predict and be pro-active rather than pick up the peaces. Do you get my drift here?

PS that area of the world in which I grew up still does not have fluoridated
water------because fluoridated water is a ZIONIST PLOT

Well, I grew up (once we were back in the US) - with flouridated water. I never had an inkling of the conspiracy theories surrounding fuoridation until my adult years. I never heard that it was a "Zionist" plot (I had always heard it attributed to Big Brother Government) until this messageboard. You're always very educational Rosie...though the education does wander down some rather winding avenues and cul de sacs.

yes I know what you are "talking about" Coyote. I read all about it as kid----nazi
propaganda ---lay ALL AROUND AND ABOUT In reference to the murder of jews
in the 30s and 40s "why didn't the jooooos do this----" and "why didn't the joooos 'do

I grew up-----then met more people who advocate your brand of logic------"if she hadn't been walking around at nite--- I would not have had to rape her" or "if he had just
given me the money---I would not have had to kill him"
yes I know what you are "talking about" Coyote. I read all about it as kid----nazi
propaganda ---lay ALL AROUND AND ABOUT

Sorry, Rosie, when I was a kid I was reading the Narnian Chronicles, Wrinkle in Time, and an assortment of other good books. We didn't have Nazi propaganda lying around. I'm sorry you did.

In reference to the murder of jews
in the 30s and 40s "why didn't the jooooos do this----" and "why didn't the joooos 'do

Which has what to do with the collective punishment of civilians, Israel's right to defense or....never mind. I think I know. You want to make this about "Jooooos". When I was growing up, we spelled it "Jews" however. :)

I grew up-----

then met more people who advocate your brand of logic------"if she hadn't been walking around at nite--- I would not have had to rape her" or "if he had just
given me the money---I would not have had to kill him"

Is that what you really think? Women deserve rape? Crime victims deserve to be killed? That is disgusting, not to mention downright pathological. No wonder you are obsessed with filth and splattered baby brains. Get help.
yes I know what you are "talking about" Coyote. I read all about it as kid----nazi
propaganda ---lay ALL AROUND AND ABOUT

Sorry, Rosie, when I was a kid I was reading the Narnian Chronicles, Wrinkle in Time, and an assortment of other good books. We didn't have Nazi propaganda lying around. I'm sorry you did.

In reference to the murder of jews
in the 30s and 40s "why didn't the jooooos do this----" and "why didn't the joooos 'do

Which has what to do with the collective punishment of civilians, Israel's right to defense or....never mind. I think I know. You want to make this about "Jooooos". When I was growing up, we spelled it "Jews" however. :)

I grew up-----

then met more people who advocate your brand of logic------"if she hadn't been walking around at nite--- I would not have had to rape her" or "if he had just
given me the money---I would not have had to kill him"

Is that what you really think? Women deserve rape? Crime victims deserve to be killed? That is disgusting, not to mention downright pathological. No wonder you are obsessed with filth and splattered baby brains. Get help.

Coyote you are disgusting----you use the same sort of filthy and vulgar 'comebacks'
as do your fellow jihado dogs I am "OBSESSED with filth and splattered baby brains?----
wrong again My role in the filth that you and yours perpetuate has nothing to do with
OBSESSION on my part. I see it AFTER you and yours ------do your "best" and
call it "LEGAL" I see the brain------after it starts oozing out of the skull ----when
you and yours are already dancing on another dead child
Coyote---I know who you are...

what are you, a stalker?

who he is, where he's from, is none of your business.

Coyote is a female

What are you? Her bodyguard ???
Oh he knows who she is. He's just acting like he doesn't.

yes I know what you are "talking about" Coyote. I read all about it as kid----nazi
propaganda ---lay ALL AROUND AND ABOUT

Sorry, Rosie, when I was a kid I was reading the Narnian Chronicles, Wrinkle in Time, and an assortment of other good books. We didn't have Nazi propaganda lying around. I'm sorry you did.

Which has what to do with the collective punishment of civilians, Israel's right to defense or....never mind. I think I know. You want to make this about "Jooooos". When I was growing up, we spelled it "Jews" however. :)

I grew up-----

then met more people who advocate your brand of logic------"if she hadn't been walking around at nite--- I would not have had to rape her" or "if he had just
given me the money---I would not have had to kill him"

Is that what you really think? Women deserve rape? Crime victims deserve to be killed? That is disgusting, not to mention downright pathological. No wonder you are obsessed with filth and splattered baby brains. Get help.

Coyote you are disgusting----you use the same sort of filthy and vulgar 'comebacks'
as do your fellow jihado dogs I am "OBSESSED with filth and splattered baby brains?----

You're posts tend to be rather repetitive on the subject of filth and baby brains. Frankly, it screams "obsession" :)

wrong again My role in the filth that you and yours perpetuate has nothing to do with
OBSESSION on my part. I see it AFTER you and yours ------do your "best" and
call it "LEGAL" I see the brain------after it starts oozing out of the skull ----when
you and yours are already dancing on another dead child

Well, Rosie, I'm sorry to hear you admit that you do indeed have a roll in filth and the things that you pretend to "see" are, I think, quite disturbing to any rational person.

Let's get beyond the nitty gritty of organic residue and see if we can figure out what this has to do with the problem of Israel's defending itself and the issue of collective punishment of innocent civilians.
Coyote; Well said:
Sherri endorsed the post of her colleague which is responsive to the fact I
(irosie) described my role as caretaker of the victims of the filth both of them
advocate. I do not understand why they are "sorry" that I have aided the
victims of their kind of filth. Its a tough job but someone has to it. Clearly
both would prefer that once a bullet is fired into the brain of a human----that
the victim be left in the gutter to die unattended in the same manner that the
victims of their kith and kin of yesteryear were left in the gutters and fields with
slit throats ------or bullets or cracked skulls. For those who do not know----the
homeland security program of the USA puts the expertise of those who have
been dealing with the kind of filth that sherri and coyote so enjoy to intensive
study so that we -----here in the USA -------prepared to deal with the domestic
out come of the filth they so enjoy.
----an excellent example is the reaction to the Boston bombing-----
the first responders and the hospital crews KNOW what do expect when the
bombs they call "legal" go off into the brains of mean and women and children

I wonder when sherri will start fasting for the release of her hero----brother of
TAMERLANE------I wonder if Coyote will join her
PS it is good of coyote to bring up the TECHNOLOGY of the fight against
terrorism. The USA is technologically advanced too-----but experts in the
field know the limitations of that technology-----another boston bombing like
event is virtually INEVITABLE which is why USA medical personnel are being
introduced to Israel's experience with the filth coyote and sherri endorse as "legal"

No one should be amazed that Coyote describes that involvement as "taking
part" in the filth. The literature that I read as a child described people
like my very own cousins who were babies when the kith and kin of our board
grabbed them by the ankles and smashed their heads against a stone wall
as "willing participants"
Collective punishment is a result of Hamas aggression. The innocent civilians who suffer from this punishment have their beloved government Hamas to blame.

It's that simple.

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