Palin Children Thread.

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So calling someone a faggot is WORSE than calling a woman a Cxxt.

We see how the left has now taken to dumping on CHILDREN, especially if they are the Palin children. I think Maddie is really Joy Behar, that ugly leftie was also dumping on a child.

the left crawls so low, a snake doesn't even compete.
So calling someone a faggot is WORSE than calling a woman a Cxxt.

We see how the left has now taken to dumping on CHILDREN, especially if they are the Palin children. I think Maddie is really Joy Behar, that ugly leftie was also dumping on a child.

the left crawls so low, a snake doesn't even compete.

All the "****" word means is "woman". "F*ggot", on the other hand, is a slur on someone's sexuality. If they are gay, it denigrates them and if they aren't, it is a denial of their sexual identity.

I dunno why you cannot wrap you pea brain around this and frankly, you are no poster child for high morals, Stephanie. If I looked at every conservative as someone as honest, compassionate and thoughtful as you I'd be condemning whole swaths of people myself.

Fortunately, I don't. I think you're unique...sort of. The rabid dog type the Religious Right is so anxious to recruit and wind up. A real American traitor.
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So calling someone a faggot is WORSE than calling a woman a Cxxt.

We see how the left has now taken to dumping on CHILDREN, especially if they are the Palin children. I think Maddie is really Joy Behar, that ugly leftie was also dumping on a child.

the left crawls so low, a snake doesn't even compete.

All the "****" word means is "woman". "F*ggot", on the other hand, is a slur on someone's sexuality. If they are gay, it denigrates them and if they aren't, it is a denial of their sexual identity.

I dunno why you cannot wrap you pea brain around this and frankly, you are no poster child for high morals, Stephanie. If I looked at every conservative as someone as honest, compassionate and thoughtful as you I'd be condemning whole swaths of people myself.

Fortunately, I don't. I think you're unique...sort of. The rabid dog time the religious Right is so anxious to recruit and wind up. A real American traitor.
Well, the above post is definitely :gay:!
So calling someone a faggot is WORSE than calling a woman a Cxxt.

We see how the left has now taken to dumping on CHILDREN, especially if they are the Palin children. I think Maddie is really Joy Behar, that ugly leftie was also dumping on a child.

the left crawls so low, a snake doesn't even compete.

All the "****" word means is "woman". "F*ggot", on the other hand, is a slur on someone's sexuality. If they are gay, it denigrates them and if they aren't, it is a denial of their sexual identity.

I dunno why you cannot wrap you pea brain around this and frankly, you are no poster child for high morals, Stephanie. If I looked at every conservative as someone as honest, compassionate and thoughtful as you I'd be condemning whole swaths of people myself.

Fortunately, I don't. I think you're unique...sort of. The rabid dog time the religious Right is so anxious to recruit and wind up. A real American traitor.

LOL, you friggen crack me up. good gawd. are you EVER HAPPY?
one thing is certain, you HAVE NO CLASS WHAT SO EVER and seem damn proud of it.
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Being called a faggot is bad, because being a faggot is bad.
Well, downs syndrome not being a big deal can pretty much be downgraded to opinion.
When is Poor Sarah going to show Trig's birth certificate?

And when is someone going to come up with some photos of Poor Sarah "out to here" in her 7/8/9th months of pregnancy?

This is her at 7 months:


Published: March 6th, 2008 12:02 AM
Last Modified: November 4th, 2009 05:58 PM
JUNEAU -- Gov. Sarah Palin shocked and awed just about everybody around the Capitol on Wednesday when she announced she's expecting her fifth child.

The governor, who recently turned 44, told a handful of reporters as she was leaving work to expect a new member of the first family, then headed to a reception at the Baranof Hotel to feast on king crab.

Palin said she's already about seven months along, with the baby due to arrive in mid-May.

That the pregnancy is so advanced astonished all who heard the news. The governor, a runner who's always been trim, simply doesn't look pregnant.

Even close members of her staff said they only learned this week their boss was expecting.

"I thought it was becoming obvious," Palin said. "You know, clothes getting snugger and snugger."

But people just couldn't believe the news.

"Really? No!" said Bethel state Rep. Mary Nelson, who is close to giving birth herself.

"It's wonderful. She's very well-disguised," said Senate President Lyda Green, a mother of three who has sometimes sparred with Palin politically. "When I was five months pregnant, there was absolutely no question that I was with child."

Read more: Secret's out: Palin pregnant (03/06/08): Gov. Sarah Palin family |

The announced birth was in April.

- Palin's daughter Bristol who attends an Anchorage high school, was reportedly absent for what would have been the last 4 -5 months of her mother's pregnancy, claiming to be suffering from a prolonged case of mono.

- Sarah Palin's water broke while she was attending a conference in Texas. She then proceeded to give a 30-minute speech before taking an 11-12 hour flight home to Alaska to give birth.

- All photos on the Alaska State Department's official website that show Sarah Palin and her family have been taken down.
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So calling someone a faggot is WORSE than calling a woman a Cxxt.

We see how the left has now taken to dumping on CHILDREN, especially if they are the Palin children. I think Maddie is really Joy Behar, that ugly leftie was also dumping on a child.

the left crawls so low, a snake doesn't even compete.

All the "****" word means is "woman". "F*ggot", on the other hand, is a slur on someone's sexuality. If they are gay, it denigrates them and if they aren't, it is a denial of their sexual identity.

I dunno why you cannot wrap you pea brain around this and frankly, you are no poster child for high morals, Stephanie. If I looked at every conservative as someone as honest, compassionate and thoughtful as you I'd be condemning whole swaths of people myself.

Fortunately, I don't. I think you're unique...sort of. The rabid dog time the religious Right is so anxious to recruit and wind up. A real American traitor.
Well, downs syndrome not being a big deal can pretty much be downgraded to opinion.
When is Poor Sarah going to show Trig's birth certificate?

And when is someone going to come up with some photos of Poor Sarah "out to here" in her 7/8/9th months of pregnancy?

This is her at 7 months:


Published: March 6th, 2008 12:02 AM
Last Modified: November 4th, 2009 05:58 PM
JUNEAU -- Gov. Sarah Palin shocked and awed just about everybody around the Capitol on Wednesday when she announced she's expecting her fifth child.

The governor, who recently turned 44, told a handful of reporters as she was leaving work to expect a new member of the first family, then headed to a reception at the Baranof Hotel to feast on king crab.

Palin said she's already about seven months along, with the baby due to arrive in mid-May.

That the pregnancy is so advanced astonished all who heard the news. The governor, a runner who's always been trim, simply doesn't look pregnant.

Even close members of her staff said they only learned this week their boss was expecting.

"I thought it was becoming obvious," Palin said. "You know, clothes getting snugger and snugger."

But people just couldn't believe the news.

"Really? No!" said Bethel state Rep. Mary Nelson, who is close to giving birth herself.

"It's wonderful. She's very well-disguised," said Senate President Lyda Green, a mother of three who has sometimes sparred with Palin politically. "When I was five months pregnant, there was absolutely no question that I was with child."

Read more: Secret's out: Palin pregnant (03/06/08): Gov. Sarah Palin family |

The announced birth was in April.

- Palin's daughter Bristol who attends an Anchorage high school, was reportedly absent for what would have been the last 4 -5 months of her mother's pregnancy, claiming to be suffering from a prolonged case of mono.

- Sarah Palin's water broke while she was attending a conference in Texas. She then proceeded to give a 30-minute speech before taking an 11-12 hour flight home to Alaska to give birth.

- All photos on the Alaska State Department's official website that show Sarah Palin and her family have been taken down.

sorry, you post was dumb and stupid, you fail.
Well, downs syndrome not being a big deal can pretty much be downgraded to opinion.
When is Poor Sarah going to show Trig's birth certificate?

And when is someone going to come up with some photos of Poor Sarah "out to here" in her 7/8/9th months of pregnancy?

This is her at 7 months:


Published: March 6th, 2008 12:02 AM
Last Modified: November 4th, 2009 05:58 PM
JUNEAU -- Gov. Sarah Palin shocked and awed just about everybody around the Capitol on Wednesday when she announced she's expecting her fifth child.

The governor, who recently turned 44, told a handful of reporters as she was leaving work to expect a new member of the first family, then headed to a reception at the Baranof Hotel to feast on king crab.

Palin said she's already about seven months along, with the baby due to arrive in mid-May.

That the pregnancy is so advanced astonished all who heard the news. The governor, a runner who's always been trim, simply doesn't look pregnant.

Even close members of her staff said they only learned this week their boss was expecting.

"I thought it was becoming obvious," Palin said. "You know, clothes getting snugger and snugger."

But people just couldn't believe the news.

"Really? No!" said Bethel state Rep. Mary Nelson, who is close to giving birth herself.

"It's wonderful. She's very well-disguised," said Senate President Lyda Green, a mother of three who has sometimes sparred with Palin politically. "When I was five months pregnant, there was absolutely no question that I was with child."

Read more: Secret's out: Palin pregnant (03/06/08): Gov. Sarah Palin family |

The announced birth was in April.

- Palin's daughter Bristol who attends an Anchorage high school, was reportedly absent for what would have been the last 4 -5 months of her mother's pregnancy, claiming to be suffering from a prolonged case of mono.

- Sarah Palin's water broke while she was attending a conference in Texas. She then proceeded to give a 30-minute speech before taking an 11-12 hour flight home to Alaska to give birth.

- All photos on the Alaska State Department's official website that show Sarah Palin and her family have been taken down.
Got proof, ya' whiney lil' liberal bitch?

And why should she show his BC?......It's none of your business, ya' whiney lil' liberal bitch!
More smurf vomit from Blue's Clueless. :eusa_hand:

I stopped reading after the second paragraph, after it became obvious that whole wall of text is just you trying to hoodwink yourself into thinking you have a righteous position here.

You don't. Try to justify your nonesense all you want, it'll only make you look like a clueless fool even more. Step back, look at the sheer length of that post, and realize you have a problem. It's the first step. :thup:
Yeah, Madeline - you have to dumb it down for the Rightwing on this board.

Talk in sound bites: that's what they are used to hearing from their 'leaders'.

In that entire rant she provided not one single example, an iota of evidence, that anything that she said is true. No links, no quotes. Sorry, the right doesn't just go on the vile and hateful ramblings of the left, who have proved again and again that not only are the liars, but that they don't even understand the concept of truth.

Madeline's primary gripe with Palin is now and always has been that she is a professional woman who dares to have children, and who (gasp) doesn't hide those children away or refuse to talk about them. I have yet to meet a mother who doesn't love to talk about her kids, and the more kids you have, the more you talk about them. You make decisions based upon them, your politics are influenced by them, and that irritates Madeline no end. She not only hates children (you'll have to take my word for it, the way you have to take Madeline's word for her vile spewings) but even more, she hates mothers who leave the house to pursue careers.

No, that's just how you spin it.
What bullshittery. I m not opposed to Palin because she is a woman, or a mother, or a good looking woman in some people's eyes.

I am opposed to her because her opinions offend me in the deepest way possible. Because, if she were elected, she'd bring this nation into the Dark Ages. Because she is stupid and incompetent. Because, IMO, she has the morals of an alley cat.

I know more about Palin than I do about this twerp, but I plan to oppose him as well....

Mike Huckabee lauds ousting of Iowa justices over gay marriage, courts evangelicals |

I'm not gonna stand idly by whilst racism, sexism, stupidity and hate become the guiding lights for this nation's future.
oooooooooooooooooooooooo, Palin would take uS back to the DARK AGES.

good gawd, the DRAMA with that statement is hysterical.

I can't stand the Shrillery, but I don't DWELL on it DAY IN and DAY OUT.

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