Palin Children Thread.

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Apr 20, 2010
A Wisconsin man was held on Wednesday for holding police at bay for 15 hours after shooting out his television in a rage over Bristol Palin's performance on TV's "Dancing with the Stars."

The standoff in the central Wisconsin town of Vermont ended peacefully Tuesday with the arrest of Steven Cowan, 67, on charges of reckless endangerment.

According to a criminal complaint, Cowan shouted an expletive, took out a shotgun and shot into his television during an airing of the popular reality show.

The object of his ire was Bristol Palin, a contestant on the popular ABC show and the daughter of former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Cowan didn't consider her a good dancer, Cowan's wife, Janice, told authorities, according to the complaint.

Fearing that she might be the next target, Janice Cowan went to the local police department and the standoff ensued.

Other viewers of the show voted to promote Palin into the next round.

Wisconsin man held over TV rage | Reuters

Bristol Palin was propositioned by "Dancing with the Stars" rival Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino of "Jersey Shore" fame backstage, who went so far as to whip out some condoms.

But it wasn't for real -- it was a public service announcement to promote safe sex.

In the commercial, Palin -- whose mother Sarah was the last Republican vice presidential candidate and is a leader of the conservative Tea Party movement -- rebuffs The Situation's advances, saying, "I avoid situations."

The spotlight fell on Bristol Palin during the 2008 presidential campaign when her teen-age pregnancy became known. The single mother now advocates sexual abstinence.

Palin and The Situation made the ad for the Candie's Foundation, whose goal is to reduce teen pregnancy. Palin became an ambassador for the organization last year.

In the ad, The Situation, who gained fame in MTV's reality show "Jersey Shore," bumps into Palin backstage and starts hitting on her.

Bristol Palin, The Situation team up in safe-sex ad | Reuters

Sarah Palin's 16-year-old daughter Willow Palin used multiple homophobic slurs -- including the word f**got -- to attack a Facebook user who criticized her mom's new reality show .... TMZ has learned.

During the premiere of "Sarah Palin's Alaska" Sunday night -- a boy named Tre who went to school with the Palin kids wrote a status update that read, "Sarah Palin's Alaska, is failing so hard right now."

The comment sparked an intense response from Willow -- who replied on the boy's wall, "Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I've seen pictures of, your disgusting ... My sister had a kid and is still hot."

Willow followed up that comment with another that read, "Tre stfu. Your such a f**got."

Bristol Palin also got in on the smacktalk -- writing a message to Tre saying, "You're running your mouth just to talk sh*t."

Eventually, a message board war erupted -- and Bristol took aim at another person named Jon -- saying, "You'll be as successful as my baby daddy, And actually I do work my ass off. I've been a single mom for the last two years."

After more users began to gang up on the Palins, Willow dropped another message that read, "Sorry that you guys are all jealous of my families success and you guys aren't goin to go anywhere with your lives."

Sources connected to the Palin family tell us ... Willow normally doesn't use this type of language, but she felt like she was being attacked along with her family. The source added it was the baby bear defending Mama Grizzly.

Willow Palin Facebook -- Sarah Palin's Daughter Uses Homophobic Slurs |

I scarcely know where to begin.........

Your thoughts?
Wow, just scandelous that young people would have potty mouths on the internet.:eusa_whistle:
I'm the most bumfuddled by the man who shot his tv. Seriously? After 67 years, this is the one thing in the mass media you cannot abide?

And I thought I hated Palin......
I'm the most bumfuddled by the man who shot his tv. Seriously? After 67 years, this is the one thing in the mass media you cannot abide?

And I thought I hated Palin......

I thought it was you. :lol:
You have a Repressed Lesbian Crush on Sarah Palin

Uh huh.

Or mebbe I just think she's a fucking fascist?

I'm sure there will be an inflateable Sarah Palin under the tree this year for christmas, plus all sorts of battery-operated devices in your stocking.

Do you plan to insert useless sexual references into every thread on Palin between now and November, 2011?
¿i¿THIS is what passes for "news" these days?!?

Good Grief! :doubt:

TMZ => National Inquirer


At least Princess Bendy Straws has FAUX Nooze watching her back..............
Apparently Palin is not teaching this 16 year old proper English anymore than she is teaching her morals. Why can't this kid use an apostrophe? You are = you're, not your.
Apparently Palin is not teaching this 16 year old proper English anymore than she is teaching her morals. Why can't this kid use an apostrophe? You are = you're, not your.

What do you expect from someone who's primary mode of communication is Twitter?
Apparently Palin is not teaching this 16 year old proper English anymore than she is teaching her morals. Why can't this kid use an apostrophe? You are = you're, not your.

If someone sees Madeline on the street bring make sure she gets home. Her home is at the following place.

Uh huh.

Or mebbe I just think she's a fucking fascist?

I'm sure there will be an inflateable Sarah Palin under the tree this year for christmas, plus all sorts of battery-operated devices in your stocking.

Do you plan to insert useless sexual references into every thread on Palin between now and November, 2011?

Geez, how many obsessive threads do you plan to begin?
I'm sure there will be an inflateable Sarah Palin under the tree this year for christmas, plus all sorts of battery-operated devices in your stocking.

Do you plan to insert useless sexual references into every thread on Palin between now and November, 2011?

Geez, how many obsessive threads do you plan to begin?

Geez Simp Scum, how many stupid replies are you planning to write?
I'm sure there will be an inflateable Sarah Palin under the tree this year for christmas, plus all sorts of battery-operated devices in your stocking.

Do you plan to insert useless sexual references into every thread on Palin between now and November, 2011?

Geez, how many obsessive threads do you plan to begin?

This bitch wants to be POTUS, Samson. I dun know why you find discussions of her irrelevant, nor why you seem to ridicule those who don't have the same blinders on as you.

Care to explain?
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