Palestinians should be slaves, says Israeli Rabbi.

RE: Palestinians should be slaves, says Israeli Rabbi.
⁜→ et al,

Every organization has its fair share of insane radicals. Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, is just one such person.


What I find incredible → is that the General Staff allowed such an old coot to remain at the head Bnei David. They should have put this poor guy out to pasture long before now.

Oh! but don't you understand goy? They are God's chosen people!

While the translation of the word only means "non-Jew," it has a negative connotation. I was the Resident Agent (Militärische Gegenintelligenz) in Darmstadt, Germany (Kanbri-Fritch Kasserne) in the late 1970s and very early 1980s. And I only heard that term used as a pejorative slur!

I was instilled with the impression, imprinted upon me by the area Jewish Community, that a "Goy" was an unwanted aspect of the American community in the city and district level.

Most Respectfully,
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RE: Palestinians should be slaves, says Israeli Rabbi.
⁜→ et al,

Every organization has its fair share of insane radicals. Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, is just one such person.


What I find incredible → is that the General Staff allowed such an old coot to remain at the head Bnei David. They should have put this poor guy out to pasture long before now.

Oh! but don't you understand goy? They are God's chosen people!

While the translation of the word only means "non-Jew," it has a negative connotation. I was the Resident Agent (Militärische Gegenintelligenz) in Darmstadt, Germany (Kanbri-Fritch Kasserne) in the late 1970s and very early 1980s. And I only heard that term used as a pejorative slur!

I was instilled with the impression, imprinted upon me by the area Jewish Community, that a "Goy" was an unwanted aspect of the American community in the city and district level.

Most Respectfully,
Goyem or Goyim just means people(s). It is in reference to gentiles or non-Jews.
RE: Palestinians should be slaves, says Israeli Rabbi.
⁜→ Tijn Von Ingersleben, et al,

On this point, I have to agree.

Goyem or Goyim just means people(s). It is in reference to gentiles or non-Jews.

Yes, while it is true, by definition it is harmless, in reality, the true meaning is a product of the times.

In reality, the word "WOP" is the verbalization of the acronym for "Without Paper." But before my grandfather actually told me what it meant, I knew from school (students can be rather cruel) the term was derogatory; having been directed at me many times.

Just as Goy has a harmless meaning in actual definition, when directed at me in the manner of its use, I know better. (BTW: I've seen that term used, here in this discussion group, several times in a "Dago-like" manner.)

Having said that, I think I have been (for the most part) fair in my assessment concerning the Israeli-Arab dispute over the progress towards a Jewish National Home.

Most Respectfully,

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