Palin chances in 2012 are over

Did I say that? But what the hell with a failed economy under his belt if people want to continue supporting him more fucking power to them
You didn't answer the question, Rebecca. Yes or no.

If people can support a president who has a failed economy and has not made an effort to fix it yes I beleieve Palin has a better chance than obama. Cyndie
Then you are truly a moron, and may be the first person I put on ignore on this site.

I don't have time for uninformed idiots.
I wouldn't know, show me.

Fat Knowledge: Network Nightly News vs. Cable

According to, on Sept 20 the NBC Nightly News had 8.2 million viewers, and CBS and ABC each had 7.5 million viewers (for a total of 23.2 million). On the cable side the largest audience was for The O'Reilly Factor with 2 million (or 3.1 million if you include his rebroadcast) viewers. So the network audiences are still much larger than any particular cable show, but their audiences are going down steadily (as seen in the graph) due to the internet and cable news.

uhm hello you're doing it again. cable is a paid and limited service. the networks are not. of course the nets reach more they always have and probably always will..and that being said since the nets and adding in cnn are so huge in shear throw weight whats the big deal about fox anyway? In viewership they are overwhelmed......they are on media outlet? so?

Correct. So you agree that Willow Tree's statement is ridiculously wrong?
uhm hello you're doing it again. cable is a paid and limited service. the networks are not. of course the nets reach more they always have and probably always will..and that being said since the nets and adding in cnn are so huge in shear throw weight whats the big deal about fox anyway? In viewership they are overwhelmed......they are on media outlet? so?

Try to keep up with the thread Traj..

It was in response to the statement that FoxNews is the Number One news source in America

yes please do-
Network newscasts receive substantially higher ratings than cable news
see it yet?

See WHAT yet? WillowTree ignorantly claimed that FoxNews is the Number One news source in America, NOT that they are the #1 source in CABLE news, which is a pretty narrow segment of news.
uhm hello you're doing it again. cable is a paid and limited service. the networks are not. of course the nets reach more they always have and probably always will..and that being said since the nets and adding in cnn are so huge in shear throw weight whats the big deal about fox anyway? In viewership they are overwhelmed......they are on media outlet? so?

Try to keep up with the thread Traj..

It was in response to the statement that FoxNews is the Number One news source in America

yes please do-
Network newscasts receive substantially higher ratings than cable news

see it yet?

You are in your own world traj.........carry on
Regardless of what the loon MarcATL thinks and says obama is not respected by other nations and most diffenantly is not respected by most here in America.

Really? Back that up with a link.

You will know how other countries view your leader by how they do. No one backs down from America anymore.
Is our President, and America itself, becoming laughingstock of the world to be ignored and dismissed, if not ridiculed, as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have? The world has taken measure of the man and he has fallen short.
Is our President, and America itself, becoming laughingstock of the world to be ignored and dismissed, if not ridiculed, as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have? The world has taken measure of the man and he has fallen short.
Do you stutter?

If any country is emboldened by our failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is because the architects of those failures were Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice/Wolfawitz, all chickenhawks who do not know how to protect America.
Really? Back that up with a link.

You will know how other countries view your leader by how they do. No one backs down from America anymore.
Is our President, and America itself, becoming laughingstock of the world to be ignored and dismissed, if not ridiculed, as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have? The world has taken measure of the man and he has fallen short.
Is our President, and America itself, becoming laughingstock of the world to be ignored and dismissed, if not ridiculed, as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have? The world has taken measure of the man and he has fallen short.
Do you stutter?

If any country is emboldened by our failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is because the architects of those failures were Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice/Wolfawitz, all chickenhawks who do not know how to protect America.

of course blame Buoooosh for obamas failure.:clap2:
Try to keep up with the thread Traj..

It was in response to the statement that FoxNews is the Number One news source in America

yes please do-
Network newscasts receive substantially higher ratings than cable news

see it yet?

You are in your own world traj.........carry on

no you apparently continue to fail to adequately comprehend English as it is written... or, willfully do so, and tis is an old story where you get to decide what the boundaries are in a debate so as to make yourself right again.

try it one more time....

uhm hello you're doing it again. cable is a paid and limited service. the networks are not. of course the nets reach more they always have and probably always will..and that being said since the nets and adding in cnn are so huge in shear throw weight
Her chances at gaining the GOP nomination in 2012 are gone. The shooting in Arizona and the wounding of Giffords will hang around her neck from now on. Her map showing Giffords's district with crosshairs on it will be part of any campaign against her.

But that will not keep her from running as a Tea Bagger. That will be her fate in 2012.

Michelle Bachman is giving the Teaparty response to the SOTU address. There is word that she is giving a response to the GOP response to the President. She may run.


I like her but am hoping neither she nor Palin will decide to run.
yes please do-

see it yet?

You are in your own world traj.........carry on

no you apparently continue to fail to adequately comprehend English as it is written... or, willfully do so, and tis is an old story where you get to decide what the boundaries are in a debate so as to make yourself right again.

try it one more time....

uhm hello you're doing it again. cable is a paid and limited service. the networks are not. of course the nets reach more they always have and probably always will..and that being said since the nets and adding in cnn are so huge in shear throw weight

Clueless still..

You really need to do a better job of keeping up with the thread. The topic was whether FoxNews was the "Number One Source of news in the US" not why broadcast networks get higher ratings than cable networks
You will know how other countries view your leader by how they do. No one backs down from America anymore.
Is our President, and America itself, becoming laughingstock of the world to be ignored and dismissed, if not ridiculed, as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have? The world has taken measure of the man and he has fallen short.
Is our President, and America itself, becoming laughingstock of the world to be ignored and dismissed, if not ridiculed, as Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have? The world has taken measure of the man and he has fallen short.
Do you stutter?

If any country is emboldened by our failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is because the architects of those failures were Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice/Wolfawitz, all chickenhawks who do not know how to protect America.

of course blame Buoooosh for obamas failure.:clap2:

Yes....the whole world does

Bush pulled the trigger and executed poorly on two fronts leaving his mess for others to clean up
well first off your link took us to the ccn page which then you click into to get to the palin poll page which has no example of the poll...just sayin'.

It takes me directly to the page and the first paragraph: 56% of Americans disapprove of Palin.

no offense but I suggest you always read the poll itself, the sample questions demographics etc. if you can, it all counts. Cnn doesn't present one, or at least I could not find it or a link to it.

anyway here are some tidbits, notice gallups summation at the end.

and of course one has to remember the context and week in question- the media almost to a ma was still set up on trying to re package their fuck up, but there was no apology, they just reset and began their strawman which obama polished for them in his speech. frankly considering the week the poll came out an gallups finds, it was wash, which could be seen considering the media array running against her, impressive on that count. Guns and Discourse.pdf

Obama's response to Arizona shooting rated higher than Palin's, poll says - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Q 16-


see pdf for breakdown


Palin's Image Worst Yet, Obama's Improves Slightly

Americans' opinions of three other major political figures -- President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin -- have varied little since last November. However, the current ratings for Palin and Obama are notable.

Palin's 38% favorable rating is her lowest (by two percentage points) since she became a well-known political figure after the 2008 Republican national convention, and her 53% unfavorable rating is her worst by a point. Palin has been a central figure in the recent debate over whether political rhetoric -- including hers -- was partly behind the Tucson shootings. Last week, she responded to these allegations by posting a much-publicized video response on the Internet. The recent news has not done much to change Americans' opinions of Palin, though.

Boehner Favorability Jumps; Obama Back Above 50%

And again, Palin's poll numbers dropped after she insisted on being at the center of the Giffords controversy.
LOL, watch next week there will be a POLL saying 100% of the people HATE Sarah Palin.:lol:
If I may, I think what you mean is its not a speculative turn over device for the short term.....;) Its a 'hedge'.

"Hedge" against what? I suspect the fact that most people who are buying gold are hanging onto it and not actively trading it is a large part of why the market is inflated.

Furthermore, if it all goes to shit, who are you going to trade your gold with and for what? If we still lived in a society where everyone farmed, you might be able to trade your gold (at a much lower value) for thinks you can eat. However, the value of gold would still plummet as the market would correct. Furthermore, that's contingent on if people would even accept it. You can't eat or drink gold. It would make more sense to have livestock and trade for hay or chickens or gasoline. Something that would actually help you get through the day.

Also, if you have gold, you will need to be able to secure it.

I am not hip on the whole "the sky is falling!" mentality. I think we will be fine. I am just pointing out that the people who buy gold as a security blanket are engaged in some fanciful thinking.
yes please do-

see it yet?

You are in your own world traj.........carry on

no you apparently continue to fail to adequately comprehend English as it is written... or, willfully do so, and tis is an old story where you get to decide what the boundaries are in a debate so as to make yourself right again.

try it one more time....

uhm hello you're doing it again. cable is a paid and limited service. the networks are not. of course the nets reach more they always have and probably always will..and that being said since the nets and adding in cnn are so huge in shear throw weight

What percent of tv owners/users do not have cable/satellite, but only networks?
You are in your own world traj.........carry on

no you apparently continue to fail to adequately comprehend English as it is written... or, willfully do so, and tis is an old story where you get to decide what the boundaries are in a debate so as to make yourself right again.

try it one more time....

uhm hello you're doing it again. cable is a paid and limited service. the networks are not. of course the nets reach more they always have and probably always will..and that being said since the nets and adding in cnn are so huge in shear throw weight

Clueless still..

You really need to do a better job of keeping up with the thread. The topic was whether FoxNews was the "Number One Source of news in the US" not why broadcast networks get higher ratings than cable networks

address what I said to you, you have not yet grasped that any real comparative analysis is useless and of course you the old the nets are no.1 nonsense...of course they are I am not saying that fox is "no1' and have never said so, read what I write not what you construct as a strawman....for god sakes........get it now?
Last edited:
You are in your own world traj.........carry on

no you apparently continue to fail to adequately comprehend English as it is written... or, willfully do so, and tis is an old story where you get to decide what the boundaries are in a debate so as to make yourself right again.

try it one more time....

uhm hello you're doing it again. cable is a paid and limited service. the networks are not. of course the nets reach more they always have and probably always will..and that being said since the nets and adding in cnn are so huge in shear throw weight

What percent of tv owners/users do not have cable/satellite, but only networks?

thank you. you see the point it appear, and you should add on that Q what % also carry fox news, as in O' rile' me, smith, bair et al, fox is number one on cable, big deal. what is their competition?

thats the key, as in share of an available audience. thats why the comparison don't really mean a lot, I have not seen one have you? We can only infer from what the total numbers of viewers Neilson ( a flawed rating syctem if you ask me anyway) tells watches net news and cable news....
"Romney won with 35 percent, beating second-place finisher Ron Paul by 24 points in the WMUR-ABC News straw poll of members of the state Republican Party. In third place was former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who won 8 percent—just one point ahead of Sarah Palin, who drew 7 percent." Mitt Romney Wins N.H. Straw Poll, Ron Paul Second, Palin Fourth (22 Jan2011)

The poll is described as GOP "firewall against Palin."

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