Palestinians Threaten USA

Is that all you could think of to reply wetterman?

Oh look, fuckface idiot is here, with nothing of intelligence to offer - EVER, as expected.

He's just trying to convince us that Israel gave us 911. Must be these Zionists.


The US Department of Justice released September 27, 2001 the following names and pictures of the 9/11 hijack suspects: (Top - L-R) Satam Al Suqami, Waleed M. Alshehri, Wail Alshehri, Abdulaziz Alomari and Mohamed Atta and were aboard American Airlines Flight 11, which destroyed the World Trade Center.

Majed Moqed, Khalid Al-Midhar, Nawaf Alhamzi, Salem Alhamzi and Hani Hanjour were on American Airlines Flight 77, which gouged a hole in the Pentagon building. Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmed Alhaznawi, Ahmed Alnami and Ziad Samir Jarrah were on United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

Marwan Al Shehi, Ahmed Alghamdi, Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi Banihammad, Hamza Alghamdi, and Mohald Alshehri were flying on United Airlines Flight 175, which destroyed the World Trade Center. September 11th marks the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks where nearly 3,000 people died when four hijacked airliners were used in coordinated strikes on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania.

Is that all you could think of to reply wetterman?

Oh look, fuckface idiot is here, with nothing of intelligence to offer - EVER, as expected.
Maybe they are threatening because the check was stopped before it left. Thought they were gonna get all that cash and boom!! Ain't happening. Someone had their eyes on it, fortunately, and it is still here.

For those who want to know what we are up against, check out the movie Unthinkable with Samuel L.Jackson.
Budget: 15 million USD

Box office: 5.5 million USD = a flop
columnist Sean Axmaker who calls the film "a clumsy polemic that bounces between the boundaries of stage-play debate and torture porn spectacle"

But what does this Torture porn fantasy Film have to do with the OP?

A Palestinian official claimed that the Palestinian Authority would downgrade its relations with the US and file a complaint with the UN if Trump moves the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Budget: 15 million USD

Box office: 5.5 million USD = a flop
columnist Sean Axmaker who calls the film "a clumsy polemic that bounces between the boundaries of stage-play debate and torture porn spectacle"

But what does this Torture porn fantasy Film have to do with the OP?

A Palestinian official claimed that the Palestinian Authority would downgrade its relations with the US and file a complaint with the UN if Trump moves the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The Movie Unthinkable is "A FLOP??? Oh wait, Fanger said that. Enjoy the reviews.

Unthinkable Reviews & Ratings - IMDb
Budget: 15 million USD

Box office: 5.5 million USD = a flop
columnist Sean Axmaker who calls the film "a clumsy polemic that bounces between the boundaries of stage-play debate and torture porn spectacle"

But what does this Torture porn fantasy Film have to do with the OP?

A Palestinian official claimed that the Palestinian Authority would downgrade its relations with the US and file a complaint with the UN if Trump moves the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The Arab-Moslem terrorist franchise known as the PA is going to "downgrade its relations with the US"?

Oh, my. I wonder if that means they will refuse their next welfare check in protest.
Hollie, et al,

The diplomatic relations with any Arab Palestinian organization is merely a devil by another name. Anyone who says that one side is better than the other has drank the poison.

There is no known Arab Palestinian organization that has any intention of maintaining international peace and security through the development of friendly relations and co-operation between themselves and Israel. There is no known Arab Palestinian organization that has any intention of settling their international disputes in such a manner that international peace and security are retained.

Budget: 15 million USD

Box office: 5.5 million USD = a flop
columnist Sean Axmaker who calls the film "a clumsy polemic that bounces between the boundaries of stage-play debate and torture porn spectacle"

But what does this Torture porn fantasy Film have to do with the OP?

A Palestinian official claimed that the Palestinian Authority would downgrade its relations with the US and file a complaint with the UN if Trump moves the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The Arab-Moslem terrorist franchise known as the PA is going to "downgrade its relations with the US"?

Oh, my. I wonder if that means they will refuse their next welfare check in protest.

This threat to "downgrade its relations with the US " and to "file a complaint with the UN" is merely another example of a Palestinian child-like tantrum taken in the absence of the ability to achieve through diplomatic pressure what they could not achieve through any other direct and peaceful means of diplomacy. This is equivalent of the child stomping his feet, throwing a tantrum and crying - they want not just more cake - but all the cake.

Most Respectfully,
Hollie, et al,

The diplomatic relations with any Arab Palestinian organization is merely a devil by another name. Anyone who says that one side is better than the other has drank the poison.

There is no known Arab Palestinian organization that has any intention of maintaining international peace and security through the development of friendly relations and co-operation between themselves and Israel. There is no known Arab Palestinian organization that has any intention of settling their international disputes in such a manner that international peace and security are retained.

Budget: 15 million USD

Box office: 5.5 million USD = a flop
columnist Sean Axmaker who calls the film "a clumsy polemic that bounces between the boundaries of stage-play debate and torture porn spectacle"

But what does this Torture porn fantasy Film have to do with the OP?

A Palestinian official claimed that the Palestinian Authority would downgrade its relations with the US and file a complaint with the UN if Trump moves the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The Arab-Moslem terrorist franchise known as the PA is going to "downgrade its relations with the US"?

Oh, my. I wonder if that means they will refuse their next welfare check in protest.

This threat to "downgrade its relations with the US " and to "file a complaint with the UN" is merely another example of a Palestinian child-like tantrum taken in the absence of the ability to achieve through diplomatic pressure what they could not achieve through any other direct and peaceful means of diplomacy. This is equivalent of the child stomping his feet, throwing a tantrum and crying - they want not just more cake - but all the cake.

Most Respectfully,
The only just peace is promoted by BDS.
Hollie, et al,

The diplomatic relations with any Arab Palestinian organization is merely a devil by another name. Anyone who says that one side is better than the other has drank the poison.

There is no known Arab Palestinian organization that has any intention of maintaining international peace and security through the development of friendly relations and co-operation between themselves and Israel. There is no known Arab Palestinian organization that has any intention of settling their international disputes in such a manner that international peace and security are retained.

Budget: 15 million USD

Box office: 5.5 million USD = a flop
columnist Sean Axmaker who calls the film "a clumsy polemic that bounces between the boundaries of stage-play debate and torture porn spectacle"

But what does this Torture porn fantasy Film have to do with the OP?

A Palestinian official claimed that the Palestinian Authority would downgrade its relations with the US and file a complaint with the UN if Trump moves the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The Arab-Moslem terrorist franchise known as the PA is going to "downgrade its relations with the US"?

Oh, my. I wonder if that means they will refuse their next welfare check in protest.

This threat to "downgrade its relations with the US " and to "file a complaint with the UN" is merely another example of a Palestinian child-like tantrum taken in the absence of the ability to achieve through diplomatic pressure what they could not achieve through any other direct and peaceful means of diplomacy. This is equivalent of the child stomping his feet, throwing a tantrum and crying - they want not just more cake - but all the cake.

Most Respectfully,
The only just peace is promoted by BDS.

Because BDS wants to destroy Israel?
Hollie, et al,

The diplomatic relations with any Arab Palestinian organization is merely a devil by another name. Anyone who says that one side is better than the other has drank the poison.

There is no known Arab Palestinian organization that has any intention of maintaining international peace and security through the development of friendly relations and co-operation between themselves and Israel. There is no known Arab Palestinian organization that has any intention of settling their international disputes in such a manner that international peace and security are retained.

Budget: 15 million USD

Box office: 5.5 million USD = a flop
columnist Sean Axmaker who calls the film "a clumsy polemic that bounces between the boundaries of stage-play debate and torture porn spectacle"

But what does this Torture porn fantasy Film have to do with the OP?

A Palestinian official claimed that the Palestinian Authority would downgrade its relations with the US and file a complaint with the UN if Trump moves the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The Arab-Moslem terrorist franchise known as the PA is going to "downgrade its relations with the US"?

Oh, my. I wonder if that means they will refuse their next welfare check in protest.

This threat to "downgrade its relations with the US " and to "file a complaint with the UN" is merely another example of a Palestinian child-like tantrum taken in the absence of the ability to achieve through diplomatic pressure what they could not achieve through any other direct and peaceful means of diplomacy. This is equivalent of the child stomping his feet, throwing a tantrum and crying - they want not just more cake - but all the cake.

Most Respectfully,
The only just peace is promoted by BDS.

Because BDS wants to destroy Israel?
South Africa is still there.
Hollie, et al,

The diplomatic relations with any Arab Palestinian organization is merely a devil by another name. Anyone who says that one side is better than the other has drank the poison.

There is no known Arab Palestinian organization that has any intention of maintaining international peace and security through the development of friendly relations and co-operation between themselves and Israel. There is no known Arab Palestinian organization that has any intention of settling their international disputes in such a manner that international peace and security are retained.

Budget: 15 million USD

Box office: 5.5 million USD = a flop
columnist Sean Axmaker who calls the film "a clumsy polemic that bounces between the boundaries of stage-play debate and torture porn spectacle"

But what does this Torture porn fantasy Film have to do with the OP?

A Palestinian official claimed that the Palestinian Authority would downgrade its relations with the US and file a complaint with the UN if Trump moves the US embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The Arab-Moslem terrorist franchise known as the PA is going to "downgrade its relations with the US"?

Oh, my. I wonder if that means they will refuse their next welfare check in protest.

This threat to "downgrade its relations with the US " and to "file a complaint with the UN" is merely another example of a Palestinian child-like tantrum taken in the absence of the ability to achieve through diplomatic pressure what they could not achieve through any other direct and peaceful means of diplomacy. This is equivalent of the child stomping his feet, throwing a tantrum and crying - they want not just more cake - but all the cake.

Most Respectfully,
The only just peace is promoted by BDS.

YES! Ever since the BDS movement began Israel's economy has been booming. Long live BDS movement & LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Israel's Economy Is Booming – Sorry, Boycotters & John Kerry
It's quite predictable that pariah/Apartheid states do well economically.

"Why Rhodesian-era economy boomed

The period between 1967 and 1972 was a time that witnessed massive growth in the Rhodesian economy,

The sanctions, initially imposed by Britain and subsequently the UN, were meant to cripple the country economically and thus force the Ian Smith regime to step down. They instead heralded the start of a highly successful industrial drive that was to see the Rhodesian currency and economy firm to record highs.

Why Rhodesian-era economy boomed | The Financial Gazette

montelatici, et al,

I have yet to hear a valid example of the charge for "Apartheid;" relative to the Arab -- Israeli Conflict.

It's quite predictable that pariah/Apartheid states do well economically.

"Why Rhodesian-era economy boomed

The period between 1967 and 1972 was a time that witnessed massive growth in the Rhodesian economy,

The sanctions, initially imposed by Britain and subsequently the UN, were meant to cripple the country economically and thus force the Ian Smith regime to step down. They instead heralded the start of a highly successful industrial drive that was to see the Rhodesian currency and economy firm to record highs.

Why Rhodesian-era economy boomed | The Financial Gazette

"The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime; (Page 4 Article 7(2h), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)


It does not matter whether you speak of the Jewish People or the Citizens of Israel, they are both multicultural and multiracial. In fact, the composition of the Jewish People or the Citizens of Israel is much more rich and diverse than that of the Arab Palestinians.

This entire line of discussion is merely variations on several themes (Logical Fallacies):

The Affective Fallacy
  • "My feelings are valid, so therefore you have no right to criticize what I say or do, or how I say or do it."
  • The feelings of the Arab Palestinians are valid, and therefore everything said of done is unchangeable.
The Appeal to Pity:
  • “Those poor, cute little squeaky mice are being gobbled up by mean, nasty cats ten times their size!”
  • Those poor Arab of Palestine and Arab League, consistently defeated by the Jewish of Israel.
Playing on Emotion (also, the Sob Story; the Pathetic Fallacy; the "Bleeding Heart" fallacy, the Drama Queen / Drama King Fallacy):
  • "Open your mind and listen to all those poor moms crying bitter tears for their innocent tiny children."
  • Can't you hear the moaning for the casualties that the Arab Palestinian put in harms way.
The False Analogy: The fallacy of incorrectly comparing one thing to another in order to draw a false conclusion.
  • "Just like an alley cat needs to prowl, a normal adult can’t be tied down to one single lover."
  • There was a separation of the Blacks from the White in Apartheid. Therefore the security separation between the Jewish Israeli and the Islamic Arabs is an example of Apartheid.
This constant chanting of the Mantra of "Apartheid" only serves to show how gullible and susceptible some people are on understanding the issues. Similarly, when the Allied Powers encouraged immigration to the territory formerly under the mandate, the Arab Palestinian called it an "invasion." Again it is a False Analogy that palces to pity and emotion.

Most Respectfully,
Perfect analogy. European state(s) establish themselves on another continent facilitate colonization/invasion by Europeans facing religious discrimination in Europe, colonists establish a state for themselves and rule over and oppress the native people. Denying that it is a precise analogy is, hilarious though. Again, a Perfect Analogy that only a fool would deny.
montelatici, et al,

I have yet to hear a valid example of the charge for "Apartheid;" relative to the Arab -- Israeli Conflict.

It's quite predictable that pariah/Apartheid states do well economically.

"Why Rhodesian-era economy boomed

The period between 1967 and 1972 was a time that witnessed massive growth in the Rhodesian economy,

The sanctions, initially imposed by Britain and subsequently the UN, were meant to cripple the country economically and thus force the Ian Smith regime to step down. They instead heralded the start of a highly successful industrial drive that was to see the Rhodesian currency and economy firm to record highs.

Why Rhodesian-era economy boomed | The Financial Gazette

"The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime; (Page 4 Article 7(2h), Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court)


It does not matter whether you speak of the Jewish People or the Citizens of Israel, they are both multicultural and multiracial. In fact, the composition of the Jewish People or the Citizens of Israel is much more rich and diverse than that of the Arab Palestinians.

This entire line of discussion is merely variations on several themes (Logical Fallacies):

The Affective Fallacy
  • "My feelings are valid, so therefore you have no right to criticize what I say or do, or how I say or do it."
  • The feelings of the Arab Palestinians are valid, and therefore everything said of done is unchangeable.
The Appeal to Pity:
  • “Those poor, cute little squeaky mice are being gobbled up by mean, nasty cats ten times their size!”
  • Those poor Arab of Palestine and Arab League, consistently defeated by the Jewish of Israel.
Playing on Emotion (also, the Sob Story; the Pathetic Fallacy; the "Bleeding Heart" fallacy, the Drama Queen / Drama King Fallacy):
  • "Open your mind and listen to all those poor moms crying bitter tears for their innocent tiny children."
  • Can't you hear the moaning for the casualties that the Arab Palestinian put in harms way.
The False Analogy: The fallacy of incorrectly comparing one thing to another in order to draw a false conclusion.
  • "Just like an alley cat needs to prowl, a normal adult can’t be tied down to one single lover."
  • There was a separation of the Blacks from the White in Apartheid. Therefore the security separation between the Jewish Israeli and the Islamic Arabs is an example of Apartheid.
This constant chanting of the Mantra of "Apartheid" only serves to show how gullible and susceptible some people are on understanding the issues. Similarly, when the Allied Powers encouraged immigration to the territory formerly under the mandate, the Arab Palestinian called it an "invasion." Again it is a False Analogy that palces to pity and emotion.

Most Respectfully,
It's quite predictable that pariah/Apartheid states do well economically.

"Why Rhodesian-era economy boomed

The period between 1967 and 1972 was a time that witnessed massive growth in the Rhodesian economy,

The sanctions, initially imposed by Britain and subsequently the UN, were meant to cripple the country economically and thus force the Ian Smith regime to step down. They instead heralded the start of a highly successful industrial drive that was to see the Rhodesian currency and economy firm to record highs.

Why Rhodesian-era economy boomed | The Financial Gazette

"t's quite predictable that pariah/Apartheid states do well economically"

That's both false and naive. The apartheid Arab/Moslem nations that define the Arab/Islamist Middle East typically trail the modern, first world economies of the relavent first world.
It's quite predictable that pariah/Apartheid states do well economically.

"Why Rhodesian-era economy boomed

The period between 1967 and 1972 was a time that witnessed massive growth in the Rhodesian economy,

The sanctions, initially imposed by Britain and subsequently the UN, were meant to cripple the country economically and thus force the Ian Smith regime to step down. They instead heralded the start of a highly successful industrial drive that was to see the Rhodesian currency and economy firm to record highs.

Why Rhodesian-era economy boomed | The Financial Gazette

"t's quite predictable that pariah/Apartheid states do well economically"

That's both false and naive. The apartheid Arab/Moslem nations that define the Arab/Islamist Middle East typically trail the modern, first world economies of the relavent first world.

This is so true. All one has to do is consider Israel's worldly contributions for better lives vs. that of all the combined Arab countries. And better yet, Israel's worldly contributions vs. that of Palestinians.
It's like comparing the contributions to science and medicine of the Germans 1930-1945 versus the contributions of the Jews in death camps. You haven't gotten it through your thick skull that the Muslims and Christians of Palestine are kept in the equivalent of concentration camps by the Jews.
It's like comparing the contributions to science and medicine of the Germans 1930-1945 versus the contributions of the Jews in death camps. You haven't gotten it through your thick skull that the Muslims and Christians of Palestine are kept in the equivalent of concentration camps by the Jews.

Oh, come on!



Concentration camp:




Concentration camp:






Don't be an idiot.
The first image you posted is the Rafah border crossing -- an international border. This may come as a shock to you but a fence between Canada and the US does not make Canada a concentration camp.

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