Palestinian youth in Gaza

I don't think so - I think it was also intended to punish the population. Containing a potential threat from Hamas would not require the kinds of measures they undertook such as imposing fishing restrictions on them which severely hampered their economy and effected, most directly, the average Gazan (just one example). Hamas won in a legally recognized election that was fair by all accounts. Hamas has always been there - it didn't suddenly pop up with elections.

I truly believe that for every specific restriction on Gaza, like your example with the Fishing, has a reason.
Just because we don't see articles about Hamas or regular Gazans using the water to promote their terrorism, doesn't mean it's not happening. These restrictions cost ISrael time, resources and money, so you can bet there is a reason for them .
Unfortunately, the youth in Gaza are not allowed to leave their concentration camp and hike in Palestine with other Palestinian youth.

The hiking is an activity denied to youth in Gaza.

Whenever a poster uses bizarre exaggerations like 'concentration camp' they mark themselves as an extremist and bigot, and they have no credibility except among members of the lunatic fringe.

And there's no evidence that hiking *within* Gaza is forbidden - unless HAMAS forbids it, like it does men doing hairdressing for women, etc.

I agree comparisons of modern events to concentration camps, Nazi's, etc are usually linguistic red flags - I find it hard to take seriously whether they are directed at Israel (Zionazis) or Muslims (Islamonazis) - people don't know history :(

Israelis, even Israeli government officials, call Gaza a concentration camp.

That is what it is and I am not afraid to speak the Truth about it.

The International Red Cross calls the Blockade of Gaza collective punishment , and that is a war crime under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

I do not have to ignore war crimes because the Chosen People say I must.

Zionists have no special status that gives them the right to commit war crimes with impunity.

"According to a*Wikileaked cable*from the US embassy in Tel Aviv dated*31 March 2004, high ranking officials in the Israeli government proclaimed that “unilateral disengagement” from Gaza would not necessarily end its legal status as an occupied territory and admitted that Gaza was essentially “a huge concentration camp” that would need more land in order to make it “economically viable” after disengagement."

Israeli officials admitted that Gaza is ?a huge concentration camp? and that ?the occupation will continue? after disengagement | Current Events Inquiry
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The International Red Cross discusses the unlawful blockade of Gaza

The serious incidents that took place on 31 May between Israeli forces and activists on a flotilla heading for Gaza once again put the spotlight on the acute hardship faced by the population in the Gaza Strip.As the ICRC
has stressed repeatedly, the dire situation in Gaza cannot be resolved by providing humanitarian aid. The closure imposed on the Gaza Strip is about to enter its fourth year, choking off any real possibility of economic development. Gazans continue to suffer from unemployment, poverty and warfare, while the quality of Gaza's health care system has reached an all-time low.The whole of Gaza's civilian population is being punished for acts for which they bear no responsibility. The closure therefore constitutes a collective punishment imposed in clear violation of Israel's obligations under international humanitarian law*.**

Gaza closure: not another year!
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I see only one quote from one 'Israeli official' - and not from any credible source.

As to the rest of the assertions made: when I look into one and it's false, there's not much reason to look into the others.

Especially when the barrage of extremist and bigoted assertions continues unabated. The filthy vile abuse of 'Chosen People' - which is something that Jews never say about themselves, and only the bigots ever use - and the continual demonization and dehumanization of Zionists and Israelis is simply not language which is in any way appropriate for a discussion.

The only poster here trying to suggest what others 'must' do would be the one who pimps herself as being a 'person of conscience' on these boards.

"I do not have to ignore war crimes because the Chosen People say I must.
Zionists have no special status that gives them the right to commit war crimes with impunity."

I don't have to call something 'war crimes' just because the l'il sherriliar wants me to. And the only 'special status' we Zionists are claiming is that of 'fellow human being' - which is continually denied us by the likes of the Holocaust deniers, the ones whose lying posts the l'il sherriKKKins thanks so often.
Nazi-sucking KrazyKlanKraKKKer whore

That is what I was just called by the Zionist MHunterB

Just thought I would share it with everyone.

Truth is certainly something she cannot handle.
Why do some extremist fanatics insist on posting unverified allegations from anonymous blogs as though they are fact?

That last blogstain the l'il sherrithing linked to had a bunch of real conspiranutter crap on it - everything from Monsanto-smearing to claims the US military 'conducted mass executions in Fallujah'. It's really nothing but a hate site......
Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- They surveyed the scene below them: Palestine’s characteristic terraces, spotted with olive trees and sloping hills, with an Israeli settlement on the horizon.*Last Friday morning over 100 Palestinian youths gathered at the top of a mountain north of Ramallah, preparing to descend into the nearby olive groves of Deir Jarir and the historic town of Taybeh just beyond.*They were members of Tajwal Safar, Arabic for "Touring and Traveling," a Palestinian youth group that organizes day-long walks and tours of different sites across the West Bank.Though seemingly only a hiking group, Tajwal Safar both physically and socially unites Palestinian members from across territories occupied by Israel into an integrated, national group, effectively creating a political act of resistance against Israel’s military occupation of Palestine.

The group was created in early 2011, after Samer Sharif, 24, one of the group’s founders, participated in the Arab Education Forum in Jordan. AEF offers the Safar Youth Mobility Fund, a grant that promotes travel for Arab youth within the Arab World, and which served as the inspiration for Tajwal Safar. After participating, a few "decided to do something special for Palestine," Sharif explained.The Safar Youth Mobility Fund, like many organizations in the West Bank, is sponsored by foreign governments. Tajwal Safar, however, is completely self-funded.*

Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time | Maan News Agency

More from the article:

The participants introduced themselves to the group, the range of cities represented was impressive: Nablus, Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Jericho, Jerusalem as well as various places "dakhl," or inside Israel.

"We are making this social network from around Palestine; from Nablus and from Hebron, and from Ramallah and Jerusalem, and from the lands of ’48," Sharif explained, referring to the regions of historic Palestine today a part of the State of Israel






Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time | Maan News Agency
Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- They surveyed the scene below them: Palestine’s characteristic terraces, spotted with olive trees and sloping hills, with an Israeli settlement on the horizon.*Last Friday morning over 100 Palestinian youths gathered at the top of a mountain north of Ramallah, preparing to descend into the nearby olive groves of Deir Jarir and the historic town of Taybeh just beyond.*They were members of Tajwal Safar, Arabic for "Touring and Traveling," a Palestinian youth group that organizes day-long walks and tours of different sites across the West Bank.Though seemingly only a hiking group, Tajwal Safar both physically and socially unites Palestinian members from across territories occupied by Israel into an integrated, national group, effectively creating a political act of resistance against Israel’s military occupation of Palestine.

The group was created in early 2011, after Samer Sharif, 24, one of the group’s founders, participated in the Arab Education Forum in Jordan. AEF offers the Safar Youth Mobility Fund, a grant that promotes travel for Arab youth within the Arab World, and which served as the inspiration for Tajwal Safar. After participating, a few "decided to do something special for Palestine," Sharif explained.The Safar Youth Mobility Fund, like many organizations in the West Bank, is sponsored by foreign governments. Tajwal Safar, however, is completely self-funded.*

Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time | Maan News Agency

More from the article:

The participants introduced themselves to the group, the range of cities represented was impressive: Nablus, Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Jericho, Jerusalem as well as various places "dakhl," or inside Israel.

"We are making this social network from around Palestine; from Nablus and from Hebron, and from Ramallah and Jerusalem, and from the lands of ’48," Sharif explained, referring to the regions of historic Palestine today a part of the State of Israel






Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time | Maan News Agency

I love hiking and camping, what a wonderful way for these Zionist Oppressed youth to tear down the walls the Zionist Colonizers tried to erect to divide them from one another. They come together and learn what life is like all over Palestine.

I applaud and admire their enthusiasm and courage and hopefulness.

Another Palestinian story with God written all over it.
Yanno, all that idiotic bigoted rhetorical character assassination of Zionism is really detracting from the fantasy of the OP's having had any positive intention in presenting this story.

It just makes those poor unfortunate children victims of another's using them for political 'leverage'.

Although if one reads between the lines, it becomes obvious that the organizer quoted about 'the lands of '48' is indicating by that his belief that all the land should be under the control of the Arabs. IOW, he's one of those rejectionist extremists who denies the division of the UN Mandate - even as he and his fellows suck on the UN teat and insist that Israel is flouting UN Resolutions.

I find it rather ironic, in a sick and hypocritical way, that Arabs who deny the UN's authority are constantly attempting to use that authority to erase the state of Israel.... I assume this has been a more recent development since they found they could not eradicate Israel militarily.

I'm reminded also that the OP has 'seen God' in the forest fires in Carmel, and in a plane malfunction which caused the deaths of two IAF pilots. One can only suppose that poster also approved the explosion of Challenger and loss of several lives because one of those was also an IAF pilot....
Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- They surveyed the scene below them: Palestine’s characteristic terraces, spotted with olive trees and sloping hills, with an Israeli settlement on the horizon.*Last Friday morning over 100 Palestinian youths gathered at the top of a mountain north of Ramallah, preparing to descend into the nearby olive groves of Deir Jarir and the historic town of Taybeh just beyond.*They were members of Tajwal Safar, Arabic for "Touring and Traveling," a Palestinian youth group that organizes day-long walks and tours of different sites across the West Bank.Though seemingly only a hiking group, Tajwal Safar both physically and socially unites Palestinian members from across territories occupied by Israel into an integrated, national group, effectively creating a political act of resistance against Israel’s military occupation of Palestine.

The group was created in early 2011, after Samer Sharif, 24, one of the group’s founders, participated in the Arab Education Forum in Jordan. AEF offers the Safar Youth Mobility Fund, a grant that promotes travel for Arab youth within the Arab World, and which served as the inspiration for Tajwal Safar. After participating, a few "decided to do something special for Palestine," Sharif explained.The Safar Youth Mobility Fund, like many organizations in the West Bank, is sponsored by foreign governments. Tajwal Safar, however, is completely self-funded.*

Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time | Maan News Agency

More from the article:

The participants introduced themselves to the group, the range of cities represented was impressive: Nablus, Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Jericho, Jerusalem as well as various places "dakhl," or inside Israel.

"We are making this social network from around Palestine; from Nablus and from Hebron, and from Ramallah and Jerusalem, and from the lands of ’48," Sharif explained, referring to the regions of historic Palestine today a part of the State of Israel






Palestinian youth unite across borders, one hike at time | Maan News Agency

These are day long bi monthly trips into Area C, an area under full Israeli military control. Many participants had to cross from Area A, under PA control, into Area C. Occupation mechanisms make travel between Area A and C incredibly difficult and sever Palestinian mobility.


Really? I thought it was simply a response to the known threat posed by HAMAS. Just read their Charter to see what HAMAS believes and identify their goals.

[ame=]Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Hamas Charter

The fishing restrictions are in place because of the wide-spread smuggling which has been a way of life in Gaza.

I doubt the Israelis care about election fraud: I think it's a much bigger concern for them that some of their nearest neighbors are ruled by a cabal of fundy whackadoodles who claim Jews were responsible for the French Revolution and anything else those HAMASsholes felt like accusing Jews of.....

If Canada elected a government whose platform was taking over the US and killing us all - do you seriously think we'd care if they'd gotten in by a 'fair and free' election? I tend to doubt it.

That doesn't seem to be the main reason for the fishing restrictions which are tightened, for example, when there is rocket fire from another part of Gaza: Lift the restrictions on the Gaza fishing range | B'Tselem

It's collective punishment - I don't see what else you can call it. It also contravenes the Oslo accords.

Collective punishment of Gaza's civilian population whenever militants do something is a one of the major criticisms of Israel's approach to Gaza.
Hamas Charter

The fishing restrictions are in place because of the wide-spread smuggling which has been a way of life in Gaza.

I doubt the Israelis care about election fraud: I think it's a much bigger concern for them that some of their nearest neighbors are ruled by a cabal of fundy whackadoodles who claim Jews were responsible for the French Revolution and anything else those HAMASsholes felt like accusing Jews of.....

If Canada elected a government whose platform was taking over the US and killing us all - do you seriously think we'd care if they'd gotten in by a 'fair and free' election? I tend to doubt it.

That doesn't seem to be the main reason for the fishing restrictions which are tightened, for example, when there is rocket fire from another part of Gaza: Lift the restrictions on the Gaza fishing range | B'Tselem

It's collective punishment - I don't see what else you can call it. It also contravenes the Oslo accords.

Collective punishment of Gaza's civilian population whenever militants do something is a one of the major criticisms of Israel's approach to Gaza.
Rockets fired at Israeli cities and villages by Hamas, the govt that is ruling Gaza, aren't collective punishment?
Why do some extremist fanatics insist on posting unverified allegations from anonymous blogs as though they are fact?

That last blogstain the l'il sherrithing linked to had a bunch of real conspiranutter crap on it - everything from Monsanto-smearing to claims the US military 'conducted mass executions in Fallujah'. It's really nothing but a hate site......
It's always this garbage from Islamist propaganda sites. The best it gets is when they start posting crap from this infamous RT Russian News site which is like 98% propaganda and lies.
Hamas Charter

The fishing restrictions are in place because of the wide-spread smuggling which has been a way of life in Gaza.

I doubt the Israelis care about election fraud: I think it's a much bigger concern for them that some of their nearest neighbors are ruled by a cabal of fundy whackadoodles who claim Jews were responsible for the French Revolution and anything else those HAMASsholes felt like accusing Jews of.....

If Canada elected a government whose platform was taking over the US and killing us all - do you seriously think we'd care if they'd gotten in by a 'fair and free' election? I tend to doubt it.

That doesn't seem to be the main reason for the fishing restrictions which are tightened, for example, when there is rocket fire from another part of Gaza: Lift the restrictions on the Gaza fishing range | B'Tselem

It's collective punishment - I don't see what else you can call it. It also contravenes the Oslo accords.

Collective punishment of Gaza's civilian population whenever militants do something is a one of the major criticisms of Israel's approach to Gaza.
Rockets fired at Israeli cities and villages by Hamas, the govt that is ruling Gaza, aren't collective punishment?

No. They are acts of aggression.
Collective punishment is the punishment of a group of people as a result of the behavior of one or more other individuals or groups. The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and is a violation of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions. Historically, occupying powers have used collective punishment to retaliate against and deter attacks on their forces by Resistance movements (e.g. destroying entire towns and villages where such attacks have occurred).
The term "collective punishment" was coined and DENOTES---the
GERMAN NAZI practice of lining a bunch of innocent people against
a wall and gunning them down every time something happened that they
did not like------for example the ESCAPE OF A 'prisoner' It is a typical
nazi atrocity. "LIBEL" killings-----fit the definition of collective
punishment when they take the form of pogroms of the kind inflicted
on non muslim cities and villages by muslims over the past 1700
years Return fire is not "collective punishment"

Lately ----propagandaists who support the murder of Israeli children
by baby brain smashing nail bombs----have decided that return fire
should be called "collective punishment" ------such a usage is cynical
and vulgar------a spit in the eye of millions of persons who died ---
thruout the world on the basis of LIBELS-----including black americans
who died at the ends of ropes for baseless "rape" accusations

Sexual indiscretion was and probably still is one of the libels used in
the islamic world to justify mass killings
That doesn't seem to be the main reason for the fishing restrictions which are tightened, for example, when there is rocket fire from another part of Gaza: Lift the restrictions on the Gaza fishing range | B'Tselem

It's collective punishment - I don't see what else you can call it. It also contravenes the Oslo accords.

Collective punishment of Gaza's civilian population whenever militants do something is a one of the major criticisms of Israel's approach to Gaza.
Rockets fired at Israeli cities and villages by Hamas, the govt that is ruling Gaza, aren't collective punishment?

No. They are acts of aggression.

Collective punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Collective punishment is the punishment of a group of people as a result of the behavior of one or more other individuals or groups. The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and is a violation of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions. Historically, occupying powers have used collective punishment to retaliate against and deter attacks on their forces by Resistance movements (e.g. destroying entire towns and villages where such attacks have occurred).
Criminal acts of aggression and collectively attacking Israeli cities trying to collectively and randomly kill and harm as many innocent civilians as possible. By the govt. of a people in charge of Gaza, never the less. Basically declaring war on the Israeli people, and then expecting the Israelis to use "restraint".

I'd say the Israelis are justified in whatever they feel like responding, and the Palestinians are lucky Israelis are still human enough to not bomb them to smithereens every time a missile is launched at them. Just imagine how one of these Arab rulers like Assad would respond if Palestinians were to continually lob rockets into Syria? Would chemical weapons be considered "collective punishment"?
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Israel has massacred over 8000 in Palestine since 2000, over 1500 innocent children unlawfully slain. The names of the children of Palestine Israel has killed are all set forth on Remember These Children website.

Israel is the aggressor and the only occupier in Palestine today.

Israels acts of aggression in Occupied Palestine need to end and the killers of the innocent in Palestine drug to The Hague and tried for their war crimes .posthaste.
Rockets fired at Israeli cities and villages by Hamas, the govt that is ruling Gaza, aren't collective punishment?

No. They are acts of aggression.

Collective punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Collective punishment is the punishment of a group of people as a result of the behavior of one or more other individuals or groups. The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and is a violation of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions. Historically, occupying powers have used collective punishment to retaliate against and deter attacks on their forces by Resistance movements (e.g. destroying entire towns and villages where such attacks have occurred).
Criminal acts of aggression and collectively attacking Israeli cities trying to collectively and randomly kill and harm as many innocent civilians as possible. By the govt. of a people in charge of Gaza, never the less. Basically declaring war on the Israeli people, and then expecting the Israelis to use "restraint".

I'd say the Israelis are justified in whatever they feel like responding, and the Palestinians are lucky Israelis are still human enough to not bomb them to smithereens every time a missile is launched at them. Just imagine how one of these Arab rulers like Assad would respond if Palestinians were to continually lob rockets into Syria? Would chemical weapons be considered "collective punishment"?

Assad is a good example of collective punishment on his own people.

Rockets sporadically fired into Israel are not "collective punishment" - they're terrorism. The Palestinians don't have the power to "collectively punish" Israel's civilian population. Israel, on the other hand, does have the Palestinian civilian population and has done so.
The youth of Palestine are to be applauded for keeping hope alive in difficult circumstances.

It is not our circumstances which define any of us.

We show who we are by how we each respond to the circumstances we find ourselves in in our lifes.

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