Palestinian youth in Gaza

I am fascinated by the subject of "CONSTRUING REASONS TO
therefore "ILLEGAL" and a "war crime" Security measures
to prevent the convenient use of "rowing a boat onto a beach" in
order to commit terrorism------somehow get called "collective
punishment"----because it restricts FISHING OPPORTUNITIES ---
therefore denying fish to a whole innocent population,. ----yet
somehow ECONOMIC BOYCOTTS -----of the kind imposed on
Israel by a billion and half people SINCE---the 1950s ---designed
to STARVE the POPULATION to death-----are not "construed" as
'collective punishment' Random nail bombs for the purpose
of blowing the brains out of random children ----is also 'not
collective punishment' ???????????????????????
Criminal acts of aggression and collectively attacking Israeli cities trying to collectively and randomly kill and harm as many innocent civilians as possible. By the govt. of a people in charge of Gaza, never the less. Basically declaring war on the Israeli people, and then expecting the Israelis to use "restraint".

I'd say the Israelis are justified in whatever they feel like responding, and the Palestinians are lucky Israelis are still human enough to not bomb them to smithereens every time a missile is launched at them. Just imagine how one of these Arab rulers like Assad would respond if Palestinians were to continually lob rockets into Syria? Would chemical weapons be considered "collective punishment"?

Assad is a good example of collective punishment on his own people.

Rockets sporadically fired into Israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The Palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" Israel's civilian population. Israel, on the other hand, does have the Palestinian civilian population and has done so.

To the extent Assad or anyone else punishes civilians for acts of violence by others, we have an illustration of collective punishment.

When the US kills civilians in Pakistan, while they say they are targeting terrorists, that is another illustration of collective punishment.
I have never encountered a shithead like Sherri who talks so much trash about things she knows nothing about
Israel has massacred over 8000 in Palestine since 2000, over 1500 innocent children unlawfully slain. The names of the children of Palestine Israel has killed are all set forth on Remember These Children website.

Israel is the aggressor and the only occupier in Palestine today.

Israels acts of aggression in Occupied Palestine need to end and the killers of the innocent in Palestine drug to The Hague and tried for their war crimes .posthaste.
Massacred ?? She must be talking about the way Palestinians killed Israelis

Oh wait, she never mentiions dead Israelis or Jews cause they are all open game according to her
Criminal acts of aggression and collectively attacking Israeli cities trying to collectively and randomly kill and harm as many innocent civilians as possible. By the govt. of a people in charge of Gaza, never the less. Basically declaring war on the Israeli people, and then expecting the Israelis to use "restraint".

I'd say the Israelis are justified in whatever they feel like responding, and the Palestinians are lucky Israelis are still human enough to not bomb them to smithereens every time a missile is launched at them. Just imagine how one of these Arab rulers like Assad would respond if Palestinians were to continually lob rockets into Syria? Would chemical weapons be considered "collective punishment"?

Assad is a good example of collective punishment on his own people.

Rockets sporadically fired into Israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The Palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" Israel's civilian population. Israel, on the other hand, does have the Palestinian civilian population and has done so.
Half a dozen of this, six of that. Terrorism or collective punishment. Same thing. Rockets are being lobbed at Israeli civilians with the intent to collectively punish and kill them. Unfortunately or fortunately the Israelis are human and can't be like the Palestinians and shoot rockets randomly at civilians.

Hamas can stop the rockets in one day. They don't want to, they want this constant state of conflict and open ended war. That how Hamas makes it's bread and butter from its foreign sponsors, and the Palestinians in Gaza seem to be okay with it.
Criminal acts of aggression and collectively attacking Israeli cities trying to collectively and randomly kill and harm as many innocent civilians as possible. By the govt. of a people in charge of Gaza, never the less. Basically declaring war on the Israeli people, and then expecting the Israelis to use "restraint".

I'd say the Israelis are justified in whatever they feel like responding, and the Palestinians are lucky Israelis are still human enough to not bomb them to smithereens every time a missile is launched at them. Just imagine how one of these Arab rulers like Assad would respond if Palestinians were to continually lob rockets into Syria? Would chemical weapons be considered "collective punishment"?

Assad is a good example of collective punishment on his own people.

Rockets sporadically fired into Israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The Palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" Israel's civilian population. Israel, on the other hand, does have the Palestinian civilian population and has done so.
Half a dozen of this, six of that. Terrorism or collective punishment. Same thing. Rockets are being lobbed at Israeli civilians with the intent to collectively punish and kill them. Unfortunately or fortunately the Israelis are human and can't be like the Palestinians and shoot rockets randomly at civilians.

I would say "apples and oranges". It's not an intent to "punish" them. Their terrorist activities are intended to get rid of what they consider an occupation - or acts of war. Israel's reactions to this are to collectively punish the entire civilian population. You have to be in a position of power to do that.

Hamas can stop the rockets in one day. They don't want to, they want this constant state of conflict and open ended war. That how Hamas makes it's bread and butter from its foreign sponsors, and the Palestinians in Gaza seem to be okay with it.

Whether they are "ok" with it or not is up for debate, but it doesn't change the essential nature of the fact that Israel is collectively punishing the civilian population.
Criminal acts of aggression and collectively attacking Israeli cities trying to collectively and randomly kill and harm as many innocent civilians as possible. By the govt. of a people in charge of Gaza, never the less. Basically declaring war on the Israeli people, and then expecting the Israelis to use "restraint".

I'd say the Israelis are justified in whatever they feel like responding, and the Palestinians are lucky Israelis are still human enough to not bomb them to smithereens every time a missile is launched at them. Just imagine how one of these Arab rulers like Assad would respond if Palestinians were to continually lob rockets into Syria? Would chemical weapons be considered "collective punishment"?

Assad is a good example of collective punishment on his own people.

Rockets sporadically fired into Israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The Palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" Israel's civilian population. Israel, on the other hand, does have the Palestinian civilian population and has done so.

To the extent Assad or anyone else punishes civilians for acts of violence by others, we have an illustration of collective punishment.

When the US kills civilians in Pakistan, while they say they are targeting terrorists, that is another illustration of collective punishment.

I would disagree there. The US isn't targeting civilians - the civilian deaths are usually the result of "collateral damage" that is inevitable in that sort of campaign. That isn't "collective punishment".
assad is a good example of collective punishment on his own people.

Rockets sporadically fired into israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" israel's civilian population. Israel, on the other hand, does have the palestinian civilian population and has done so.
half a dozen of this, six of that. terrorism or collective punishment. Same thing. Rockets are being lobbed at israeli civilians with the intent to collectively punish and kill them. Unfortunately or fortunately the israelis are human and can't be like the palestinians and shoot rockets randomly at civilians.

i would say "apples and oranges". It's not an intent to "punish" them. Their terrorist activities are intended to get rid of what they consider an occupation - or acts of war. Israel's reactions to this are to collectively punish the entire civilian population. You have to be in a position of power to do that.

obscene sophistry----but ---its ok. It leads to the obvious
conclusion that the best way to deal with rocket fire on civilian populations
as launched by gaza------is bomb gaza ------gee----coyote-----
what a great idea!!!!!!!!!! Just think -----bombing gaza out of
existence is not illegal because it is aggression and not collective
punishment---------can you write a letter to netanyahu? You are a
hamas can stop the rockets in one day. They don't want to, they want this constant state of conflict and open ended war. That how hamas makes it's bread and butter from its foreign sponsors, and the palestinians in gaza seem to be okay with it.

whether they are "ok" with it or not is up for debate, but it doesn't change the essential nature of the fact that israel is collectively punishing the civilian population.
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Assad is a good example of collective punishment on his own people.

Rockets sporadically fired into Israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The Palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" Israel's civilian population. Israel, on the other hand, does have the Palestinian civilian population and has done so.
Half a dozen of this, six of that. Terrorism or collective punishment. Same thing. Rockets are being lobbed at Israeli civilians with the intent to collectively punish and kill them. Unfortunately or fortunately the Israelis are human and can't be like the Palestinians and shoot rockets randomly at civilians.

I would say "apples and oranges". It's not an intent to "punish" them. Their terrorist activities are intended to get rid of what they consider an occupation - or acts of war. Israel's reactions to this are to collectively punish the entire civilian population. You have to be in a position of power to do that.

Hamas can stop the rockets in one day. They don't want to, they want this constant state of conflict and open ended war. That how Hamas makes it's bread and butter from its foreign sponsors, and the Palestinians in Gaza seem to be okay with it.

Whether they are "ok" with it or not is up for debate, but it doesn't change the essential nature of the fact that Israel is collectively punishing the civilian population.
Israel is not occupying Gaza. There are no Jews left inside Nazi Gaza.

As long as Hamas continues these criminal acts of war and aggression they will continue to collectively punish not only Israelis abut Palestinians as well. Of course! it has been long established that the last thing this Islamic suicide bombing terrorist cult of Hamas cares about is its own "people".

Not much different than Arafat come to think of it. Both terrorist thieves, ginning up this whole idea of an "occupation" to line up their pockets and maintain power.
Criminal acts of aggression and collectively attacking Israeli cities trying to collectively and randomly kill and harm as many innocent civilians as possible. By the govt. of a people in charge of Gaza, never the less. Basically declaring war on the Israeli people, and then expecting the Israelis to use "restraint".

I'd say the Israelis are justified in whatever they feel like responding, and the Palestinians are lucky Israelis are still human enough to not bomb them to smithereens every time a missile is launched at them. Just imagine how one of these Arab rulers like Assad would respond if Palestinians were to continually lob rockets into Syria? Would chemical weapons be considered "collective punishment"?

Assad is a good example of collective punishment on his own people.

Rockets sporadically fired into Israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The Palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" Israel's civilian population. Israel,
on the other hand, does have the Palestinian civilian population and has done so.

To the extent Assad or anyone else punishes civilians for acts of violence by others, we have an illustration of collective punishment.

When the US kills civilians in Pakistan, while they say they are targeting terrorists, that is another illustration of collective punishment.

more obscene sophistry-----then civilians die in drone attacks designed to
kill your fave terrorist pigs-------that is called collateral damage. Of course
if you wish----you could refer to the death of your fave hero SADAAM's grand-son--
who died with a rifle in his hands protecting some of your other heroes as
COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT TOO-----if you wish to remain A GENIUS

and insist that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains seeping
out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION
Assad is a good example of collective punishment on his own people.

Rockets sporadically fired into Israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The Palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" Israel's civilian population. Israel,
on the other hand, does have the Palestinian civilian population and has done so.

To the extent Assad or anyone else punishes civilians for acts of violence by others, we have an illustration of collective punishment.

When the US kills civilians in Pakistan, while they say they are targeting terrorists, that is another illustration of collective punishment.

more obscene sophistry-----then civilians die in drone attacks designed to
kill your fave terrorist pigs-------that is called collateral damage. Of course
if you wish----you could refer to the death of your fave hero SADAAM's grand-son--
who died with a rifle in his hands protecting some of your other heroes as
COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT TOO-----if you wish to remain A GENIUS

and insist that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains seeping
out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION

As usual, Rosie, I don't have a clue what you are talking about or how it relates to the discussion.

You draw some bizarre conclusions. Are you saying that drone attacks are "collective punishment"? Who's insisting "that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains seeping out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION"? Is that what you are claiming?
To the extent Assad or anyone else punishes civilians for acts of violence by others, we have an illustration of collective punishment.

When the US kills civilians in Pakistan, while they say they are targeting terrorists, that is another illustration of collective punishment.

more obscene sophistry-----then civilians die in drone attacks designed to
kill your fave terrorist pigs-------that is called collateral damage. Of course
if you wish----you could refer to the death of your fave hero SADAAM's grand-son--
who died with a rifle in his hands protecting some of your other heroes as
COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT TOO-----if you wish to remain A GENIUS

and insist that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains seeping
out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION

As usual, Rosie, I don't have a clue what you are talking about or how it relates to the discussion.

You draw some bizarre conclusions. Are you saying that drone attacks are "collective punishment"? Who's insisting "that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains seeping out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION"? Is that what you are claiming?
Wasn't it you that said shooting rockets randomly at Israelis cities and schools, although aggression, is also considered an act of resistance? What do you think happens when rockets land or bombs go off in restaurants and nurseries?
To the extent Assad or anyone else punishes civilians for acts of violence by others, we have an illustration of collective punishment.

When the US kills civilians in Pakistan, while they say they are targeting terrorists, that is another illustration of collective punishment.

more obscene sophistry-----then civilians die in drone attacks designed to
kill your fave terrorist pigs-------that is called collateral damage. Of course
if you wish----you could refer to the death of your fave hero SADAAM's grand-son--
who died with a rifle in his hands protecting some of your other heroes as
COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT TOO-----if you wish to remain A GENIUS

and insist that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains seeping
out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION

As usual, Rosie, I don't have a clue what you are talking about or how it relates to the discussion.

You draw some bizarre conclusions. Are you saying that drone attacks are "collective punishment"? Who's insisting "that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains
seeping out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION"? Is that what you are claiming?

nor---you sherri said that drone attacks that kill civilians along with the terrorist TARGET---
constitute "collective punishment" (see the posts) and YOU said that
nail bomb attacks on Israel do not constitute collective punishment and---by
clear implication, are therefore not "war crimes" (see your posts)

I do not support the contention that bombings---whether by drone or---regular bombs in Pakistan---constitute "collective punishment" In fact I do not support your contention that security measures against terrorism
that amount to restrictions on fishing -----constitute "collective punishment" Your fave mechanisms of terrorism against Israeli citizens
via-----ROWBOAT onto the beaches of Bat Yam---
are crimes -------prevention of those crimes is not "collective punishment".
Smuggling of the components of your fave baby brain smashing nail bombs and the necessary missile launchers used to accomplish the baby brain
smashing ---is not "legal" IMO-----since the use of baby brain smashing
bombs on civilian populations in the absence of legal miliatary targets --IMO is not legal I do understand that YOU DO consider such
measures to be if not actually "LEGAL" ----by no means, illegal. I have a thing about brains-----and coumadin soaked nails. -----
A personal prejudice against dissolving baby brains for ISA ----
and actually do consider the incessant murder of babies and children as a

Whole populations can be affected adversely by finding their children lying dead in the gutter----either beheaded or-----debrained
Debraining of children is the primary reason for using nail bombs. They
have no actual military value
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more obscene sophistry-----then civilians die in drone attacks designed to
kill your fave terrorist pigs-------that is called collateral damage. Of course
if you wish----you could refer to the death of your fave hero SADAAM's grand-son--
who died with a rifle in his hands protecting some of your other heroes as
COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT TOO-----if you wish to remain A GENIUS

and insist that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains seeping
out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION

As usual, Rosie, I don't have a clue what you are talking about or how it relates to the discussion.

You draw some bizarre conclusions. Are you saying that drone attacks are "collective punishment"? Who's insisting "that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains seeping out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION"? Is that what you are claiming?
Wasn't it you that said shooting rockets randomly at Israelis cities and schools, although aggression, is also considered an act of resistance? What do you think happens when rockets land or bombs go off in restaurants and nurseries?

No. Here is what I said:

Rockets sporadically fired into Israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The Palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" Israel's civilian population. Israel,
on the other hand, does have the Palestinian civilian population and has done so.

i would say "apples and oranges". It's not an intent to "punish" them. Their terrorist activities are intended to get rid of what they consider an occupation - or acts of war. Israel's reactions to this are to collectively punish the entire civilian population. You have to be in a position of power to do that.
more obscene sophistry-----then civilians die in drone attacks designed to
kill your fave terrorist pigs-------that is called collateral damage. Of course
if you wish----you could refer to the death of your fave hero SADAAM's grand-son--
who died with a rifle in his hands protecting some of your other heroes as
COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT TOO-----if you wish to remain A GENIUS

and insist that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains seeping
out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION

As usual, Rosie, I don't have a clue what you are talking about or how it relates to the discussion.

You draw some bizarre conclusions. Are you saying that drone attacks are "collective punishment"? Who's insisting "that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains
seeping out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION"? Is that what you are claiming?

nor---you sherri said that drone attacks that kill civilians along with the terrorist TARGET---
constitute "collective punishment" (see the posts) and YOU said that
nail bomb attacks on Israel do not constitute collective punishment and---by
clear implication, are therefore not "war crimes" (see your posts)

Please link to where I said anything about nail bomb attacks. You're drawing your own conclusions that are not based on anything I said, but I'll say it here for your benefit:

Nail bomb attacks on civilians are terrorist attacks. Terrorist attacks are criminal. In order to claim they are "collective punishment" you would have to stretch the definition of it to the point of absurdity. The second part of your faux claim: "-by
clear implication, are therefore not "war crimes" is also ridiculous. Collective punishment is an internationally agreed upon war crime. Terrorism - I don't believe is, but it is internationally condemned and considered criminal by most of the civilized world. It doesn't have to be a "war crime" to be a crime.

I do not support the contention that bombings---whether by drone or---regular bombs in Pakistan---constitute "collective punishment"

Then we are in agreement.

In fact I do not support your contention that security measures against terrorism
that amount to restrictions on fishing -----constitute "collective punishment"

Some security measures are just that - security measures. Others constitute collective punishment by a government on a civilian population.

Your fave mechanisms of terrorism against Israeli citizens
via-----ROWBOAT onto the beaches of Bat Yam---
are crimes -------prevention of those crimes is not "collective punishment".
Smuggling of the components of your fave baby brain smashing nail bombs and the necessary missile launchers used to accomplish the baby brain
smashing ---is not "legal" IMO-----since the use of baby brain smashing
bombs on civilian populations in the absence of legal miliatary targets --IMO is not legal I do understand that YOU DO consider such
measures to be if not actually "LEGAL" ----by no means, illegal. I have a thing about brains-----and coumadin soaked nails. -----
A personal prejudice against dissolving baby brains for ISA ----
and actually do consider the incessant murder of babies and children as a

Whole populations can be affected adversely by finding their children lying dead in the gutter----either beheaded or-----debrained
Debraining of children is the primary reason for using nail bombs. They
have no actual military value

Now you have lapsed into a familiar delusional refrain. I don't know what the heck you are talking about except you seem obsessed with baby brains and how to debrain little children by violent means. Get help.
as usual, rosie, i don't have a clue what you are talking about or how it relates to the discussion.

You draw some bizarre conclusions. Are you saying that drone attacks are "collective punishment"? Who's insisting "that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains
seeping out of cracked skulls are simply victims of legal indignation"? Is that what you are claiming?

nor---you sherri said that drone attacks that kill civilians along with the terrorist target---
constitute "collective punishment" (see the posts) and you said that
nail bomb attacks on israel do not constitute collective punishment and---by
clear implication, are therefore not "war crimes" (see your posts)

please link to where i said anything about nail bomb attacks. You're drawing your own conclusions that are not based on anything i said, but i'll say it here for your benefit:

Nail bomb attacks on civilians are terrorist attacks. Terrorist attacks are criminal. In order to claim they are "collective punishment" you would have to stretch the definition of it to the point of absurdity. The second part of your faux claim: "-by
clear implication, are therefore not "war crimes" is also ridiculous. Collective punishment is an internationally agreed upon war crime. Terrorism - i don't believe is, but it is internationally condemned and considered criminal by most of the civilized world. It doesn't have to be a "war crime" to be a crime.

You are still resorting to sophistry and semantics. But---you are right that
i have confused some of your remarks and those of your colleague sherri.

So sorry. I will try to disentangle you and your doppleganger.

As to my obsession with baby brains-----you are right ----i am obsessed ---
i have held baby brain in the palm of my hand. Baby brain is remarkably
delicate------something like slightly underdone egg custard. The brain
is the person ----in that delicate friable mass-----exists the entire
potential for skull and body which held it. ------a small damage is
a disaster. In brain surgeries-----the surgeon barely touches the brain. ---
a touch with the tip of a finger can cause irreversible damage which is why
your heroes are so fond of coumadin soaked nail bombs. The nails easily
penetrate the relatively soft skulls of infants and children. The bombs have
no military value-------they are used almost exclusively with the intent
to murder babies. ---------that you are not impressed by that fact suggest
that it is you who needs help------not me.

Intent is very important in the evaluation of "crime" ----as any competent
lawyer can tell you

then we are in agreement.

in fact i do not support your contention that security measures against terrorism
that amount to restrictions on fishing -----constitute "collective punishment"

some security measures are just that - security measures. Others constitute collective punishment by a government on a civilian population.

your fave mechanisms of terrorism against israeli citizens
via-----rowboat onto the beaches of bat yam---
are crimes -------prevention of those crimes is not "collective punishment".
Smuggling of the components of your fave baby brain smashing nail bombs and the necessary missile launchers used to accomplish the baby brain
smashing ---is not "legal" imo-----since the use of baby brain smashing
bombs on civilian populations in the absence of legal miliatary targets --imo is not legal i do understand that you do consider such
measures to be if not actually "legal" ----by no means, illegal. I have a thing about brains-----and coumadin soaked nails. -----
a personal prejudice against dissolving baby brains for isa ----
and actually do consider the incessant murder of babies and children as a
sign of discontent----to be collective punishment

whole populations can be affected adversely by finding their children lying dead in the gutter----either beheaded or-----debrained
debraining of children is the primary reason for using nail bombs. They
have no actual military value

now you have lapsed into a familiar delusional refrain. I don't know what the heck you are talking about except you seem obsessed with baby brains and how to debrain little children by violent means. Get help.

You are still resorting to sophistry and semantics. But---you are right that
i have confused some of your remarks and those of your colleague sherri.

So sorry. I will try to disentangle you and your doppleganger.

If by that you mean inserting your interpretations into my statements, then you are confusing rational thinking with sophistry and semantics.

As to my obsession with baby brains-----you are right ----i am obsessed ---
i have held baby brain in the palm of my hand. Baby brain is remarkably
delicate------something like slightly underdone egg custard. The brain
is the person ----in that delicate friable mass-----exists the entire
potential for skull and body which held it. ------a small damage is
a disaster. In brain surgeries-----the surgeon barely touches the brain. ---
a touch with the tip of a finger can cause irreversible damage which is why
your heroes are so fond of coumadin soaked nail bombs. The nails easily
penetrate the relatively soft skulls of infants and children. The bombs have
no military value-------they are used almost exclusively with the intent
to murder babies. ---------that you are not impressed by that fact suggest
that it is you who needs help------not me.

I have no idea where you get these odd ideas of "heros" from. Perhaps you've read too many comic books or maybe it's your vivid imagination. Nor do I understand why you restrict "intent" with nail bombs to babies alone. Nail bombs are designed to commit maximum horrific damage on any living flesh. Whether a baby, child or grandfather's brains. There is no discrimmination, no exclusivity and no rationalization for supporting those who use them. Once you understand that, then I think we are in agreement in that we both oppose their use.

Intent is very important in the evaluation of "crime" ----as any competent
lawyer can tell you

Absolutely right.

You are still resorting to sophistry and semantics. But---you are right that
i have confused some of your remarks and those of your colleague sherri.

So sorry. I will try to disentangle you and your doppleganger.

If by that you mean inserting your interpretations into my statements, then you are confusing rational thinking with sophistry and semantics.

As to my obsession with baby brains-----you are right ----i am obsessed ---
i have held baby brain in the palm of my hand. Baby brain is remarkably
delicate------something like slightly underdone egg custard. The brain
is the person ----in that delicate friable mass-----exists the entire
potential for skull and body which held it. ------a small damage is
a disaster. In brain surgeries-----the surgeon barely touches the brain. --

a touch with the tip of a finger can cause irreversible damage which is why
your heroes are so fond of coumadin soaked nail bombs. The nails easily
penetrate the relatively soft skulls of infants and children. The bombs have
no military value-------they are used almost exclusively with the intent
to murder babies. ---------that you are not impressed by that fact suggest
that it is you who needs help------not me.

I have no idea where you get these odd ideas of "heros" from. Perhaps you've read too many comic books or maybe it's your vivid imagination. Nor do I understand why you restrict "intent" with nail bombs to babies alone. Nail bombs are designed to commit
maximum horrific damage on any living flesh. Whether a baby, child or grandfather's brains. There is no discrimmination, no exclusivity and no rationalization for supporting those who use them. Once you understand that, then I think we are in agreement in that we both oppose their use.

In fact you are wrong----the nail bombs AS USED in islamic terrorism ---both
in Israel and in India------are used with the intent to blow the brains out
of MOSTLY CHILDREN The people who use them KNOW their capabilities

I get my information from experts in terrorism A LAUNCHED nail
bomb that hits ground is very unlikely to kill adults It sprays
its nails in a radius of scores of feet ----fairly LOW to the ground.

It can damage the soft tissues of adults-----but its LETHAL action
is on the heads of children The spray of nails does not usually
penetrate the head of an adult ----the skulls of adults are MUCH
harder than tnose of children-----the human skull is not FULLY ossified
until about age 20 The action of bomb on ass operatives is virtually
the same. --------the IED devices placed here and there and DETONATED
either remotely or timed------are a whole different story. They can be
effectively used against adults

the terrorism aspect of launched nail bombs-----is dead kids in the gutter---
a kind of REMOTE system to replace rape and decapitation of little girls---
popular at one time in Lebanon and Indonesia and Kenya
As usual, Rosie, I don't have a clue what you are talking about or how it relates to the discussion.

You draw some bizarre conclusions. Are you saying that drone attacks are "collective punishment"? Who's insisting "that jewish babies lying in the gutter with their brains seeping out of cracked skulls are simply VICTIMS OF LEGAL INDIGNATION"? Is that what you are claiming?
Wasn't it you that said shooting rockets randomly at Israelis cities and schools, although aggression, is also considered an act of resistance? What do you think happens when rockets land or bombs go off in restaurants and nurseries?

No. Here is what I said:

Rockets sporadically fired into Israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The Palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" Israel's civilian population. Israel,
on the other hand, does have the Palestinian civilian population and has done so.

i would say "apples and oranges". It's not an intent to "punish" them. Their terrorist activities are intended to get rid of what they consider an occupation - or acts of war. Israel's reactions to this are to collectively punish the entire civilian population. You have to be in a position of power to do that.
Mixed up Coyote:
Their terrorist activities are intended to get rid of what they consider an occupation - or acts of war.

Aha, I see, so you think shooting rockets at cities or blowing up buses or schools are legitimate acts of resistance. But Israelis defending such criminal acts of aggression and war against their people and state, are engaging in illegal "collective punishments".

How sweet. :cuckoo:

Now ask me if I care what you think
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